Salmon bellies contain large amounts of fatty amino acids. It’s just the nature’s arrangement that fish have more fat in the belly area than in everything else. Therefore, bellies are great for making homemade fish soup or all kinds of fish soups. You can also use them to make good pancakes with seasoning, salted or marinated fish. The latter is especially true for a beer party.

Finnish fish soup

This soup is thick and very satisfying, and the bellies of the salmon give it a rich aroma and amazing taste.

For a volume of three liters you will need 500 g of bellies, three potatoes, an onion, a small carrot, 200-250 g of ice cream, a little melted cow butter, a package of cream cheese (a tray weighing 400 g).

Cook the fish broth, remembering to skim off the foam. Once the bellies are soft, remove them from the pan. We clean the potato tubers, cut them into neat slices and put them in a saucepan. While they are boiling, prepare a fry of onions and carrots, add them to the broth and add peas. Salt to taste. Add cheese and fish mashed with a fork. After the soup boils again, you can remove it.

Rice with mussels and fish

Wondering how to cook salmon bellies? The recipe for this simple and tasty hot dish helps when you need to cook
You will need a ready-made “oriental” mixture - 2 packages, brown rice (boiled) - 1.5 cups, a package of mussels (ready-made, frozen) - 300 g, chicken fillet - 150 g, 300 g salmon bellies, soy sauce.

Cut the fish and chicken into small pieces and fry in oil, add a little water and simmer for about five minutes. Place the vegetable mixture in the frying pan. Pour boiling water over the mussels and add to the dish. Pour in vegetable oil and fry everything over high heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the rice, reduce the heat to low, pour in the sauce, add pepper and cover the pan with a lid. In 15 minutes dinner is ready.

Salmon bellies in batter

Prepare 500 grams of salmon bellies, lightly roll in flour and salt. Let's make a batter from two eggs and a tablespoon of flour. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. We pour, not sparing the product, the bellies of the salmon should be deep-fried. Dip each piece in batter and drop into oil. Fry until crusty, remembering to turn over. You can serve it with regular mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.

Sandwich pie with herbs

This tasty and satisfying pie can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, so your family can enjoy the pie both during dinner and for breakfast.

You will need butter, herbs, onions, and a round loaf of bread. Cut the bread crosswise into several layers, remove the top crust. We cut the bellies into smaller pieces, mix with chopped onions and herbs. Grease each layer with oil and place the fish on top. Sprinkle the last layer with herbs on top. If desired, you can add olives and tomato slices. But then it is better to eat the finished dish quickly, otherwise the bread will become soggy.

Salmon bellies marinated

Wash the fish, dry it, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour marinade of lemon juice and olive oil. Cut the onion into rings and sprinkle it over the salmon. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for several days.

Salted salmon bellies are an excellent appetizer, and not only to accompany beer. Salting fish at home is not that difficult; even a preschooler can do it. By the way, salting salmon bellies is a pleasure; you don’t need to cut them up, they are already ready for salting.

For one kilogram of fish you will need 4 tablespoons (with top) of coarse salt, peppercorns, bay leaf, ground pepper.

Prepare a brine from 700 ml of water and salt, add pepper and bay leaves for flavor. Place the fish in a deeper container and fill it with brine. You can add onion, chopped into rings. The salmon will be ready to eat in two to three days, but you can store it in the refrigerator for quite a long time if you remove the brine and onion.

As you can see, salmon bellies are a useful thing in the household. You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from them.

Enjoy your meal!

Salmon bellies are very healthy due to the large amount of omega fatty acids and vitamins, and are quite affordable. Besides the fact that lightly salted bellies are a wonderful snack for beer, you can make delicious sandwiches, rolls with them, or serve them with boiled potatoes, I love bellies in any form! So, a quick and easy pickling recipe.

salmon bellies: 0.5 kg
coarse salt: 2 tablespoons
sugar: 1 tablespoon
vinegar (or lemon juice)
If desired, you can use ground pepper and a mixture of spices to pickle red fish.

Thaw the bellies, rinse, excess moisture can be removed with a paper towel. Place in the container in which you will salt; I use a large plastic container for this purpose.

Lightly sprinkle the bellies with vinegar (it will add a slight sourness), sprinkle with sugar and salt.

Close the container tightly with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours (if you pickle the bellies in the evening, you can try it in the morning). During this time, it is advisable to shake the container several times so that the mixture is evenly distributed over the fish.

If there is salt and sugar left on the bellies, you can rinse them with running water.
As a result, when our bellies are ready, we separate the meat from the skin and fins. If it’s convenient, you can do this before salting, but I, as a rule, clean them ready-made.

When serving, the fish can be sprinkled with lemon juice and garnished with parsley.

Place salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaves on a plate.

Pour in water and mix thoroughly.

Place fish pieces into the resulting solution and leave for 1.5-2 hours at room temperature.

Before using salmon, rinse it well and then pat dry with a kitchen towel. Don't skip this point. Excess moisture can negatively affect the taste of the finished product.

It turns out very tasty and tender. It can be seen that some of the fat comes out of the fish, the brine becomes as if saturated with oil.

This is a classic recipe. It always turns out to be a win-win, but you can try other options.

Other options

1. One of the easiest ways is to mix 2 tablespoons of salt, 1.5 sugar, add a mixture of peppers to taste, thoroughly rub each piece with the resulting mixture and wrap in foil or just paper towels. Salmon or any other salmon representative is salted this way for 24 hours. Must be rinsed before use.

2. Lightly salted bellies with citric acid are very tasty. For 400 grams of fish you will need a tablespoon of salt and sugar and ½ spoon of lemon.

