While flipping through old posts, I found a recipe for “Rosochek” made from yeast dough, which I haven’t baked for many years. But there was also a reason for this, my niece couldn’t make these buns, so I decided to describe in great detail the preparation of yeast dough. Many are familiar with this very homemade and delicious pastry.

List of ingredients

  • live yeast - 50g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar in the dough - 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil- 1 tbsp.
  • warm milk - 1 glass (250 ml)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • softened butter- 200g
  • sugar to butter - 1 cup (250g)
  • vanilla sugar - optional
  • flour - so that the dough is soft

Cooking method

All products should be at room temperature. Take a small amount of warm milk (temperature 30 - 37 degrees) and dissolve live yeast in it, add a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful or two of flour and mix everything well. Leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the yeast mixture will double in size if the yeast is good. If you take dry yeast (2 teaspoons), look - it says on the packet how to use it (there is dry yeast, which must be added to flour, and there is dry yeast, which we dissolve in liquid).

We check the eggs for freshness (especially in the summer) - put it in a glass of water, it lies at the bottom like a stone, and does not raise its sharp nose upward, much less float up - excellent. Eggs should be at room temperature. Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat with a fork.

To the yeast mixture add eggs, vegetable oil and gradually (be sure to sift the flour to saturate it with oxygen) sifted flour. I specifically measured the amount of flour, but I won’t give it, since it turned out to have a low gluten content. But you can safely add a glass, but gradually, stirring the dough well; it is better to use a wooden spoon with a long handle for this. Measure out the second glass of sifted flour and add more carefully in small portions. You should add enough flour so that the dough has the consistency of thick sour cream. Knead the dough well (do this for a long time - 20 minutes, until all the lumps are gone and the dough becomes smooth and homogeneous.

At some point you will want to transfer the dough to the counter and continue kneading with your hands. Sprinkle the surface of the table with flour and remove the dough from the bowl and continue kneading; if necessary, add flour little by little. But be careful not to add too much flour, otherwise you won’t notice how the dough becomes stiff. You need to stop at the moment when the dough leaves your hands, but your hand is still “dirty” in the “dough.” Don’t be afraid that the dough is a little runny. At the end, you don’t have to add flour, but grease the surface of the table and your hands with vegetable oil.

Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a napkin and let it rise. There should be no drafts in the kitchen, do not place it near the radiator, do not wrap it up.

The dough ferments for two hours, do not leave it for longer. During this time, you need to knead the dough at least 3 times, make sure that the dough does not run away. The risen dough is airy, soft, and easily pulls away from the walls of the dish.

Grind softened butter with sugar. Divide the dough into two equal parts, roll each into a rectangle and grease with butter and sugar, leaving slightly free edges.

Roll the dough into a roll and cut into equal pieces 3 cm thick.

We carefully pinch each piece from the bottom so that the butter filling does not escape, and dip the top part in sugar.

Place our roses on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and leave to “proof” for 20-30 minutes. Let's start preparing the oven for baking. Every oven is different, so everyone knows what temperature to choose. Heat the oven to 200 (180) degrees. We put the roses that have come up in the oven and bake for the first 10-15 minutes at this temperature, then we switch to another temperature mode - 180 (170-160 degrees) and then bake quietly. It is very important not to slam the oven door and not to open the oven at the initial stage. When the smell of baking appears in the kitchen, everything will soon be ready. If the oven bakes unevenly, at this stage it is advisable to rotate the baking sheet 180 degrees and continue baking.

Our buns are ready! But don’t rush to lay them out, let them rest for 10-15 minutes after baking, and then put the baked goods on a wooden board, as wood breathes. This is especially true for pies, if they lie on the baking sheet for a long time, the steam will make the bottom crust wet. Well, did I tire you with my baking?

I invite everyone for buns.

