• break eggs into a container
  • add salt and shake, but not too much
  • melt butter in a frying pan
  • Pour some of the oil into the egg mixture, stirring so that they do not curdle.
  • Carefully pour the egg mixture into the pan
  • fry the omelette, stirring it with a spatula
  • before serving, roll it into a roll

Hello, dear readers! Today I will share with you my cooking experience real French omelet. The main difference between a real French omelet and what we are used to cooking is the composition of the ingredients. Namely, it does not include milk! But despite this, the finished dish turns out tender!

While reading about the peculiarities of preparing an omelet, I came across statements like: “Eggs should only be from the refrigerator, i.e. cold” or “The shells of eggs must be the same color.” I think the first statement can only be applied to rural residents who have the opportunity to take a warm egg from under a chicken, because what reasonable person would store eggs under a radiator? :) And the second, probably only for those people who can determine the color of the shell by taste :) Of course, there are subtleties of preparation. I will talk about them below.

So let's get started!

Break the eggs into a container. Mix them with a whisk so that the yolk mixes with the white. Salt to taste.

While mixing the eggs, you can put the frying pan on the fire and put a piece of butter to melt. It is advisable to keep the heat under the frying pan low so that the oil does not become hot. After the butter has melted, pour some of it into the egg mixture, while actively stirring it.

Return the pan to the heat and increase the flame to medium or slightly higher. Next, stir the mixture a little more, but you don’t need to beat it too much! During this time, the pan will heat up more and the oil will begin to hiss. Carefully pour the mixture into the pan.


It’s not for nothing that I indicated the diameter of the frying pan in the ingredients. The fact is that the egg mixture should cover the entire bottom of the pan in a fairly thin layer. This is very important and directly affects the quality of the finished dish. If the layer is too thick, then there will be no “tenderness” in the omelette. A frying pan with the most common diameter of 26 cm (large) is just right for three eggs. For two eggs you need a smaller frying pan. If you want to make an omelet with, say, 6 or 9 eggs, I would suggest you cook it in batches.

When the omelette begins to set around the edges, you need to start stirring it. This is how I do it: using the corner of a wooden spatula, I scrape the omelette from the edges to the center and mix it a little in the center. At the same time, the edges that I “raked” are filled with liquid egg mixture.

Stir in this way until the omelette is almost ready, i.e. it will be a little damp on top. Next, using a spatula and hands, roll it into a roll and place it on a plate. The finished omelette can be seasoned with ground black pepper. Bon appetit!

P.S. When I tried this omelet for the first time, it reminded me a lot of our Russian chatterbox. After all, it is prepared in almost the same way. Here I described how a classic French omelette is prepared. But you can safely decorate it with different tastes. For example, you can add chopped dill or finely grated cheese to the mixture.

The French are said to know a lot about wine and women. And also in various dishes. Well, we’ll probably remain in the dark about frog legs this time, but we’ll be happy to cook and try a very successful national version of the omelette.

French omelet - general principles of preparation

The French omelette is prepared only by pouring the mixture into a frying pan. It must be coated with a non-stick coating, but if you have a massive cast-iron frying pan with sloping edges, then you won’t find a better option for cookware. For a portion of this three-egg omelette, a frying pan with an internal diameter of about 20 cm is suitable.

The peculiarity of the French version of the omelet lies in the correct composition of the egg mass and its frying in a frying pan.

Omelette mixture is prepared only from eggs. Milk or other products are rarely added to it. The eggs are seasoned with ground pepper, then added some salt and thoroughly beaten. There is no need to beat them until foamy, the main thing is that the base is homogeneous.

Fry the French omelet with minimal heat, pouring the egg mixture into well-heated butter. Often some of the oil is added to the omelette mixture. During the cooking process, do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise you will end up with something more like a fluffy soufflé.

A French omelette is considered ready when its edges begin to lighten, but the center of the dish remains slightly runny. At this point, it is rolled up and transferred to a plate. If the dish is prepared with filling, then the dish is fried more intensely, and be sure to ensure that the bottom does not burn.

The filling of a French omelet can be filled with any products that are harmoniously combined with each other: vegetables, fish, fresh herbs, sausages and mushrooms. The filling is laid out in the center of the finished omelette “crust” and the free edges are folded over it. Any filling is always sprinkled with shredded cheese.

The wrapped omelette is slightly heated so that the cheese melts well and only then transferred to a plate, seam side down. You can serve fresh vegetables as a side dish.

