Cottage cheese is good for children to eat every day, but kids don’t really like it raw. It’s another matter when mom offers delicious cottage cheese dishes for breakfast. They retain the healing benefits of the product, but the taste and appearance are completely transformed. Those mothers who buy cottage cheese for their children are doing absolutely right. After all, it contains proteins, vitamins and calcium necessary for the growing body. Curd dishes will help strengthen the immune and nervous systems, as well as make the baby’s bones and teeth strong. Little sweet tooths will happily devour cheesecakes, casseroles, cheesecakes and lazy dumplings prepared according to our recipes.

Cheesecakes without flour with semolina

Cheesecakes for kids are not only a delicious breakfast, but also a wonderful dessert option. Draw smiles on the “faces” of the cheesecakes with chocolate or condensed milk, add berry eyes. Such an original presentation will amuse the child and lift his spirits before going to school.

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 600 g semolina – 7 tbsp. spoons + 3 tbsp. spoons vanilla sugar – 1 sachet salt – 1/2 teaspoon baking powder – 1/3 teaspoon eggs – 3 pcs. sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil for frying powdered sugar

Preparation: Add 7 tbsp to the grated cottage cheese. spoons of semolina, vanilla sugar, salt and baking powder. If desired, you can use a pinch of slaked soda instead of baking powder. In a separate container, beat the sugar and eggs, then pour the resulting mixture into the cottage cheese mixture. After mixing thoroughly, cover the bowl and leave for half an hour so that the semolina has time to swell and the dough becomes homogeneous. Now you can form the cheesecakes, and so that they brown well and are removed from the pan, “powder” them with semolina. For deboning, take a couple of spoons of cereal. Fry semolina cheesecakes in sunflower oil on both sides. The finished dessert can be decorated with powdered sugar. Use different variations of the dough - it turns out very aromatic and tasty if you add lemon zest or raisins to it.

Cottage cheese casserole for children

In just an hour you can prepare a tender, airy casserole of cottage cheese and semolina. Delicious baked goods will amaze everyone in the household with their extraordinary vanilla aroma. You can’t get by with just one slice – the kids will ask for more.

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 500 g eggs – 3 pcs. semolina – 5 tbsp. spoons sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons vanillin - 1 teaspoon baking powder - 1 tbsp. spoon raisins or dried cranberries - to taste

Preparation: To make this casserole recipe, combine all the ingredients listed except the egg whites. They need to be beaten separately, with the addition of salt. Pour the foam mixture into the cottage cheese and stir the dough well. Place the curd mass on a greased baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 180°C. After 45 minutes, the dish should be ready - you will understand this by the golden blush of the crust. Cottage cheese casserole is served with sour cream or jam.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese

Lush cheesecakes with delicious curd filling are what a child needs. You can eat these nutritious baked goods at home and take them with you to school. Sweet cheesecakes according to our recipe simply melt in your mouth!

Ingredients: cottage cheese – 500 g kefir – 1/2 tbsp. sour cream 1/2 tbsp. flour – 5 tbsp. eggs – 3 pcs. butter – 100 g sugar – 6 tbsp. spoons dry yeast - 3 teaspoons salt - 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons

Preparation: Mix kefir and sour cream, heat a little, add sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and yeast. The kefir-sour cream mixture should be kept warm, let bubbles appear in it. Then add salt, eggs, vegetable oil and melted butter. Mix all this thoroughly, add more flour for thickness. After this, cover the dough and let it rest for two hours in a warm place. Making cheesecakes is quite simple: form balls from the dough, make a depression in the middle using a glass. Place the curd filling into the hole. You need to bake the cheesecakes in the oven at 180°C, lay parchment paper on a baking sheet. 10 minutes before they are ready, remove the baked goods, brush them with yolk and continue to brown.

Lazy dumplings for children

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese are a favorite second dish for many kids. You can eat it for dinner and breakfast with the whole family. At the same time, preparing a children's cottage cheese dish is as easy as shelling pears!

