What kind of cookies can you make with your own hands?

Cookie is a sweet or salty confectionery product that is a frequent guest in every home. There probably won’t be a person who wouldn’t like this delicacy. Although this is not at all surprising! Cookies are made from various types of dough. In addition, it is complemented with a variety of fillings from cream, condensed milk, and chocolate. This delicacy may also include additives such as nuts and dried fruits. Often the cookies are covered with icing or melted chocolate. Even spicy seeds and herbs can be included in this type of baking if it is made in salted form. Thanks to such a variety, you can choose cookies for every taste!

Of course, the easiest way to stock up on cookies is to buy them at the store. However, making it yourself at home is much more interesting. And there will be more benefits from such a delicacy than from a store-bought one!

At home, you can prepare any kind of cookies, as evidenced by the wide variety of recipes for this topic. However The most popular types of this delicacy are shortbread and sugar cookies.. Let's get to know him better!

There are thousands of different recipes for making shortbread cookies at home, and each of them contains some nuances in preparing the delicacy. They have one thing in common - ease of preparation, as well as the ability to create a delicious dessert in a hurry. The procedure for kneading dough and forming cookies does not take much time. Everything happens quite quickly! The butter is ground with powdered sugar, and then chicken eggs and wheat flour are added to the resulting mass. If desired, vanilla and any spices are added to the dough. The dough must be left to rest in the refrigerator, after which it is rolled out and cookies are cut out of it using molds. The dessert is baked in the oven and served cooled.

Sugar cookies also cook quite quickly. Its composition necessarily includes wheat flour, fats, and granulated sugar, the share of which in the dough is about 27 percent. It is also acceptable for the list of ingredients for sugar cookies to include eggs and any dairy products or milk itself.

Sugar cookie dough has the ability to swell well. In addition, it turns out to be porous and quite plastic. Thanks to these properties, the cookie can be given any shape and various designs can be applied to it.

As for salty cookies, they are usually represented by crackers. It is prepared from yeast-free or yeast dough. Crackers prepared according to recipes with the addition of yeast are flaky and porous, as well as more crispy. The basis of such cookies is wheat flour and some kind of fat. Sugar is not added to the dough; it is replaced with salt, which is why the crackers themselves turn out salty.

You can learn more about preparing certain types of cookies at home from the recipes on this site, supplemented with step-by-step photos. With such recipes, the cooking process will be as simple as possible and will be done, as they say, “in a hurry.”

Features of sweet treat recipes for children and adults

All recipes for making cookies with your own hands can be divided into two types:

  1. cookies for children;
  2. cookies for adults.

What is the difference between these two varieties of delicious homemade delicacy? The answer to this question is quite simple. First of all, the difference between cookies for children and cookies for adults lies in the design of these treats.

This way, children's dessert can be given a variety of interesting shapes. In addition to standard circles and squares, cookies can be cut out using shaped molds, for example, in the shape of all kinds of animals. Children's cookies can also be covered with multi-colored glaze, but not just with a solid layer, but with drawings on it. These homemade cookies are especially original and perfect for the holidays. For example, kids will be absolutely delighted if a sweet snowflake appears on their usual shortbread cookies on New Year’s Day. Thus, preparing cookies for children is transformed from a simple culinary process into a creative process in which children participate with great pleasure. So, for example, an adult version of the dessert can be completely salty, and also contain a variety of spices and all kinds of vegetables, for example, pieces of olives or fried onions. Of course, in this case, such baked goods belong more to the category of snacks. But cookies for children must certainly be sweet, because this is the only way kids love them. But you can add a lot of useful ingredients to such a delicacy, for example, dried fruits or nuts. This way, homemade cookies for children will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy.

As for the technological features of preparing cookies for children and adults at home, you can learn more about them in the corresponding recipes on this site.

In custody…

Cookies have become a very integral part of our culinary life, and although not every housewife has enough time to prepare them, a large assortment of store-bought ones fills this gap. But still, there is nothing tastier, juicier and more enjoyable than homemade cookies, with step-by-step photo recipes for most of which we want to introduce you to. Some recipes are quite complex and time consuming, some are quite simple and can be prepared in a hurry, without requiring the housewife to have much experience in cooking. The most important thing is the desire to please your family with baked goods for tea, and what exactly you will please depends only on the amount of free time and taste preferences.