The first thing I would like to note is that this is a specific recipe, like all yeast ones. After all, if you look at it, yeast dough is divided into bread dough and butter dough. Today we will talk about butter dough. And this recipe, like many similar ones, has many fans. Only people with a strong will will be able to resist the temptation to consume aromatic, fluffy, rich yeast baked goods, especially with good tea, fresh milk or cool compote. This is probably the specificity. Therefore, I kindly ask those who are devoted to yeast dough to prepare with me a wonderful dish for evening tea parties, meetings with friends in a cafe, or just for a snack.

We will prepare delicious rose buns with sugar from yeast dough. For your family and friends, as well as guests at all kinds of feasts, this is a wonderful type of baking. You can make a large batch of buns and store them in a pan; they will stay fresh for a long time.

When working with yeast dough, there is an unlimited number of culinary fantasies on the part of housewives and professionals. Of course, this is mainly baking design. What beauty you won’t see in ready-made recipes for pies, loaves, buns, rolls. But one condition always remains the main thing - good dough.

There are only two ways to prepare yeast dough. This is sponged and unpaired. Decide for yourself which one you prefer. The success of your work directly depends on the quality of the yeast. I prefer to cook with pressed fresh ones. Dry yeast also makes a good dough.


  • Dough:
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • fresh yeast – 20 g; (or 7 g dry)
  • sugar – 4-5 tbsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • flour – 450 g;
  • Filling:
  • butter – 20 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • egg for lubrication – 1 pc.

How to make “Rosochki” buns with sugar from yeast dough

Preparing the dough for buns. Pour milk into a bowl and heat to a temperature of thirty degrees. Two or three degrees less or more will not play a significant role. Then add sugar here. One tablespoon will be enough and stir. Let this mixture sit for ten or fifteen minutes. During this time, the yeast should foam.

The next step is to melt the butter. If it's hot, be sure to cool it down a little. And then pour it into the bowl where the yeast and milk are. Add salt and remaining sugar. To make the baked goods fragrant, vanilla sugar will not hurt.

Sift the flour and gradually add it to the bowl with milk, yeast, salt, sugar and butter. You can sift the flour into another bowl and gradually pour in the mixture. Doesn't matter.

Knead soft, elastic yeast dough. There is quite a lot of fat in it, so it won’t stick to the table or your hands. You need to knead for 7-8 minutes.

Place the dough in a bowl and place in a warm place. For me it's a microwave with a glass of hot water. After 50-60 minutes, the dough will rise and increase significantly in volume.

Divide the dough into two parts. Roll each part into a layer 2-3 mm thick.

Grease the layer with soft butter.

Sprinkle with sugar.

And roll it up.

Cut the roll with a sharp knife into buns 3-4 centimeters wide.

Place the rose buns in a baking dish.

Cover the buns with a towel or cling film. Let stand in the room for 30-40 minutes. During this time they will increase in volume. Then brush with egg.

Bake the buns in the oven preheated to 175-180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Baking time depends on your oven.

Remove the finished buns from the oven and cover them while hot with a towel. Let them cool slightly and place them in a saucepan. So they will be fresh for two or three days, of course, if you don’t eat them much earlier. I’ll be honest: it’s very difficult to resist temptation. Serve fragrant, tender, airy yeast rose buns with sugar with tea, coffee, milk, compote.

Step-by-step recipes for fragrant and delicious homemade rose buns with sugar

2018-04-09 Liana Raimanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

6 gr.

9 gr.


54 gr.

324 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for rose buns with sugar

Having learned how to make fluffy “rose” buns with sugar, you will be able to delight your loved ones with sweet, aromatic pastries made from yeast, puff pastry, curd and other types of dough. Despite the fact that you will need a lot of time and effort to prepare them, you will like the result: an amazingly beautiful and appetizing pastry.


  • 70 g live yeast;
  • 865 g flour;
  • three eggs;
  • 200 ml (cup) milk;
  • 60 g drained oil;
  • 345 g sugar;
  • vanilla extract - 35 ml;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 85 ml vegetable oil.