Ingredients: wheat flour – 1 tbsp. sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon. salt – 1 teaspoon cottage cheese – 400 g chicken eggs – 2 pcs.

Preparation: Combine all the listed ingredients in a bowl and mix the dough for lazy dumplings until smooth. Flour the board on which you will form the cakes. Pinch off a piece of dough and roll it into a sausage. After that, cut it into small pieces, dip each in flour. Drop lazy dumplings into salted boiling water. Once they float, cook them for another 5 minutes. Ready-made lazy dumplings, greased with butter, can be eaten with sour cream or jam.

Children's dishes made from cottage cheese are an excellent alternative to raw cottage cheese with cream and sugar. Healthy casseroles, cheesecakes, lazy dumplings and cheesecakes will become your child’s favorite dishes. Use our cottage cheese recipes to prepare your child's breakfast.

Grow up healthy!

Cottage cheese is one of the first adult foods that babies are introduced to. It contains vital elements and is easily absorbed by a fragile body. And there are enough cottage cheese recipes for children to fill a whole cookbook.

Farm at home

Which cottage cheese is best to give to children? Every mother asks this question. The best option is a recipe for homemade cottage cheese for a child, which is easy to make in a slow cooker. Pour a liter of kefir with a fat content of 3.2% into the bowl, set the “Heating” mode with a temperature of 70 ° C for 40-45 minutes. If you need thicker cottage cheese, keep the kefir in the “Keep Warm” mode for another 10 minutes. The main thing is not to let it boil. As a result, the actual curd and whey are formed in the bowl. We hang it in a gauze bag in two layers for 20 minutes and squeeze out the liquid. In a multicooker cottage cheese recipe for children, you can also use milk and live yogurt for starter culture.

Curd hybrid

Cottage cheese pancakes for children are a delicious, time-tested dish. Rub 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese through a sieve. Add an egg beaten with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt and baking powder. In our recipe for cottage cheese pancakes for children, we add 1 tbsp. l. flour, but if desired, it can be replaced with semolina. Since we are preparing cottage cheese pancakes for children in the oven, we will use muffin tins for baking. Fill them with curd mass and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes. Before serving, pour honey or jam over the cheesecakes - the children will eat them without much persuasion.

Casserole the color of the sun

Casserole recipes for children are clearly appealing to little gourmets. Mix 2 eggs, 2 tbsp in a large bowl. l. sugar and ½ packet of vanilla sugar. Place here 300 g of grated cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. semolina and beat the ingredients with a mixer. For a rich taste and color, add diced apples and frozen berries to the dough. Place the resulting mass in a baking dish with foil or in portioned ceramic forms and place in the oven for 40 minutes at 180°C. Even the pickiest people will like this elegant casserole; besides, the benefits of cottage cheese for children are revealed in its entirety.

Nostalgia for cheesecakes

Cheesecakes are loved by adults and children! Cooking is not very difficult, and the result is always above all praise! Yeast - 28 g - pour 200 ml of milk slightly above body temperature, but not higher than 42 ° C, and set aside for 15 minutes. Remove 170 g of butter from the refrigerator, cut into pieces, and let stand until it becomes soft. Sift 500 g of flour through a sieve. Add 1 egg, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp to the milk. l. sugar, vanilla seeds (1 pod) and flour. Then butter. Mix the dough. Place the dough in a warm place for 40 minutes, covered with a towel. Prepare the filling: mix 50 g of cottage cheese, 50 granulated sugar, 90 g of sour cream, 1 egg. If there are lumps in the cottage cheese, rub through a sieve. If desired, you can add lemon zest or vanilla to the filling, as well as some raisins. Sprinkle the work surface with flour. Divide the dough into 14 parts, roll into balls, flattening them slightly. We make indentations in them with a glass or glass. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place the filling in each cheesecake. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Brush with lightly beaten egg and milk and place in the oven for 25 minutes. Make sure the cheesecakes do not burn or dry out. The dough should remain very tender. Sprinkle the finished cheesecakes with water and place them under a towel. Even the most picky gourmets will not refuse such a delicacy with cottage cheese!

