One of the most expensive breeds of red fish is sockeye salmon. How to prepare it without spoiling the precious product? This question worries those housewives who do not often feast on such delicacies. We immediately hasten to reassure them: sockeye salmon is not a “capricious” fish. And you can cook it in any way that mankind has invented for fish. And you shouldn’t worry about how to cook sockeye salmon deliciously either: any culinary decision will definitely be successful. This fish is never tasteless.

Fish under lemon

Most recipes tell you how to cook sockeye salmon in the oven. This is not surprising: baking is one of the most successful ways to process fish. And lemon is a completely traditional ingredient in fish dishes. As for sockeye salmon, the recipe will look like this. The carcass is cut into fillets or steaks. The oven sheet is lightly greased and pieces of sockeye salmon are laid out on it. Mix a melted piece of butter with lemon juice in a cup. This mixture is poured over the fish, sprinkled with salt, pepper and dill (fresh in the summer, dry in the winter). If you don't mind garlic, you can add it too (preferably dried). Thin lemon slices are laid out on top of the carcass, and the baking sheet is put into the oven for 25 minutes.

Tomato sauce for baking

The most interesting thing about this recipe is the method of preparing the gravy in which the sockeye salmon will be stewed. How to prepare such a sauce? To do this, two large red onions and a couple of cloves of garlic are chopped, placed in a container, sprinkled with olive oil and placed in a heated oven for ten minutes. During this time you will need to stir a couple of times. At the same time, the tomatoes (0.5 kg) are peeled, chopped and poured into a mold along with their juice, a teaspoon of fresh lemon zest and half a spoon of fennel. The resulting sauce is enough for a kilogram of fish. It is cut, rubbed with pepper and salt and dipped in the gravy. After 10 minutes, if the carcass was not too plump, you can take the fish to the table.

Bake with cheese

Another recipe that produces tender and juicy sockeye salmon. How to cook meat with cheese crust? After washing, the carcass is dried, traditionally rubbed with pepper and salt and laid out in a mold. It is baked for about 20 minutes straight in this form until slightly browned, and then covered with cheese shavings and returned to the oven for another 10 minutes. The method is simple, almost primitive, and the result is impressive.

Sockeye salmon in foil

Foil is a unique invention of mankind. Thanks to her, cooking has been enriched with a lot of absolutely wonderful recipes. Among them, there is also a way to cook sockeye salmon in foil. A not too large carcass, cleaned, gutted and washed, is cut into two halves along the ridge, salted, seasoned with at least pepper, but other spices can be added, and sprinkled with lemon. Each part is placed on different pieces of foil and coated with light mayonnaise. You can stop there, but it will be tastier if you put onion rings on the half carcasses. The foil is rolled up tightly, and the sockeye salmon goes into the oven for half an hour. Delicate and fragrant results are guaranteed!

Spicy sockeye salmon in a sleeve with vegetables

A culinary sleeve is no less useful in baking. Sockeye salmon will also be good in it. How to cook it using a sleeve? There are many recipes. One of the most successful is the one in which it is prepared together with a side dish, that is, baked with vegetables. The dressed carcass is cut into portions and salted. Potatoes are cut into large cubes, carrots into circles, onions into half rings. The ratio of vegetables is according to your taste and according to the size of the fish. All cuts are sprinkled with herbs. Provencal ones are quite suitable, but you can make your own mixture. Vegetables and fish are mixed into the sleeve, it is tied, pierced to allow steam to escape and put into a hot oven for half an hour.

Salted sockeye salmon

Don’t forget how delicious salted red fish is, including sockeye salmon. How to cook it yourself? It's easy and pretty fast. First, decide whether you will salt it whole or in steaks. The second option is much faster. A brine is made from 350 g of salt (per 1 liter of water) and two full tablespoons of sugar. It would be nice to add bay leaves and different types of pepper to it. In order for the aroma to transfer into the water, the brine is boiled. But you need to pour it into the fish when it cools down. The sockeye salmon is placed in a container, covered with brine, pressed down with a weight and put away in the cold. The time it spends there depends on how salty your fish is. For lightly salted, a day is enough, for strong salting - two.

The best side dish for fried sockeye salmon

Let's first look at how sockeye salmon is fried. We’ll describe how to prepare the side dish a little later. There are no special subtleties here. You can simply fry the steaks in vegetable oil, after salting and peppering them. You can make a batter. In this case, only the whites are beaten with flour - it turns out tastier. In principle, sockeye salmon is fried in the same way as other fish. And it’s the side dish that adds an extra touch to this dish. For it, take ordinary white cabbage, finely chop it and scald it with boiling water. Two small pickled cucumbers are cut into slices, and a small onion into rings. The kernels of six walnuts are chopped and fried a little in a dry frying pan. All components are combined, supplemented with a jar of canned corn, seasoned with salt and pepper, and seasoned with low-fat mayonnaise. I can't think of a better side dish for fried sockeye salmon!