Quick homemade cookies are always easy to distinguish from store-bought ones. It is much tastier and more beautiful, a piece of soul has been put into it, it spreads the aromas of fresh baked goods throughout the house, which gives a special atmosphere and mood. Sometimes, while expecting dear guests, you want to prepare something special for tea. Or the children ask to make something sweet. But you don’t always want to spend a lot of time kneading dough and baking cookies. In this case, you can bake the simplest, but at the same time incredibly tasty and beautiful cookies in a hurry. Any housewife is proud of her culinary creations and happily treats them to her loved ones and guests.

Simple homemade cookie recipe

For cooking we will need the following set of products:

  • one egg;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 50 g butter (quarter of a pack);
  • one and a half cups of flour;
  • a third of a pack of vanilla sugar;

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Calorie content - 100 kcal.

How to make quick cookies

1. Mix sugar with egg.

2. Melt the butter in the microwave or simply mash it with a fork. Then add the butter to the egg-sugar mixture. Please note that very hot oil can cause the egg to curdle. Therefore, if you melt butter in the microwave, you should let it cool slightly before adding butter to the first ingredients.

3. The next step is adding vanilla sugar and flour.

4. Knead the dough with your hands on a comfortable and clean surface. Due to the large amount of fat contained in the dough (due to the addition of butter), it does not stick to your hands. Knead into a soft pliable dough. We will carry out all further actions on the back side of the baking sheet, and we will bake our cookies on it.

5. Turn the baking sheet over and make sure its surface is clean enough. Roll out the dough on a baking sheet into a pancake 0.7 cm thick. Form the dough with special shaped molds or simply use a glass. Carefully remove the dough remaining outside the cut out figures. Move the cut out cookies closer to each other, and roll out the pancake from the remaining dough again and cut out the cookies.

7. Place our baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Oven temperature: 200 degrees.

Let the finished cookies cool, and then transfer them from the baking sheet to a plate.

Our quick and easy homemade cookies are ready!

Baking cookies at home shouldn't be difficult even for culinary beginners. Plus, you can always experiment with adding new ingredients to recipes.

For example, I add raisins, nuts, and sesame seeds to the dough to dilute the taste with new shades.

Home-baked cookies are very tasty and aromatic, but most importantly, healthy, without dyes or chemical additives.

I have good homemade cookie recipes in my arsenal that will allow you to pamper your loved ones with very tasty pastries.

Simple Kurabye cookies

Ingredients: 450 gr. flour; 250 gr. sl. oils; 200 gr. Sahara; 300 gr. jam; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 tsp soda; 1 pack vanillin; a pinch of salt.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Soft word I mix the butter with cold chickens. eggs. Add sugar, vanillin and stir the mixture well until it becomes homogeneous. It is important that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. I sow the flour, add baking soda, and salt the mixture. I add it to the first mass and knead the dough. It should be soft and plastic in texture. I load it into a food container and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  3. I put the dough, cut into pieces, into a pastry sleeve (if you don’t have one, you can replace it with a simple bag, just cut it on one side). I put tracing paper on the sheet and squeeze out the dough, making the shape of a flower. Look at the photo, how beautiful it turns out, such cookies certainly will not go unnoticed.
  4. I make a hole in the center of the cookies for the jam, fill the sheet with the blanks and send them to bake for 30 minutes. The cookies are ready.

Homemade cookies with added margarine

This recipe can easily be called one of the simplest and most economical to prepare at home. I bake it with margarine or spread with cottage cheese and nuts.

The recipe is not difficult to prepare, and your family will definitely appreciate the cookies they deserve.

