Learn to cook something new, unusual, tasty on the grill. Of course, we are talking about unique squid. This product requires very careful attention: it must be properly marinated and cooked. However, those who know all these culinary subtleties will be able to surprise all their loved ones with incredibly tasty dishes.

Grilled squid – a finger-licking delicacy from the fire

You can cook anything on the grill: seafood, meat, vegetables. Everyone has their own signature dish. For example, today we will tell you some wonderful seafood recipes. And we will talk about how to cook grilled squid.

Squid is a very delicate seafood, so the cooking process must be delicate. This means that you need to cook them over high heat, but not for long. If you keep this seafood on fire, it will simply become rubbery, lose its delicate taste, and in principle it will become impossible to eat it. Grilled squid takes about 4-6 minutes, with each side needing to be fried for about 2-3 minutes.

Seafood is very tasty as a separate dish. That’s why you don’t have to be clever or come up with something as a side dish for it. If you are still thinking about some kind of accompaniment, then it is best to simply add salad, grilled vegetables and, say, a little orange to the squid. Season everything with olive oil, season to taste - you get a delicious salad.

How to cut squid

Before grilling squid, you need to prepare the product. You need to remove the skin from it, remove the chitinous plates and other entrails from the carcass, and rinse thoroughly under running water. Lay out the carcass, make several cuts lengthwise and crosswise - this will help the seafood better absorb the marinade. If you want to fry the whole carcass, then everything is ready for this.

Now let's get straight to the recipes. In our opinion, these are the best recipes.

Recipe with peppercorn

Squid kebab with the addition of chili pepper and cilantro turns out to be very piquant and spicy. To prepare it you will need:

  • squid – 1 kg;
  • dry white wine – 200 ml;
  • chili pepper – 2-3 pcs.;
  • green cilantro – 2 bunches;
  • sugar – 1.5 tsp;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 2.5 tbsp;
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp;
  • spices - to taste.

Let's look at how to prepare the dish:

  • Prepare seafood as described above.
  • Mix wine with soy sauce, vinegar, oil. Add all the necessary spices here. This entire mixture must be heated over low heat.
  • Pour marinade over the carcasses, add chopped pepper and cilantro. Leave to stand for 3 hours in a cool place.
  • It is best to grease the grill grate with oil - this will prevent the dish from burning. Cook as described above for about 4-6 minutes, remembering to turn over.

Lime freshness

To prepare squid kebab on skewers, you will need the following list of products:

  • squid fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • soy sauce – 100-150 ml;
  • lime juice – 1.5 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 50 ml;
  • brown sugar (can be replaced with white) – 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • ginger root - to taste.

How to cook:

  • Cut the processed carcass (as described above) into rings.
  • For the marinade, mix all liquid ingredients: soy sauce, olive oil, lime juice.
  • Place the chopped rings in a bowl, season with marinade, add garlic, which was previously passed through a press, and grated ginger (about 1⁄4 tsp). Let marinate for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Soak the skewers in water (so as not to burn). String rings on them, like an accordion.
  • Pour the remaining marinade into a saucepan and boil. Then boil for about 5 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally. Cool and use as a sauce.
  • Place the kebabs on a grate that has been pre-oiled. Fry the seafood over high heat for up to 6 minutes, remembering to turn it over.
  • The delicacy can be served with lettuce leaves and generously poured over the sauce.

Almost classic

And finally, we have saved an almost classic recipe that is used all over the world. This kebab will have the most natural taste, since the marinade contains practically no piquant spices.

So, prepare the following products:

  • squid – 1 pc. for 1 person;
  • lemon vinegar – 3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.
  • ground white pepper - to taste;
  • ground oregano - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

The recipe is very simple and now you will see it:

  • Cleaned seafood must be cut into 4 longitudinal strips.
  • Season the seafood with salt and pepper. Soak the skewers in water, then string stripes onto them, as in the previous method - with an accordion.
  • For the marinade, you will need to mix oil (unscented is best), lemon vinegar, and add all the dry spices.
  • Pour the resulting mixture over the kebabs. Let stand in the cold for 2-3 hours. You can periodically turn the kebabs so that they marinate well.
  • We place the workpiece on the grill grate, greased with oil. Fry, as in other versions, over high heat for about 6 minutes.