Pour the resulting mixture over the fish pieces and put them in the refrigerator for 15-20 hours. Before eating, rinse with running water.

3. At home, you can also pickle bellies using vinegar. To do this, you will need a glass container and, per half a kilo of fish, a glass of water, half a spoon of salt and sugar, 8-10 peppercorns, a pinch of seasoning to taste.

Mix everything, pour the marinade over the fish, and put it in a cool, dark place for a couple of days.

4. Fans of Japanese cuisine will love lightly salted salmon in soy sauce.

For half a kilo of bellies you need to take a spoonful of olive oil, 6 dessert spoons of sauce, a ginger root about 3.5 cm long and the juice of one lime.

The fish must be washed, dried and thoroughly rubbed with the mixture prepared from the ingredients.

Ready after 20 minutes.

But it’s better to leave it for 2-3 hours so that it marinates for sure.

Preparation Rinse the salmon belly well and leave in cold water for 20 minutes. Then take it out, peel it and start rolling it in the pickling mixture. You can salt fish at home in different ways and with different ingredients.

Chicken with cheese in a slow cooker. By making this delicacy at home, you will not only save money, but you will also be sure that the product is truly freshly prepared and truly healthy. If after cutting the salmon you still have bellies, use a sharp knife to free them from fins, coarse and dense fibers.

Salting salmon at home

This can be a plastic container or a regular jar. It is more convenient to work with a container, but the fish will be stored in it for a shorter period of time. Although, most likely, you won’t have to store it. Place in a container in tight rows. If you want to give the bellies a slight sourness, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the container with the bellies already placed.

In the morning you can already eat salted, tasty and healthy bellies. This fish is perfect for sandwiches, pancakes, appetizers and salads. 500 g of freshly frozen salmon or salmon bellies. Thaw the salmon bellies on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Previously, for my dishes I always bought ready-made cuts in vacuum packaging, thinly sliced.

How to pickle trout at home

In order to get gorgeous lightly salted salmon, you don’t need much at all: a piece of red fish, spices and your imagination. Salmon salted according to this recipe will delight you with a delicate, refined taste with a subtle aroma of seasonings and spices. You can also salt trout. Rinse the salmon and dry with a paper towel. If the fish is salty for your taste, just rinse it a little with cold water. Salmon is a fatty fish, so it will not take excess salt.

Salting red fish in oil

Delicious salmon, salted according to a simple recipe, is ready. And don’t forget that when cooking, you shouldn’t stick to the recipe strictly to the gram. Show creativity and imagination in cooking - and you will create unique culinary masterpieces. Such a fish will fall apart in your hands, its flesh will lag behind the bones. And you won’t be able to turn it into something outstanding no matter how hard you try.

You can buy chilled steaks or frozen salmon. Having successfully completed the first stage, proceed to cutting. Feel free to cut off the head and put it in the refrigerator - it will be useful later for fish soup. Cut off all the fins, cut off the tail and divide the fish along the ridge into two layers.

Mixed - first dry salted, then soaked in brine. The most popular way to prepare delicious lightly salted salmon is the dry salting method. Don't be afraid to oversalt the fish. Since it is quite fatty and juicy, it will not take excess salt. Roll one side of the slice in the mixture and place it in the container, salty side down. Place the fish in a thick layer, salt on top. Home-salted salmon prepared in this way has a spicier taste and a less dense and elastic consistency than dry-salted salmon.

You can salt whole fish in brine if it is small, as well as steaks, trimmings, and bellies. Pour vinegar into the boiling brine and turn it off. After waiting for the brine to cool, you strain it and pour it over the prepared fish. You need to press something down on top so that it doesn’t float, and then put it in the refrigerator.

But those who can’t stand it are allowed to take a sample the very next day, when the salmon is lightly salted - this is also good. We put it in the refrigerator. A few rules for salting salmon at home: We use good fresh fish. Take glassware. Hot smoked sea bass salted in brine. Add salt and sugar to boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, remove from heat and cool. Salmon belly ingredients – 400 gr.; salt - 2 tbsp; sugar-1 tbsp; pepper mixture.

Salmon bellies in cooking

Place it piece by piece in a glass jar. Then add water - a finger's length from the bottom of the jar (not much). Draniki are a dish that is present in the cuisines of different nations, and they are called differently everywhere.

The method of preparing this dish is basically the same, but each housewife has her own secrets. If you use the dry salting method for brisket, you can use this recipe. We remove the skin. If the piece is not uniform in thickness and does not curl into a roll, then we will cut it. The first cold weather has arrived, which means it’s time to make homemade dry-cured sausage, because... This process requires certain temperature conditions.

This time I decided to use the recipe for making salted salmon bellies. They turned out very tasty. After 2 days, the salmon bellies are ready. Especially lightly salted at home!

Soup from salmon trimmings (belly, fins) with sour cream and herbs

This recipe was originally inspired by a Norwegian recipe for creamed salmon soup. But there was no cream on hand, but there was a jar of sour cream, which we finally found in Thailand (a blue jar, like a yogurt jar with the inscription sour cream).

And since sour cream is the same fermented cream, I thought that nothing bad would happen if you made it not with cream, but with sour cream.

I made soup from the scraps that were left after salting the salmon; I have already shared the recipe. This is a fat belly, fins with pulp, bones with the remains of meat, and a tail.

Also, for the fish soup with salmon, I needed tomatoes, an onion, and a carrot.

I finely chopped the onion, grated the carrots, and peeled the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.

I wrote in detail how to properly remove the skin from tomatoes (the blanching process) in this recipe for pickling lightly salted tomatoes.