To make cookies I use: 200 gr. Sahara; 250 gr. margarine; 300 gr. cottage cheese; 650 gr. flour; 100 gr. nuts; 1 pack vanillin; 4 things. chickens eggs

I proceed this way:

  1. I grind the cottage cheese on a sieve or pass it through a meat grinder, I have an electric model. I put the processed product into the processor and chop it with 2 pcs. chickens eggs
  2. The mass turns out to be thick in consistency. I also put pre-softened margarine there, which needs to be cut into pieces. I knead again.
  3. Add dry ingredients. The dough should be elastic and soft, which should be immersed in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Before this, I wrap the dough with cling film.
  4. I still have 2 pieces left. chickens eggs and sugar. I mix them and make eggnog. I add cottage cheese. I chop the nuts and combine them with eggnog.
  5. I roll out the dough into a large layer, put the resulting mass on top and form a roll. Look at the photo to see how it should turn out.
  6. I make cookies by working diagonally with a fillet knife. We make homemade cookies of medium size. If you wish, I advise you to brush the cookies with egg white and then sprinkle them with cinnamon or sugar.
  7. All that remains is to place the homemade cookies on a baking sheet, brush them with butter first, and place them in the oven for 30 minutes to bake.

Delicious and simple cookies will definitely be ready after this time.

Kefir cookies

This recipe is suitable for all those who want to bake delicious homemade cookies without any special frills. If there is a little kefir left, preferably low-fat, then I advise you to take note of this recipe.

Homemade kefir cookies will be very tasty and soft in texture. But that’s not all its advantages, because kefir cookies last longer than others without becoming stale at all.

The recipe requires the following ingredients:

2 pcs. chickens eggs; 450 gr. flour; 1 tsp soda; half tsp baking powder; 250 gr. Sahara; 100 gr. raisins and 1 pack. cinnamon.

Just do it the way I do:

  1. Pour kefir warmed to room temperature into a bowl and add soda. I let the mixture sit. At this time, I mix all the dry ingredients together.
  2. I prepare the raisins by pouring warm water over them to swell them. I drain the water and let it dry.
  3. The kefir mixture should bubble up, only then add the chicken. eggs and mix everything together. Add dry ingredients and stir to eliminate lumps.
  4. I pour the thick dough onto the table surface and make a sausage out of it. I cut it into pieces and press it down a little. The shape will look like pancakes. I put it in the oven at 180° and bake until a golden brown crust appears.

Simple homemade sour cream cookies

Sour cream contains fermented milk bacteria, which are an excellent substitute for yeast. It is for this reason that this recipe is very useful, and homemade cakes are easy to bake.

Components: 750 gr. flour; 500 ml sour cream (preferably homemade); 350 gr. Sahara; 50 gr. almonds; 1 PC. chickens eggs; 1 tsp soda; rast. oil; 1 pack vanillin.

The cooking method is simple:

  1. I blend sour cream and sugar with a blender. The mass should be thick.
  2. Mix flour and baking soda together with beaten egg. I add the mixture to sour cream and add vanilla. I knead the dough, it should not stick to my hands. I put it in a food container and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. I crush almonds.
  3. I roll out the dough and dust the table with flour. I shape diamonds and use a special pizza knife. I spread the cookies and crush them with almonds. I bake for 30 minutes.

Ten-minute shortbread recipe

This recipe will surprise you with its simplicity, and it will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare delicious, crumbly cookies.

Take: 550 gr. flour; 200 gr. Sahara; 100 ml jam; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; half tsp soda; 1 tbsp. vinegar; salt on the eye.

Algorithm for preparing cookies:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar until foam appears. I add flour, baking soda and vinegar. I make soft dough.
  2. I roll out the dough and cut it into triangles. I put jam on one side and make a roll. I put it on a baking sheet, sprinkle it with sugar and bake for about 35 minutes. During this time, the cookies will be baked.

Quickly prepare homemade cookies in molds

I have interesting recipes for home baking that are not only easy to bake, but they can also involve little helpers in this culinary activity.

To do this, you should take molds with cartoon characters, animals, etc. Children really love these cookies.

The recipe allows you to involve the kids in the process and together prepare cookies that will be delicious and also evoke a lot of positive emotions.

Ingredients for cookies: 250 gr. sl. oils; 300 gr. Sahara; 350 gr. flour; 50 gr. sesame; 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 pack each cinnamon and baking powder.

