Not every modern person, for one reason or another, can afford to include natural granulated sugar in their daily diet.

People who have been diagnosed with diabetes, pregnant women and young children should consume sugar in minimal quantities.

Many people cannot imagine their life being complete without sweets. In this case, sweeteners come to their aid. These nutritional supplements will help you fully enjoy your taste sensations.

In order to satisfy the body's need for sweets, you need to use only high-quality analogues of sugar.

What is sucralose

At the moment, sucralose is considered the most popular and safe sugar substitute. Despite the fact that the analogue is quite young (it was developed about forty years ago), it has already earned a good reputation. Sucralose was extracted from sugar in a special way by introducing chlorine molecules into its structure.

The sweetener is white in color, does not contain carbohydrates, and does not have a peculiar odor or unpleasant aftertaste.

This substance does not exist in nature. This product is synthetic and resistant to high temperatures. It is 500 times sweeter than sugar, while its calorie content is almost zero.

This food flavoring additive is officially registered and is marked on labels as E955. It has a pleasant sweet taste and dissolves well in water. And among other things, the substance does not lose its quality characteristics even during the process of sterilization or pasteurization.

Products prepared with sucralose, even a year after preparation, remain just as tasty and sweet.

The body's reaction to sucralose

Sugar level

As a result of numerous scientific studies, it has been proven that 85% of the sugar substitute is excreted from the body in the urine immediately, and the remaining 15% is absorbed. But even this small percentage of the absorbed substance does not take part in metabolism, but is excreted within a day after consumption. In other words, the sweetener sucralose:

  1. Does not remain in the human body for long.
  2. Does not penetrate the brain and does not have a negative effect on it.
  3. It is not able to penetrate the placenta, and this is very important during pregnancy.
  4. It does not pass into breast milk, so sucralose can be used during lactation.
  5. The substance does not come into contact with the cells of the body, and this allows it not to take part in the release of insulin.
  6. The sweetener does not break down inside the body, which means that there are no extra calories.
  7. Prevents dental caries.


Since the structure of sucralose is not destroyed when heated, this property is used in cooking and the food industry in the manufacture of:

  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • marmalade and confiture;
  • semi-finished products and frozen desserts;
  • sauces and seasonings;
  • chewing gum;
  • dry mixtures;
  • dairy products;
  • canned compotes from various fruits;
  • sweet confectionery products;
  • tablets and syrups.

What is the benefit

The main advantage of the product is its low calorie content. 100 grams of sucralose contains only 268 kcal (100 grams of sugar - 400 kcal).

Thanks to the “powerful” sweetness of the substitute, you can significantly reduce the consumption of sugar and its analogues. The instructions for use say that adding 1 tablet of sucralose to a cup of tea or coffee will replace 3 tablespoons of sugar.

To the above, you can add the following positive qualities of the dietary supplement:

  1. Almost no calories are absorbed, and this is good prevention.
  2. Does not increase blood sugar levels.
  3. Resistant to bacteria.
  4. It does not lose its qualities during heat treatment.
  5. “Chloride sugar” does not have the bitter aftertaste that is inherent in some other substitutes.

The price of the sweetener is affordable for a wide range of people and, importantly, it is convenient to use.

Harmful properties

Before choosing a sugar substitute, you need to learn about contraindications and the harm the product can have on the body when consumed. Sucralose will negatively affect the body if:

  • The supplement will be used by children under 14 years of age.
  • Expose the sweetener to high temperature. At 125 degrees Celsius, a process of melting of dry matter occurs, as a result of which toxic substances are released - chloropropanols, and this is very harmful to health (oncology may develop, and disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system may also occur).
  • Use the product for a long period of time. In this case, the normal functioning of the digestive system will be disrupted, immunity will decrease, and this in turn will provoke frequent colds.
  • Use analogue often. Brain function may deteriorate significantly, vision and memory may decrease, and the sense of smell may become dull. The reason for the development of these processes is the lack of glucose in the sweetener. Doctors say that long-term use of the substitute can lead to.

In case of overdose, people prone to hypersensitivity to artificial products may experience the following complications:

  1. cramps, migraine, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  2. redness of the skin, severe itching;
  3. shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  4. redness of the eyes, watery eyes;
  5. strong heartbeat;
  6. depression, anxiety, dizziness.

If you notice these unpleasant symptoms, you need to remove sucralose from your diet completely.

Conditions, price and shelf life

The shelf life of the product is 24 months from the date of manufacture. The sweetener should be stored in a dry, cool place at a temperature of 20 degrees or below in a tightly closed container.