Grilled squid, the recipes for which you will find above, are very easy to prepare. But at the same time they are simply incredible in taste. Treat yourself to a real delicacy.

They are especially popular in the summer, when the air temperature approaches 30 degrees. One of the most popular products used in the preparation of such dishes is squid.

As a rule, they are boiled or fried in a pan, but these are far from the only ways to prepare them. Although they are very attractive when fried, this method of processing tends to mask rather than enhance their rich flavor. This meat goes best with the smoky flavor that comes from the grill.

How to cut squid?

Of course, the best seafood is freshly caught or chilled. However, such squid can only be purchased in regions close to the sea. Much more accessible is the frozen product, which comes in a variety of forms. The quality of squid does not suffer from this in any way - this seafood freezes and thaws very quickly.

If you bought cleaned seafood, you will only need to cut it into rings or ribbons if you do not want to cook the whole carcass, and leave the tentacles as is. If you find squid in its natural form on sale, cleaning it will not be difficult. This can be done in a few minutes over the sink and doesn't even require the use of gloves.

You need to stick your hand into the gap starting from the tentacles - it should go through easily. Run your fingers inside the carcass and pull out the small transparent insides. If you wish, you can also scrape the skin off the carcass with your fingernails, but this is not necessary - it is edible.

Carefully place the rest of the squid on a cutting board and, using a sharp knife, cut off the portion between the eyes and tentacles. Check all edible parts for cartilage and separate them. Then rinse the carcass and tentacles under cold running water. Now the grilled squid can begin to cook.

If you like all parts of the seafood, you can use the whole thing, tentacles included. If you are picky about the appearance of your food, you can use fillets. tasty and simple? You just need to grill them with a little spice. This seafood is good when prepared this way with the addition of a little lemon juice and olive oil.

What should you keep in mind?

Despite its simplicity, it spoils very easily on the grill. The problem is that this seafood is a very "wet" creature with an incredibly high water content. It is very simple to check that all excess moisture has been removed. The squid will not be brown on top if there is a lot of water present on its surface.

Although these seafood are sold cleaned, they may still contain sand and other contaminants, so you should wash them before cooking. After this, they must be thoroughly dried before placing on the grill, otherwise they will not be fried, but cooked in their own juices.

First, you should thoroughly pat the carcass or pieces of seafood to remove as much surface moisture as possible before rubbing it with oil to prevent it from sticking to the grill. Secondly, you need to cook the squid over very hot coals.

Grill temperature

Your grill temperature should be around 150 degrees or even higher. Thanks to this, excess moisture evaporates in a matter of minutes, and the product is cooked very quickly. Therefore, before placing the food to be cooked, make sure that the grill is sufficiently heated.

If you are grilling the squid with its tentacles, cut them into pieces of the same size and thickness.

Toss the seafood with a little oil so it doesn't start to stick to the grill. The ideal amount is about 1 tablespoon of oil per 0.5 kg of chopped squid.

Try making a marinade for grilled squid with some additional ingredients other than salt and pepper. Chili powder also works well.

Don't worry about thin tentacles falling onto the coals or burner—most grates are narrow enough to prevent this, and small pieces of seafood will stay in place. In addition, grilled squid can be prepared on thin skewers or wooden skewers pre-soaked in water.

Remember that your possibilities are limitless. You can cook whole carcasses, rings or pieces.

Cooking time

Cooking squid is somewhat difficult due to the timing of frying.

There are only two ways to get a good dish: fry them for just a couple of minutes to keep the meat tender, or cook them slowly for at least 30 minutes, which will return the tenderness to the meat. Anything done in the intermediate stages will have the same result - very tough meat. The second option cannot be implemented on the grill, so the cooking time should be minimal.