Just follow the same steps to make delicious cookies:

  1. I beat the sugar and eggs in a food processor, then add slurry. butter, I soften it first. When the mass is thick, I put a hook in the device to knead the dough.
  2. I add flour and flour and dilute the mixture with cinnamon. I mix everything together. I send the finished dough into the cold.
  3. Once cooled, I roll it out on a table dusted with flour and use cookie cutters to cut out cookies, which I cover with sesame seeds.

I bake for 45 minutes in the oven. The cookies are ready to eat!

Dietary baking: benefits for the figure and unique taste

People watching their figure and counting calories should know that you don’t have to chew bread forever to stay in shape; there are good recipes for baking that won’t harm you.

Similar recipes will allow you to eat delicious oatmeal cookies, which you can prepare yourself.

Ingredients for diet cookies:

200 gr. oatmeal; 3 tbsp. rast. oils; 3 tbsp. sweetener; 100 ml milk (you can take low-fat kefir); 2 pcs. chickens eggs; vanillin optional.

The cookies are prepared like this:

  1. I pour milk warmed to room temperature over the cereal and let it swell for about 30 minutes. I add the chicken in there too. eggs, vegetable butter and sweetener. I leave it for a while.
  2. The dough should not be thick, so I place oatcakes on a baking sheet using a tablespoon. I set the oven to 185° and bake the cookies for 15 minutes. The recipes don't actually indicate this, but I encourage you to add pumpkin seeds or flaxseeds to the resulting dough. This will make the cookies even more satisfying and tasty.

Surprisingly tasty, but very simple Chrysanthemum cookies

All gourmets and connoisseurs of beautiful and mouth-watering delicacies will appreciate this recipe. Every housewife should make these cookies at least once! And most likely you have already tried these cookies.

Take for cookies:

650 gr. flour; 200 ml mayonnaise; 250 gr. Sahara; 150 gr. spread; 4 things. chickens eggs; 1 tsp soda; 1 tbsp. vinegar. The recipe recommends using powdered sugar as a decoration, but this is up to you to decide.

Method for preparing cookies:

  1. I stir the softened spread in a large bowl using a simple fork. Mix sugar with vinegar-quenched soda, eggs and flour together.
  2. I divide the dough into parts. I twist it through a meat grinder. I make worms and put them in a pile.
  3. I bake in the oven at 190° for 40 minutes.
  4. I sprinkle decorations on each cookie.

My advice to you: it will be easier to remove the cookies from the parchment while hot. Don't delay with this task.

  • When you bake cookies at home, sift the flour a couple of times or transfer it from a bowl to another. Homemade cookies will be airy, and the dough will be easier to work with.
  • Follow all proportions indicated in the recipes. Take kitchen scales and measuring cups. Cookie recipes are simple, but you won’t be able to take the ingredients by eye.
  • Baking should be done on a baking sheet with a low side.
  • Homemade cookies do not need to be kept in the oven longer than the recipes indicate.

As a result, you will get dry and hard cookies, but we want to feed our family deliciously.

My video recipe

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I think that there is no person who does not like to sit with a cup of aromatic tea on a cold winter evening. And of course, homemade biscuits will complement the tea. It is very important that the recipes are quick to prepare, using simple ingredients that can be found in any home refrigerator.

Today I want to offer you the following recipes for delicious homemade cookies:

Homemade cookies with cottage cheese

The yield of cookies from this recipe is 25 pieces.

We need:

  • 200 - 250 g cottage cheese, preferably soft
  • 1 piece egg
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 400 -500 g flour
  • 150 ml kefir
  • vanillin
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 2-3 tbsp. sugar (+ 50 g for sprinkling on top)


1. Beat an egg into a bowl, add cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable oil, soda, vanillin, sugar and mix everything.

Tip: If you don’t have cottage cheese, you can replace it with 100 ml of kefir.

2. Sift the flour and gradually, in portions, add it to the resulting mixture. Knead the dough until it is soft and slightly sticky to your hands. Let it rest for 10-15 minutes, covered with a towel.