A simple recipe - a classic of French omelettes


50 gr. butter;

Three eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Place butter in a frying pan of suitable size and wall thickness and place on low heat. The butter should melt completely, but do not heat it too much.

2. While the oil is heating, crack the eggs into a small bowl and whisk well. There is no need to beat until fluffy foam, just bring to a uniform consistency.

3. While stirring the eggs vigorously, pour almost all the oil into them in a thin stream. Leave a little melted butter in the pan; it will be useful for frying.

4. Pour just a little salt into the egg mixture, lightly season and mix thoroughly.

5. Pour the prepared mixture into the frying pan in which the oil was left and set the heat to minimum.

6. When the edges turn white, lift them with a spatula by one of the lightest edges and carefully roll them up into a roll.

7. Carefully transfer the folded omelette to a plate, seam side down, and serve.

French omelette stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms


50 gr. bacon;

Half a bell pepper;

Small tomato;

50 gr. cheese - “Russian” or “Dutch”;

Four small champignons;

Half a medium onion;

Small clove of garlic;

Three feathers of green onions;

Eggs – 3 pcs.;

72% butter – 40 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Heat thin pieces of bacon in a frying pan over low heat until the fat has rendered out.

2. Add the finely chopped onion and lightly simmer it over low heat.

3. Without waiting for browning, add mushrooms cut into small cubes and chopped bell pepper pulp in the same way to the softened onion.

4. Lightly salt the filling, season with ground white pepper, press the garlic into it and, stirring constantly, bring the mushroom and vegetable pieces until cooked and soft.

5. In a separate frying pan, slowly (at a minimum temperature) melt the butter and carefully pour the eggs, scrambled with salt, into it.

6. Bring the omelette over low heat until its edges lighten and place the prepared fry in the center.

7. Sprinkle finely grated cheese on top of the filling and fold the free edges over it.

8. Carefully transfer the finished dish over the edge of the frying pan into a dish or plate and serve hot.

French omelette – “Hostess”, with champignons


Two eggs;

25 ml pasteurized milk;

Large spoon of butter;

Fresh champignons - three small mushrooms;

Leek – 1 pc.;

Three lettuce leaves;

Quarter red sweet pepper;

“Dutch” cheese – 40 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the leeks into thin rings and the mushrooms into slices. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Rinse the lettuce leaves thoroughly with water and wipe each one dry with a towel.

3. In a dry frying pan over low heat, simmer the onion for a couple of minutes, then add the mushrooms, wait until the juice has completely evaporated, and put everything on a plate.

4. Cut one lettuce leaf and the pulp of the bell pepper into small thin strips.

5. Beat eggs and milk, add a little ground pepper to the mixture, and add salt to your taste. Add chopped lettuce to the eggs and mix thoroughly.

6. Melt the butter well in a frying pan and carefully pour the eggs mixed with herbs into it.

7. When the edges of the omelet change color and its middle is still slightly liquid, place the mushroom filling in the center and carefully smooth it out to the edges.

8. Sprinkle the mushrooms with coarsely grated cheese. Place the remaining lettuce leaves on one edge of the filling. Carefully place strips of sweet pepper on them and fold the omelette in half.

French omelette with ham filling


Four eggs;

60 grams of hard cheese;

50 grams of boiled ham;

A heaping tablespoon of butter or heavy cream.

Cooking method:

1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and pierce the yolks with a fork. Add a little salt and whisk the egg mixture well until smooth. For flavor, you can add a little freshly ground black pepper in a mortar.

2. Cut the ham into centimeter cubes and grate the cheese on a medium or coarse grater.

3. Place oil in a frying pan and heat over low heat.

4. When the fat begins to crackle, pour in the scrambled eggs and leave to cook at the same heat.

5. During the cooking process, periodically move the already baked part away from the walls of the pan towards the center.

6. When the whole mass is well baked, sprinkle half of it with some shredded cheese. Place the ham cubes evenly on it and cover with the remaining cheese shavings.

7. Cover the ham filling with the free part of the omelette, keep the dish in the pan for another half a minute and transfer to a plate.

8. When serving, the hot dish can be additionally sprinkled with cheese on top.

French omelette with red fish and tomatoes


Lightly salted red fish – 50 gr.;

Three large eggs;

30 grams of “Russian” cheese;

Small, fleshy tomato;

30 gr. cream or butter;

Fresh herbs for serving - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the red fish and tomato into small cubes, rib size no more than 0.5 cm, grate the cheese on a fine vegetable grater. Combine fish with cheese and tomatoes, stir.