We fry (stew) the vegetables in this order, first lay out the onions, fry a little, then the carrots and then finally the tomatoes, simmer a little.

When the broth made from salmon trimmings is ready, you will need to remove all the bones, separate the pulp and strain it through a sieve.

Here in the photo is part of the fish broth, you can see that it turned out to be very rich and fatty.

While the broth was cooking, I cooked the potatoes, cut them into small cubes and took a handful of washed rice.

I put the potatoes and rice in a pan with broth, boiled until half cooked and then put the vegetable mixture there (tomatoes, onions, carrots).

Before serving, add a spoonful of sour cream to the soup. Here in the photo I specially placed a jar of Thai sour cream so that if you need it, you don’t have to look for it for two years, like I did (sour cream is sold at Makro).

I also had a bunch of these greens in my refrigerator. I don’t know what it is, but somehow I bought it once and now I cook borscht with this herb all the time. It’s not bitter, it doesn’t smell of anything, overall it’s superb, it was also the theme in this salmon soup.

The soup made from salmon trimmings turned out very tasty! Since the recipe contains tomatoes, it is also unusual, plus I have never eaten fish soup with sour cream, but it turned out to be very tasty!

Do you like salmon dishes? Have you tried this soup with cream, and not sour cream, is it delicious?

See more recipes from this section:

I tried to make simple soups from fish fillets and seafood, it came out fine, but never from fish trimmings. Now I’ll know how to make it from scraps.

I’ve never done it either, but the fish was cut up for salting and there were a lot of delicious pieces left. I went looking for a recipe to make something out of them. And since salmon is mainly a Norwegian fish, the original recipe for this soup contains cream and tomatoes, which, in principle, is not very usual for fish soup in our understanding, but it turned out delicious!

Fish soup always goes great, but in my opinion, you ruined it with sour cream. And the appearance, and increased the already high nutritional value. But if you can’t do without sour cream, then I’ll share a secret: put a heap of greens in the finished dish, and sour cream on top of the greens. It turns out to be a very nice still life.

The original recipe actually contained cream, so sour cream is somehow more common! For my taste, borscht cannot be spoiled with mayonnaise, so in this soup with tomatoes, sour cream was very appropriate. Or do you mean that I ruined the photo by stirring the sour cream? Well, I wanted to do as you suggested, so that the sour cream was a heap of greens on it, but it sank for me :))) It’s either a lot of sour cream, or not enough soup, or so that the soup is thick. Therefore, the photo is in its natural form, what this soup really looked like.
By the way, try making fish soup with tomatoes and sour cream, then tell me whether you liked it or not (I think you didn’t put tomatoes in the fish soup either.)

I looked at the photos and can’t figure out what kind of green this is. I would be grateful if you could clarify what exactly this herb is called.

So I also don’t know what kind of green this is, probably some friend, if anyone recognizes it, share the name!

Uv. VE-rich! For some reason, fish soup is considered a favorite in our family; I often prepare it from ordinary river or pond fish. With tomatoes you get additional flavor, but you need to try to ensure that the tomato pieces retain some semblance of shape, stir gently while stewing. But I haven’t tried it with sour cream. Sorry, I am one of those who believe that borscht can be spoiled not only by mayonnaise, but also by sour cream.
I don’t impose my taste on my family; I always put sour cream on an island of greens. It doesn’t sink, you’re probably right, because there’s a lot more in borscht. By the way, I came across the original recipe with cream, but I’m not delighted with it, although I haven’t tried it.
I am a supporter of a reasonable combination of products, and milk with fish is not only Paul Brague’s objection, but my grandmother warned me.

Well, yes, I wasn’t ready to mix fish and cream (count milk) either. But in our family there is only one “phobia” about milk and mixing it with other products - milk and cucumbers :))) On the other hand, there are many different recipes for fish with sour cream sauce, milk and sour cream sauce. You have to try it, if it was inedible no one would cook it.

Salmon soup is also a favorite dish in our family. And we also prepare it from scraps or ridge, not because the fish is expensive, but so that the soup is not too rich and greasy.
And one more important point when cooking. After the broth is prepared, I take out the pieces of fish, separate them from the bones and add this pulp at the end, when the rice and potatoes are already cooked. After all, the fish is almost ready; there is no need to cook it for a long time. You can also add bay leaf and pepper.

An interesting combination of products, although not at all typical for many. Although I cooked seafood with sour cream, everything turned out delicious and it gave a special touch to the dish.

I always cook soup from salmon trimmings - there is enough pulp left on the tail and backbone for the soup. I’ve never experimented, the soup is simple - onions, carrots, a handful of rice or millet, potatoes. I think your soup will be very tasty! You can't spoil it with sour cream and mayonnaise - for my taste. Since I always bake with a lot of herbs and mayonnaise (sour cream), then all this should be harmonious in the soup.

What if without onions? I hate boiled onions.

The soup turned out very tasty and even the sour cream did not spoil the fish soup.

How to properly salt salmon trimmings?

Salmon is one of the most nutritious and healthy fish species. But in most cases, during heat treatment, many useful substances lose their properties. Therefore, salting is considered the best cooking option to preserve microelements.

But salmon has one important drawback - its high price. To save money, you can use trim.

How to properly salt salmon trimmings at home?

In order for the result to delight us with its taste, we need to carefully select the main ingredient. When purchasing, make sure that the trimmings have a pinkish tint and do not have any unpleasant odors.

To dry-salt 0.5 kg of salmon trimmings, we need 1 tbsp. l. salt and? Art. l. Sahara.

