step by step recipe with photos

The phrase “pork chop on the bone” sounds like music: this name alone makes the hearts of millions of gourmets around the world flutter. If the beneficial properties of dishes, as nutritionists say, are due to the ease of preparation, then the chop is the champion among them.

It just needs to be cooked well: eating pork with blood carries certain risks. The preparation of soft, juicy, properly selected meat does not need to be beaten. Spices and salt are added to the flour for coating. You should not fry a semi-finished product placed in batter over high heat: it will burn and the flesh will remain raw.


  • 2 pork steaks on the bone, 1 cm high
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. wheat flour
  • 2-3 pinches of salt
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 2-3 pinches of ground black pepper


1. When purchasing, choose the thinnest bone-in steaks. Rinse them in water and dry with paper towels, removing excess moisture. Place each steak in a bag or cover with cling film so that pieces of meat do not fly around the kitchen while beating it. Beat the meat part with a mallet on both sides, being careful not to touch the bone.

2. The beaten pulp should become very thin. Remember, the thinner you cut the meat, the tastier it will be. By the way, if the rim layer of lard bothers you, you can cut it in several places so that it does not hold back the pulp.

3. Salt and pepper each chop, lightly rubbing the spices into the flesh on both sides.

4. Break an egg into a container and beat it with a fork. Add wheat flour and create a light batter. It will save you the trouble of alternately dredging the chops in flour and then dipping in the egg. Dip the chop into the batter and cover it on all sides.

Cooking pork ribs in the oven is very easy. A simple recipe does not require long preparation and the trick is to marinate the meat in advance. Despite the elementary cooking technology, the dish turns out “for a feast and for the world” and deserves to take a place on any holiday table. And small variations of the main recipe will help housewives experiment and change the dish endlessly.

The first thing that is important for housewives to learn is to choose the right meat ingredients. The best part is the brisket, it is moderately fatty and will always remain juicy. The meat of a young pig is more tender: an adult animal takes longer to cook, and the finished ribs are difficult to chew. It is easy to distinguish such a cut by the yellowish fat. In general, there are no special tricks, and the necessary ingredients are always easy to find in the refrigerator.

You will need:

  • Ribs – 1 kg.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Garlic (optional).
  • Sunflower oil.

We wash the ribs with running water, remove excess fat and small parts of the bones. Dry with a paper towel. You can cut it into large pieces, or leave the whole log house. The optimal serving size is 2 pieces of meat on the bone. Squeeze the garlic into sunflower oil, add salt. Rub the mixture over the ribs and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes. Ideally, you should marinate all night or at least 3 hours: it is more difficult for such a dish to dry out and it remains juicy. At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Place the ribs in the oven and bake for 40 minutes, occasionally basting with the released meat juices. The ribs will smell very appetizing, but they are considered ready only when the meat juice is completely transparent and a golden crust has formed on top. The dish should be served with boiled potatoes (you can cook pork ribs in the oven immediately with potatoes), and an even better combination is a complex side dish - potatoes and stewed cabbage. But ribs are also suitable as an independent hot appetizer, for example, as an addition to foamy drinks. Baked ribs also go perfectly with sauces: from classic tomato sauce to satsebeli sauce made from natural yogurt, mint, garlic and fresh cucumber.

Cunning! Is it possible to take a frozen product? Ideal product chilled. But in emergency cases, it is realistic to use meat from the freezer just to let it thaw naturally, without resorting to the microwave. Then the ribs will be juicy, especially if they are pre-marinated.

How to cook baked in foil in the oven

Cooking in foil is a real pleasure for many housewives. It’s very simple, and what’s more, it’s very convenient because you don’t have to wash the baking dish of grease after a meal. Pork ribs in the oven in foil are an elementary dish even for those who have little knowledge of cooking. In addition, you can serve the ribs without removing them from the foil - this serving is spectacular and suitable for festive feasts.

The cooking instructions generally do not differ from the basic recipe: the pieces of meat are washed in the same way, lubricated with spices, and then each is “wrapped” in a layer of foil. Meat pieces are baked for 50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees and served with a side dish or sauce.

Secret! To form a beautiful crust, you can remove the top layer of foil 10 minutes before it’s ready and let the ribs fry. The “grill” function, which almost all ovens have today, is even better suited for these purposes.

Pork ribs in honey mustard sauce

Honey and mustard is a classic and perhaps the most flavorful sauce for roasting ribs. The national cuisines of the Czech Republic and certain regions of Germany are simply unthinkable without this meat marinade: chicken wings, shanks, and ribs are baked in it.

You will need:

  • 1 kg. pork ribs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Lightly melt the honey in a water bath and mix with mustard. Rub the sauce over the meat pieces and let the marinade soak the meat well. The best time for marinating is several hours, so the sauce completely saturates the meat fibers, making the meat more tender and much softer. Next, we do everything the same as in the main recipe - put the ribs in a mold and fry for 40 minutes.