Frisky lazy dumplings

If the child stubbornly refuses, make lazy dumplings. For them, it is better to choose grainy cottage cheese. Knead a dense dough from 500 g of cottage cheese, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 3 eggs, 4 tbsp. l. flour and a pinch of salt. Roll it into several thick sausages, cut into pieces 2 cm thick and roll in flour. Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil, add a little salt and carefully lower the lazy dumplings into it. Cook them for no longer than 5 minutes from the moment they boil and catch them with a slotted spoon. To make lazy dumplings with cottage cheese a hit for kids, top them with raspberry jam or condensed milk.

Envelopes with a secret

Baking for children, especially delicate crumbly cookies, always brings them joy. Knead 400 g of cottage cheese with a fork and beat 4 eggs into it. Grind 200 g of softened butter with 200 g of sugar and add to the curd mass. Sift here 3 cups of flour with 1 tsp. baking powder while kneading the dough. Roll out a wide layer, cut it into squares with a side of 7-8 cm. Place a piece of marmalade on them and connect the opposite corners of the dough, making envelopes. Bake them for 20-25 minutes at 180°C. In the meantime, the cottage cheese cookies for children are browning, you have time to prepare everything for a friendly tea party.

Cloud in glaze

No child will refuse sweet cheeses. It’s easy to make this curd dish for children at home. Beat 200 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of sour cream, powdered sugar and butter into a smooth mass. Melt the chocolate bar and generously grease the silicone candy molds with it, completely covering the walls. We put them in the freezer to harden. Next, spread the curd mass, leaving an empty center, and cool the molds again. Place the cheeses in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Now you can pamper your sweet tooth with a delicious treat.

What recipes for cottage cheese dishes for children do you have in your piggy bank? Perhaps you yourself have come up with something special for them? Share your favorite dishes and the secrets of their preparation with other readers of our club.

Cottage cheese dishes useful for everyone, especially children.

Cottage cheese in its pure form should be given to the baby little by little from the age of 8 months, just like any other complementary foods are introduced. Cottage cheese is a very valuable and nutritious product; it contains complete protein, calcium, essential amino acids, milk fat and, of course, vitamins. Cottage cheese dishes should be introduced after one year of age. Cottage cheese proteins are better digested by the stomach and intestines than meat proteins (since they are partially bound with calcium and phosphorus salts), because of this, cottage cheese is well absorbed by the body. Nutritionists advise consuming cottage cheese in the afternoon, since it is at this time that calcium is better absorbed. That's why cottage cheese dishes It is recommended to eat it for dinner, or as an afternoon snack. Eating cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes contributes to the formation of proper metabolism in children. The minerals that make up cottage cheese take part in bone formation, the formation of blood hemoglobin and in the nutrition of the nervous system of children.

It is clear that when preparing dishes for children you need to use only fresh and high-quality cottage cheese. If you buy cottage cheese in a store or at the market, then you can doubt both. After my daughter was poisoned in the summer by children's cottage cheese bought in a store, the date of which indicated that it was fresh, I began to make cottage cheese myself. After all, we cannot know reliably in what conditions and at what temperature the seller’s products are stored, especially in the summer. At first the preparation seems long, but now I have become a habit of preparing cottage cheese and yogurt for my daughters every day myself. Up to a year old, babies need to prepare fresh cottage cheese every day, and after a year they can make it every other day. Cottage cheese dishes there are a wide variety.

From cottage cheese you can prepare a lot of delicious first courses, second courses and, of course, desserts - casseroles, dumplings, cheesecakes, puddings, dumplings and much more. I will post these in this section.

Both cottage cheese itself and dishes with cottage cheese are very useful for humans. It contains a large number of amino acids, milk fat, proteins and vitamins, so it must be included in the child’s diet from the first year of life. But a child is unlikely to eat fresh cottage cheese without any spices, so parents should know how to prepare it correctly. There are many articles on the Internet about preparing dishes using cottage cheese, but not all of them are suitable for small children.

At the House of Knowledge, this article contains the most delicious recipes for cottage cheese dishes that are recommended for feeding a child.


  1. Cottage cheese - 50g
  2. Sugar - 10g
  3. Candied fruit - 5g
  4. Vanilla - to taste

To prepare curd mass for a child, squeeze out the curd prepared from milk (50g) and rub through metal. sieve. Then add syrup (1 tsp sugar boils in 1 tbsp water), stir well, add candied fruits and vanilla. This dish is usually served to a child as a dessert (instead of store-bought curds), and for breakfast - with small crackers.

To prepare yogurt for a child, boil the milk, pour it into small glasses and put 0.5 tsp in each. sour cream from cream (boiled) or special store-bought bio-yogurt (for example, Actimel, Immunele or Matsoni) containing live bifidobacteria.

Then stir the ingredients and cover with paper pricked with a fork.

Leave the future yogurt in this form in the room for a day until it thickens. Then take it out into the cold.


  1. Raisins (necessarily seedless) - 5g
  2. Cottage cheese - 100g
  3. Sugar - 51g
  4. Milk - 125g

To treat your child to this cottage cheese, rub the cottage cheese through the metal. sieve, dilute with milk (25g), add sugar and seedless raisins washed in boiled cool water. Serve the child with 100 g of milk.


  1. Milk - 200ml

To make cream cheese for a child, leave sour milk in a mug for 3 days. When it becomes dense and can be cut with a spoon, make a bag out of gauze, pour boiling water over it and squeeze it out. Then carefully tip the sour milk into cheesecloth and hang it for a day to drain all the liquid. After this, remove the bag and place the resulting cheese in a cup, add a little salt, stir and give it a round shape. Children are served this cheese for breakfast.


  1. Cottage cheese - 120g
  2. Oil - 15g
  3. Sugar - 20g
  4. Flour - 10g
  5. Sour cream - 20-25g
  6. Yolk - 0.5 pcs.
  7. Salt - 2g

To treat a child to cheesecakes, you need to squeeze it under pressure and then rub it through the metal. sieve 120g cottage cheese. Then grind 0.5 tsp in a cup. butter with a pinch of salt, a quarter of the yolk, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, 1 tsp. flour and 1 tsp. sour cream. After mixing, add the pureed cottage cheese and stir again until smooth. Then place everything on a floured board, divide into portions and give each portion a round shape. Coat the resulting cheesecakes with beaten yolk, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in oil, similar to cutlets.

Children are usually served cheesecakes with thick sour cream, or before serving they can be sprinkled with fine sugar.

If you add stewed carrots (30g pureed) to the curds, or rather to the curd mass, then the cheesecakes will turn out “pink”.

(2 servings)


  1. Cottage cheese - 200g
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Oil - 15g
  4. Rusk flour - 25g
  5. Salt - 1g
  6. Sugar - 30-35g

To prepare curd pudding for a child, rub 200g of cottage cheese through a sieve. Grind the yolk (1 pc.) along with 30 g (1 tbsp.) sugar and 1 tsp. oils Mix the resulting mass with cottage cheese and 2 tsp. (full) of rusk powder. Beat the egg white and gently mix (from top to bottom) with the curd mass. Place the mixture in a pan that has been greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Place the pudding in the oven for steam (steam bath). When the pudding is ready, it will come out of shape. The child is served with a liquid gravy made from fruit or milk.


  1. Cottage cheese - 80g
  2. Rusks - 15g
  3. Egg - 0.5 pcs.
  4. Oil - 6g
  5. Syrup - 25g
  6. Apples - 100g
  7. Sugar - 20g

To make this pudding for a child, use metal. Wipe the cottage cheese in a sieve and mix with the yolk, breadcrumbs and sugar. Peel and grate the apples. Mix apples with cottage cheese. Beat the egg whites into a foam and gently mix into the mixture. Then put everything in an oiled mold sprinkled with breadcrumbs, cover with a circle of paper (oiled) and steam for up to 45 minutes. When serving to your child, remove the pudding from the mold and pour in syrup (strawberry or raspberry).

Curd-carrot pudding is prepared in the same way, only instead of apples you need to use mashed stewed carrots (30g), and for curd-apricot pudding use stewed mashed apricots (15g).


  1. Cottage cheese - 120g
  2. Egg - 0.5 pcs.
  3. Flour - 20g
  4. Sugar - 10g
  5. Sour cream - 20g
  6. Oil - 5g

To treat your child to dumplings, wipe the metal. sieve the cottage cheese, then mix with flour, egg, sugar and butter. Then roll the resulting mass into long ropes, roll them in flour and cut them into strips. Cook them until they float (about 5-6 minutes). Then transfer the dumplings into a heat-resistant mold or saucepan, pour in sour cream and place in the oven for another 5 minutes, after which immediately serve to the child.

Pancake composition:

  1. Egg - 0.25 pcs.
  2. Flour - 40g
  3. Milk - 50g
  4. Oil - 10g
  5. Sugar - 5g

Minced meat composition:

  1. Oil - 5g
  2. Cottage cheese - 60g
  3. Sugar - 20g
  4. Sour cream - 20g
  5. Flour - 5g

To prepare pancakes for your child, dilute 0.25 yolks in a quarter glass of milk. Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. soft flour (40g) and slowly dilute it with milk and yolk. Then add salt, add sugar, melted butter (0.5 tsp or 5 g), stir and let stand for a little (about 30 minutes). Before baking, beat the protein into a foam and lightly mix it with the dough, which should end up being medium thick (like liquid sour cream). If the dough is very thick, then dilute it with milk (warm).

Heat a pancake pan well and brush it with melted butter. Then pour the dough onto it in a thin layer. The pancakes must be browned on each side, then place them on a sieve or plate and let cool.

Minced curd for pancakes (filling).
Rub 60g of cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix butter (1 tsp) with sugar (1 tbsp) and flour (1 tsp), and then with cottage cheese.

Finish cooking pancakes.
Place 1 tsp in the center of each pancake. minced meat. Fold the edges of the pancake and then roll it into a tube. After this, brush the pancake with egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in butter. Before serving to your child, sprinkle with powdered sugar or place on the table along with a saucer of sour cream.

These pancakes are served without cottage cheese, that is, the filling can be jam, fruit purees or any other minced meat.

Noodle composition:

  1. Oil - 5g
  2. Flour - 50g
  3. Water - 25g
  4. Yolk - 0.5 pcs.

Minced meat composition:

  1. Oil - 15g
  2. Cottage cheese - 100g
  3. Sugar - 20g
  4. Rusks - 5g
  5. Egg - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking noodles.
To make your baby's casserole, first cook the noodles. To do this, sift 50g of flour onto the table through a sieve and make a hole in the middle. Place in it 0.5 yolks, butter (the size of a nut), a pinch of salt and 1/8 tbsp. water (cold). Knead the ingredients into a stiff dough and let it stand for 1 hour. After this, roll out the dough thinly and place it to dry slightly (usually on a sieve). Then cut the dough into ribbons, 1-2cm wide and 3-5cm long, then dry. Throw the resulting noodles into salted boiling water, cook until tender (until soft) and place on a sieve.

Now you need to prepare cottage cheese, similar to pancakes.
Melt 1 tsp in a saucepan. oil and alternately lay out several layers of noodles and cottage cheese: noodles - cottage cheese - noodles - cottage cheese - noodles. The top of the casserole should be covered with noodles, on which place 1 tsp. butter (in small pieces throughout the entire diameter) and sprinkle with small breadcrumbs. In this form, the cottage cheese casserole must be baked in the oven and can be served to the child.