This means that when talking about how to cook squid deliciously and simply, you must remember that you should not overcook it. The frying time should not exceed three minutes on all sides, otherwise the meat will become rubbery.

Grilled squid: recipe

You should know that any salad that offers additions will turn out great if you replace them with squid. The simplest and easiest recipe is as follows. Toss cooked seafood with arugula and olive oil. This way you will get natural and tasty grilled squid.

A more complex recipe will include more ingredients. For example, you can drizzle fish sauce and lime juice over sautéed seafood, sprinkle with sugar and add thinly sliced ​​red onion, tomatoes, mint, cilantro and watercress. This dish is surprisingly tasty and refreshing, especially in hot weather.

Seafood kebabs are always popular, especially in the hot summer. Still, not every time you want to “stuff” another skewer of baked, fatty pork meat into yourself, and even in thirty-degree heat.

All kinds of seafood would be just right in such a situation. Take, for example, ordinary squid. With proper marinating and a number of culinary nuances, they can be prepared in a very interesting and tasty way. The most convenient way to cook squid is on the grill.

Preliminary preparation

Thawed, unpeeled squids are cleaned simply and quickly. Scraping them with a knife or cleaning them with your hands under running water is time-consuming, tedious, wasteful and ineffective.

The correct way is to place the squid carcass in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. The skin of the clam will immediately begin to curl under the influence of hot water. Then you need to transfer the carcass to a bowl with cold water. The remaining skin will come off easily, and the squid will be ready for further processing.

In addition to the skin, chitinous plates and entrails are also removed from the carcass. Next, the prepared squids are cut into the desired way or cooked whole


Squid, like many other seafood, has an extremely delicate texture. Cooking these shellfish over an open fire has a number of features:

  • To bake squid you need high heat;
  • Cooking time: no more than 2-3 minutes on each side.

Compliance with these points is very important. If overheated, seafood will lose its characteristic, delicate taste and become rubbery in consistency. Kebabs made from them will simply be tasteless and inedible.

Squid skewers marinated in lime juice and soy sauce

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg squid fillet;
  • 200 ml soy sauce;
  • 60 ml lime juice;
  • 100 ml olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon cane sugar;
  • 3-4 garlic cloves;
  • ginger root (optional)

Cooking technique:

  1. Cut pre-cleaned shellfish carcasses into rings 2-3 cm wide.
  2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix olive oil with soy sauce and lime juice in a glass bowl. Grind the garlic through a press. Grate 1-2 cm of ginger root.
  3. Place the rings in a bowl with the marinade. Add chopped garlic and ginger. Mix carefully. Leave for about half an hour.
  4. Prepare wooden skewers. Moisten them with water to prevent burning. Thread clam rings onto accordion-shaped skewers.
  5. Pour the remaining marinade into a saucepan, heat to a boil and cook, stirring, for several minutes. Then cool and then use as a sauce.
  6. Place the completed kebabs on the grill grate. Don't forget to lubricate it with vegetable oil. Cook over good heat for three minutes on each side.

You can serve baked squid either separately or with grilled vegetables, fresh herbs, and fruits. Serve with original sauce

Classic recipe

This option for cooking grilled squid is popular in a variety of countries. This is a simple recipe that can be applied to other seafood as well. The shellfish will ultimately retain their natural taste, since the marinating mixture used here is as gentle as possible.

Required ingredients:

  • Fresh or defrosted squid – one carcass per serving;
  • 60 ml vegetable oil (preferably odorless);
  • 60 ml lemon vinegar;
  • dry oregano spices;
  • ground white pepper;
  • salt.

Cooking technique:

  1. Clean the shellfish using the method described above, remove the chitinous plates and entrails. Cut in half lengthwise and then again to make four strips. Rub them with a mixture of salt and ground white pepper.
  2. Moisten wooden skewers with water in advance. Place the squid strips in an accordion pattern.
  3. For the marinade, mix vegetable oil and lemon vinegar. Season with dry basil or oregano. Pour the marinade over the kebabs and set aside in a cool place. The holding time is two hours. To ensure even marinating, the skewers should be turned several times.
  4. Grill using good heat from coals. Fry for three minutes on each side. As you go, pour the remaining marinating mixture over the kebabs.