3. We form 25 balls from the dough, then use a knife to cut potatoes, knead the ball on the knife into a layer and roll it into a bagel.

Dip in sugar and place on a baking sheet, first covering it with parchment.

4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 -25 minutes.

Shortbread cookies with a minimum of ingredients

To make these cookies you only need 3 ingredients, which I am sure you always have at home.

We need:

  • 250 g flour
  • 170 g butter, softened
  • 50 g sugar (more is possible, depending on your preference) + 40 g for sprinkling cookies


1. Grind the softened butter (this can be done in the microwave) with sugar.

2. Add sifted flour into this mixture in three additions, mix, and then knead the dough with your hands.

3. Form balls, roll them in sugar and place them on a baking sheet with parchment.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 - 200 degrees, bake for 25 -30 minutes.

Homemade quick cookies

We need:

  • 100 g sour cream
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 80 g butter (margarine)
  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 3 -4 tbsp. sugar, for sprinkling


1.Mix sour cream with butter.

2. Mix flour with baking powder and add to sour cream and butter. Knead the dough, it should be soft, but not stick to your hands.

3. Place the dough in a clean bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 -40 minutes. Afterwards, roll out the dough into a layer, cut out the cookies with a cookie cutter or a glass.

4. Dip one side of the cookies into sugar and place them on the deco.

When placing cookies on a baking sheet, you need to take into account that the dough will rise during baking, so you need to provide a distance between them.

Homemade cookies with an unusual pattern

We will get an unusual cookie pattern using a regular grater.

We need:

  • 1 piece egg
  • 150 g butter, soft
  • 80 - 100 g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • a pinch of salt
  • 300 g wheat flour
  • 150 g jam or marmalade
  • 50 g sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar


1. Combine butter with sugar and lightly rub with a whisk.

2. Add the egg and vanilla, mix everything.

3. Sift flour into the resulting mixture, in portions, and knead the dough. It should be soft and not sticky. Adjust the amount of flour. Place the finished dough in a bag and refrigerate for 15 - 20 minutes. Next, roll the dough into balls, you will get 14 pieces.

4. There are two ways to form cookies:

1st method

- if there is a silicone mat with a honeycomb pattern, we roll the ball onto the mat into a circle 3-4 mm thick,

and cut out cookies from it with a mold 6 cm in diameter. The number of such blanks must be even, you will understand why later.

2nd method

We form cookies using a regular grater. Roll out a circle on a grater, as in the previous case,

cut it out with a shape and carefully remove it from the grater.

This results in a relief pattern on the surface of the cookie.

5. Place the cookies on a baking sheet, lined with parchment, at a distance from each other so that they do not stick together during baking. Bake for 12 -15 minutes, at a temperature of 180 -200 degrees.

6. Cool the cookie blanks and proceed to the final formation of the cookies. Grease the back side of the workpiece with jam or marmalade and glue the halves into one cookie.

Lightly coat the sides of the cookies and roll them in toasted sesame seeds.

7. To obtain a more pronounced relief on the cookies, sprinkle powdered sugar on top, then brush it with a brush.

Super-fast cookies “Kokosanka”

These cookies are suitable for coconut lovers and diabetics, just use a substitute (such as stevia) instead of sugar.

We need:

  • 250 g coconut flakes
  • 170 g sugar (stevia)
  • 3 eggs


1. Lightly beat the eggs with sugar.

2. Add coconut flakes to them and mix. We form small balls, you should get 18 pieces.

3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and lay out the balls. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cookies for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal cookies with cereal

We need:

  • 120 g softened butter
  • 70 g sugar
  • 1/3 tsp. salt
  • 1 piece egg
  • 1/2 tsp. soda slaked with vinegar or lemon juice
  • 150 g oat flakes, those for cooking
  • 180 g sifted flour + flour for dusting hands
  • if desired, you can add: or sesame seeds, nuts, flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, raisins, dried fruits


1. Grind sugar and butter.

2. Mix with egg, vanilla and add oat flakes, salt, sugar and mix.

3. Add sifted flour, strictly according to the recipe, slaked soda, and knead the dough. It turns out sticky.

4. Sprinkle your hands with flour and divide the dough into 15 parts (35 g each),

form balls.