Sucralose E955 (trichlorogalactosucrose, Sucralose (trichlorogalacto-sucrose), TGS, TGS)– a food additive used in food production as a sweetener, taste and smell enhancer.

Sucralose was called intensive, discovered in the 70s of the 20th century by researchers from King's College in London. In the same year, one of the British companies launched the industrial production of sucralose.

Sucralose is produced from ordinary sugar by specially treating sucrose with chlorine. The purpose of such manipulations is to reduce the calorie content of the resulting substance.

Properties of E955

Sucralose is white crystals characterized by a pleasant sweet taste, 600 times superior to the taste of sugar.

The resulting substance is stable during heat treatment, which allows it to be used in products whose production requires high temperatures. E 955 is highly soluble in water and alcohols, insoluble in fatty solvents, and goes well with fructose and invert syrup.

The taste of the sweetener is practically no different from the taste of regular sugar and lasts for a long time.

In small dosages, E955 can be used as a flavor and aroma enhancer.

Applications of sucralose

The food additive is approved for use in the Russian Federation, EU countries, Canada, Australia, the USA and many other countries of the world.

The permissible daily intake of E 955 is 15 mg/kg body weight per day.

Sucralose is used to make the following food products with reduced calorie content:

  • processed fruits and vegetables;
  • confectionery products;
  • dairy products;
  • soft drinks;
  • rich bakery products;
  • sauces and marinades;
  • chewing gum.
Sucralose is also allowed to be sold in retail stores as a sugar substitute and used in the production of pharmaceuticals.

The benefits and harms of sucralose, the effect of E955 on health

According to official data, this sweetener is safe for human health, provided that its dosage is observed. Sucralose is non-carcinogenic, non-toxic and can be consumed by all groups of the population.

After a large number of studies, the use of E955 was approved by both the WHO and the US Food and Beverage Control Commission.

The sweetener is practically not absorbed by the human body. Only 15% of the substance is absorbed and excreted within 24 hours. Sucralose does not penetrate the brain, does not cross the placental barrier during pregnancy, and does not pass into breast milk during feeding. There is no official data confirming the harmful effects of this sugar substitute on the health of children. No side effects from its use on the nervous and reproductive systems have been identified.

Benefits of consuming sucralose:

  • low calorie content;
  • safety for people with diabetes;
  • no harmful effects on dental health.
However, according to alternative sources, the safety of E955 is still in question.

Opponents of the use of sucralose put forward the following arguments:

  • most of the safety studies of the substance were commissioned by the manufacturer and were carried out on animals, not humans;
  • Sucralose contains chlorine, which can be harmful to human health;
  • Too little time has passed to assess the potential risks of using E955.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that sucralose may be a cause
  • decreased immunity,
  • development of cancer,
  • neurological and hormonal problems,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • allergic reactions,
  • weight gain.
The conclusions of opponents of the use of this sugar substitute, which is currently considered the safest, are not confirmed by official sources.

You can check whether sucralose E955 is contained in food products using

The article describes the food additive (sweetener) sucralose (E955, Splenda), its use, effect on the body, harm and benefit, composition, consumer reviews
Other additive names: sucralose, trichlorogalactosucrose, splenda, E955, E-955, E-955

Functions performed


Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Sucralose, E955 - what is it?

Sucralose (splenda, E955) is a synthetic sugar substitute widely known in the world.

What is food supplement E955 or sucralose? Sucralose (splenda) is one of the most popular synthetic sweeteners in the world, which is used to partially or completely replace sugar in food and drinks.

Sucralose has the molecular formula C 12 H 19 Cl 3 O 8, is a solid white crystal, odorless, soluble in water. Sucralose is called trichlorogalactosucrose, a product of processing regular sugar with sulfuryl chloride. This chemical process replaces the three hydroxyl groups on sucrose (which makes up sugar) with three chlorine atoms. The products of the described reaction are also various by-products of chlorination of sucrose. This produces a substance whose sweetness is approximately 600 times greater than the sweetness of sugar and 3-4 times the sweetness of aspartame and acesulfame potassium. Unlike sugar, the body does not absorb splenda and its calorie content can be considered almost zero.

The five-step chemical process mentioned above was discovered in 1976 by a British company, which sold it to Johnson & Johnson, who in turn found commercial applications for it. Currently, sales volumes of the sugar substitute Splenda (the trade brand under which sucralose is sold) are comparable to sales of the Nutrasvit sweetener.

At the same time, the food additive E955 is stable when heated and when exposed to acids.

Sucralose, E955 – effects on the body, harm or benefit?