Step-by-step recipe for rose buns with sugar

Heat the milk for a minute in the microwave.

Add yeast, sugar (30 g), a small amount of flour, stir and set aside for a while.

Beat eggs with a fork with salt and sunflower oil.

Add 200 g of sifted flour to the yeast mixture and mix with a spoon.

Add the remaining flour and knead the base until it has a thick, soft structure.

Transfer the dough into a deep cup and set aside again for 2 hours under a towel.

While lifting, do 3 warm-ups.

Divide the dough into several identical pieces, use a rolling pin to form into layers, sprinkle with sugar, and roll into rolls.

Cut the rolls into small pieces, about 2-3 cm.

Pinch one edge tightly with your fingers and slightly pull the top edges to form rose petals.

Place the formed “roses” on a greased sheet, sprinkle with sugar again and place in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

Serve chilled.

A few minutes before kneading the dough, be sure to remove the milk and eggs from the refrigerator so that they warm up a little.

Option 2. Quick recipe for rose buns with sugar

And according to the following recipe, “rose” buns with sugar are baked without first raising the dough, that is, after kneading, the products are immediately formed, after which they are allowed to stand on a baking sheet for 15 minutes and sent to the oven. Thanks to this, both time and effort will be required significantly less. They turn out just as fluffy, airy and delicious.


  • 375 g flour;
  • 190 g sugar;
  • bulk yeast - 65 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • drain oil - 105 g;
  • sweetened oil - 80 ml;
  • salt - 65 g;
  • vanilla extract - 15 ml;
  • milk - 135 ml.

How to quickly make rose buns with sugar

Heat the milk, add yeast, a handful of sugar, stir well, put aside for a few minutes.

Melt butter in a frying pan over medium heat.

Pour vegetable oil and melted cooled butter into flour mixed with salt, stir well.

Stir the egg into the flour mixture.

Pour in the dissolved yeast, knead into a thick, soft dough.

Roll out the dough into a thin flat cake.

Using a glass, cut out circles.

Place the circles overlapping each other, sprinkle each with sugar mixed with vanilla, and roll into a tight roll. You need five circles for each bun.

Use a knife to make a cut in the middle.

Leave the formed buns on a sheet for a few minutes and bake in a hot oven for a little less than half an hour.

Serve cooled.

To prevent the buns from losing their shape during baking, you can bake them in special plastic or silicone molds.

Option 3. French rose buns with sugar

In the following recipe, butter is not only added to the dough, it is also used to lubricate the formed products, thereby making them even more tender, softer, melting in the mouth. They are prepared simply from the minimum amount of available ingredients.


  • fresh yeast - 45 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • 275 ml milk;
  • butter - 220 g;
  • 330 g sugar;
  • flour - 845 g.

Step by step recipe

Crumble the yeast into a clean bowl, combine with a handful of sugar and a handful

Add warmed milk, stir, set aside near a heater or in the sun under a clean cloth for a few minutes.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, cool, pour a small amount into a separate plate to grease the layers.

Beat the eggs and add them to the yeast at the same time as the butter.

Add flour and mix well after each handful.

Cut the kneaded dough into pieces.

Roll out, coat with butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Form into rolls.

Cut into 4 cm wide slices, pinch one edge with your fingers, and shape into a slightly elongated shape.

Place the buns on a baking sheet pre-lined with parchment paper, leave for a little less than half an hour and bake in a hot oven until light brown.

Serve chilled with tea.

Instead of butter, it is permissible to use margarine to lubricate the dough layers.

Option 4. Rose buns with sugar and cottage cheese filling

The curd filling gives the rose buns an interesting delicate taste and unusual aroma. In appearance they are somewhat reminiscent of cheesecakes with cottage cheese.


  • 259 ml milk;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • margarine - 145 g;
  • sugar - 235 g;
  • 240 ml vegetable oil;
  • 10 ml vanilla extract;
  • “live” yeast - 65 g;
  • flour - 785 g;
  • cottage cheese with an average fat content - 360 g;
  • raisins - 165 g.