5. Place on a baking sheet with parchment and press lightly with your hand. Don't forget to leave a gap between them. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Oatmeal cookies without flour

This recipe does not use wheat flour.

We need:

  • 170 g oat flakes
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 piece egg
  • 1 tsp baking powder


1. Grind oatmeal into flour, or use ready-made oatmeal.

2. Mix butter, sugar and egg into a homogeneous mass.

3. Mix oatmeal with baking powder.

4. Combine dry and liquid ingredients and mix. Place the resulting dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

5. Spoon the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet, forming cookies.

Bake for 15-20 minutes, oven temperature 180 degrees.

Homemade quick cookies without oven

These cookies are suitable for summer residents who don’t have an oven, but want something tasty for tea. In addition, this dough can be prepared for future use and stored in the freezer, wrapped in cling film, when needed - take it out and voila!))

We need:

  • 1 piece egg
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream, any fat content
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 100 g sugar
  • 200 - 250 g flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder


1. Divide the egg into white and yolk, we need the yolk (if we use a whole egg, nothing will happen).

2. Beat the yolk, sour cream and sugar with a mixer.

3. Add vegetable oil to this mixture and sift the flour with baking powder. Knead the dough, roll it into a rope with a diameter of 3 cm, and you can put it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes (or store it in the freezer), or immediately cut it into pucks 3-4 mm thick.

4. These circles can be mashed either with a fork or a meat hammer to give relief.

Heat the frying pan well, without oil, and place the cookies at a distance from each other. Fry for 2 minutes on each side, over medium heat.

Delicious children's cookies

You can make these cookies with your children; they will find it even tastier.

We need:

  • 230 g flour + for table topping
  • 100 g sugar
  • 6 g (0.5 sachet) baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 180 g (1 pack) cottage cheese
  • 100 g butter


1.Gather dry products in a bowl: flour, sugar, baking powder, mix.

2. In another bowl, mix butter, eggs and cottage cheese.

3. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture, stir and knead the dough. First in a bowl, and then put it on a table dusted with flour. Roll out the dough into a layer of 3-4 mm and cut out various figures with molds.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cookies for 10 minutes.

Homemade cookies without flour and sugar

We need:

  • 100 g oat flakes "Hercules"
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 1 piece egg
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream
  • salt to taste
  • add paprika or cumin if desired

Tip: If we bake sweet cookies, add nuts and dried apricots, and sprinkle the top with sesame seeds.


1.Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Add oatmeal and egg to it. salt and mix everything. The amount of salt depends on the salinity of the cheese.

Tip: Toasting the oatmeal will give the cookies a nuttier flavor and extra crispiness.

2. Grease a baking sheet with a mixture of vegetable and butter, put parchment. Using two spoons, spoon out the dough to form cookies.

You can also grease your palms with water and form balls with your hands, place them on a baking sheet and flatten them with your hand. Bake for 15 minutes, and as always, at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

Important: If you use 30% fat cheese, 10-15% sour cream and add Stevia, you can use this recipe for diabetics.

Enjoy your tea!


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Having decided to have a tea party, every housewife has a desire to serve something tasty and savory in addition to dessert. There is no time to prepare a cake or pastries. The first thought is to go to the candy store and buy sweets for a treat. There's no need to rush. After all, you cannot buy a uniquely delicious and home-baked dessert in a regular store or from a professional pastry chef.

It’s better to bake homemade quick cookies, which are tastier, more aromatic, and more enjoyable. After all, it is prepared in special home conditions and with love.

There are a lot of recipes. It’s difficult to decide which option you like best after reading a cookie recipe, you need to try it. We suggest you start kitchen experiments and, after tasting, write down the most successful recipes in your notebook.

Torchetti in Italian


  • flour – 250 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • heated water - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon – 3 tsp;
  • salt – 1/3 tsp.