We wash the pulp, as scales may remain on it, and dry it with a paper towel. Next, combine the spices with the fillet pieces and mix well. Place in a container, cover and place in a cool place. After a day, the salted trimmings will be ready. Now it can be put in various salads, on sandwiches or eaten as a separate snack.

How to properly salt salmon trimmings in brine?

To prepare this recipe for 1 kg of salmon pieces, take black peppercorns (several pieces), salt (4 tbsp), sugar (1 tbsp), lemon juice (2 tbsp) and water (1 l).

First, boil water and stir all the spices in it. After cooling, strain and add lemon juice. Place the salmon trimmings in a prepared container (preferably enameled), fill it with brine and refrigerate for 24 hours. Before use, the product can be washed (if it turns out to be very salty) and dried.

How to properly salt salmon trimmings with spicy salting?

Spice lovers can pickle pieces of fillet with spices and herbs. For this recipe we need to take:

  • salmon pieces – 1 kg;
  • 4 tbsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • sprigs of parsley and dill - 1-3 pieces each;
  • ground bay leaf – 1 tsp;
  • mixture of ground peppers (black, white, allspice) – 1 tsp;
  • chopped nutmeg and cloves - 1 tsp each.
  • First, prepare the pickling mixture - combine all the spices. Then roll each piece of salmon in it and place it in the prepared container, sprinkle with chopped herbs. If the mixture remains, you can chop the salmon trimmings on top. We leave this preparation in the cold for a day.

    How to salt salmon trimmings in cognac?

    For this recipe, for 0.5 kg of fish, take 20 g of salt, 10 ml of cognac, 10 g of ground white pepper and a bunch of herbs. We will also need cling film.

    Combine pepper and salt and distribute part of this mixture on the film. Next, pour in some chopped herbs, place half of the trimmings on top and sprinkle with cognac. Then distribute the rest of the spices and pieces of fish. We wrap the edges of the film and wrap everything in parchment. We keep it in the refrigerator for a day. Now the preparation can be tasted.

    How to quickly salt salmon trimmings?

    Salmon trimmings, regardless of the cooking method, are salted quite quickly - within just 24 hours. But this time can be reduced to 2-3 hours if you use small, thin pieces of trim, and place the workpiece under pressure to ensure even salting. This product may turn out to be a little lightly salted, but quite suitable for consumption.

    Salmon soup

    From one red fish you can prepare several dishes at once, for example, you can make delicious salmon steaks baked in the oven or salt salmon at home. In this case, the remains in the form of a head, tail, etc. you can successfully “recycle” by preparing a rich soup. An appetizing salmon fish soup will fit well into a family dinner, turning an ordinary meal into a cozy get-together. This simple first dish has an amazing aroma and great taste. Let's find out how to cook red fish soup.

    Ingredients for a three-liter saucepan:

    • salmon trimmings - 500-600 g;
    • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • large onion - 1 pc.;
    • fresh tomato - 1 pc.;
    • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
    • peppercorns, salt - to taste;
    • greens - a small bunch.

    Delicious salmon soup recipe

    How to cook red fish soup

    Warming, with a pleasant aroma, salmon ear will help lift your mood in bad weather, saturating the body with useful substances. Enjoy your meal!

    What health benefits can salmon bring to your health?

    Salmon from the Salmon genus is a very tasty fish, which must be present in the diet of both adults and children.

    Salmon is found in the north of the Atlantic and in the west of the Arctic Ocean and comes to spawn in rivers from Spain to the Urals. Salmon can reach a length of one and a half meters and gain weight up to 40 kg.

    In many countries, such as Norway, salmon is grown artificially in fish farms. However, the quality of meat from natural salmon and artificially grown salmon varies significantly. The most common salmon on sale is artificially raised salmon, and it is also cheaper. Its quality depends largely on the integrity of the manufacturer, on the feed and on the amount of antibiotics in the feed that it is fed.

    Antibiotics are always added to fish feed to protect the population from epidemics. When purchasing a lightly salted product, you must carefully read the ingredients and if there are too many preservative ingredients listed, and the fish meat has an unnaturally red bright color, it is better to refrain from purchasing.

    Salmon raised in its natural habitat has less calories than artificial salmon. Since grocery stores sell mainly specially grown fish, when calculating calorie content, you need to focus on a larger figure.

    Salmon itself is a delicious seafood product. Its tender meat has long been considered a delicacy in Russia and food from the royal table. And in places where they are caught, the fish is eaten raw: slices of freshly cut meat are mixed with salt and ice cubes and after half an hour they are eaten with pleasure.

    100g of red meat contains 15g of fat, 20g of protein, 1g of unsaturated fats, 1g of ash, and half a gram of cholesterol. Salmon meat contains a huge amount of vitamins B, A, E, D, H, PP, C, and 22 essential minerals: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, sulfur. Magnesium and B vitamins strengthen the nervous system. Fish liver fats are saturated with vitamins A and D. Vitamin A regulates processes in the eye mucosa and improves visual acuity. Vitamin D lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

    Fish is a source of easily digestible protein. B vitamins help the body quickly and efficiently absorb proteins. By eating a 100-gram piece a day, you can get half your daily protein requirement. And by eating a piece after a grueling sports workout, you can quickly restore energy and strength. Salmon should be present in the diet of patients recovering from serious illnesses and operations.

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    In this article you will get acquainted with electronic light and sound bite alarms.

    Salmon provides twice as many calories as any white fish. Fish contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which, unlike saturated fats, are more healthy. It is Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in abundance in fish, that help prevent cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, and increase blood flow in the capillaries. The joint work of fatty acids and magnesium has an anti-inflammatory effect in asthma.

