
Stuffed squid with rice and egg we will cook in the oven. But before you send the delicious carcasses into the heated oven, they still need to be prepared. The process is quite simple, and you can easily repeat it at home.

You can learn more about everything by reading below our step-by-step recipe for preparing stuffed squid with photos. From it you will learn not only how to prepare a tasty and suitable filling from rice and eggs, but also how to fill a carcass with it so that it does not burst during cooking.

Squid is a very low-calorie product, so we will complement it with sour cream sauce to make it richer and highlight the taste. The minced meat will also be very tasty. We fry the onion with tomato paste and mix it with boiled rice. The dish will be cooked in the oven, spreading deliciously appetizing aromas throughout the apartment.

Try cooking these squids stuffed with rice and eggs at home and share your impressions with us!


  • (900 g carcasses)

  • (250 g)

  • (6 pcs.)

  • (200 g)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (400 g)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    To prepare the minced meat, we need to boil the rice. We cook it in the usual way: for one glass of rice, six glasses of water. Cook until done, pour into a colander, rinse with water and allow time to drain excess water and cool.

    Pour finely chopped onion into a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry, stirring, until transparent. Then add tomato paste to the pan, mix thoroughly and fry for a few more minutes.

    Hard boil three eggs, peel and finely chop. We add them, along with three raw eggs, to the rice, and add onions fried with tomato paste and suneli hops. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Salt and pepper to taste.

    If you purchased unprocessed squid carcasses, you must first remove the entrails, wash and peel them. You can also lightly beat it with a wooden kitchen hammer. Rub it with salt both outside and inside.

    We stuff the finished carcasses with rice and eggs, but not completely, but as shown in the photo. This way the minced meat from the inside will not spoil the surface of the carcass. The edge of the squid can be pierced with a toothpick or stitched with thick thread.

    Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Before baking, lightly fry the squid. To do this, place the stuffed carcasses on the bottom of a heated frying pan and fry over high heat for several minutes until a golden crust appears.

    Place the fried carcasses in the same frying pan into the oven, after pouring sour cream over them. In the oven, squids are cooked for about 20-30 minutes.

    Serve the dish, decorate with herbs or green onions. During the cooking process, the squid will release juice. You can also pour it over the finished dish. Squid stuffed with rice and egg is ready in the oven.

    Bon appetit!

Squids stuffed with rice and vegetables can serve as a hot appetizer, but they also remain quite tasty when cold. This dish looks simply amazing, so it can be prepared for a festive table or for a romantic dinner.

To prepare squid stuffed with rice and vegetables, prepare the ingredients according to the list. I had fresh squid.

Rinse the rice several times in cold water, add water 1 cm above the rice, add seasoning, and cook over low heat with the lid closed for 17-20 minutes. Let the finished rice stand for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

Clean the squid from the insides, remove the chitinous plate, scrape off the suckers from the tentacles, remove the eyes, if desired, you can remove the film, but it will peel off from fresh squid itself as soon as you put them in the oven. Salt and pepper the carcasses.

Disassemble the broccoli into florets, wash, cover with cold water, add a little salt and boil for literally three minutes.

Lightly fluff the cooked rice with a fork.

Drain the water and place the broccoli in a colander.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add rice and broccoli. Salt the filling, pepper to taste, keep in a hot frying pan for 5 minutes, no longer.

Stuff the squid carcasses with rice and broccoli and attach the tentacles with a skewer. Brush the carcasses with olive oil or sour cream, and lightly add salt and pepper. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 7-10 minutes.

Serving squid stuffed with rice and vegetables can be either hot or cold; it will also be delicious. When serving, cut the carcasses in half and garnish with fresh herbs.

Now it is so important to strengthen the immune system, because there is an exhausting spring ahead, promising us not only slush, but also vitamin deficiency. I always fight with all my might. Therefore, I use all the artillery, consisting of both vegetables and seafood.

By the way, I promised to introduce you to this recipe when I described squid with mushrooms. So, it is very convenient. Not only because it will be nourishing and tasty. The whole secret is that once you stuff the squid with filling, you can freeze it. Then all that remains is to bake or lightly fry in a frying pan. Of course, if the squid was not from the freezer.

Cooking time: 1-1.5 hours

Complexity: you must not be lazy, but you will get a dish that is profitable in all respects!



This is exactly the kind of squid I like to stuff, which is in the photo. I'm already used to them. I know the technology and all the tricks well. That’s why it doesn’t bother me if the squid was in the freezer. He will instantly defrost in the kitchen - on his own, without help.

