Recipes for the New Year 2017 should be original and tasty. Every housewife before the New Year is very puzzled by the issue of preparing dishes for the festive table.

The dishes should please all guests and family members.

On this page you will find recipes for the New Year 2017. All of them will be described step by step. Photos and video instructions will be attached.

It is very important that you have all the ingredients on hand. Therefore, we recommend making a menu in advance, going to the store and buying all the necessary products.

Delicious salad recipes for the New Year of the Rooster 2017: step by step with photos.

Salad recipes for the New Year of the Rooster 2017:

New Year's Salad 2017 “Fire Cockerel”.

Photo: New Year's Salad 2017 “Fire Cockerel”.

Our selection of New Year’s salads 2017 rightfully tops the salad in the shape of a cockerel. The symbol of the year will definitely appreciate his portrait, fulfilling all the wishes of the owners and guests of this house.


  • 6 fresh eggs;
  • 0.6 kg turkey;
  • 0.4 kg cheese;
  • 2 onions;
  • 0.6 kg of fresh mushrooms (champignons);
  • 3 multi-colored bell peppers;
  • 10 tbsp lean butter;
  • 1 bunch of any greenery;
  • 100 gr. homemade mayonnaise;
  • a little fine salt and pepper.


  1. We thoroughly wash the bird and cut it into small rectangular pieces. Place the meat in a frying pan with oil and fry until done. While frying, season the meat with pepper and salt. Place the cooled turkey on a serving plate in the shape of a rooster's body. Coat the ball of meat with mayonnaise on top.
  2. In another frying pan, fry diced champignons with onions along with the turkey. Salt and pepper the finished contents to taste. Place the cooled mushrooms on the meat and season with sauce.
  3. Boil the eggs hard and cool. Finely three eggs into a separate container. Combine half the egg mass with grated cheese and form the third layer of salad. Generously coat with mayonnaise and place on the refrigerator shelf for half an hour.
  4. Peel the bell pepper and cut into thin half rings. Sprinkle the remaining egg mixture over the rooster's body. We make a fluffy tail and wing from multi-colored bell pepper half rings. Cut out the scallop, beard and legs from the edge of the red pepper. Decorate the plate with sprigs of fresh herbs. We make an eye from a black olive.

Delicious New Year's salad 2017 “Fireworks”.

This bright dish looks very festive and enchanting. A riot of colors and simple ingredients – this is exactly what the symbol of 2017 will like.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 bell peppers (green, red, yellow);
  • 200 gr. ham;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


  1. First, boil the eggs hard, adding a little water. We clean, cut lengthwise and take out the yolks into a separate plate. Cut the whites into lengthwise strips of medium thickness. And grind the yolks into crumbs.
  2. Wash all vegetables thoroughly. Remove the core from the peppers and cut the pulp into oblong strips. We do the same with ham and tomatoes. Cut the peeled onion lengthwise. Divide the feathers and cut them into longitudinal strips. To rid the onion of “anger”, pour boiling water over it for 5-7 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
  3. Now we begin to form the “fireworks”. Place the ingredients in a circle on a large flat plate. First there is a layer of onions with ham, we arrange them mixed. Next, use the same principle to place the pepper and egg whites.
  4. Place tomato slices in a circle on top and draw stripes between them with mayonnaise. Cover the center of the salad with grated yolks.


Chicken salad for New Year 2017.

Delicious dish: Chicken Salad - photo

The Chicken salad will liven up the table - another bright element of the New Year's menu. Let's take a look at its composition:

  • Pickled honey mushrooms – 1 jar
  • 3 potatoes
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Smoked squid – 150 gr.
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • Wheat crackers – 1 pack
  • Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste
  • Mayonnaise for dressing
  • 2 black peppercorns, parsley, lettuce leaves, bell pepper - for decoration

Cooking process:

The salad is light and incredibly tasty, and its originality is that you can form it into a large yellow chicken, showing imagination and accuracy.

First of all, you need to prepare the potatoes. As you wish, you can simply boil it or bake it in a sleeve in the oven. When it softens and cools, cut it into small cubes and place in a bowl.

The second eggs are on the way; they need to be boiled in advance, cooled and the whites separated from the yolks. Grate the whites on a coarse grater and add to the potatoes. To these we add lightly crushed honey mushrooms and squid chopped into small pieces. Pour corn into this mixture and squeeze out the garlic cloves; chop some of the greens if desired. After all these steps, mix the salad with mayonnaise.

Just before serving, we form the chicken. Line a flat salad bowl with lettuce leaves along the edges. Next, lay out the salad in a mound, smooth it with a spoon and cover the top layer tightly with croutons. The next step is to grate the yolks and sprinkle the salad evenly on top, slightly pressing it down with a spoon. 2 peppercorns will serve as the eyes of the chicken. Beak, scallop, legs - cut from pepper. If you cut the same pepper into long strips, you can make wings on the sides out of them. Thus, the bright dish is ready for tasting, bon appetit!

“Royal salad” for New Year 2017: photo

This salad, unlike the previous one, is quite filling and difficult to prepare. First you need to boil a piece of beef (about 200 grams) in lightly salted water for at least 1.5 hours. You can also add bay leaves and various roots to give the meat a more interesting taste. As soon as the beef is ready, take it out and place it on a separate plate to cool slightly.

The cooled meat is cut into equal elongated pieces with a diameter of about 0.5 cm, at the same time all veins and solid fragments are removed. In a sufficient amount of water, you need to boil 2 medium beets until fully cooked for at least an hour; potatoes (4-5 pieces) are boiled in the same way for 20 minutes. The finished vegetables are peeled, cooled and cut into thin cubes.