    In many countries, Omega 3 is recognized as a drug and is used in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. It can be said that OMEGA 3 acids found in fish rejuvenate the body and give vitality. In the hot season, fatty acids will protect the body from the harmful and excessive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    Eating fish meat relieves symptoms of depression, helps improve mood. Minerals contained in fish meat increase the elasticity of blood vessels, activate blood circulation, increase oxygen consumption by brain cells, which activates mental activity.

    Salmon brings a lot of benefits during pregnancy. Fatty fish reduces some symptoms of psoriasis and activates thought processes. With regular consumption of fish, blood circulation improves, the gastrointestinal tract is activated, liver function improves, and immunity increases.

    Fish has absolutely no contraindications, except for the body’s intolerance to seafood. You should not get carried away with fish if you have active tuberculosis, thyroid diseases, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, liver diseases, inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. A huge amount of saturated fatty acids can negatively affect the course of the disease.

    Modern medicine obtains essential medicines from salmon, such as insulin, compolon, pancreatin, etc.

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    In this article you will learn about the beneficial and harmful properties of canned tuna.

    Salmon caviar

    Red fish caviar is extremely useful. Its nutritional value is much higher than fish meat. Red caviar contains 30% protein, 15% fat, and all this along with a small calorie content. There are about 250 kcal per 100g of product. Caviar is extremely healthy and necessary for pregnant and nursing mothers.

    The lecithin it contains helps remove excess cholesterol from the body.. Folic acid is actively involved in the construction of red blood cells, preventing anemia and making the skin healthy and fresh. It prevents the formation of blood clots. In terms of its beneficial properties, red caviar is the same as fish, only better, because the entire content of useful substances in it is greater and more concentrated.

    Lightly salted salmon - health benefits and harms

    Regular consumption of lightly salted salmon improves brain health, mood and reduces the risk of age-related changes in the brain. When introducing salmon into the diet, it is necessary to take into account that fried salmon loses a huge part of its unique beneficial properties, therefore lightly salted salmon is the most useful.

    Salmon bellies - benefits

    Salmon belly is a storehouse of beneficial Omega 6. The balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids ensures the ability of human skin to withstand harmful solar radiation. Therefore, in order to avoid harmful consequences from prolonged exposure to the sun, you need to regularly eat salmon bellies.

    The habit of eating salmon at least twice a week will help improve health, the nervous system, improve appearance, and prolong the youth of the body.

    This article will tell you about yum silicone baits.

    And this article will tell you about the benefits of pollock for human health.

    We often see salmon bellies in the fish departments of the store, but quite often people have absolutely no idea where these bellies can be used. Considering that they cost three times less than salmon itself, many wonderful and inexpensive dishes can be prepared from this product. We bring to your attention cooking recipes.

    "Ukha" from salmon bellies

    Ingredients: water 4 l, salmon bellies 300 g, potatoes 4 pcs., carrots 1 pc., onions 1 pc., cooked rice 100 g, greens 0.5 bunch, salt and pepper to taste, bay leaf to taste.

    Method of preparation: add carrots, cut into rings, into boiling water, after a couple of minutes add onions, cut into half rings (or smaller), followed by potatoes, cut into cubes. Then add rice. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add the salmon bellies. Because They are very fatty, we don’t put butter in the soup. Salt and pepper to taste. Add greens.

    Baked salmon bellies

    Method of preparation: salmon is marinated in some sweet Asian sauce. Not long, 15-30 minutes. Then it is baked on the grill (in this case, the finished fish is again coated with sauce and sprinkled with sesame seeds). It is tasty, somewhat similar to the eel-unagi that is served on sushi.

    Ear under a dough lid

    You can use different unsweetened dough: yeast, puff pastry, or dough prepared as for pancakes, but thicker, like for dumplings. If you don’t have ready-made dough at hand, knead it from milk, salt, flour and egg white (the yolk is needed for lubrication), as well as soda or baking powder, quenched with vinegar. Divide the dough into flat cakes no thicker than 0.5 cm, brush the edges in a circle corresponding to the neck of the pot with yolk, seal the pots, and brush the top of the dough with the remaining yolk, slightly diluted with water. Keep the pots in a hot oven until the lids are browned. The lids act as bread.

    Salmon fish mousse sauce

    Roll with salmon and vegetables

    We clean the vegetables, wash them, cut them into half rings. We cut the carrots on a Korean carrot grater or something similar with a knife. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and blanch vegetables in it for 1-2 minutes. We take out the vegetables with a slotted spoon and add salt. Add chopped ginger (without skin). Mix vegetables with fish. Add lemon juice to taste to the finished dish.

    Marinated salmon bellies

    Salmon bellies with potatoes in sour cream sauce

    Ingredients: 400 g salmon bellies, 3-4 potatoes, 100 g sour cream, salt, pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 g hard cheese, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 0.5 tsp. mustard, 1 onion.

    Method of preparation: we buy bellies, clean them of skin and scales, separate even pieces from the fins, and wash them to remove any remaining scales. In no case do we throw away the fins, but cook fish soup from them. Cut the fillet separated from the fins into small pieces. The potatoes need to be peeled, cut into thin slices. Place a layer of potatoes in a saucepan, heat-resistant dish or deep frying pan. Top with a layer of onions. Add squeezed garlic and add salt. Lay out a layer of bellies. Salt and pepper. Then another layer of potatoes. Prepare the sauce. Mix sour cream, mustard, flour, herbs, a little salt and a little water to get the consistency of cream. Pour the sauce over the dish. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top layer. You can bake in the oven at 200°C for about an hour, or you can put it on the stove and simmer over low heat until the potatoes are ready.