I have a long-standing love affair with onions. That’s why I put it in almost every second dish. Yes, more! Someday, when asked what your mother’s favorite saying in cooking was, my children will answer: there can never be too many onions! We cut it.

Oh, by the way, you need to boil the squid a little - as always, five minutes is enough. We are waiting for it to cool down, but for now we will continue with the vegetables.

I diced carrots, bell peppers and tomatoes.

Are the squids cool enough to hold in your hand? Let's remove the films - they will bake better this way.

I had green beans and corn in the freezer - an unusual taste, vitamins, and bright spots of accent will be provided.

This time I will stuff it with both vegetables and rice. Still, I try to fast at least like this. Because I don’t like to overcook vegetables, I first lightly simmered the rice in oil.

In the second frying pan I slightly simmered all the vegetables. That is, I fried it over high heat for a minute, and then simmered it under the lid.

OK it's all over Now. Let's strain out the moisture (if there is any left) and stuff the squid carcasses with the delicious mixture, not forgetting to pepper if you like it spicy. I fried the squid until golden brown in a frying pan. Voila, you can serve it on the table.

Don't want to fry? In an oven heated to 180 degrees, five minutes is enough, because the squid is already ready! I love these squids. Especially now, when there is such a shortage of everything useful...

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I found squids without entrails in one store, you just need to remove the skin, but it’s not a problem and if I’m lucky, they’re also big, 3-4 pieces per half kilo.

* traditionally, the tentacles are used in the filling by cutting them very finely. I prefer to leave them whole and serve them alongside the squid.
** You need round grain rice that cooks well and sticks together. Varieties are well suited for risotto.
*** Tomatoes can be replaced: canned, natural without additives, tomato paste, sautéed.
**** white wine - dry, table. good quality. you can do without it. but it tastes better with wine
If desired, you can add vegetables to the filling: potatoes cut into small cubes, zucchini, eggplant. carrot.

Clean the squid from the entrails, if any, and remove the skin. Rinse under running water. It is advisable to turn it inside out and remove all excess from the inside. Feel the residues of different plates with your fingers and rinse well again. Leave in a colander.

Wash and soak the rice.
Peel the onion. Finely chop 1-2 onions and sauté in olive oil until soft and slightly golden. if vegetables are added, add them after the onions. Once the vegetables are stewed and acquire a slightly golden color, add 1 finely chopped tomato, and then rice.

Add a glass of water and add salt and simmer the filling for 5-8 minutes until the rice is half cooked over low heat. Pepper and add herbs.
Don't neglect mint, it gives that unique taste so inherent to rice dishes in Greek cuisine...

Using a teaspoon, stuff the squid to a maximum of 1/3 and not too tightly. When cooked, the squid shrinks greatly, and the rice swells. If they are filled completely, they will burst.

“Sew up” the edge with a toothpick.

Pour a little oil into a wide saucepan or saucepan and sauté the onion cut into half rings in it, add the tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes. Add squid, tentacles, if not included in the filling, and white wine. Add salt and mix everything carefully. You can add a sprig of thyme or oregano for flavor. After boiling, simmer over low heat for about 60-80 minutes until the squid softens.
Don't forget to remove the toothpicks before serving.
Stuffed squid is a dish on its own; it only needs to be accompanied by a fresh vegetable salad.

Squid stuffed with rice and egg - a hearty and tasty dish. Squids are prepared simply and quickly, so you will have another simple recipe for an excellent dinner in your “piggy bank”. To prepare this dish, it is best to use unpeeled squid; they taste more tender, and cleaning them takes 5 minutes.

I suggest making the filling for squid from boiled rice, eggs and herbs. And they will be stewed in sour cream sauce.

Let's prepare the ingredients according to the list (see photo).

To clean the squid, you need to immerse them in boiling water for a couple of seconds; the film on the squid will bubble up and come off easily. Wash the insides and remove the chord.

Prepare the filling: boil the rice in salted water, rinse and cool.

Boil 3 eggs, peel and cut into cubes. Wash the greens under running water and chop.

Mix eggs, herbs and rice in one bowl. Add salt if desired.

Beat in the raw egg and mix. The squid filling is ready.

Stuff the squid carcasses, placing the minced rice tightly with a spoon.

Place the stuffed squid in a deep stewing dish (I use a frying pan). Drizzle with sour cream, add 1/2 cup of water.

As soon as the sauce in the squid boils, carefully turn the stuffed carcasses over to the other side and simmer for 2 minutes. If you have a dish in which the squid is completely covered with sauce, there is no need to turn it over.

A fork should fit easily into the squid meat.

Tender squid stuffed with rice and egg is ready.

Bon appetit!