Before serving, the salad is laid out in layers: starting with the first layer, chopped onion, evenly distributed on the plate. In some cases, in order to remove the too strong aroma and taste of onions, they are placed in a mixture of vegetable oil and vinegar for several minutes. It is worth considering that the onions need to be thoroughly blotted from the remnants of such a marinade. Meat is laid out on top of the onion, the layer is well coated with mayonnaise.

Then, one by one, you need to lay out the remaining ingredients in this order: potatoes, pickled cucumber, beets. The top layer is pressed down and smeared with mayonnaise; you can decorate the dish with herbs or sprinkle with chopped boiled potatoes. Like any layered salad, before serving, it should spend a couple of hours in the refrigerator so that all layers are evenly saturated with the dressing. When serving, be sure to layer the dish so as to capture all the ingredients in equal quantities.

Salad “Unusual” for New Year 2017.

Recipe step by step: “Unusual” salad

It’s hard to imagine that chicken can be combined with seafood, and even fruit, but this is actually the case. Chicken is a product with which you can prepare any salad with any ingredients and it will always be right. It is believed that if there is chicken, then it is the first, second and salad. This original salad will delight the most sophisticated gourmet.

  • Boiled breast 1 pc.
  • Mussels 250 gr. You can take fresh frozen ones and boil them or buy already marinated ones, this will not spoil the taste.
  • Canned pineapple 200 gr. It’s better to take it in pieces, it’s easier.
  • Mushrooms (preferably champignons) 150 gr.

Slice the breast and fry the mushrooms. Combine and mix all ingredients. It's time to start making the sauce.

For the sauce you will need:

  • butter
  • garlic
  • 5 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 100 gr. cheese
  • Salt and spices, as always, to taste.

Melt the butter. Fry the garlic in oil, add sour cream, when it all boils add cheese and wait 3 minutes, remove from heat. Dress the salad with the sauce that has already cooled.

Another very simple and original salad:

You need to take a boiled chicken breast, add canned pineapples, diced cheese, a little garlic and mayonnaise.

Delicious hot recipes for the New Year of the Rooster 2017.

Recipes for hot dishes for the New Year 2017:

Recipes for hot cutlets for the New Year 2017.

Depending on the choice of the main ingredient for preparing this dish, a side dish is also selected. Meat or fish cutlets go well with various cereals. The vegetable version of this dish is often served with pasta, herbs, and sauces. Meat cutlets were and remain the most popular. Each housewife has her own recipe for preparing this dish. It’s easy to get enough of these cutlets, and for cooking you can use not only the pulp, but also minced meat from different types of meat. Cutlets will be eaten with joy for the New Year 2017.

Vegetable stew for New Year 2017.


  • Six medium potatoes
  • Tomatoes - three pieces,
  • Carrots - one thing,
  • One small zucchini
  • Onions - one piece,
  • Garlic - four cloves,
  • Vegetable oil - three tablespoons,
  • Salt, pepper to taste,
  • Greens for decoration.

Peel the potatoes, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel off the skins. Peel the zucchini, carrots, onions, and garlic. Cut all the vegetables into medium cubes, garlic finely. Place all the vegetables in a stewing pan or slow cooker, if you have one. Add vegetable oil, then half a glass of water and simmer until the vegetables soften, about 40 minutes. At the end you need to add chopped garlic, salt and pepper. When serving, you can decorate with herbs. The dish is perfect as a light dinner or a healthy side dish for any meat.

Chicken with sour cream for New Year 2017.

Hot for New Year 2017: photo, recipe with video

Here's a very quick recipe for New Year's dinner, for which you will need:

  • Chicken legs – 1 kg,
  • Sour cream – 100 grams,
  • Greens of your choice
  • Sunflower oil - a couple of tablespoons,
  • Salt, pepper and spices to taste.

First cut the chicken legs into smaller pieces. Heat a frying pan, previously greased with sunflower oil. Then place the chicken pieces on them and lightly fry until golden brown, but not cooked. Place sour cream in a frying pan, add a little water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Serve with any vegetables and after sprinkling with herbs.

Roast “Meat in New Year's tinsel” for your attention.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Meat (for example, pork, veal or rabbit) -350 – 400 gr.
  • Zucchini – 300 gr.
  • Canned pineapple - half a can
  • Prunes – 7-8 pcs.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Greens - to taste (parsley, basil)
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.


Prepare 4 baking pots into which we distribute the products as follows. Randomly crumble peeled zucchini onto the bottom, lightly grease it with oil and season to taste.

Next in line is the meat, which we cut into large juicy cubes, rub with basil, pepper and salt as desired, as usual. The pineapple is placed on the meat, each ring is divided into quarters. Then - chopped prunes. Place one clove of garlic in each pot. Any greens left? - Great, then, without chopping it, we fill the pots with it. When the dish is ready, these greens can simply be removed. During baking, it will add its own flavor to the dish. Close the pots and place them in the oven for 40-50 minutes without opening the oven. The aroma of the finished dish will instantly take you to the oven, enjoy the moderately light and rich meat!

Potato gratin “Country style”

  • Potatoes – 900-1000 gr.
  • Heavy cream – 500 ml.
  • Onions – 2-3 heads
  • Spices (nutmeg, sage, black pepper)
  • Hard cheese – 100-150 gr.
  • Butter – for greasing the pan

Preparation progress:

This dish combines everything that is inherent in a rooster: simplicity and sophistication at the same time. It's amazing how ordinary potatoes can take on restaurant-quality flavor with the help of creamy sauce. So, wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them into thin slices. Chop the onion into half rings and sauté over low heat until it becomes soft, add a little salt and pepper. Grease a baking dish with butter and line the potato slices with a snake. Having laid out the first layer, sprinkle it evenly with some of the sautéed onion. Thus, we alternate potatoes with onions until they run out (usually 2-3 layers come out depending on the baking sheet).