    Salmon bellies in salad

    Salad “Our answer to a fur coat”

    Salmon belly jellied

    Instead of salmon bellies, you can use the bellies of any other favorite fish (salmon, chum salmon) to prepare these dishes.

    When shopping for bellies, choose wider stripes. They are most convenient to clean and cut when frozen.

    A little secret for those who like to cook fish pies. If you want to bake a fish pie (for example, with pink salmon), place this fish with salmon bellies. You will be surprised how much the taste of all pink salmon will soften! The whole pie will taste like it's made entirely of salmon.

    If you need to cook something very quickly, you can put in pieces of belly, salt and pepper them and add a couple of pieces of butter. Then place in a glass or clay dish in a preheated oven and bake until done.

    We often see salmon bellies in the fish section of the store.

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    Salmon bellies - delicious!

    Today I cooked fish - salmon bellies! You know, it turned out very tasty!

    According to nutritionists, it is salmon bellies contain a complete list of useful and essential substances in the weekly human diet.

    The bellies of red fish are the ideal solution to the debate about how to eat healthy and so that it is not burdensome for the family budget.

    For lovers of first courses - Ukha- a dish mentioned in Domostroy). There are many varieties of fish soup, but my favorite is made from salmon bellies.

    Belly bellies - 300-400 g, potatoes - 4 pcs., cooked rice - 100 g (I like without rice), carrots - 1 pc., medium onion, 2 bay leaves, black pepper, herbs, salt, water - 3 l.

    Remove the skin from the bellies - it can be easily removed with a knife. It is most convenient to do this when they are not completely defrosted. Cut into not very large pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut into neat cubes, add carrots, onions, and potatoes to boiling water. I like to add lightly fried onions and carrots! Then add the cooked rice. 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, add the salmon bellies. Add bay leaf and spices to taste. Cook for another five to seven minutes. Add greens. Before serving, let the soup brew for about twenty minutes. And Bon Appetit!

    Today I cooked salmon bellies with potatoes in sour cream sauce

    400 g salmon bellies, 3-4 potatoes, 100 g sour cream, salt, pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 g hard cheese, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 0.5 tsp. mustard, 1 onion.

    Cooking method: We buy bellies, clean them of skin and scales, separate even pieces from the fins, and wash them to remove any remaining scales. In no case do we throw away the fins, but cook fish soup from them. Cut the fillet separated from the fins into small pieces. The potatoes need to be peeled, cut into thin slices. Place a layer of potatoes in a heat-resistant form. Top with a layer of onions. Add squeezed garlic and add salt. Lay out a layer of bellies. Salt and pepper. Then another layer of potatoes. Prepare the sauce. Mix sour cream, mustard, flour, herbs, a little salt and a little water to get the consistency of cream. Pour the sauce over the dish. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on the top layer. You can bake in the oven at 200°C for about an hour, or you can put it on the stove and simmer over low heat until the potatoes are ready. I baked it.

    Potato canapés with salmon bellies

    Ingredients for 5 pcs.: salmon belly – 1 pc., potatoes – 1 pc., tomato – 1 pc., cucumber – 1 pc., skewers for canapés – 5 pcs. Vegetables for canapés can be absolutely anything.

    Method of preparation: wash the potatoes, peel them, boil them, cut them into 5 circles, cut off the outermost edges. Wash the cucumber, peel it, cut off 5 slices. Wash the tomato, cut off 5 circles. Using a thin, sharp knife, remove the skin from the belly and cut into small pieces, about 3 cm. Assemble canapés on a skewer - potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, salmon.

    Incredibly quick salmon belly pie

    Ingredients for the recipe: medium-sized potatoes - 0.5 kg, salmon belly - 1 kg, onions - 2 onions, ready-made yeast dough - 300 g, sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l., table salt - to your taste, ground black pepper - to your taste.

    Method of preparation: Rinse the potatoes thoroughly under cold running water. You can use a brush for this. Then cut the skin off the potatoes, place the tubers on a cutting board and cut into thin rings. Peel the onions, rinse under cold water and cut into rings or half rings.

    Thaw the finished dough at room temperature, unpack and place on a work surface lightly dusted with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. Divide it into 2 approximately equal parts. You can also lightly sprinkle your rolling pin with flour to prevent it from sticking to the dough. Roll out the first part of the dough into a thin layer, up to 1 cm thick.

    Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil, do not forget about the sides of the baking tray. Place the rolled out piece of dough on the prepared baking sheet and distribute it evenly over the entire surface. Place chopped potatoes on top of the dough in an even layer and add salt to your taste. Cut the fish into strips 1 cm wide and place on top of the potatoes. If you want, you can cut the fish into cubes, choose the cutting option that is more convenient for you. The fish should be topped with pepper, and then a layer of onion should be placed. Now cover all the layers with the second part of the dough, also previously rolled out. Break the egg into a small container, beat it lightly to mix the yolk with the white, and use a pastry brush to brush the top of the pie. It is advisable to make a small hole in the center of the pie, as shown in the picture, so that the pie is sure to bake well from the inside. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 220°C, place a baking sheet with the pie inside the preheat oven, and bake it until fully cooked for 40-45 minutes, until a golden brown crust forms.

    Leave the finished pie for 15 minutes to cool, then cut into portions, transfer to a serving platter or portioned plates and serve with your favorite drinks.

    Recipe for home-salted salmon bellies

    Ingredients: fresh frozen salmon bellies – 0.5 kg, coarse salt – 2 tbsp. l.