Important nuance! Just a small game in proportions, increasing the share of honey or mustard, significantly changes the taste of baked ribs. Want more sweetness? Take more honey. Would you like some spice? Don't skimp on the mustard. And one more secret: all over the world Dijon mustard is used for marinade: the Russian national product is vigorous, while Dijon is soft and aromatic.

With soy sauce in the oven

Today, Pan-Asian cuisine is in great fashion, and soy sauce is the very ingredient that gives the dish authenticity and is so reminiscent of the cuisine of China and Japan. Soy sauce complements pork perfectly, so feel free to try the recipe even if you're not a fan of Asia.

Ribs baked with sauce are easy and simple to prepare: the main thing here is to marinate the meat longer and then it will literally slide off the bones after baking. This dish would be best served with boiled fluffy rice, and several types of sauce would be offered separately.

How else to diversify the marinade:

  • Garlic.
  • Grated ginger.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Honey.

There are many variations of cooking pork with soy sauce, and each component adds its own flavor, changing the taste of the finished dish.

Pork ribs - BBQ in the oven

Barbecue is usually done outdoors. But what to do on winter evenings when it is not possible to fry over an open fire? You can bake barbecue ribs directly in the oven and few guests will distinguish them from the original from the fire. The basic recipe remains the same, but you can experiment with marinades to your heart’s content.

What marinades will help add that BBQ flavor?

  • Ready-made marinade with prunes - it will highlight the ribs and fill them with a light smoked aroma.
  • Vinegar.
  • "Liquid smoke".

Here it is important to achieve a crust by frying pieces of meat on the grill mode. The ribs are served with boiled potatoes or French fries.

Cooking method in the sleeve

A baking sleeve, like foil, greatly saves housewives time for cleaning up after cooking. The meat in the sleeve is cooked in its own juices, which makes it tender, juicy, and the fibers literally slide off the bones.

How to cook these ribs? We marinate the pieces of meat, dry them, coat them with any marinade and spices, and place them in a baking bag or sleeve. Place the ribs in a preheated oven and simmer for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees. Some housewives complain that the meat turns out to be boiled. The fix is ​​simple: just cut the bag 15 minutes before it’s ready and let the dish fry on top.

Pork ribs in the oven can be cooked immediately with potatoes - they absorb meat juice and become very tasty, turning into a hearty, substantial side dish for men.

Secrets of gourmets. You can complement the dish, make it richer, if you place large pieces of any vegetables in a bag: eggplant, peppers, zucchini, carrots. The result is a kind of vegetable stew, which is distinguished by a strong aroma and bright rich taste.

Marinades for pork ribs

Fans of meat dishes know well: how an ordinary marinade can change the taste of a dish beyond recognition, shifting the emphasis from spice to sweetness, from bitterness to pungency.

The best marinades for pork ribs (in addition to those mentioned above) are:

  • Orange juice.
  • Kefir.
  • Curdled milk.
  • Natural yogurt and matsoni.
  • Spicy tomato sauce and Provençal herbs.
  • Tkemali (cherry plum sauce).

There are also fans of unexpected marinating mixtures, like apricot or pineapple-based sauce. In any case, baked pork ribs are far from a trivial dish and, with some effort and imagination, can bring real pleasure to gourmets every day.

Chop on the bone is an amazing dish, not only incredibly tasty, but also appetizing! After preparing it, you will feel like you are in an expensive restaurant, where you are served the best dish from the chef.

  • Pork loin 600 grams
  • Salt, pepper To taste
  • Oil for frying 1 tbsp. spoon

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. There's not much to cook here. All you need is quality meat, salt and pepper. For the first time, I suggest not adding any spices and herbs, feel the natural taste of perfectly cooked meat, and then experiment.

Cut the loin between the bones into slices. As you can see, the slices turn out to be quite thick, which is even good, it will make the meat juicier.

Rub the meat with salt and pepper to taste, leave for a couple of minutes.

During this time, thoroughly heat the frying pan with a small amount of oil. Place meat on it. It is very important to place the meat in a hot frying pan, then a crust will immediately form, which will prevent the meat from losing its juice.

Fry the pork on both sides until golden brown (about 2-3 minutes on each side).

Place the meat on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven for 10 minutes. The meat will be well baked inside and still remain very juicy.

Pork chop on the bone is ready! Serve with your favorite side dish and enjoy!

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Juicy, aromatic ribs (usually pork) are loved by many for their rich taste and delicate texture of meat. It’s easy to prepare them if you know special secrets: then the meat dish will decorate a festive or everyday table and will delight everyone who is already tired of cutlets and chops.

How to cook pork ribs in the oven

To make cooking pork ribs in the oven easy, you need to pay attention to the choice of the product itself. Fresh rib plates should not become hard after processing: choose those that are pink, covered with a thin film, and free of stains. Fresh meat has no mucus. It is better to choose ribs at the market, where you can immediately evaluate the appearance of the product, its smell and texture.