  1. To prepare torcetti, the flour must be sifted and then mixed with baking powder and salt.
  2. Mix flour with soft butter (do not melt).
  3. Add water (it is advisable to warm it up a little), knead the dough and, cover with a towel, set aside for a while.
  4. Mix cinnamon with enough sugar.
  5. Roll out the prepared dough and cut into long (10 cm) strips about 1 cm wide.
  6. Dip each strip in sugar mixed with cinnamon. Pinch the ends and turn them into rings.
  7. Line a baking sheet with parchment, place the rings at a short distance so that during baking each cookie does not interfere with the neighboring one from rising and reaching readiness.
  8. Place the baking sheet in the oven (temperature 180), and after 10 minutes turn on the convection mode so that the cookies brown.
  9. Carefully remove the finished treat with a spatula and leave to rest for a while. Afterwards you can serve it and invite you to try it.

Torchetti cooks quickly. Therefore, they cannot be ignored. If there is no convection in the oven, you can increase the temperature to 200 degrees at the end of cooking for a few minutes so that the cookies quickly brown.

Cookies with a layer of jam

This recipe for quick cookies with a jam layer is worth repeating on the occasion of a holiday. It looks incredibly beautiful once served, reminiscent of a rich pie. Once you take a bite, you won't want to try anything else for dessert. Any jam, marmalade or marmalade is suitable for the filling.

It's better if it's sweet and sour. It is important to make a generous layer so that the cookies do not turn out very dry and hard.

  • margarine – 100 g;
  • flour – 2.5 tbsp;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • jam to taste - 0.5 tbsp;
  • soda slaked with vinegar - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - for greasing the baking sheet.


  1. Using a fork, mash the butter and mix with the sugar.
  2. Separately, lightly beat the egg (so that the yolk and white are combined, becoming a homogeneous liquid) and send it to the previously combined products.
  3. Use a mixer to bring the mixture until smooth, then add salt and slaked soda.
  4. Add flour little by little and knead the dough.
  5. Turn on the oven to warm up. At the same time, prepare a baking sheet by greasing it with oil.
  6. Divide the dough mixture in half. Roll out one part so that its size matches the perimeter of the baking sheet. Place on a roasting pan.
  7. Spread a generous layer of jam on top of the cake.
  8. Grind the remaining dough using a meat grinder. Use the resulting straw to randomly cover the cake layer, greased with jam.
  9. All you have to do is bake, in 15 minutes the baking will be ready.
  10. After removing the broiler from the oven, let the cookies rest, and then carefully transfer the cake to a cutting board. The final touch in preparation: cut the cookies into portions and serve.

These are the most delicious cookies - the recipe is suitable for a festive feast or children's party. It looks very rich and tasty. If desired, after baking, you can put fresh berries and dried fruits on each cookie. They will become very appetizing with chocolate or coconut sprinkles. But don’t overdo it, so that you end up with a very sugary treat.

Minute Baby Cookies

A mother, inventing sweets for her child, sometimes comes to a dead end. There is never enough time or energy to cook. This simple quick cookie recipe will always come to the rescue. It is prepared quickly, in just a few minutes, the list of necessary products is depressingly modest, and kids will really like the taste.


  • margarine – 1 pack;
  • sugar – 70-100;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • processed cheese – 2 pcs.


  1. Margarine and cheese curds must first be placed in the freezer and slightly frozen. Grate these two products.
  2. Add flour little by little to make a dough that does not stick to your fingers.
  3. Roll out on a floured countertop. Use molds to cut out shapes. If you don’t have any on your farm yet, you can give the cookies a round shape using shot glasses, and cut out the middle using a nylon champagne cork.
  4. Sprinkle each cookie placed on the roasting pan with sugar and place in the oven. Cook at 190 degrees, after 2-4 minutes the sweetness is ready.

These cookies are not as sweet as I wanted. If there is not enough sweetness, you can put marmalade or jam on top of each.

Honey cookies for those with a sweet tooth

Mothers will like honey cookies at home for the speed of cooking, and children will like them for their taste and pleasant aromatic honey smell. If desired and for interest, the cookies can be made in different colors, for example, by adding cocoa, a little turmeric or currant juice.


  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp. l.;
  • Sunflower oil – 40–50 g.