    Method of preparation: Thaw the bellies at room temperature in a sieve to drain excess water. Don't forget to place a sieve on the container (pan). On a cutting board, sprinkle the thawed bellies with salt on all sides. Place the salted bellies in a tray so that it is tightly filled and cover with a lid. We put the tray in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, you get a slightly salted, pleasant taste.

    Ingredients: salmon bellies - 5-6 pcs., durum pasta - 1/2 pack, cheese - 50 g, garlic - 1-2 cloves, spices - oregano, basil, lettuce - 1 bunch, lemon - 1/4 part .

    Cooking method: When preparing pasta, it is better to start with pasta, since the fish cooks very quickly. Boil durum pasta until done. Masters recommend using larger pasta shapes - bows, foam, horns.

    Separate the salmon bellies from the skin. Then cut into small pieces. Place on a heated frying pan. There is no need to add oil, nor do you need to cover the fish with a lid. As soon as the salmon begins to fry, lightly salt it and turn it over to the other side. If the pieces start to crumble, don’t worry, this will only benefit you. While the fish is in the pan, finely chop the garlic or use a garlic press.

    The readiness of the fish can be determined by its golden crust. Add garlic, spices and squeeze lemon to the salmon. Stir and simmer for a few minutes. Add pasta to the resulting sauce. Stir again and let it cook. Meanwhile, prepare the plates. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry and tear into large pieces. I don't recommend cutting the lettuce as it loses its crunchy goodness. Grate the cheese.

    Place pasta with salmon sauce on lettuce leaves and sprinkle with cheese. Salmon pasta is ready.

    Baked salmon bellies

    Method of preparation: salmon is marinated in some sweet Asian sauce. Not long, 15-30 minutes. Then it is baked on the grill (in this case, the finished fish is again coated with sauce and sprinkled with sesame seeds). It's tasty, somewhat similar to eel-unagi, which is served on sushi

    Ear under a dough lid

    Method of preparation: take salmon bellies. Boil the rest (bones with remaining pulp, and in good fish, the head, where the gills have been removed) with onion and salt. Strain, add potatoes, carrots, onions, dill, peppercorns or crushed peppers (grains if you want) into the broth; simmer over low heat, after 15 minutes add the bellies to the soup.

    40 minutes before lunch or before guests arrive, place the fish soup in ceramic pots, pepper thoroughly, sprinkle with chopped herbs and seal with dough lids.

    You can use different unsweetened dough: yeast, puff pastry, or dough prepared as for pancakes, but thicker, like for dumplings. If you don’t have ready-made dough at hand, knead it from milk, salt, flour and egg white (the yolk is needed for lubrication), as well as soda or baking powder, quenched with vinegar. Divide the dough into flat cakes no thicker than 0.5 cm, brush the edges in a circle corresponding to the neck of the pot with yolk, seal the pots, and brush the top of the dough with the remaining yolk, slightly diluted with water. Keep the pots in a hot oven until the lids are browned. The lids act as bread

    Salmon fish mousse sauce

    Ingredients for the recipe: 50 g butter, 100 g cream 33%, 100 g salmon bellies.

    Method of preparation: Grind butter with finely chopped fish. Warm up and rub through a sieve. Beat together with cream, lemon juice and chopped herbs.

    Roll with salmon and vegetables

    Ingredients: 100 g frozen spinach, 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice, salmon bellies 300-400 g, 200 ml white wine, 1 tsp. peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, 300 g puff pastry, 100 g shrimp (ready for cooking), 2 tsp. canned horseradish, 1 yolk, salt, pepper.

    Method of preparation: defrost and dry spinach. Pour lemon juice over salmon and season. Boil wine with 250 ml of water, bay leaf and peppercorns. Place the fish in the steamer, insert it into the pan and steam for 7 minutes. Remove and cool. Roll out the dough into a rectangle on a baking sheet lined with paper. Place 1 piece of salmon in the center of the top third, spread with horseradish, cover with spinach, shrimp and season. Spread the second slice of salmon with horseradish and place the spread side on top of the spinach. Cover with dough and completely wrap the salmon in it. Place on a baking sheet, seam side down, and brush with yolk. Bake for 45 minutes at 200°C. Serve with vegetables.

    Belly heh with vegetables and lemon juice

    Ingredients: bellies - 0.5 kg, sea salt - 1 tsp. without top, carrots - 2-3 pcs., 2 heads of white or red onion, ginger, black peppercorns, other spices - to taste, half a lemon, vegetable oil.

    Method of preparation: remove the fish from the freezer and remove scales. Mine. Separate the skin, cut into strips or cubes, whichever you like. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Mix the fish with half a portion of salt. Pour lemon juice over the fish and quickly stir. She should turn white. Salt the salmon pieces and mix again. Press down with a slight pressure (you can cover it with a small plate and put a jar of water on top).

    Marinated salmon bellies

    Method of preparation: remove the skin from the bellies, cut off the fins, leaving only fillet strips, wash, and dry with napkins. For 100 g of prepared salmon bellies, take 0.5 tsp. salt and sugar and ground black pepper to taste. Rub the fillet with a mixture of salt, sugar and pepper, add a few drops of rice or balsamic vinegar, transfer the salmon bellies into a sealed container and leave for 4-5 hours. Then pour boiled cold water into the container, close the lid and shake well to wash off any remaining salt from the salmon. Drain the water, place the salted salmon bellies on a napkin, let the water drain and you can eat.

    Salmon bellies in salad

    Method of preparation: pour 1 tsp into a mortar. fennel seeds and black pepper and crush. Sift through a sieve to separate the husks. Lightly fry the bellies on one side over high heat. Sprinkle the dish in which the salad will be served with chopped green onions. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Place lettuce leaves. Mix 1 tbsp. grated horseradish with 0.5 tbsp. sour cream, add a little finely chopped dill to this sauce. Pour this sauce over the bellies, mix everything and place on the leaves. Decorate the salad with croutons.