2. Pierce the yolks of the eggs broken into a bowl. Season the eggs with ground pepper, add a small pinch of salt and whisk.

3. Pour non-boiling butter, well melted in a frying pan, into the egg mixture and stir thoroughly with a fork until smooth.

4. Pour the mixture into the frying pan in which the oil was heated and place it over moderate heat.

5. When the top part becomes hard enough and the bottom is well set, place a strip of fish mixed with tomatoes and cheese on its center.

6. Carefully lifting the free edges with a spatula, fold them over the filling, heat the omelet for at least 30 seconds until the cheese begins to melt and transfer the omelet to a plate.

7. Garnish the dish with fresh herbs and serve.

French omelette stuffed with cheese, vegetables and mushrooms


Fresh milk (or just very fatty) – 100 ml;

Four eggs;

50 gr. lightly salted cheese;

Three sprigs of fresh dill;

“Kostromskoy” cheese – 50 gr.;

Small tomato;

Four young champignons;

Three tablespoons of frozen butter;

Small sweet pepper;

Spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Release the eggs into a deep bowl and pierce the yolks. Add a teaspoon of refined oil, pour in all the milk, season with spices, lightly salt and shake thoroughly.

2. Pour oil into a heated pan, distribute the fat evenly over the entire bottom, pour the egg mixture onto it.

3. At low temperature, without covering with a lid, bake until fully cooked and carefully transfer to a plate.

4. Grate the cheese and hard cheese into small shavings, finely chop the fresh herbs. Finely dice the tomatoes, thinly chop the onion and the pulp of the bell pepper.

5. Fry the champignons, cut into small slices, together with peppers in heated vegetable oil.

6. Place all the filling ingredients on half of the omelette, and cover with the free half.

7. Carefully transfer to a frying pan and heat it at minimum temperature on both sides, three minutes on each. It is advisable to cover the pan with a lid so that the cheese melts better.

French omelette - cooking tricks and useful tips

It will be easier to bring the egg mass to homogeneity if you pierce the egg yolks with a sharp utensil - a fork or knife - before scrambling.

In order for the French omelette to fry more evenly, when frying, move the finished part away from the sides of the pan towards the center.

The cheese in the filling will melt better and much faster if heated under the lid.

Do not pour the omelette mixture into the oil boiling in a frying pan; the dish is guaranteed to burn.

Classic French omelette

A classic omelette should be aromatic and tender, and without a crispy crust. And it’s also important to “roll your lip” correctly.

Preparing the omelette:

Such an omelet is not prepared immediately for a large family. Only in portions and using no more than 3 eggs per serving. Break the eggs and beat them well with salt and pepper. And beat with a fork so that there are no “strands of protein” left in the mass. To make the task easier, you can add finely chopped herbs to the eggs.

Place a frying pan with a non-stick coating and shallow sides with a diameter of 22 cm over medium heat. The frying pan needs to be heated, not hot. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a frying pan. When the butter begins to foam, you need to pour in the egg mixture and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the pan.

Fry the omelette over medium heat for 10 seconds, and then quickly stir the egg mass with a vetch or spatula, while shaking the pan. The egg mass should be distributed evenly throughout the pan and without gaps. Cook for another 20 seconds - during this time the mass should set slightly and form a thin bottom layer. And the top of the omelette should be moist (even very moist).

Without removing the frying pan from the heat, take it (the frying pan) by the handle and lift it at an angle of 45 degrees - as a result of this lifting, most of the egg mass will move in the direction opposite to the handle. Hold for 10 seconds.

Using a fork or spatula, quickly pry the edges of the omelette, separate the edges from the pan and fold the top edge into the middle of the omelette.

Grab the handle of the frying pan so that your fingers close on top of the handle, tilt it and tap the frying pan on the table (or stove) so that the omelette moves slightly. It is the “moved part” that is called the lip. This is the lip you need to wrap in the middle of the omelet. Then place the omelette (seam side down) on a warm plate.

I wish all readers a good day! Today we will talk about one of the most delicate and airy culinary masterpieces. We are talking about the classic French omelette, which is loved by millions of people around the world.

I'm also a big fan of this simple yet delicious dish. I want to tell you a recipe for a tender and airy French omelette that will help you surprise your loved ones. This dish will win the hearts of those for whom you create in your kitchen!