1. While the mixer is working, beating sugar, eggs and vanilla, gradually pour in honey.
2. As soon as the sugar is no longer noticeable, pour sunflower oil into the mixture. After adding it, the dough will become liquid and airy.
3. Mix flour with baking powder and place in a common bowl. Next, the dough is kneaded with your hands, not with a whisk or mixer. Ideally, you should get a thick mass that can be rolled out on the countertop with a rolling pin.
4. Using cookie cutters, cut out shapes or circles in the dough. Using a spatula, carefully transfer them to a greased roasting pan and into the oven. It may turn out to be a liquid dough, then the cookies are laid out directly on a baking sheet using a spoon.
5. After 10 minutes (baking temperature 190 degrees) the cookies are in the oven, the treat can be taken out, transferred and tasted.

These cookies can be sprinkled with raw peanuts before going into the oven. As they cook, the nuts will gain flavor and add piquancy.

Cookies with icing

This quick cookie recipe will be appreciated by housewives who never have enough time to create in the kitchen. It is prepared quickly, and the dough can be kneaded with the help of kitchen assistants that work autonomously (food processor, blender) and without the participation of a cook.

The cookies don’t look very good, they are somewhat similar to a not quite neat rounded flatbread, but once you try them, the appearance of the dessert no longer matters.

As for the glaze, you don’t have to prepare it at all. True, with it the simplest cookies will turn out much tastier and more interesting.


  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2/3 tbsp.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • slaked soda -1 tsp;

For the glaze:

  • milk -3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 60 g;


1. Mix sugar with cocoa powder and add to beaten eggs.
2. Add flour little by little and beat the dough.
3. At the very end, soda is added.
4. The test mass will be somewhat similar to pancake mass. Grease the baking sheet with oil (it is important that there is a little of it, so it is better to do this with a pastry brush).
6. Use a tablespoon to scoop out a little dough and place a flatbread on the broiler. It is important to leave plenty of space between the raw cookies; as they bake, they will become larger in diameter.
7. 3-5 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees is enough for cooking.
8. After checking with a toothpick for doneness, remove the cookies from the frying pan with a spatula. Leave to cool for a while, and then transfer to a vase or onto a plate in a heap.
9. Having combined all the ingredients needed for the glaze in a saucepan, set the dish to heat over the fire. As soon as the first boiling bubbles appear, set aside to cool.
10. Grease each cookie with glaze and wait until it hardens.

If these cookies are made with a glazed top, then place them exclusively on a plate in one layer. Otherwise, the cakes will stick together and lose their aesthetic appearance.

Curd cookies

Soft cottage cheese cookies prepared by a home cook using this recipe will amaze with their appearance. After baking it looks fancy and interesting. Kids especially will love these funny sugar cookies. It is important for cooking to choose cottage cheese that is low-fat and tasty, without a specific aroma (if you are using a home-made product).


  • Flour – 250 g;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 1 pack;
  • Butter – 120 g;
  • Sugar – 2–3 tbsp;
  • Vanilla sugar -15 g;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.


  1. Place flour in a large deep container, add butter and chop with a knife, trying to mix both ingredients together. The result will be a mass similar to crumbs.
  2. Be sure to first hold the cottage cheese in a sieve to remove excess liquid and grind it.
  3. Send it into the dough, add a dose of soda.
  4. Then vanilla sugar is added to the mass.
  5. All ingredients are combined, and now the dough must be kneaded with your hands.
  6. Roll out a layer on a straight surface (it’s better not to sprinkle it with flour). Use a glass or mold to cut out circles.
  7. These simple cookies are formed in a certain way. Dip one side of the circle into sugar and roll it into a semicircle so that the breaded sweet part is inside. A second time, dip one side in sugar again and fold into quarters. Place the cookie on a baking sheet (be sure to cover it with parchment), and sprinkle the top with sugar (you can wet it).
  8. Cook cookies at 180 degrees for half an hour.

When baking any cookies, it is important not to leave the oven. It’s prepared with lightning speed, all you have to do is turn away and all your troubles will be in vain. It is important to prevent it from burning, especially if it is sprinkled with sugar on top.