How to cook

Sort and rinse the raisins, pour clean boiling water over them and leave aside until they swell.

Melt margarine in a frying pan.

Combine the yeast with two handfuls of sugar and warm milk, add 200 g of flour, mix and set aside for half an hour.

Add 2 eggs, beaten with a fork, the rest of the sugar and salt into the melted, cooled margarine and mix.

Slowly add flour to the margarine, knead the dough well, roll into a ball, put in a cup and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.

Cut the risen dough into pieces, roll each one out, sprinkle with sugar.

Place a curd filling based on cottage cheese, sugar, raisins, vanillin and an egg beaten with a fork in the center.

Roll into a bud, shape into a rose, and seal the bottom edge.

Place the products on a greased sheet, melt for 15 minutes and bake for a little over half an hour at a low temperature.

Cool slightly and serve.

Instead of cottage cheese, you can use any jam, jam or even custard for the filling.

Option 5. Rose buns with sugar, kefir and sour cream

The buns according to this recipe come out incredibly airy, light, and crumbly. And thanks to the fact that sugar is mixed with cinnamon before sprinkling, they acquire a more pronounced, excellent aroma.


  • sour cream (not very fatty) - 255 g;
  • butter - 190 g;
  • 135 ml kefir with any percentage of fat content;
  • 225 ml water;
  • 575 g flour;
  • 25 g of “live” yeast;
  • 270 g sugar;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • cinnamon powder - 125 g;
  • 1 egg.

Step by step recipe

Place the yeast, crumbled by hand, into the heated water, stir and leave aside for a while so that it begins to “work.”

Add half the sugar, 200 g of flour, stir and leave again for the same time.

Mix kefir with melted cooled butter, sour cream, pour into the yeast, stir thoroughly.

Add the remaining flour, stir until smooth and leave for another half an hour.

Place the dough on a flat surface dusted with flour, knead it a little, and roll it into a thin layer.

Cut into strips, sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon.

Make rolls, slightly stretch the edges.

Melt the “roses” on a greased baking sheet.

Brush with egg wash and bake for 20 minutes.

During proofing, be sure to cover the buns with a damp cloth to prevent a hard crust from forming.

Fresh fragrant buns for a tea party where the whole family gathers - this is the secret of the comfort and strength of the hearth.

Baking made from yeast dough is very versatile, because it goes well with any drink, be it aromatic tea with sugar, strong coffee with cream or freshly squeezed juice.

Buns are perfect for breakfast, if you spread them with butter or honey, or for an afternoon snack with a glass of juice.

They can also be beautifully served on a festive table, giving them the shape of a rose. This is exactly what we will do now.

So, today I propose to bake rose buns with sugar, the recipe for which is so simple that, strictly following my instructions, any novice housewife can handle it, and your household will certainly appreciate the result.

Rose buns made from butter dough: an original presentation of your favorite pastries

Ingredients: 0.8 – 1 kg wheat flour; 0.5 liters of milk (can be replaced with water); 200 gr. margarine and plums. oils; a pair of eggs; two glasses of sugar; a tablespoon of yeast (dry in bags); salt – 1 tsp; ground cinnamon.

To make a rose bun from yeast dough, do we need the following list of ingredients? which I already wrote about above.