    Fish sockeye salmon Can cook deliciously.

    Sockeye salmon baked in the oven is delicious.

    E red meat is very healthy. It contains a lot of vitamins (A, D, E, PP, B12) and microelements (iron, fluorine, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium).

    The fish must be cleaned, removing the entrails, cut off the fins and head, and then cut into steaks.

    Cut the carrots into slices.

    Place onions and carrots, as well as Provençal herbs and salt, in a deep bowl. Add this to the fish pieces and mix everything thoroughly.

    Place the fish in a baking bag, and then in an oven preheated to 200C and bake for about 35 minutes.

    Sockeye salmon baked in the oven can be served with mashed potatoes.

    Sockeye salmon makes a very tasty kebab. The fish must first be marinated a little (about an hour). We prepare the marinade as standard: olive oil, salt, pepper, juice from half and half, a little garlic.

    In order for it to acquire a slightly exotic shade, we will fry it with kiwi - put a piece of fish, a quarter of kiwi, etc. on a skewer, alternating.

    Sockeye salmon prepared in this way is juicy, not greasy and unforgettably tasty.

    Instead of kiwi, you can try frying it with a piece of tomato; in this case, you can add half a glass of tomato juice to the marinade. The taste will be different, but also very interesting.

    I will share with you a simple but delicious fire-baked sockeye salmon recipe. Sockeye salmon turns out simply delicious. For cooking you need: 1 kilo of fish, 1 medium fish, 1 onion, spices.

    Cut sockeye salmon into steaks 1.5 cm thick. Cut the fish into steaks. Their thickness should be no more than 1.5 centimeters. Add onion, cut into rings and any spices - pepper, salt to taste. Of course, you can add those you like. Knead with your hands. When the onion gives a little juice, add a third of the lemon and stir. Leave for 20 minutes.

    We are preparing the grill. Then place on the grill and bake for 9-10 minutes on each side. When preparing to add lemon juice. Sockeye salmon should have a golden color. If this happens, the sockeye salmon is ready. All that remains is to place on a dish and sprinkle with herbs.

    Method of preparation: wash the sockeye salmon fillet thoroughly and cut into small pieces, then put them in molds, pre-greased with oil, then finely chop the fresh dill, and cut the lemon into thin circles and place on the surface layer of the fish. After that, pepper and salt to your taste, grease with sour cream and put grated on top. Then we put our form in a preheated oven to one hundred and eighty degrees and cook for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. A very tasty, and most importantly, healthy dish is ready.

    Sockeye salmon is a red fish, quite fatty, it can be cooked in the oven, in a frying pan, a little vegetable oil on the bottom, salt, pepper, seasonings for red fish - the less the better, a bay leaf is enough. You can wrap the portions in foil, then the taste will be closer to boiled, or you can put a little oil in a saucepan, put the fish in pieces, add coarsely chopped onions, salt, pepper, a little mayonnaise, a little water and put it on low heat, everything cooks very quickly.

    Here's my delicious recipe sockeye salmon.

    sockeye salmon clean, cut into steaks and place in a bowl, add vegetable oil, salt, pepper, add seasoning for fish, and mix everything well and let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

    Grate the carrots on a large grater, cut the onions and tomatoes into cubes, then place on a baking sheet.

    Then make the gravy - water, mayonnaise, sour cream, salt, pepper, divide the gravy into 2 parts, pour one part of the gravy over the vegetables, place the fish on top and pour the other part of the gravy over the sockeye salmon.

    Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

    When the dish is ready, garnish it with any fresh herbs.

    Bon appetit!

Like any other large game fish, sockeye salmon recipes are considered, if not elite, then close to it. The fact is that in terms of taste, its meat is more valuable than pink salmon or chum salmon. But it is much more difficult to buy it, which is due to the fact that there is much less of this fish in nature.

Bright red sockeye salmon meat is rich in vitamins B, K, D, PP, C, E, A, as well as iron, chromium, zinc, fluorine, nickel, molybdenum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, and sodium. Calorie content is 157 Kcal, BJU: 20.3, 8.4 and 0, respectively. Sockeye salmon has a high fat content, which makes it a convenient ingredient for preparing delicious balyks.

Most often, sockeye salmon is found in recipes with these five products:

Sockeye salmon is prepared in a variety of ways: fried, stewed, baked, boiled, steamed. And for this you can take a frying pan, a saucepan, a stewpan, a slow cooker, a baking dish, a clay pot. There are few bones in it, mostly large ones, which makes it convenient for a children's menu. There are also sockeye salmon steaks on sale, which you can simply take and cook right away without cleaning.

To try it, bake this fish well in foil with the addition of a slice of lemon or orange and hot pepper. To create a golden brown crust on the surface, unroll the foil five minutes before turning off the oven. The fish meat turns out juicy, tender, and aromatic. It can be served with or without a vegetable side dish as is. It goes well with white wine.

You can fry sockeye salmon in batter, gravy, flour, or breadcrumbs. It is also convenient for home salting or marinating - the fillet is cut into thin long pieces and salted according to the chosen recipe. Sockeye salmon is very actively used in the preparation of expensive appetizers, salads, and canapés. And for this you can use homemade salted fish.

They call it red fish, but sockeye salmon can rightfully be called that: when this fish goes to spawn, it becomes bright red on the outside, and its head becomes green, although the rest of the time it has the usual silvery color for salmon.

Sockeye salmon: composition, calorie content

The meat of sockeye salmon is also bright, rich red: it feeds on special, small, but rather fatty crustaceans from the subclass of copepods - calanids. These crustaceans are also bright red, and their pigments color the tissues of sockeye salmon - this makes it noticeably different from other salmon, whose flesh is usually pink.

Thanks to such gourmet nutrition, sockeye salmon has a different taste, more intense and rich, which seems not quite familiar to some people, so not only delicacies are prepared from its meat, but also all kinds of exotic dishes.

Sockeye salmon is found in the Pacific Ocean, so they catch it in the eastern seas of Russia - for example, in the Okhotsk Sea, although the Americans are luckier: off their shores, sockeye salmon swim in abundance. Unlike chum salmon and chinook salmon - champions in size among salmon, sockeye salmon is a medium-sized fish: about 80 cm long, and weighs from 1.5 to 7.7 kg at most.

Sockeye salmon is very rich in protein and healthy fats, which contain a lot of fatty acids, as well as vitamins, , , , , group B; minerals are potassium and phosphorus in large quantities, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel. Despite the high protein and fat content, Sockeye salmon is not rich in calories - only 157 kcal per 100 g, therefore, like other salmon, it can be used in diets for weight loss.

Benefits of sockeye salmon

If you eat sockeye salmon regularly in combination with other healthy foods, you can normalize metabolic processes - in particular, blood sugar levels; restore cholesterol balance and provide your body with many vital substances. It is enough to simply add it to your diet so that the chemical reactions in cells and tissues are optimized, and the muscles and bones become stronger - this is ensured by the high content of phosphorus and fluorine in sockeye salmon. Therefore, sockeye salmon dishes are very useful for teenagers, children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Fresh, high-quality sockeye salmon has antioxidant properties, and helps the body maintain the normal condition of hair, nails, skin and mucous membranes, improve digestion and the functioning of the nervous system. Sockeye salmon caviar is sold very rarely, but this fish differs from other salmon in this respect: the most valuable thing in it is not the caviar - like, for example, chum salmon - but the bright red flesh. It must be said that this saved sockeye salmon from extermination only for the sake of caviar, although its reserves in nature were still significantly reduced.

How to deliciously cook sockeye salmon

There are not many recipes with sockeye salmon, but it can be prepared in the same way as other salmon. However, there are dishes in which this particular fish “features”: connoisseurs and simply those who have tried sockeye salmon at least once assure that they are delicious, and their taste is never forgotten - they say that chum salmon meat in this sense is much inferior to sockeye salmon meat.

Sockeye salmon is prepared in different ways - when smoked it is especially tasty, and balyks from it turn out excellent. Sockeye salmon should be salted moderately: its tender meat, saturated with healthy fats, becomes a delicacy that makes any dish festive. Salted sockeye salmon is added to salads and cold appetizers, but it is good fresh, hot – baked or steamed.

Sockeye salmon cooks very quickly in the oven. You need to take 1.5 kg of fillet, fresh or frozen - in the latter case, you need to defrost it slowly. The washed fillet is cut into medium pieces, the bones are removed, salted evenly, sprinkled with pepper, poured with lemon juice and placed in a mold greased with oil - preferably olive oil. Bake for 7 minutes in the oven at 220°C, and during this time beat 3 egg whites and mix them with grated cheese (200 g). Take out the mold with the fish, spread the resulting mixture on it in an even layer, and bake again for 10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with lemon juice.

The fastest way to prepare a sockeye salmon dish is in a slow cooker., if such a device is in the kitchen. A kilogram of fillet is cut into small pieces, placed in a mold greased with butter, sprinkled with your favorite seasonings - “Herbes de Provence” is good, laid on top with thin rings of onions and tomatoes and greased with a mixture of cream and grated cheese (50 g each). Cook with the valve closed in the “Fish” mode for 5 minutes.

If you don’t have a slow cooker or a double boiler, you can bake sockeye salmon in a sleeve - the taste will be similar. You need to prepare a vegetable mixture: cut the carrots into slices, onion into half rings; You can add potatoes - cut them into cubes. Sprinkle everything with salt, herbs, spices, mix, put in a sleeve along with washed and chopped fish fillets, close the ends of the sleeve tightly and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Where to catch sockeye salmon. Sockeye salmon on coals

Prices for sockeye salmon are approximately 1.5 times higher than for chum salmon, and much less is caught. In Russia, approximately 20% of the total world catch of this fish is caught annually - from 15 to 30 thousand tons, but this is not much, so it is more difficult to buy good sockeye salmon than other salmon.

Abroad, for example, in the USA and Japan, sockeye salmon is grown specifically for amateur athletes. In our country, sport fishing is also allowed in some regions. Thus, tourists from the central regions of the country and even from Europe go to Kamchatka every year. To do this, you can buy a special fishing tour and catch sockeye salmon legally; True, fish raised for sport fishing are not very large: they usually weigh less than a kilogram, but this in no way diminishes the pleasure of the fishing process and the catch. Salmon, as a rule, spawn in rivers, but sockeye salmon is different here too: most often it spawns in clean lakes where there is natural spring water.

Therefore, if you yourself are lucky enough to catch a sockeye salmon weighing about 0.6-0.7 kg, you can bake it right away, right in nature, on coals - it will be tastier than any exotic dish from a fish restaurant. All you need is lemon, onions and spices - fresh sockeye salmon will be good without salt. Gut the fish, rinse, cut into steaks about 1.5 cm thick and marinate: place in a prepared container, mix with onion, chopped lemon (1/3) and spices, and leave for 20 minutes. The onion, cut into rings, needs to be mashed a little in advance so that it releases the juice. The coals must be prepared correctly so that the heat from them is uniform; then place the steaks on the grill and fry for 80-10 minutes on each side, pouring lemon juice over them. The fish will be ready when it turns golden: you shouldn’t leave it, otherwise it can quickly turn into charcoal. Sockeye salmon baked on coals looks very beautiful on fresh green salad leaves.

Sockeye salmon is surprisingly tasty and healthy, but you should not consume it during an exacerbation of gastritis, as well as with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

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Bake a kilogram of sockeye salmon in a sleeve or foil in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, in a slow cooker for 55 minutes on the “Baking” mode.
Bake a layer of sockeye salmon steaks with sauce in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees, in a slow cooker for half an hour on the “Baking” mode.

How to simply bake sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon - 1 fish weighing 1 kilogram
Carrots - 2 pieces
Onions - 2 heads
Provencal herbs (can be replaced with Italian ones) - 3 tablespoons
Black pepper - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1 tablespoon (heaped - to taste)

Food preparation
1. Clean the fish from scales and gut the insides.
2. Wash the sockeye salmon with running water inside and out.
3. Cut off the fins and head of the sockeye salmon.
4. Cut the sockeye salmon into portions 2 centimeters thick.
5. Peel the onions and finely chop them.
6. Peel the carrots and cut into slices 0.2-0.3 centimeters thick.
7. Place carrots and onions in a bowl, sprinkle with herbs de Provence, ground pepper and salt, stir.
8. Place sockeye salmon into the mixture and stir.

Baking sockeye salmon in a sleeve in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.
2. Place the sockeye salmon along with onions and carrots in a sleeve or foil, and achieve maximum tightness.
3. Place the sockeye salmon in the sleeve on the middle level of the oven and bake for 45 minutes.

Baking sockeye salmon in a slow cooker
1. Place sockeye salmon in a multicooker container greased with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).
2. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode.
3. Turn on the multicooker and bake the sockeye salmon for 55 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

How to bake sockeye salmon steaks

Sockeye salmon - 1 fish weighing 1 kilogram (or 800 grams of thawed steaks)
Lemon - 2 pieces
Rosemary - 1 teaspoon
Dill - 1 bunch
Salt - 1 tablespoon
Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon
Sour cream - 150 grams
Hard cheese - 200 grams
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Preparing sockeye salmon for baking
1. Clean the fish, gut it, wash it and cut it into steaks 2 centimeters thick.
2. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil.
3. Place the fish on a dish in 1 layer, salt, pepper and sprinkle generously with lemon juice.
4. Wash the dill, dry and chop finely, sprinkle the sockeye salmon with herbs.
5. Cover the sockeye salmon with an even layer of sour cream.
6. Rub cheese on top evenly.

How to bake sockeye salmon in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Place the pan with sockeye salmon on the middle rack of the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

How to bake sockeye salmon in a slow cooker
You need to cook in 2 batches, or reduce the amount of food by half
1. Grease the multicooker with vegetable oil.
2. Place sockeye salmon in a slow cooker, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
3. Sprinkle sockeye salmon with dill, cover with sour cream and cheese.
4. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and bake the sockeye salmon for 30 minutes.