Serve with fresh herbs, vegetables and your favorite sauces

Grilled squid with a side dish of vegetables

For this recipe you will need the iconic sauce of Japanese gastronomy - teriyaki.

Required ingredients:

  • 250 g of fresh squid per serving;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil;
  • 80 ml teriyaki sauce;
  • 50 g each of green beans, zucchini and carrots;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • any fresh herbs.

Cooking technique:

  1. Clean the shellfish using the previously indicated method. Cut into approximately equal portions, add salt and season with ground black pepper. Marinate for literally a few minutes in a small amount (5-10 ml) of olive oil with the addition of a pinch of thyme, dry garlic and parsley.
  2. Cut carrots and zucchini into “pucks” and boil along with green beans. Then quickly fry by adding teriyaki sauce.
  3. Grill lightly marinated squid until cooked (about 6 minutes).

When serving, place the squid on the dish first, then all the vegetables on top of them. Finally garnish with fresh herbs.

Thai recipe

Required ingredients:

  • a dozen small squids for 4 servings;
  • 80 ml fish sauce;
  • 80 ml lime juice;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons chopped cilantro;
  • ground black pepper.

Squids prepared this way can be used as a separate dish.

Cooking technique:

  1. Prepare the shellfish. Cut off the head along with the tentacles from the mantle. Remove the chitinous plate and other entrails. Peel the skin as described earlier.
  2. Grind the garlic using a press, finely chop the fresh cilantro. Squeeze the juice from the lime. Mix everything in a glass bowl along with the fish sauce. Season with ground black pepper. Place squid carcasses in a bowl with marinade. Mix gently, cover with cling film, and put in the refrigerator. Exposure time – 20 minutes.
  3. Before grilling, remove the squid from the marinade and pat dry. Cook over high, direct heat with the grill lid on. Frying time – 2-3 minutes. When the carcasses become matte on one side, turn them over. Serve the finished grilled squid immediately to the table.

Another option is to cut them into rings, add grilled vegetables, salad, and some fresh fruit. Season with olive oil and spices. Makes a good summer salad.

Grilled squid.

Not so long ago, when we saw whole carcasses of fresh squid on the shelves of the fish departments of large supermarkets, we asked ourselves: “Can this really be eaten?”, but those days are gone. Now, after years of traveling around the world and trying many dishes with a variety of ingredients that suddenly became available to us at home, we ask ourselves another question, namely: “How would we cook this?”

This is the situation with raw squid, which recently appeared on the domestic market. Despite the fact that they are most often offered to customers frozen, some fish departments can already boast of squid that have not been subjected to any kind of freezing.

How to choose squid?

When purchasing squid carcasses, remember that the smaller they are, the brighter the taste of the squid will be, and in addition, it will be much easier to cook and subsequently chew.

How to clean squid?

Having placed the squid in a deep bowl, gradually separate from the carcass, which is the edible part, all its other components - fins, tentacles and entrails, just as if you were cleaning a fish. Be careful when removing the ink sac, and finally carefully remove the dark film covering it from the squid.

Cleaning the squid may seem like a lot of work, but it's worth it, and if you accompany the process with a glass of ice-cold white wine before enjoying the dish itself, you won't even notice how the squid is cleaned. All that remains is to rinse them with cold water and place them on a plate or cutting board.

You can also watch a detailed tutorial on how to clean squid with step-by-step photos.

How to cook delicious grilled squid?


  • squid carcasses
  • dry white wine
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • parsley
  • lemon
  • olive oil

Grilled squid recipe

  1. In a wooden mortar, grind the chopped garlic and parsley with salt, olive oil and white wine. The amount of the resulting mixture should be enough to coat your squid carcasses in it.
  2. Coat the squids with the prepared mixture, place them on a plate and leave them for 1 hour.
  3. After an hour, put a grill pan equipped with a special ribbed surface on the fire, lightly pour olive oil on it, and when the pan is hot, place the squid on it.
  4. As the squids fry, sprinkle them with lemon juice to your taste. Remember that smaller squids fry much faster, so once they are browned on all sides, they can be removed from the pan. Larger squids should be kept in the pan longer, lowering or adding heat and sprinkling them with wine or lemon to keep them juicy. You can judge the readiness of large squids only by trying them.