How long have you heard: “Oh yes! This is simply great! It was very, very tasty!”? And how many times have you heard only a dry “thank you”? Believe that this recipe will make everyone express you words of great gratitude and recognition of your culinary genius! Go ahead, let's quickly head to the kitchen to create our masterpiece!


1. Chicken egg (2 pcs. + 1 yolk) – 3 pcs.

2. Hard cheese – 50 gr.

3. Salt to taste

4. Ground black pepper

5. Vegetable oil – 10 g.

6. Fresh herbs – 10 gr.

7. Butter – 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Drive 2 into a large container. The third egg should be divided into white and yolk. We add the yolk to the two previous eggs, and leave the white aside for a while.

I would like to draw your special attention to the fact that chicken eggs must be fresh! This fact must be taken into account so that the prepared dish has extremely beneficial properties and does not cause food poisoning.

The classic omelet is not cooked until fully cooked, so there is no way to completely heat-treat our egg mass.

Salt the eggs based on how bland or salty the cheese you are going to add is. Also add ground black pepper and leave the eggs aside.

2. Heat the frying pan over low heat for 3 minutes. To start, I recommend using a Teflon non-stick frying pan to learn how to properly cook a fluffy French omelette. After gaining certain skills, you will be able to use other ordinary frying pans.

Lightly grease the bottom of the pan and rub with a napkin. This step is also necessary for beginner cooks and after that you can safely skip it.

3. While our frying pan is heating up, we begin preparing the filling. To do this, grate our cheese on a coarse grater. It's best if there is. You can also experiment with the filling later, as there are omelettes with ham, mushrooms and other additives. Write in the comments your successful results of preparing dishes according to this recipe, but using a different filling!

I give you a recipe for a classic French omelet with cheese. By the way, when preparing this dish I use Maasdamer cheese, which I like best according to my taste. You can use any other hard cheese that suits your taste best.

Finely chop our greens. It could be parsley with dill or fresh garlic. Fresh greens will help your body perfectly absorb the pure protein that chicken eggs are made of. In addition, greens will always decorate our stunning dish with their appearance.

4. Beat our eggs for 30 seconds. Do not use a mixer! It is enough to easily beat chicken eggs with a fork, mixing the yolks and whites into a total mass.

If you beat it longer, the dish will turn out to be tougher!

Before preparing the dish, you should transfer the butter from the main compartment of the refrigerator to the freezer. This will allow you to cut it into small pieces. Drop these pieces of butter into the egg mixture.
Using this method of adding butter will allow you to get a particularly tender and airy omelette.

5. Increase the heating of the frying pan to medium level and pour our beaten egg mass into it. Constantly stir the omelet with a silicone spatula. When it reaches a semi-liquid state, remove the pan from the heat!

6. Place the greens on top and cover the pan with a lid. Let our dish rest under the lid for 1-2 minutes.

Open the lid and return the pan to medium heat. This difference in temperature will allow the tender omelette mixture to leave the bottom of the pan. Remove our omelette from the frying pan onto a prepared plate with a napkin.

7. Using a napkin, we form a regular and beautiful roll. Ready! Now you can safely serve it to the table!

8. It is possible that this recipe will seem long and strange to some, but believe me, the result will exceed all your expectations. French tenderness will simply melt in your mouth!

And I want to thank our readers for working with us to pave the way to the top of culinary heights. Stay with us, and we will undoubtedly surprise you with new delicious recipes for a long time to come!

Break the eggs into a bowl. Prick the yolks with a fork, add salt and pepper if desired.

Quickly stir the eggs with a fork until the yolks combine with the whites. The egg mixture should stretch when lifted with a fork.

Heat a 20-22 cm non-stick frying pan very hot. Add the butter: it should begin to foam, but not turn brown. Pour in the egg mixture and wait 5-6 seconds until the eggs are slightly set.

Shaking the pan back and forth, actively stir the omelet with a fork so that the eggs thicken faster.

Once the omelette has thickened on the bottom but is still runny on the top, run a fork along the edges of the omelette to loosen them from the pan. Shaking the pan, move it to the side opposite from you. Then fold the edge of the omelette closest to you towards the middle.

It's easy to hit the pan on the table so that the edge of the omelette opposite you moves forward. Grab the handle of the frying pan so that your thumb is on top. Place a plate and with a sharp movement turn the omelette onto it so that the free edge is turned down. Trim the edges and sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired.