Pie dough (puff pastry) is suitable either ready-made from the store or homemade yeast dough. This pie simply melts in your mouth when you follow the recipe.

First it is rolled into a roll, and then into a spiral, like the Spanakopita pie (originally from Greece, spinach and feta cheese are usually used as filling).

According to this recipe, you can easily prepare the dish in 30 minutes, if you do not take into account the time it spends in the oven.

What you need for sweet pie with cottage cheese:

  • 500 grams of pre-prepared puff pastry;
  • 500 grams of non-liquid cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%;
  • 5 level tablespoons of sugar;
  • a little salt;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
  • 2 or 3 eggs;
  • some candied fruits (about 10);
  • another 20 grams of butter to grease the pan.

The process of making cottage cheese pie

  1. Thaw pre-purchased dough according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Let's prepare the filling. Cut the candied fruits into small pieces, sprinkle them on the cottage cheese, add salt and sugar and stir.
  3. Beat 2 eggs (leave a small part to grease the top of the pie), also add to the cottage cheese and stir until the sugar dissolves.
    The filling should not be liquid. Otherwise, add semolina and leave it for some time.

    If, on the contrary, the cottage cheese is too thick, then you need to add another egg.

  4. Next we roll out the dough. We do this in such a way as to approximately double the original dough area.

    Important note: before doing this, you need to sprinkle the surface for rolling with flour so that the dough does not stick to it and does not cause unnecessary discomfort to anyone. Store-bought dough is often divided in half to form two rectangles.

  5. Roll the cake into a spiral shape.
  6. Spread the cottage cheese evenly over the surface of the dough, leaving about 2 cm from the edges to make it easier to roll the cake later.
  7. Roll the tart with the filling into a roll.
  8. Grease the baking surface. Place the resulting roll on the pan, seam side down.

    Lay it out, starting from a small turn to a larger one.

  9. Lay out the second roll so that the spiral shape continues, connecting the ends of both rolls.
  10. Now let’s remember about that reserved part of the sugar-egg mass.

    Brush the surface of the curd tart with it.

  11. Make several holes on the cake for ventilation (with a regular dinner fork or knife).
  12. You can now prepare the oven.

    Heat it to 200 degrees, place the pie on the middle shelf of the oven for about 50 minutes, but start watching already at the 35th minute.

You will know that the puff pastry pie with cottage cheese is ready when you see the browned crust and feel the indescribable smell of cottage cheese coming from the oven.

What to do with the finished cottage cheese pie?

Remove from the oven, cover with a towel and leave until completely cool. Now you can remove it from the mold and serve.

If you don't eat the treat right away, cover the rest with a lid (a plastic bag, cling film or foil will do) to prevent it from drying out.

How can you change or supplement the filling?

It is not necessary to complement our dish only with candied fruits.

A little dried apricots, prunes, raisins (preferably without seeds), berries (for example, gooseberries or currants), dried fruits (hold them in slightly warmed water for about half an hour, lightly dry them with a paper towel and place them on the cottage cheese soft) are also quite suitable. ).

If you don't have fatty cottage cheese, it's not a problem. Put one or two tablespoons of thicker cream or sour cream in it.

This involves using a slightly larger tin, as the cake will rise even more during baking. It is very convenient to have a baking dish on hand.

If you don’t have such an item in your home, place it on a baking sheet or simply grease it with oil.

If necessary, try making the same pies with different fillings (for example, mushrooms or minced meat, with carrots). And if you want a New Year's mood, then decorate the pie with a few mint leaves and arrange them like a Christmas tree.

Why choose puff pastry?

Almost all types of dough can now be bought in a store or supermarket. But who knows for sure what is in the contents of these packages? In addition, made with your own hands, it brings much more pleasure than ready-made ones, and in our case, it tastes better and is made from natural products.

Puff pastry can be used for a wide variety of recipes (pies, pizzas, scones and dozens of others). You are unlikely to want to go to the store for dough if you learn how to prepare it yourself, at home. Yes, the process is not easy, but it is by no means impossible.

The main thing is that your desire will move any mountains!

Properly prepared puff pastry is crispy and tasty.

It is divided into two types: yeast and unleavened, and they, in turn, are divided into a number of types.

But the most important feature of all types of puff pastry is the considerable amount of butter (less often margarine) used in the preparation process.

How to make puff pastry at home

What you will need:

  • kilogram of wheat flour;
  • 250 ml of moderately cold water;
  • 500 grams of butter;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Direct recipe:

  1. Sift the flour, add salt and mix.
  2. Now add two tablespoons of a little soft butter.
  3. Knead the dough, adding water, roll into a ball.
  4. Knead for another five minutes.
  5. Flour the rolling surface to prevent the base from sticking and transfer the dough there.
  6. Roll it out into a rectangle about one and a half centimeters thick.
  7. Cut the butter into pieces also one and a half centimeters thick and lay it out into a square.
  8. Fold the edges of the shape towards the center to cover the butter.
  9. Place in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.
  10. Then roll the dough out lengthwise again so that the butter does not come out. Using an eye gauge, divide the rectangle into three parts. Fold the dough so that the left and right areas cover the one in the middle.
  11. Repeat everything described in the paragraph above.
  12. Place the dough in the refrigerator for another 20 minutes.
  13. Roll out the base again and put it in the refrigerator, like the previous time, twice more.

Some nuances of preparing puff pastry

  1. Don’t skimp on flour, take the highest quality product and always sift it first.
  2. No need to use ice water. Depending on the recipe, the ratio of water to flour can vary, but the classic is one part flour to two parts water.

    You can replace water with milk, which will result in a better taste, but the dough will be less elastic. It is optimal to use a mixture of milk and water.

  3. You can take not water and milk, but egg yolk. The dough will be even softer and fluffier.
  4. Salt moderately, because if there is too much salt, some of the taste will be lost, if there is not enough, the layers of dough will float.
  5. Use butter or margarine slightly cold, but not frozen.

    If you throw in the butter straight from the freezer, rolling out the dough will become an impossible torture. You can also use salted butter to make the dish more fluffy, but then add less salt.

    Fat content is another factor that determines how fluffy the dough will be (more fat content means a fluffier dish).

  6. To make it easier to roll out the dough, in addition to salt, you can add vinegar (just a little) or citric acid/juice.

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Source: http://receptypirogov.com/s-tvorogom/tvorozhnyj-pirog-iz-sloenogo-testa.html

Puff pastry pie with cottage cheese

Among the huge variety of recipes for making pies from ready-made puff pastry, variations on the curd theme are especially popular. Such products are not only divinely tasty, but also extremely healthy, given the nutritional value of cottage cheese.

Sweet pie made from puff pastry with cottage cheese


  • puff pastry (yeast) – 495 g;
  • flour – 35 g;
  • cottage cheese (dry) – 445 g;
  • selected eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 110 g;
  • seedless raisins – 110 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 20 g.


To prepare a layered cottage cheese pie, grind the cottage cheese with granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and yolks, then stir in the washed and steamed raisins and add the egg whites, whipped until thick and foamy.

On a surface dusted with flour, slightly roll out the defrosted layer of puff pastry and distribute the prepared curd filling evenly on top.

Now we roll the layer into a roll, pinch the edges well and prick the product with a fork on top along the entire perimeter.

All that remains is to brush the pie with egg yolk and bring it until cooked and golden brown in an oven preheated to 185 degrees. This will take approximately thirty to thirty-five minutes.

Open pie with cottage cheese made from puff pastry without yeast


  • puff pastry (yeast-free) – 320 g;
  • flour – 25 g;
  • granular cottage cheese – 320 g;
  • selected eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 70 g;
  • lemon – 80 g;
  • seedless raisins – 1 handful;
  • sour cream – 90 g.


When starting to prepare the pie, take out the dough to defrost and steam the washed raisins with heated water. At this time, we will deal directly with the curd filling.

Grind the grainy cottage cheese in a bowl with sugar crystals, then stir in sour cream, beat in two eggs, add the zest of half a medium lemon and pour in a little citrus juice.

Mix the mixture thoroughly again and add the steamed and slightly dried raisins.

Now we roll out the puff pastry without yeast using a rolling pin, dusting the surface with flour at this time, after which, using the same rolling pin, we move the layer into an oiled pan suitable for the oven. At the same time, we make sides up to three centimeters high, prick the dough around the entire perimeter with a fork and spread the prepared silky curd mass on it.

To bake the product, you must preheat the oven to 185 degrees and place the workpiece in it for forty-five minutes.

About ten minutes before the end of the process, use a fork to break the integrity of the curd surface and let the resulting tubercles bake a little.

As a result, we will get a spectacular relief surface of the pie.

Unsweetened puff pastry pie with herbs and cottage cheese


  • puff pastry – 320 g;
  • flour – 25 g;
  • granular cottage cheese – 620 g;
  • selected eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • processed cheese – 190 g;
  • ground black pepper and coarse sea salt - to taste;
  • fresh chopped greens of your choice - 1 handful.


Unsweetened puff pastry pies can be baked with meat or mushrooms, and in this case we will make a dish with cottage cheese and herbs. It will turn out no less tasty and appetizing.

So, while the dough is defrosting, let's make the filling. Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly, add sea salt, pepper and finely chopped herbs, also beat in the eggs and mix thoroughly again.

Just as in the previous case, we place the rolled out puff pastry in a baking dish, prick it around the entire perimeter and place the curd filling on top.

We distribute thin plates of processed cheese on top, turn the sides up on the sides, and cut out arbitrary or shaped slices of dough from the remaining dough and place them on top.

This pie will brown quickly. After just forty minutes in the oven, it will bake and become appetizing and aromatic.

Royal pie with cottage cheese An extraordinary pie can be created from completely accessible ingredients. Next, we’ll show you how to bake a real royal treat with curd filling. We will offer two different, but simplest and interesting recipes for this wonderful delicacy. Cottage cheese pie - a simple recipe You can pamper your loved ones with amazing pastries without much difficulty. Using our simple recipes, you can create a delicious pie from cottage cheese and some other ingredients. We will describe three interesting and understandable options for wonderful baked goods.
Pie with cottage cheese and plums You can bring summer back to your table by bringing to life one of the presented recipes. We'll tell you how to bake an amazing delicacy on a different basis with the most delicate filling of cottage cheese and delicious plums. This treat is sure to delight anyone with a sweet tooth! Dough with cottage cheese for apple pie In the autumn season, baked goods with fruit fillings are especially popular. Below we describe interesting recipes for delicious pies made from the most delicate curd dough and offer variations of an appetizing, aromatic apple filling.

Pie dough (puff pastry) is suitable either ready-made from the store or homemade yeast dough. This pie simply melts in your mouth when you follow the recipe. First it is rolled into a roll, and then into a spiral, like the Spanakopita pie (originally from Greece, spinach and feta cheese are usually used as filling). According to this recipe, you can easily prepare the dish in 30 minutes, if you do not take into account the time it spends in the oven.

What you need for sweet pie with cottage cheese:

  • 500 grams of pre-prepared puff pastry;
  • 500 grams of non-liquid cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%;
  • 5 level tablespoons of sugar;
  • a little salt;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
  • 2 or 3 eggs;
  • some candied fruits (about 10);
  • another 20 grams of butter to grease the pan.

The process of making cottage cheese pie

You will know that the puff pastry pie with cottage cheese is ready when you see the browned crust and feel the indescribable smell of cottage cheese coming from the oven.

What to do with the finished cottage cheese pie?

Remove from the oven, cover with a towel and leave until completely cool. Now you can remove it from the mold and serve. If you don't eat the treat right away, cover the rest with a lid (a plastic bag, cling film or foil will do) to prevent it from drying out.

How can you change or supplement the filling?

It is not necessary to complement our dish only with candied fruits. A little dried apricots, prunes, raisins (preferably without seeds), berries (for example, gooseberries or currants), dried fruits (hold them in slightly warmed water for about half an hour, lightly dry them with a paper towel and place them on the cottage cheese soft) are also quite suitable. ).

If you don’t have fatty cottage cheese, it’s not a problem. Put one or two tablespoons of thicker cream or sour cream in it. This involves using a slightly larger tin, as the cake will rise even more during baking. It is very convenient to have a baking dish on hand. If you don’t have such an item in your home, place it on a baking sheet or simply grease it with oil.

If necessary, try making the same pies with different fillings (for example, mushrooms or minced meat, with carrots). And if you want a New Year's mood, then decorate the pie with a few mint leaves and arrange them like a Christmas tree.

Why choose puff pastry?

Almost all types of dough can now be bought in a store or supermarket. But who knows for sure what is in the contents of these packages? In addition, made with your own hands, it brings much more pleasure than ready-made ones, and in our case, it tastes better and is made from natural products. Puff pastry can be used for a wide variety of recipes (pies, pizzas, scones and dozens of others). You are unlikely to want to go to the store for dough if you learn how to prepare it yourself, at home. Yes, the process is not easy, but it is by no means impossible. The main thing is that your desire will move any mountains!

Properly prepared puff pastry is crispy and tasty. It is divided into two types: yeast and unleavened, and they, in turn, are divided into a number of types.
But the most important feature of all types of puff pastry is the considerable amount of butter (less often margarine) used in the preparation process.

How to make puff pastry at home

What you will need:

  • kilogram of wheat flour;
  • 250 ml of moderately cold water;
  • 500 grams of butter;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Direct recipe:

  1. Sift the flour, add salt and mix.
  2. Now add two tablespoons of a little soft butter.
  3. Knead the dough, adding water, roll into a ball.
  4. Knead for another five minutes.
  5. Flour the rolling surface to prevent the base from sticking and transfer the dough there.
  6. Roll it out into a rectangle about one and a half centimeters thick.
  7. Cut the butter into pieces also one and a half centimeters thick and lay it out into a square.
  8. Fold the edges of the shape towards the center to cover the butter.
  9. Place in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.
  10. Then roll the dough out lengthwise again so that the butter does not come out. Using an eye gauge, divide the rectangle into three parts. Fold the dough so that the left and right areas cover the one in the middle.
  11. Repeat everything described in the paragraph above.
  12. Place the dough in the refrigerator for another 20 minutes.
  13. Roll out the base again and put it in the refrigerator, like the previous time, twice more.

Some nuances of preparing puff pastry

  1. Don’t skimp on flour, take the highest quality product and always sift it first.
  2. No need to use ice water. Depending on the recipe, the ratio of water to flour can vary, but the classic is one part flour to two parts water. You can replace water with milk, which will result in a better taste, but the dough will be less elastic. It is optimal to use a mixture of milk and water.
  3. You can take not water and milk, but egg yolk. The dough will be even softer and fluffier.
  4. Salt moderately, because if there is too much salt, some of the taste will be lost; if there is not enough salt, the layers of dough will float.
  5. Use butter or margarine slightly cold, but not frozen. If you throw the butter straight from the freezer, rolling out the dough will become an impossible torture. You can also use salted butter to make the dish more fluffy, but then add less salt. Fat content is another factor that determines how fluffy the dough will be (more fat content means a fluffier dish).
  6. To make it easier to roll out the dough, in addition to salt, you can add vinegar (just a little) or citric acid/juice.

If you can’t imagine a soulful tea party without a bar of chocolate, sweet muffins and a slice of pie, then you can either buy it all in the store or cook it yourself in your kitchen. In the first case, it will be beautiful and tasty. But at the same time, there will be no soul in such sweets. You didn’t see how the pastry chef kneaded the dough, how he worried whether it would fit, how he then sculpted ornate figures for the pie with his hands and looked forward to taking a sample. Most likely, the entire process was performed by a machine. Home baking is not a faceless conveyor belt, it is the most creative process, akin to painting or music: just as taking ordinary paints, you can get a picture of unusual beauty, you can also make a masterpiece from available products, for example, a layer cake with cottage cheese " Snail". I want to offer you one of the simplest versions of this baking, because it does not require separately kneading the dough or mixing the ingredients for the filling. Let's take ready-made puff pastry without yeast, sweet curd mass and get a magnificent cake for tea.


  • ready-made puff pastry without yeast – 1 package;
  • curd mass (I had it with dried apricots) – 1 pack;
  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • butter – 1 teaspoon + a little for greasing the pan;
  • egg – 1 pc.

How to make layer cake with cottage cheese:

As you understand, if you decide to bake a pie from, and also take not the finished curd mass, but cottage cheese, then the list of ingredients will increase significantly, as well as the time spent on it.

Defrost the dough. To do this, you don’t need to do anything additional, just take it out of the freezer onto the table and leave it for about 40 minutes. When the dough has become soft and easy to roll out, turn on the oven to heat up to 250 degrees and make the puff pastry base for the pie. We literally roll out the layers a couple of times in one direction and cut them in half. Carefully stretch the resulting strips in width so as not to tear them.

For the filling, mix the sweet curd mass, sour cream and melted butter.

If after mixing it you don’t have enough juiciness, add another spoonful of sour cream. Place the filling in the middle of the strip and pinch the edges.

If you do this poorly, the cottage cheese will end up not inside the pie, but outside.

Grease the mold with butter and place a snail-shaped puff-curd sausage in it.

We do the same with other strips. We connect them together by simply pinching the ends.
In a small bowl, beat the egg and brush the pie with it.

We put it in a hot oven. 20 minutes at 200 degrees is enough for it to cook. Don't dry it out. It is important to let the dough remain soft and airy, and the filling to remain juicy and tender.

I served it to the family for tea piping hot, I was afraid that when it cooled it would not be tasty. But it’s worth giving this pastry its due, and the cold flaky snail was also incomparable.

Bon appetit!!!

Best regards, Oksana.

Puff pastry pie with cottage cheese can be prepared in the shortest possible time. Such wonderful pastries can help out before the unexpected arrival of guests or if you want to please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious dessert, but at the same time, there is no time for the long process of preparing intricate pies.

Open pie made from puff pastry with cottage cheese

This recipe for an open-faced quark pie is perfectly complemented by fresh lemon flavor.

Step-by-step preparation of an open layer cake:

  1. First you need to start preparing the raisins, which are carefully sorted, then washed and poured with boiling water. Set the raisins and hot water aside and begin preparing the filling;
  2. The prepared cottage cheese must be ground together with sugar until a mass with minimal graininess is formed;
  3. Add sour cream to the cottage cheese and mix everything very thoroughly again;
  4. Then beat in the prepared chicken eggs and mix everything again until a completely homogeneous mass is formed;
  5. Carefully remove the zest from half of one lemon, which should be very fine, and add to the sour cream and curd mixture. Also, at the same time, add lemon concentrate to the mixture and mix everything together;
  6. Drain all the water from the raisins to the last drop and add the swollen product to the prepared filling;
  7. Mix all the filling very thoroughly;
  8. Store-bought dough must be thawed and then rolled out into a rounded layer, the thickness of which should be at least 3 mm. When rolling out, you should focus on the size of the mold. Using a rolling pin, the prepared layer is transferred into the mold, and it is necessary to form sides, the height of which will be at least 3 cm;
  9. The surface of the layer must be pierced with a fork so that bubbles do not form during the baking process;
  10. Spread the filling evenly over the layer. Level well and place in an oven preheated to 180˚C;
  11. The baking time for the pie in the oven should last no more than 45 minutes.

- This is a hearty and fairly simple dish that can be prepared every day.

Diet turkey cutlets are the best dish for baby food. The cutlets will turn out tender and juicy, our recipes.

Barbecue sauce ranges from classic to spicy with Georgian notes.

Layered pie made from yeast-free dough with cottage cheese and candied fruits

The pie prepared according to the proposed recipe turns out tasty, juicy, filling, and has an attractive aroma. The following components will be required here:

  • puff pastry without yeast – ½ kg;
  • cottage cheese 9% – ½ kg;
  • sugar (granulated sugar is fine) – five tablespoons;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • vanillin – one teaspoon;
  • chicken eggs - three pieces;
  • candied fruits – ten pieces;
  • butter, previously left at room temperature - 20 grams.

Cooking time – 1 hour 10 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​259 kcal.

The process of preparing a delicious dessert in stages:

Snack pie made from ready-made dough with cottage cheese and herbs

This recipe will help solve the problem of lack of snacks on the holiday table. In addition, the cooking process will take very little time. To do this you will need:

  • yeast-free puff pastry – 250 grams;
  • cottage cheese 9% – 200 grams;
  • sour cream (fat content – ​​15%) – 200 grams;
  • fresh eggs (chicken) - four pieces;
  • any hard cheese – 100 grams;
  • olive oil – one tablespoon;
  • a small pinch of ground black pepper and sea salt;
  • fresh herbs - a small bunch.

Cooking time – 45 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​260 kcal.

Stages of preparing savory pie:

  1. First of all, you need to turn on the oven to heat up. Optimal temperature - 190˚С;
  2. Defrost the dough and form it into a layer suitable for the prepared round shape. Be sure to form sides 2 cm high;
  3. Place the cottage cheese in a blender bowl and grind thoroughly;
  4. Grind the hard cheese using a grater (preferably a large one);
  5. In a separate container, mix chicken eggs with pepper and salt and beat with a mixer until the mixture is homogeneous;
  6. Add chopped cottage cheese, most of the grated hard cheese and sour cream to the egg mixture. Beat the whole mixture again using a mixer;
  7. Wash the greens, dry well, chop with a sharp knife. Add to whipped topping and mix well;
  8. Pour the entire mixture onto the prepared dough sheet and place in the oven for 15 minutes;
  9. After this time, remove the pan, sprinkle the surface with the remaining amount of hard cheese and return to the oven for 15 minutes.

Puff pastry pie with cottage cheese can be prepared in a sweet version as a dessert, or you can also prepare a savory snack, which can be an excellent option for any holiday table or dessert.

An important advantage of this option is that the preparation time required is minimal, but the result will delight you with its ease and excellent taste.