    Pie with mozzarella and salmon bellies

    Method of preparation: buy or knead yeast dough yourself. We clean the bellies (0.5 kg) from thick skin. We cut them into pieces, salt and season with spices. Two medium onions need to be cut and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or grease with vegetable oil). The dough rolled out 1 cm thick is the basis of our pie. First onion is placed on it, then fish, and then mozzarella cut into strips. The oven must be preheated to 200°C. The dish is baked for a total of about half an hour. As soon as the dough is browned, reduce the temperature to 160°C. Watch the cake through the glass window, because if you open the door, the dough will fall and will not bake.

    Ingredients: 300 g bellies in oil, onion, apple, 200 g smoked cheese, 4 - 5 boiled eggs, 400 g mayonnaise.

    Method of preparation: add layers - first the belly pieces. Immediately put pickled onions on them (1 tsp sugar and 2 tsp vinegar - mash). Mayonnaise. Apple cubes. Mayonnaise. Smoked cheese on a grater. Mayonnaise. Grated eggs. Mayonnaise. And some grated smoked cheese.

    Salad with salmon bellies and fresh cucumber

    Ingredients: 300 g of fresh salmon bellies (peeled from scales and skin), 5 boiled potatoes, 3 hard-boiled eggs, 1 pickled cucumber, 2 fresh cucumbers, green onions, low-fat sour cream, salt, pepper, mustard.

    Method of preparation: boil and peel potatoes and eggs. Chop fresh and pickled cucumbers, onions, egg whites and potatoes. Place everything in a bowl. Boil the belly fillets for 5 minutes, cool, cut into pieces, and leave a few pieces for decoration. Add fish to the chopped vegetables. Salt and pepper. Mix sour cream with mustard and mashed egg yolk and season the salad with the resulting sauce. Garnish with green onions and fish pieces.

    Almost caviar from salmon bellies

    Ingredients: large carrots (boiled) - 1 piece, butter - 200 g, lightly salted bellies 400 g.

    Method of preparation: peel lightly salted bellies and pass through a meat grinder along with carrots and butter. Mix well. Use as sandwich butter.

    Salmon belly risotto in a slow cooker

    Method of preparation: turn on the multicooker in frying mode. Pour some vegetable oil into the bowl. While the oil is heating, finely chop the onion and carrots. Throw the vegetables into the bowl. Quickly peel 4-5 bellies, cut them into pieces, and leave the fins as is. Place the salmon with the vegetables and fry for 3 minutes. Pour in 2 multi-cups of washed long-grain rice. Pour 6 multi-glasses of water, salt, pepper, add seasoning (universal or for pilaf). Turn on the multicooker in cereal or pilaf mode for half an hour. We wait another 10 minutes in the heating mode until the risotto finishes cooking. Open, serve on plates and enjoy.

    Salmon belly jellied

    Ingredients: bellies - 1 kg, mayonnaise - 1/2 cup, broth, gelatin, salt. For decoration: olives, red sweet pepper, parsley and dill.

    Method of preparation: we buy bellies, clean them of skin and scales, separate even pieces from the fins, and wash them to remove any remaining scales. Boil the fillet in salted water. Cool in the broth and place in molds. Soak gelatin in cold boiled water. When the grains become transparent, heat until completely dissolved and combine with warm broth, filter. Divide the broth with gelatin into two parts, mix one with mayonnaise. Add half of the first part of the jelly (without mayonnaise) to the prepared fillet molds and let it harden. Then we put greens on top, pieces of chopped red pepper, and some other decorations to your taste. You can put beautifully carved flowers from boiled eggs or carrots. You can also add canned green peas or canned corn to salmon jelly. Pour in the remaining jelly with mayonnaise and let it harden. Before serving, lower the molds with the salmon belly filling into hot water for 2 seconds and place them on a plate, turning them over. Decorate with the remaining herbs, sweet peppers, etc.

    Salmon bellies according to a special recipe

    Method of preparation: Before salting, the bellies must be dried with a paper towel. Next, take a washed, dry, clean, odorless and chemical-free cotton cloth. Place the salmon bellies on it, fish scales down, red part up. Sprinkle the “meat” of the bellies with a mixture of 1 tbsp. coarse salt with 2 tablespoons, without a slide, sugar. Enough for two medium sized bellies. We fold them with the flesh inward with each other and wrap the bellies of the salmon in a rag. And then we wrap them tightly in a plastic bag, but do not tie them. We put this thing on the middle shelf in the refrigerator (in no case in the freezer). A day later, we take the salmon bellies out of the refrigerator and unwrap them. The cloth will already be wet; there is no need to change it. Sprinkle the pulp of the bellies with lemon juice, about 1 tbsp. juice Then, we fold the bellies as for the first time, again wrap them in a rag and plastic. And put it in the refrigerator for another 48 hours.

    After two days, we take the finished salmon bellies out of the refrigerator, unwrap them, and place them on a cutting board. Using a sharp thin knife, separate the skin along with the scales from the fillet. If there are bones left in the fish, remove them too. Cut the fillet into small pieces. Place on a plate, sprinkle with chopped green onions, preferably onions, dill on top, and pour over sunflower oil, preferably unrefined.

    Quote from Iliana11's message Read in full To your quote book or community! Salmon bellies - delicious! Today I cooked fish - salmon bellies! You know, it turned out very tasty! According to dietologists...