Let's turn our attention to the creamy sauce. Everything is elementary, because all that remains is to mix the cream with 2 pinches of nutmeg, a pinch of pepper, and shake. Pour this mixture over the potatoes and place everything in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. After this time, take out the future gratin, sprinkle with grated cheese and keep the dish for another 10 minutes until a cheese crust is created. An excellent side dish is ready to win the hearts of guests! For beauty, it is recommended to decorate the dish with leaves of fresh parsley or dill.

Snack recipes for the New Year 2017.

Delicious snacks for the New Year 2017 step by step:

Cookies "New Year's Prelude": recipe

  • Butter or margarine - 1.5 packs
  • Wheat flour - 750 gr.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 200-250 gr.
  • A pinch of salt
  • Instant coffee - 1 tablespoon
  • 2-3 handfuls of raisins
  • Boiled condensed milk - about half a can
  • Baking powder or baking soda - 1 tsp.
  • Vanillin, cinnamon - on the tip of a knife (optional)
  • Walnuts - also optional


Cookies will be truly fabulous if you create them in anticipation of the holiday, in an airy mood! You need 3 bowls. In one mix flour, baking powder, salt, spices. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites in a separate bowl until they reach stiff peaks. And in the third dish, grind the butter, sugar, yolks, and then add this egg mixture to the flour mixture. Mix everything carefully, add beaten egg whites and raisins. Dissolve the coffee in hot water (literally a tablespoon), which we then add to the dough. If desired, chop and crumble a handful of walnuts into the mixture. It should have a paste-like consistency.

We make cookies: pinch off a piece, roll it out a little, add a little boiled condensed milk in the center. Then we seal the cookies and flatten them a little. Place the side where the cookies are sealed on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil or lined with baking paper. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Both children and adults will love this rosy dessert, as no one will refuse to try crispy cookies with melted tender condensed milk. But if adults eat it with mulled wine, then for children on New Year's Eve it is ideal to brew tea with ginger or mint. Bon appetit!

In conclusion, it is worth noting that, despite the fact that the New Year is a winter holiday, its symbol, the rooster, will appreciate the abundance of fruits and berries on the festive table. You can be even more original and come up with an interesting cut of fruit in the shape of a rooster, using existing fruits and berries. Prepare with love and a magical New Year's Eve!

Classic rolls with salmon, cucumber and cheese. Recipe.


  • 200 g salmon
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • fresh cucumbers – 2 pieces
  • long grain rice – 200 g
  • pressed kelp sheets for rolls
  • wasabi sauce
  • special mat for rolling rolls

For the sauce with which rolls are usually served:

  • juice of half a lemon
  • tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • soy sauce
  • pinch of sugar


  1. Rinse the rice several times and boil over low heat in a volume of water that is exactly twice the volume of rice. When cooking rice, do not add salt or stir, and then cool at room temperature.
  2. Cut cucumbers, cheese and salmon into thin long strips.
  3. Place a sheet of kelp in the center of the roll mat, previously wrapped in film. Place a thin layer of rice on the sheet, leaving free space on top of the sheet and moisten it with water. This is done so that the empty part of the wet sheet holds the roll together and it does not fall apart.
  4. Next, apply a thin strip of wasabi sauce over the rice; the strip should not run in the middle of the rice, but closer to the lower end of the seaweed sheet. Place cucumber, cheese and fish strips evenly along the wasabi strip.
  5. Roll up the roll using a mat. Cut the resulting roll with a very sharp knife into rolls of the thickness that seems most familiar.
  6. For the sauce, which is often served with such snacks in Japanese restaurants, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, the juice of half a lemon, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and add a pinch of sugar.

Nowadays a huge variety of these popular snacks are prepared. If you don't like salmon, you can replace it with eel or herring. Rolls or sushi, cold or baked, the choice is really very large, and it’s up to you to decide what exactly to make from these trendy snacks. Perhaps you want to make several types of rolls that your family members love so much.

On the New Year's table for 2017, appetizer salads made from sprouted wheat will look very appropriate, unusual and original. Sprouts of sprouted wheat grains are simply extremely healthy, they contain a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, and they are also very tasty. At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to prepare something for the holiday table from such a common ingredient as sprouted wheat. However, it is not. Here, for example, is a recipe for an appetizer salad that will definitely not leave your guests indifferent and will highlight your refined taste.

Wheat germ salad appetizer “Original”.


  • kiwi and banana one each
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • sprouted wheat – 3 tablespoons
  • 2 tablespoons pomegranate seeds
  • 1.5 tablespoons liquid honey
  • juice of ½ part lemon


  1. Cut banana and kiwi into large cubes, mix with chopped wheat sprouts. Season the resulting mixture with lemon juice and honey, stir. Sprinkle finely grated cheese on top and garnish with pomegranate seeds.
  2. This snack is not only healthy and tasty, but also completely in the spirit of the symbol of 2017.
  3. In order to somehow diversify the vegetable component of New Year's dishes, you can offer another appetizer, which is becoming more and more popular year after year, because many have already appreciated its juiciness and unique taste. These are baked stuffed champignons.

Every year has its own “master”. It is very easy to determine - just look at the Eastern calendar and you will understand who will “rule” in the near future. In 2017, the Fire Rooster will take its rightful place, which means that we should try to do a lot of things that would please the “lord”.

The most important attribute at a party is the New Year's table. Any housewife wants not to lose face, so she tries to think through everything to the smallest detail. She looks for interesting recipes for hot dishes, snacks and, of course, tries to prepare salads with the Rooster for the New Year 2017. This article contains the most interesting and beautiful recipes that you can prepare for the festive night.

New Year's salads in the year of the Rooster 2017

1. Winter cockerel

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Marinated mushrooms - 100 grams
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Sour cream
  • Greenery
  • Salt to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1. Boil the chicken fillet, cool and cut into small cubes.