How to serve squid?

Grilled squid can be served with a fresh green salad, boiled potatoes or as a separate dish. Be sure to place a slice of lemon on your plate to drizzle over the squid before eating. Some of us will enjoy the slight citrus flavor that enhances the squid's own flavor, while others will prefer to dip the squid in lemon juice, squeezing the lemon directly onto the plate.

For grilling, it needs to be prepared. Fortunately, this preparation takes just a few minutes. WITH squid You should remove the skin, then remove the chitinous plates and other few insides from the carcass, rinse thoroughly and spread out. After which, on the inside you need to make several shallow oblique cuts, you can even make them in the form of a mesh - this technique will allow squid It’s better to hold onto the sauce and spices. That's it, you can fry it.

Squid- They are delicate creatures, so they should be prepared very delicately. The heat should be high and the cooking time should be very short. Overexposed to fire squid 100% turns into a rubber eraser. Exactly how long should it be grilled? Well, about two minutes on each side.

Grilled squid good on its own, so it does not require special accompaniment. Drizzle it with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. You can add a little lemon juice and zest, or sprinkle with soy sauce, or sprinkle with green onions and chili peppers, or sprinkle with lime juice - any of these options will be quite enough. But you can go a little further: for example, add to squid Grilled vegetables and, say, an orange make a wonderful, refreshing salad.

But that's not all. Possessing a bag-shaped body, squid by nature itself it is intended to be stuffed with something. In this case the carcass squid you need to peel it without cutting it, then fill it loosely with minced meat, and plug the hole with a toothpick. Moreover, the filling should either be fully prepared or not require long-term heat treatment at all. Perhaps, apart from this rule, the choice of minced meat is not limited by anything: from simple grilled vegetables, or rice with egg and herbs to natural crab meat.

Here's a good example. Grind the cod fillet, shrimp, ginger and green onions into homogeneous minced meat (the proportions are completely arbitrary; it is clear that there should be more fish and shrimp than ginger and onions). Season with salt and pepper. Using a pastry bag or spoon, stuff small carcasses with minced meat. squid, and then quickly grill them.

And, of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to the grill grate. Buy yourself a wok, this is a special frying pan with a convex hemispherical bottom. If you buy one for yourself, you will have access to all the delights of “stir-fry” - this combination of the English words “stir” and “fry” means a cooking method in which food is fried almost instantly at maximum heat with constant stirring. And for squid, and for other sea creatures, “stir-fry” is perfect. In particular, this is how you can prepare squid, which will end up looking like pine cones. In China they are called "squid flowers".

For such flower cones you need to choose squid bigger. It should again be cleaned and flattened, deep oblique cuts in the form of a mesh should be made on the inside, and then cut squid into plates measuring 3x5 cm. Place these pieces in boiling water for half a minute, remove and immediately cool in cold water. As a result of such abuse, the squid plates will curl into tubes with the cuts facing outward and become similar to those same cones. Now squid ready to fry in a wok. And it would be nice with vegetables.

Grilled salad with squid

What do you need:

  • 300 g small squid
  • 75g mixed salad leaves (such as corn, arugula and chard)
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 orange
  • 3 radishes
  • olive oil, salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste

Peel the squid, flatten it and cut crosswise on the inside, without cutting all the way through. Quickly grill on both sides. Cut diagonally into small pieces. Also grill onion slices and halved tomatoes.

Peel the orange, cut out segments, and squeeze the juice from the remainder into a separate bowl. Cut the radish into thin slices.

Place the lettuce mixture in a deep bowl. Add radishes, orange slices, fried onions and tomatoes, and squid. Season with salt, pepper, olive oil and orange juice. Mix carefully and place on plates.