You can prepare cottage cheese yourself to feed a child or for a diet menu.

Calcined cottage cheese
Bring milk to a boil and remove from heat. When it has cooled a little, add pharmaceutical calcium lactic acid or a 10% solution of calcium chloride dissolved in a small amount of boiled water with continuous stirring. Cool the curdled milk, strain through cheesecloth, and allow the whey to drain.

Milk – 350 ml, calcium lactic acid – 2 g or calcium chloride solution – 5 g.

Cottage cheese recipes

Lazy dumplings
Add an egg, mashed with sugar and butter, and flour to the pureed cottage cheese, mix everything thoroughly, roll into a rope, roll it in flour and cut crosswise into pieces 4-5 cm long. Place the dumplings in boiling salted water and cook until they float. . After this, transfer the dumplings to a frying pan greased with butter and place in the oven for 5 minutes.
Cottage cheese – 100 g, flour – 20 g, eggs – 1/2 pcs., sour cream – 10 g, sugar – 8 g, butter – 6 g.

Pasta with cottage cheese
Mix boiled pasta with cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, salt, place in a frying pan greased with butter and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
Cottage cheese – 70 g, pasta – 50 g, eggs – 1/2 pcs., sugar – 5 g, cheese – 5 g, butter – 5 g.

Curd pudding
Wipe the cottage cheese. Grind the egg yolk with sugar and butter, combine with cottage cheese, mix, carefully fold in the whipped white. Place the mixture in a mold, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, place on a baking sheet with water and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Pour sour cream or fruit or berry syrup over the finished pudding.
Cottage cheese – 100 g, eggs – 1/2 pcs., sour cream – 20 g, syrup – 30 g, sugar – 12 g, butter – 8 g, crackers – 7 g.

Steamed curd pudding with raisins
Rub the cottage cheese, add sorted washed raisins, pounded yolk with sugar, to which added milk, semolina and melted butter. Mix everything thoroughly and combine with the whipped egg white. Place the mixture in a greased and breadcrumbed mold, close the lid and place in a large saucepan with water, the level of which reaches halfway up the mold. Place the pan in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Pour boiled cream over the finished pudding.
Cottage cheese – 100 g, semolina – 16 g, sugar – 16 g, eggs – 1/4 pcs., raisins – 30 g, cream – 10 ml, milk – 10 ml, butter – 5 g.

Curd pudding with carrots
Rub the cottage cheese, add sugar, flour, yolk, mix. Finely grate the carrots with butter in a small amount of water, after cooling, mix with the curd mass, add the whipped egg white, mix carefully, bake in the oven or in a water bath.
Cottage cheese – 100 g, flour – 10 g, sugar – 10 g, eggs – 1/4 pcs., carrots – 30 g, sour cream – 10 g, butter – 5 g.

Curd pudding with rice
To the pureed cottage cheese, add pureed viscous rice porridge, sugar, butter, egg yolk, salt, mix, add the beaten whites and mix carefully again. Place the mixture in a greased pan, spread sour cream on top and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. Serve with sour cream.
Cottage cheese – 100 g, rice – 30 g, eggs – 1/4 pcs., sugar – 10 g, sour cream – 15 g, butter – 5 g.

Steam curd soufflé
Grind the pureed cottage cheese with the yolk and milk sauce, carefully fold in the whipped whites. Transfer the mixture into a greased form and steam until ready.
Cottage cheese – 100 g, eggs – 1/4 pcs., milk sauce – 30 g, butter – 3 g.

Cheesecakes with apples
Peel the apples and grate them on a fine grater. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar, mix with apples, add a raw egg, mix. Form cheesecakes from the mixture, roll them in flour and fry in butter. Serve with sour cream.
Cottage cheese – 75 g, apples – 75 g, flour – 15 g, eggs – 1/4 pcs., sour cream – 10 g, butter – 10 g, sugar – 8 g.