Step 2. Take carrots, wash them under running water and boil them. Chop into small pieces. Using the same principle, cut cucumbers and pickled mushrooms.

Step 3. Mix the prepared ingredients, season with sour cream and salt.

Step 4. Boil the eggs and cut into 4 parts.

Step 5. Lay out in a small mound (the photo shows how to do this). From the leftover carrots you can make a comb and decorate the head of the cockerel. Decorate the salad with herbs and make eyes using black peppercorns.

2. Cockerel

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken breast or fillet - 600 grams
  • Canned pineapple - 5 rings
  • Canned corn - half a can
  • Fresh tomato - 1 piece
  • Bell pepper - 1 piece
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

Step 1. Boil chicken meat in salted water. To make the meat aromatic and tasty, add spices, peppers and onions to it.

Step 2. Cut the tomatoes and pineapples into cubes, just try not to make them too big.

Step 3. For this salad, take a large plate and decorate it with washed lettuce leaves.

Step 4. Since the salad will be layered, you can already lay out the first layer. It will be chicken. Coat it well with mayonnaise.

Step 5. Place the next layer of chopped tomatoes, salt and brush with mayonnaise.

Step 6. Top the tomato with finely chopped pineapples. And it’s also good to sprinkle with mayonnaise. The last layer is canned corn.

Step 7 To decorate the salad, use bell peppers, and you can cut wavy scallops from cucumbers. Decorate the rim of the plate with greenery.

3. Golden Cockerel

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken meat or chicken fillet - 400 grams
  • Champignons - 500 grams
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Walnuts - 1 cup
  • Canned peas or corn - half a jar
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery

Cooking process:

Step 1. Take chicken, wash and fry in a hot frying pan until golden brown.

Step 2. If you have the opportunity, buy wild mushrooms, they have a more refined taste. But champignons will also work. Fry the mushrooms along with finely chopped onions.

Step 3. Cool and mix all ingredients. Add walnuts, canned peas or corn to the mixture and season with mayonnaise. Add salt to taste.

Step 4. Place in the shape of a cockerel, decorate with herbs, if you have bell peppers, make a tail, crest and wings.

4. Hearty cockerel

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams
  • Fresh tomato - 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste
  • Greens and bell pepper for decoration

Cooking process:

Step 1. Boil the chicken fillet. Lightly salt and cut into small cubes.

Step 2. Boil the eggs hard. Once they have cooled, peel and finely chop or cut into strips.

Step 3. Take a medium grater and grate the cheese on it.

Step 4. Wash the tomatoes and cut one of them into cubes.

Step 5. This is a layered salad, so all the ingredients in it will be laid out in layers. The first layer is chicken fillet, the second layer is egg, after it lay out the tomatoes, and then the cheese.

Step 6. Spread each layer with mayonnaise. To make the salad tender, you should not skimp on it. Make scallops from the remaining tomato and rooster wings from the bell pepper.

5. Funny cockerel

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Corn (canned) - 3 tablespoons
  • Chicken fillet or crab sticks - 100 grams
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Processed cheese - 1 piece
  • Fresh tomato - 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream

Cooking process:

Step 1. Chicken eggs should be boiled, and if fillet is used in the salad, then you need to boil it too.

Step 2. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Don't forget to add salt.

Step 3. If you add crab sticks to the salad, you should cut them into small cubes and also chop the onion.

Step 4. Separate the yolks and whites from the boiled eggs and cut everything into small strips.

Step 5. Mix crab sticks (chicken fillet), canned corn, onions, yolks, season everything with sour cream or mayonnaise. Add salt to taste.

Step 6. Take a large dish and place the salad on it in a rooster-like shape. You can do it as shown in our photo.

Step 7 Grated (finely grated) egg whites are suitable for decoration. Olives can be used to make wings, a tail and a beak. It is enough to chop them finely. Make eyes from black peppercorns. Make a bright rooster comb from a tomato. Place the fries so that they resemble a nest.

6. Little cockerel

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
  • Canned sardine - 1 can
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams

Cooking process:

Step 1. All components should be laid out in layers. First, boil the eggs and carrots. Separate the white from the yolk and grate it on a coarse grater. Lay it out as the first layer.

Step 2. The next layer is hard cheese, grated on a medium grater.

Step 3. Place canned fish, previously softened with a fork, on top of the cheese.

Step 4. Then you should lay out a layer of onions, which you need to finely chop.

Step 5. Finely grate carrots on top of the onion. Step 6. To make our chicken yellow, you should chop the chicken yolk and sprinkle the carrots with it. Also, make eyes from pieces of protein, and pupils from olives. You can decorate your salad as shown in the photo.

7. Chick

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 300 grams
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Champignons - 300 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 400 grams
  • Bell pepper - yellow and red
  • Pepper, salt to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1. Chop the onions and mushrooms into small pieces and fry them in a frying pan. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 2. Boil the chicken fillet, cool and cut into small cubes.

Step 3. Place the eggs in cold water and cook for 10 minutes. Grate them on a coarse grater. Leave some protein to decorate the salad.

Step 4. Hard cheese should be grated on a coarse grater.

Step 5. Shape the body of the chicken by laying out the ingredients in layers: chicken meat, mayonnaise, mushrooms and onions, eggs, mayonnaise, hard cheese. Finally, add the egg whites. Use bell pepper to create a scallop, beak and tail for the chicken. Decorate the salad with herbs.

8. Rich festive Rooster salad

Required ingredients:

  • cans of canned pineapples,
  • half a jar of olives
  • 300 grams of shrimp,
  • pinches of corn,
  • basilica,
  • mozzarella mug,
  • bunch of lettuce,
  • six cauliflower inflorescences,
  • spices,
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking process:

Step 1. We outline the outline of the rooster with mayonnaise, lay out the diced pineapple in layers.

Step 2. Cut the olives into 2 parts, place them on top of the pineapple, coat with mayonnaise.

Step 3. The next layer is canned corn and fried cabbage inflorescences, salt and coat with mayonnaise.

Step 4. We cut the mozzarella into pieces and lay it out in the next layer, put the torn salad on top, grease it with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Step 5. Finely chop the greens and basil, mix with shrimp, season with spices and place on top, coat with mayonnaise.

Step 6. We give our rooster a beak, tail, eyes, comb, and place finely chopped greens under the salad.

Although there is still quite a lot of time before the New Year, many have already started preparing for the most significant holiday of the Year. People are slowly starting to wonder what gifts are best to give to friends and relatives.

Surely everyone already knows that the Year of the Fire Rooster is coming. And everyone is slowly starting to look for snacks and salads. And if we come across a successful salad with the image of the Master of the Year, we immediately bookmark it. Today I accidentally saw such a salad on social networks, it’s called “Cockerel Salad” And this gave me the idea that it was time for me to start preparing.

And I usually always prepare a salad for the Eastern Sign whose year we are celebrating. I come up with and create an image for it, and then cook it. So, in my opinion, I show respect to his arrival, as you show respect to your most dear guests.

The Fire Rooster (cockerel) is an equally dear guest! After all, how the coming year will turn out for us depends on how supportive this eastern zodiac sign will be! And we all want our families to be healthy, successful, and happy. So that our house is a full cup. So that work brings joy and prosperity!

I think that you have to try hard for this. And the least that can be done for this is to “appease” the Master of the Year and prepare a delicious and beautiful salad for his arrival!

And I prepared this salad. I really had to work hard on it. After all, the Rooster is also an esthete; if you create his image, he will certainly want to look beautiful and presentable. The task, of course, is not easy, but it is doable.

If you liked my Cockerel, then below I’ll tell you in detail how to cook it! Since I only invented the salad yesterday, there is no such thing on the Internet anymore!

Salad “Fire Rooster” (Cockerel) - delicious salad for the New Year

We will need:

  • sprats - 1 can (160g)
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs (small)
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons for frying French fries
  • red bell pepper, dill, rosemary sprigs (whole), peppercorns - for decoration


1. Boil 3 potatoes, 2 carrots and eggs. It is better to take medium-sized potatoes, small carrots, but preferably juicy and bright.

When cooking, be careful not to overcook the vegetables. The salad with such vegetables will not be as tasty, and the potatoes will simply turn into mashed potatoes when working with them.

2. Cool the vegetables and put them in the refrigerator to make it easier to grate them later. Cold potatoes and carrots will not fall apart when grated if they are pre-chilled.

3. We still have one potato and one small carrot left raw. Cut the potatoes into thin strips and fry in vegetable oil in small portions. We will need these French fries to make the legs and beak.

Of course, one potato will be a lot for this, but we’ll use some of it to decorate the dish, and the rest won’t last long either, people will immediately appear who want to eat it!

Place the finished potatoes on paper towels. so that all the oil is drained.

4. Grate one small raw carrot on a very fine grater.

5. Grate two cooled boiled carrots on a medium grater.

6. Rub the cooled potatoes in the same way. When potatoes are rubbed in this way, they will not turn out as a sticky mass, they will be “scales”. Such potatoes will be better soaked, and the salad will turn out much tastier.

By the way, this applies to preparing not only this salad, but others too!

7. Separate the whites and yolks of the eggs. Grate the whites on a medium grater and the yolks on a fine grater. Try not to crush the yolks so that they remain light and airy.

8. Also grate two fresh cucumbers on a medium grater.

Naturally, we grate everything separately into each plate.

9. And so, let's start creating the Rooster! I will tell you below how to make its shape so that it is beautiful and similar to this proud bird. This is a whole fascinating story! At least that's how she appeared to me.

If you can immediately, without prior preparation, create a beautiful figurine of the Cockerel, then it will be great!

I drew a shape on a salad dish using a simple pencil based on a pre-made blank. My dish is the largest that was found in the house!

10. And now, in accordance with the drawing, I laid out the first layer of potatoes. I put the drawn blank on it and checked if everything worked out. Where there was empty space left, I corrected it, filling it with the remaining potatoes. Some of the potatoes should be left to decorate the tail.

I tried on a comb and beard for the blank. It looks similar!

Lightly salt the potatoes and add pepper if desired.

11. Drain the oil from the sprats and mash with a fork. Remove the hard tails; they are of no use to us and will only get in the way if they get caught in the teeth.

Typically, canned fish salads contain saury, sardines or tuna. I decided to put in sprats. After all, as you know, the Lord of the Year, Rooster, loves everything new, original and unlike anything else. In addition, he loves experiments. And this salad is the biggest experiment.

After all, I’ve never made a salad like this before, and with this recipe!

12. Place the sprats in a second layer. Try to ensure that they occupy the entire space, including the side parts. Do not press the layers too much, try to press only the side parts to maintain the shape.

13. If you like fatty salads, then you can pour some of the sprat oil over the formed two layers. A tablespoon will be enough.

I didn't use any oil and just threw it away.

14. Our next layer will be cucumber. We also lay it out, repeating all the curves of the rooster’s silhouette. This layer can also be lightly salted. Cucumbers love salt. But most importantly, don’t overdo it so that the salad doesn’t end up being too salty.

15. Now it's time to start shaping the tail. For now, all you need is the base. Therefore, we lay out only an approximate shape of the remaining potatoes. Cover the potatoes with a layer of grated protein.

16. The next layer is carrots, but not fresh, finely grated, but boiled. We also lay out this layer, including the side edges, forming volume. Our rooster will be voluminous and will look like a real one!

17. Now layer everything with mayonnaise. You can use it to layer each layer, but in our family we are not big fans of mayonnaise, so I have a minimum of layers.

But here you need to thoroughly coat the carrot layer with mayonnaise. All carrots should be in a white coat, including the edges. Don't forget about creating volume.

Wow... It's already looking very similar! Sprinkle a little yolk or white, attach a comb, beard, eye - and the white Cockerel is ready!

18. Now that our handsome handsome man is already emerging, we need to decorate him beautifully. Here, of course, you can dress him up in a caftan as your imagination dictates. My fantasy today turned out like this.

19. I decorated the top part with grated yolk; that’s why we grated it very finely.

20. I decorated the lower part with fresh carrots grated on a fine grater. It also marked the place where the wing is located. At first I poured some carrots where the tail would be located, but then I changed my mind about mixing colors and covered the carrots with mayonnaise.

21. Where the paws will be located, I also put some potatoes and sprinkled egg white on top. That's it, the workpiece is already ready.

I even like it already. You can put the salad on the table in this form. But still, it’s better to decorate it even more beautifully. So that our Symbol of the Year will be the most beautiful of all Roosters!

22. Now we arm ourselves with scissors and take red pepper. I cut out the comb and beard blanks from paper in advance, and now I apply the cut blank and cut them out.

23. Then I cut the pepper into long thin strips, and cut them diagonally on one side. When bent, one of the parts turns out to be a fan of feathers. I cut a cucumber in the same way, always with the green part.

24. I decorate the area of ​​the head and wing with protein. In place of the eye I add a pea of ​​allspice.

25. I make legs and beaks from French fries. Our Rooster is all ready! All that remains is to fill the empty space next to it.

I sprinkle the remaining white snowball under the paws and place sprigs of dill here and there. I decorate with cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. I add some French fries to give it some color.

At the end I lay out sprigs of rosemary, they look like real Christmas trees.

Now the complete picture of our dish is ready. The “Fire Rooster” salad turned out bright and colorful. Of course, the photographs failed to convey all the beauty of the resulting dish. But you can imagine!

The salad turned out not only beautiful, but also very tasty! Of course, we didn’t wait for the New Year to arrive and ate it right away!

Everyone unanimously said that this salad passed the test, and it definitely needs to be prepared for the New Year’s table! Well, then let's cook! So this is wonderful. One of the dishes will already be on the table!

And while they were eating, there was a joke. The husband said - I came up with a name for him, his name is “Chicken boy”. We picked up his joke, and everyone began to complement it with their own funny phrases. Everyone laughed merrily, so they ate to their heart's content and had fun too.

And now I'll share, how I prepared the salad preparation- that is, the Rooster himself.

First, I went to the Internet and looked at what kind of salads were prepared. I studied the offer, and I wanted to make a salad that was not like the others. Why repeat yourself if someone has already prepared such a salad. The Master of the Year is an individualist; he will certainly want to be unlike anyone else!

And so, how to make such a Rooster!

While I decided on the composition of the products almost immediately, I had to seriously tinker with the design.

To begin with, I found an image of a Rooster on the Internet, which, in my opinion, met the highest requirements of my request. I don’t know how to draw, and no matter how much I tried to redraw it, the proportions clearly failed.

Since the image was not too large, the task arose to enlarge it. But it just didn’t work out for me.

Then I began to pester everyone at home so that someone would help me draw Handsome. But everyone just laughed and shook their heads. Then the son took pity and said that he had read somewhere that you can draw an object by breaking it into ovals. And what do you think? I managed! Hooray!!!

I drew ovals, painted on where necessary, and the image acquired the desired proportions. I cut out this image and worked with it as a template. I also drew a comb and beard on paper, and also cut them out and used them in further work.

So, nothing is impossible. Even if you don’t know how to do something, you can quickly learn!

When we ate the “Fiery Rooster” salad, our daughter and granddaughter were visiting. But my granddaughter does not eat such mayonnaise salads. But we got out of this situation. In one of the magazines I spotted the idea of ​​a children's Cockerel. I remembered how to do everything. Moreover, there is nothing special to remember there.

And quickly prepared a salad for her in 15-20 minutes.

Salad “Cockerel - Golden Scallop” for the New Year

We will need:

  • Rollton noodles - 1 briquette
  • bell pepper - red and pink
  • green peas - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • canned corn - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • carrots (fresh or boiled) - 0.5 pcs.
  • cucumber -0.5pcs


1. Bring water to boil to boil the noodles. I take rollton noodles because these noodles are “curly” and very reminiscent of chicken feathers.

2. When the water boils, boil the noodles in it for 2-3 minutes, or as directed in the package.

3. While it is cooking, cut out two identical wings and a scallop from peppers of different colors.

4. Cut a circle out of carrots for the head, and sticks for the paws. Cut a beak from a cucumber.

5. Drain liquid from canned peas and corn.

6. Place the finished noodles in a colander and lightly rinse with boiled cool water. Of course, you can put it out hot, but while we are preparing the plate, it will still cool down. This way, the noodles will not stick together and the Cockerel will take on beautiful shapes.

7. Place noodles in the center of the plate. Use it to create a neck and tail.

8. Attach the head - a carrot, make an eye out of a pea. Attach the scallop and wings.

9. Lay out the neck from corn.

10. Form carrot paws. Place peas under the paws.

This Cockerel is ready! It turned out to be somewhat “arthouse”, but my granddaughter really liked it. When asked if she should heat up the noodles, she refused and said that she would eat this dish like a salad!

First she ate all the peas, and then sat for a long time. We asked why she doesn’t eat, she doesn’t like it! And she said that it was a pity to eat such a Cockerel. But when I promised her that I would make her more of the same, she already ate everything without a trace!

Everyone was happy, everyone liked everything! And I got double pleasure doing such interesting work! So I learned to draw the Rooster, and I came up with a new New Year’s salad, and my granddaughter was pleased with her dish!

At the table they also remembered a children's rhyme -

“Petya, Petya, Cockerel - a golden comb!

Look out the window, I’ll give you some peas...”

Our Cockerel turned out to be painfully similar to the famous poetic hero!…

I hope that someone will find my idea also interesting and will prepare the Fire Rooster salad according to this recipe. This will be a real gift for both you and me. You will have a delicious and beautiful salad on your table. And I will be pleased that I am not the only one who will use this recipe!

Bon appetit everyone! And Happy New Year!

The Year of the Rooster is approaching, and you need to start planning what you will serve for the holiday table. The “Fire Rooster” salad will decorate your New Year’s table and amaze your guests with a new taste. Try it!

Description of preparation:

The Fire Rooster salad consists of only three ingredients - eggs, processed cheese and sardines in oil. At first glance, this is an ordinary Mimosa salad, but no, the original decoration makes this salad incredibly beautiful and festive. To decorate the salad, you can use anything: canned corn, olives, tomatoes. It is very convenient to make the tail and wing of a rooster using sweet pepper. Read on for my step-by-step recipe on how to make the Fire Rooster salad.


  • Sardine in oil - 250 grams
  • Processed cheese - 200 grams
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pieces
  • Salt, pepper - To taste

Number of servings: 3-4

How to cook “Fire Rooster Salad”

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Boil the eggs hard (7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling).

Place the sardine on a plate and mash with a fork until smooth.

Grate the processed cheese on a fine grater.

Peel the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks.

Grate the whites on a fine grater.

Place melted cheese in the first layer on the bottom of a flat plate and give it the shape of a cockerel.

Lubricate with a small amount of mayonnaise. It is very convenient to do this by squeezing the mayonnaise out of the bag in a thin stream; to do this, you need to make a small hole in the new mayonnaise bag.

Place half the egg whites on top and brush with mayonnaise again.

The next layer is sardine. Lay it out in an even layer over the entire surface of our base. If necessary, add salt and pepper.

Cover with mayonnaise, lay out the remaining whites and brush with mayonnaise again.

Sprinkle the top and sides with mashed yolks.

The New Year 2017 bears the proud name of the Fire Rooster, which means it will bring good luck, although, as astrologers say, you will have to fight for it. Only the most stubborn, persistent and courageous will achieve success.

And in order to appease the owner of the coming year from the very beginning, you need to take care of his proper meeting, especially about the festive table and snacks. Let's start with recipes for the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Rooster.

How to organize a New Year's table

The Rooster loves everything simple and natural, nourishing and tasty, but he will not refuse bright serving and exquisite decoration. The best choice is dishes that are easy to prepare but impressively presented.

Be sure to put as many vegetables and herbs on the table as possible; our selection of salad recipes for the New Year 2017 will come in handy here.

But chicken dishes are undesirable guests; it is better to use other meat. And don’t forget to put a basket with different types of bread on the table - the Rooster will be grateful to you.

When thinking about the table for the New Year 2017, recipes for salads and appetizers, use our tips!

Simple New Year's salads 2017

As a rule, the lion's share of the housewife's time is spent on preparing hot dishes. Therefore, salads for the New Year's table are most often chosen as simple as possible, not requiring long preparation, but tasty and attractive in appearance.

To please your family and guests, try using tried and true salads for the New Year 2017.

Pay special attention to the New Year's salad "Rooster", as well as the interesting salad "New Year's Clock", "Christmas Tree".

New Year's recipe 1 - Chicken Coop salad with croutons and smoked meats

Any smoked meats - 100 g (baked pork, any ham or smoked sausages are suitable)
Onion - 1 pc.
Beijing cabbage - head weighing 0.5 kg
A little grated cheese
Crackers, mayonnaise


Cut the Chinese cabbage into strips, add chopped smoked meats and onions, add croutons just before serving, mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

As you can see - fast, simple and inexpensive. It is these New Year's salads for 2017 that are especially highly valued.

New Year's recipe 2 - Salad “Fresh Idea”

Cauliflower - 0.5 kg
Fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
Fresh dill or parsley - 1 bunch
Garlic - 1-2 cloves
Lemon - 1 pc.
Vegetable oil


Boil a head of cauliflower, disassembled into florets, in salted water. Cut the tomatoes into neat slices. Mix tomatoes and cabbage directly in a salad bowl, add chopped garlic and chopped herbs. Before serving, drizzle with oil and lemon juice and stir gently. Thanks to tomatoes, lemon juice and herbs, such salads on the New Year's table are especially juicy and fresh.

New Year's recipe 3 - Sea Rooster Salad

Sea kale - 200 g
Onion - 1-2 pcs.
Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
Salt, pepper - to taste
vegetable oil and mayonnaise - for dressing


Everything is very simple: cut the onion into half rings and fry in oil, add seaweed and grated eggs, if desired, season with mayonnaise, but you can leave it as is.

New Year's recipe 4 - New Year's Watermelon Salad

Usually they try to arrange salads for the New Year's table in some unusual way, even if the composition of the salad is the simplest. When studying salad recipes for the New Year 2017, you won’t be able to pass by the original and spectacular “New Year’s watermelon”.

Turkey fillet - 100 g
Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.
Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
Hard cheese - 100 g


Olives or pitted black olives, salt, pepper, mayonnaise

Boil the fillet and separate it into fibers. Cut the vegetables into neat small pieces. Mix meat with grated cheese and chopped olives. Place the mixture on a plate, giving it the shape of a watermelon slice. Now, based on the photo, place chopped vegetables, a thin layer of cheese and chopped olives on top - they will play the role of watermelon seeds.