Does sucralose harm our body? Food additive E955 is considered the safest of all existing synthetic sweeteners. The benefit of sucralose is that it makes life easier and improves its quality for people who have problems with excess weight and diabetes, reducing the amount of carbohydrates they consume.

It is believed that the food additive E955 is not absorbed by the body, does not accumulate in the internal organs and is quickly eliminated from it. At the same time, there is an alternative opinion that chlorine-containing organic compounds (sucralose has three chlorine atoms in its molecule) can harm the body by accumulating in it.

More than 20 years of research and use of this supplement have shown no side effects that could harm the body. To date, there is no evidence that splenda can harm children or women during pregnancy and lactation. This substance does not harm teeth, as it does not cause caries.

At the moment, the harm and health benefits of sucralose have not been sufficiently studied, so it is too early to draw final conclusions.

The safe dose of E955 supplement consumed is 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. If the specified amount is exceeded, the likelihood of various disorders in the body’s functioning increases.

Food additive E955, splenda – use in food products

Sucralose is actively used in the food industry to completely or partially replace sugar, withstands heat during pasteurization and sterilization, does not react with acidity regulators in drinks, and exhibits synergism (increases the overall sweetness) with other synthetic and natural sweeteners.

When using Splenda sweetener, due to the lack of sugar, it becomes necessary to use other ingredients that provide the necessary texture and volume of the product. Although the sweetness of the sweetener sucralose is similar to that of sugar, the flavor and texture of foods containing it may differ slightly. For example, sugar adds bulk and can help retain moisture in baked goods, and can also give them a caramel flavor and color. For products with a high proportion of sugar, partial replacement is recommended.

The E955 food additive can be found in more than 4,000 foods, including: low-fat dairy products, grain products, desserts, ice cream, canned fruits, reduced-calorie baked goods, candy, juices, iced and regular tea, drinks, low-calorie jams, jellies, frostings, chewing gum, etc.

A new sweetener, known to everyone as sucralose, was invented quite by accident back in 1976. The food additive E 955 is still used today as a sweetener. Disputes regarding what sucralose is and whether it is beneficial or harmful to the body do not subside. Let's talk about this.

Sucralose - what is it?

Sucralose is made from regular granulated sugar. This dietary supplement, which many dieters use as a sweetener, was invented by changing the chemical composition of sugar. The hydrogen atoms were replaced with chlorine, resulting in a very sweet substance. Sucralose tastes ten times sweeter than sugar. At the same time, it is absolutely not absorbed by the body and has no energy value.

Today, sucralose has become widely used in the food industry. This granulated sugar substitute is resistant to heat treatment. It is used for making juices and fruit purees. Please note: the marking on the packaging E 955 means that the product contains sucralose. It allows the product to be stored for a long time and does not lose its taste.

Sugar substitute - harm or benefit?

For several decades now, scientists and medical professionals have been debating the benefits and harms of sucralose. Some believe that it has a number of positive properties. Others are of the opinion that such a granulated sugar substitute cannot be added to food products.

Today, sucralose is added to almost all sweets. This substance is a real godsend for people suffering from diabetes. The components of sucralose are absorbed by our body by only 15% and are retained for no more than one day. They are then excreted in the urine.

Sweetener E 955 is used for the production of a number of food products and drinks, in particular:

  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • chewing gum;
  • canned fruit;
  • marmalade;
  • confiture;
  • jams;
  • chilled and freshly frozen desserts, etc.

Sucralose is also widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is this component that is included in many syrups and suspensions. Sucralose has a number of beneficial properties, in particular:

  • is not absorbed by the body and does not accumulate;
  • does not have a negative effect on the fetus and the health of a pregnant woman, so it can be used during pregnancy;
  • consuming sucralose does not increase blood sugar levels;
  • the active components of sucralose have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity, protecting it from the proliferation of microbes and the development of caries;
  • Sucralose is very useful for tooth enamel.

As already mentioned, the sweetener sucralose does not contain calories, so this product can be included in the diet. Very often it is consumed by people who are actively fighting excess weight. To prevent sucralose from harming your health, you can consume no more than 4 mg of the product per day per 1 kg of body weight.

Along with beneficial properties, there are always contraindications. The harm of sucralose has not been fully studied, so it should be used with extreme caution. Since the release of sucralose and its availability for sale, the demand for this sweetener has increased by up to 20%. The following arguments speak against eating sucralose:

  • studies regarding the safety and benefits of this product were conducted exclusively on animals;
  • insufficient attention has been paid to testing the sweetener;
  • The granulated sugar substitute contains chlorine compounds, which can be harmful to our health.