Let's get started:

  1. To obtain yeast dough, you need to prepare a dough. To do this, pour salt (0.5 tsp) and sugar (2 tbsp) into warm milk or water and mix. I add dry yeast and put it aside for literally ten minutes.
  2. I definitely sift the flour. Don't forget to do this too. Sifting not only cleans the flour from possible foreign inclusions, but also saturates it with oxygen, which is directly related to the final airiness and fluffiness of the finished bun. To add a special flavor to the flour, you can add a little vanillin, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. The dough has brewed, it’s time to add eggs and half a glass of sugar to it. I pre-melt the margarine and after it has cooled, add it to the yeast dough. I beat the resulting mass with a whisk. You can use a blender.
  4. I form the flour into a mound, make a depression in it, and pour the dough into it. I knead the dough thoroughly. After all the flour has been incorporated, I transfer the dough to the table and knead until the required consistency is obtained (similar to dough for dumplings). I send the dough formed into a ball to a warm place. This will take about half an hour. While standing, knead the dough several times to its original state. This stage will help make our roses even more magnificent.
  5. While the dough is rising, you should prepare the bun filling. Add a glass of sugar to the softened butter and grind thoroughly.
  6. Now let's get started with the actual formation of our buns. By this time, the volume of our yeast dough has doubled. I knead it thoroughly and divide it into four equal pieces. Then I start working with one portion of dough, returning the rest back to the heat. I roll out the piece into a layer 0.5 cm thick, distribute a quarter of the previously prepared filling with sugar. I add ground cinnamon.
  7. I roll the dough tightly into a roll. Using a sharp knife dipped in water, I cut the roll into small pieces (our future buns) no more than five centimeters long. I take a piece of dough and lightly pinch it on one side, while on the other side a semblance of a blossoming rose is formed. I use the same principle to form the rest of the buns.
  8. I grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the roses so that the pinched side is at the bottom. The buns should be a couple of centimeters apart from each other.
  9. I leave the pan in a warm place for half an hour. This is necessary for normal proofing of the dough.
  10. It's time to bake. While the buns are rising, I heat the oven to 180 degrees. I grease the top of the roses with water and sugar and bake them in the oven for about half an hour.
  11. As soon as the buns are browned, I take them out of the oven and place them on a wooden kitchen board or towel. Cover the top with a paper towel and let cool.
  12. Now the only thing left to do is prepare our buns from the remaining yeast dough. The technology is the same, you don’t have to look at the recipe: roll it out, put the filling with sugar, roll it into a roll, cut it into pieces, pinch it and shape it into a rose, allow for proofing, bake the buns in the oven, lay them out and leave them to cool.
  13. Now we place our lush, fragrant and beautiful rose buns on a flat serving dish. You can put the kettle on and gather guests. By the way, don’t forget about the photo as a souvenir. Enjoy your tea!

Note to housewives

  • Whatever recipe you choose for making buns, be sure to sift the flour through a sieve. This rule greatly affects the quality of baked goods. The difference will be visible to the naked eye.
  • If the butter is not soft enough, gently heat it in the microwave on the lowest setting. Starting literally from a few tens of seconds. Otherwise, the oil may leak and in this state it will not be useful for baking.
  • Proofing is a very important step in preparing dough for baking and is included in our recipe for good reason. During this process, active fermentation occurs and carbon dioxide is formed, which is almost completely released during the formation of buns. The moment we rolled it up, cut it into pieces and shaped it into a rosette, our dough became very dense. If you neglect proofing, the finished buns will be very tight. In order to avoid this, you need to place the workpieces in a warm and damp place and cover with a towel. Then the dough becomes fluffy and the roses increase in volume.
  • If the bottom of your baked goods burns, place water in a metal bowl on the bottom rack. Then the buns will not be damaged and will be baked whole.
  • This recipe assumes that the buns are not eaten all at once, since they make quite a large number even for a large company. You can extend the freshness of baked goods for several days by placing them in the refrigerator after they have completely cooled and wrapping them in paper or a cardboard bag. They can also be placed in a plastic bag, having previously released all the air from it. If the buns are still a little dry, just place them in the oven and heat them at 100 degrees.

I am sure that you will be satisfied with the result of your labors, and this recipe will take a special place in your cookbook under the heading “Delicious and beautiful pastries in the form of roses.”

Don’t forget to comment and post photos of your baked goods and share the secrets of creating your own version of the rose. Bon appetit!

My video recipe