Original salads for New Year 2017

Preparing to celebrate the New Year 2017, we are looking for recipes for salads and appetizers wherever possible: in magazines, from friends, on the Internet, etc. and so on. If you want to surprise your guests with unusual options, try preparing original salads for the New Year 2017. The main thing is to decorate them correctly and beautifully. For example, the New Year’s salad “Rooster” can become a real table decoration - it’s not difficult to prepare, even children will enjoy doing it.

New Year's recipe 5 - New Year's salad "Rooster"

Bell pepper - 3 pcs. (multi-colored, yellow and red)
Smoked meat - 300 g
Pitted olives - 1 jar
Boiled egg yolk - for decoration
Mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste


Mix diced meat, sliced ​​olives and diced pepper in a bowl. Don't forget to set aside a few bright pepper rings for decoration.

Season the salad with mayonnaise and mix again. Lay out the figure of a cockerel from the mass and decorate: sprinkle with grated yolk, make a wing and tail, a comb and a beard from pepper rings, an eye and a beak from olives and greenery.

New Year's salad "Rooster" is ready!

New Year's recipe 6 - Salad “Christmas ball”

When collecting salad and appetizer recipes for the New Year 2017, try preparing this simple but very beautiful dish.

Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
Crab sticks - 250 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Mayonnaise, ketchup - to taste
Corn, peas, red caviar, carrots and olives - a little each, for decoration


Mix crushed crab sticks, eggs and onions, season with mayonnaise, and then place in the shape of a Christmas ball and start decorating. Imagine!

New Year's recipe 7 - Starfish salad

New Year's salads 2017 should be bright and colorful, which means “Starfish” will be a win-win option.

Hard cheese - 200 g
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Boiled shrimp - 300 g
Lightly salted salmon or salmon - 150 g
Pitted olives - 100 g


Grate boiled eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the olives in half. Shrimp - peel and grate (you can use crab sticks instead). Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate, giving the mixture the shape of a starfish. Place thin slices of fish on top, garnish with olives, lemon slices, and herbs.

New Year's recipe 8 - Salad "New Year's Clock"

It won’t take you much time to prepare the “New Year’s Hours” salad, but it will certainly attract the attention of everyone at the holiday table.

Turkey breast - 200 g
Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 0.5 kg
Potatoes - 2 medium tubers
Carrot - 1 pc.
Hard cheese - 100 g
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Salt, herbs, mayonnaise


Slice and fry mushrooms. Boil the breast, eggs, potatoes and carrots and cool. Now place the food in layers on a flat plate, after placing a round shape on it.

The first layer is peeled and grated potatoes. The second layer is torn into fibers or finely chopped meat. The third one is fried mushrooms. Then - grated eggs on a coarse grater. Each layer should be coated with mayonnaise, lightly salted and leveled.

The last layer is hard cheese grated on a fine grater.

Now remove the round shape and fill the future “clock” well with cheese. And the last step - cut out 12 neat circles from boiled peeled carrots and place them in a circle, add carrot arrows. Decorate the entire structure with chopped herbs; you can draw numbers on the circles using mayonnaise.

The spectacular and tasty salad “New Year's Hours” is ready!

New Year's recipe 9 - First Snow Salad

Salad recipes for the New Year 2017 are designed not only to feed, but also to provide aesthetic pleasure, to remind you of the friendly and beautiful winter outside the window.

Hard cheese - 100 g
Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
Onion - 1 pc.
Large green apple - 1 pc.


Peel the apple, carefully cut into slices and place in one layer on a flat dish. Grease with mayonnaise. Scald the onion cut into half rings with boiling water to remove the bitterness. After a couple of minutes, drain the boiling water, place the onion on the apple and also grease with mayonnaise. On top are thin circles of eggs. Also grease with mayonnaise. The last detail is to fill the salad with “snowball”, which must be made from hard cheese by grating it on a fine grater.

New Year's recipe 10 - Salad “Merry Holiday”

Without a doubt, New Year's salads 2017 are a great reason to please yourself and your guests with delicious dishes. Allow yourself to feel the luxurious taste and admire the bright elements, because almost all salad recipes for the New Year 2017 amaze the imagination with bright colors and delicious ingredients.

Hard cheese - 100 g
Large shrimp - 200 g
Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
Bell pepper - 1 pc.
Cherry tomatoes - 7-8 pcs.
Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste
Balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon
Olive oil – 1 teaspoon


Boil and peel the shrimp. Then they need to be fried for several minutes in heated sunflower oil. Vegetables - cucumber, tomatoes and peppers - cut into neat pieces and mix in a bowl. Add diced hard cheese and chopped herbs. Finally, fried shrimp will go into the salad bowl. Season the mixture with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

New Year's recipe 11 - Herringbone salad

When choosing salad and appetizer recipes for the New Year 2017, don’t forget about the main guest - the green Christmas tree. You can prepare an unusual and very tasty salad in her honor.

Soft cheese - 250 g
Fresh tomato - 1 pc.
Canned salmon - 1 can
Dill - 1 bunch
Ground paprika - 1 teaspoon
Juice from 1 lemon
Some pomegranate seeds


Finely chop the salmon, mix with grated cheese, season with lemon juice and paprika. The result is an adhesive mass from which you can easily form a future Christmas tree - give the mass a cone shape.

Carefully cut out a star from the tomato - you will need a sharp knife for this. Sprinkle the cone with chopped dill - these will be “needles”. The pomegranate seeds will play the role of Christmas tree decorations, and the tomato star will be installed, as expected, on the top of the “Christmas tree”.

All salads for the New Year 2017 are a tribute to the new “master” of the year, the Fire Rooster. Prepare selected salads for the New Year's table. And you will see - you will definitely be lucky in 2017!