There is an opinion among treating specialists that sucralose can cause irreparable harm to human health, in particular:

  • provoke the development of allergic reactions;
  • increase fat accumulation in the body;
  • cause digestive tract disorders;
  • cause a decrease in the body's immune defense;
  • influence the concentration of hormones;
  • provoke the appearance and development of disorders of the central nervous system.

However, these statements have no scientific basis, since studies on the harmful properties of sucralose have not been conducted by scientists and practitioners. Before you decide to introduce this sweetener into your daily diet, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.

Let's talk about sucralose with inulin

Inulin is considered a natural substitute for granulated sugar, which is 95% organic fructose. This substance is extracted from plant extracts. Inulin is found in maximum concentration in chicory. Treating specialists consider inulin to be a very useful sweetener. It has a number of positive properties, in particular:

  • reduces blood sugar concentration;
  • promotes a speedy recovery in the treatment of acute and chronic digestive pathologies;
  • helps cope with hepatitis of various groups, dysbacteriosis;
  • strengthens immune defense;
  • promotes complete absorption of calcium, which entails strengthening of bone tissue;
  • removes heavy metal compounds and radionuclides accumulated in the body;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • helps restore hair structure.

Long-term studies have not revealed any negative properties of inulin. The only and main contraindication to its use is considered to be individual intolerance to the polysaccharide substance. The combination of sucralose with inulin does not have harmful properties and is considered an accessible and relatively cheap sweetener.

4.2 out of 5

The relatively new sugar substitute sucralose, registered as a food additive E955, has managed to win the sympathy of many people suffering from diabetes and those who take care of their figure. What exactly is the sweetener sucralose, and what effect does it have on the human body?

Sucralose: history of discovery and properties

The sweetener, which is currently gaining popularity, was developed in 1976 by one of the American companies Tate & Lyle. Interestingly, the discovery of sucralose was due to a small incident that occurred at Queen Elizabeth College. While conducting research into unconventional uses of sucrose (common table sugar), assistant Shashikant Phadnis was asked to test the chemical properties of a chlorinated sugar compound. Due to his imperfect English, Phandis thought he had been asked to taste the substance, and the assistant was quick to do so. He found the chemical compound unusually sweet, which is how the sweetener sucralose came into history.

To date, this sweetener is used both in pure form and in many food products. Sucralose is obtained from regular sugar; in fact, this is a multi-stage and rather complex process, but in general it looks like the saturation of the sucrose molecule with chlorine and the displacement of hydrogen atoms from it. It turns out that sugar is transformed from a simple carbohydrate into a substance with zero calorie content, while being 600 times sweeter than the original product. Judging by the reviews, sucralose is similar in taste to regular sugar and does not have the bitter taste that is typical of many other synthetic sweeteners.

Sucralose is highly soluble in water, very stable in an acidic environment and retains its properties when heated; even after a year of storage, this substance does not lose its taste characteristics. All these qualities make it possible to use the sweetener in the manufacturing process of a wide range of products.

Use of the sweetener sucralose

Additive E955 can be found in products such as:

  • soft drinks;
  • chewing gum;
  • bakery products;
  • canned food;
  • seasonings;
  • dry mixes;
  • dairy products;
  • jellies and jams;
  • frozen desserts.

In addition, this sweetener is also available in pure form, which makes it possible to use it as a sweetener for home-cooked table dishes and all kinds of drinks. Is it true, judging by the reviews, it is very difficult to find sucralose in its pure form in Russia, you have to order it online, in addition, this sugar substitute is one of the most expensive.

But the scope of application of this product is not limited to the food industry; in pharmacology, sucralose is used in some syrups and medications in order to improve their taste characteristics.

Harm of sucralose: myth or reality

The question of the dangers of sucralose for health is relevant for many. After all, there are a lot of people who want to enjoy sweets when sugar is contraindicated or when extra pounds don’t give them peace. Could a synthetic sugar substitute come to the aid of diabetics and those counting calories?

After the discovery of scuralose, more than a hundred scientific studies were conducted, which demonstrated the absolute non-toxicity of this sweetener. Of course, subject to the maximum permissible daily intake, which currently amounts to 4 mg per 1 kg of human body weight.

The fact that sucralose is harmful is a misconception is also evidenced by the fact that 85% of this substance is not absorbed through the intestinal walls, and the 15% that is still absorbed is excreted in the urine within 24 hours unchanged. Thus, sucralose cannot remain in our body for a long time, and, therefore, it is not capable of causing any harm to our health.

Currently the safest synthetic sugar substitute is sucralose, reviews from experts are proof of this. However, doctors advise not to neglect the recommended daily intake of even this sweetener, since an overdose of any chemical additive can adversely affect the condition of the body.

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