If you bought frozen food, leave it in the refrigerator or in a bowl of cold water: otherwise the meat may become rubbery and tough. After this, all that remains is to marinate the rib plates with any marinade to taste, leave for an hour to a day and bake using a baking sheet, sleeve, pots or foil.

How long to bake pork ribs in the oven

Novice cooks may have a question about how long to cook pork ribs in the oven so that they cook evenly and retain the juices. The time depends on the baking method: On a baking sheet, the meat is cooked for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees, in foil or a sleeve - 35 minutes at 200 degrees, with a side dish of vegetables or potatoes in a pot - about an hour.

Recipe for cooking pork ribs in the oven

The Internet can help the housewife find suitable recipes with pork ribs, where there are various options with step-by-step instructions, photo and video tutorials. It’s easy to learn how to cook using them, combining meat with potatoes, tomatoes, and other vegetables. There is room for imagination in the choice of marinades - beer, honey with mustard or lemon juice with tomatoes are suitable. The taste will also depend on whether you use a sleeve, foil or an ordinary baking dish.

With potato

Every cook will need information on how to cook pork ribs with potatoes in the oven, because this is a traditional hearty dish for the holiday table. Cooking together, potatoes and meat are saturated with the aromas of spices and become aromatic. It's nice to serve them hot so you can enjoy the taste and not miss a drop of juice (as in the photo).


  • ribs – 1.3 kg;
  • marjoram – 40 g;
  • rosemary – 20 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • water – 2/3 cup;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • mustard – 40 g;
  • a mixture of dried garlic, dill, paprika, basil, chili, thyme, nutmeg - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the meat, salt and pepper, sprinkle with marjoram, rosemary, rub in crushed garlic. Cover with film and marinate for an hour.
  2. Cut the potatoes into rings, mix with a mixture of spices and salt.
  3. Place potatoes on the bottom of the baking dish, then meat.
  4. Add mustard and half a glass of water.
  5. Cover with foil and bake at 190 degrees for 80 minutes. Then leave without foil for another ten minutes to allow the dish to brown.

Up your sleeve

The recipe for pork ribs in the oven in the sleeve will be especially juicy if you choose the right additional ingredients. Using a sleeve preserves all the juices and aromas inside the meat, giving it special juiciness. The dish looks delicious in the photo and in real life, it turns out very soft. Even older people can chew it.


  • ribs – 1 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • ginger root – 10 g;
  • soy sauce – 120 ml;
  • ketchup – 40 ml;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • honey – 40 ml;
  • Provençal herbs - a pinch;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Make the marinade: crush the garlic, grate the ginger, mix with spices, soy sauce, honey, ketchup.
  2. Coat the ribs, add onion rings and lemon juice.
  3. Marinate under film on the refrigerator shelf for 2-3 hours.
  4. Place in a baking bag, tie, make 2-3 punctures to allow steam to escape.
  5. Bake at 200 degrees for 35 minutes. Open the bag and cook for another 15 minutes until browned.


Often, foodies are left wondering how to marinate pork ribs for barbecue. This classic sauce is used to give pork a refined, noble taste, highlighting the piquancy and tenderness of the meat. Barbecue contains many components that work best when grilled or grilled in the oven.


  • onion – 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - head;
  • smoked paprika – 100 g;
  • zira – 60 g;
  • hot pepper – 50 g;
  • honey – 80 ml;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • salt – 80 g;
  • tomato paste - a glass;
  • Worcestershire sauce – 40 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar – 20 ml;
  • Tabasco sauce – 20 ml;
  • Dijon mustard – 100 g;
  • ribs – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix paprika, cumin, hot pepper, salt, sugar. Crush the garlic, chop the onion. Rub the ribs with spices, brush with mustard, and add half the onion and garlic. Marinate for 2 hours.
  2. Fry the remaining half of the onion-garlic mixture, add the remaining spices, honey, paste, sauces, vinegar. Simmer the barbecue over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Bake the ribs, wrapped in foil, for 3 hours at 179 degrees.
  4. Then unfold the envelope. Drain the juices into the barbecue. Bring the sauce to a boil. Coat the meat.
  5. Caramelize in the oven at 250 degrees for 15 minutes.

Pork ribs baked in the oven

There are many options for how to bake pork. This recipe involves the use of an original marinade consisting of pineapple juice, olive oil, and soy sauce. Added garlic, ginger root and green onions will add spiciness to the meat. This dish is reminiscent of the masterpieces of Asian cuisine.


  • ribs – 1 kg;
  • pineapple juice – 250 ml;
  • olive oil – 15 ml;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • soy sauce – 20 ml;
  • ground ginger – 5 g;
  • 9% vinegar – 10 ml;
  • sugar – 30 g;
  • green onions - 2 feathers.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix juice, ginger powder, crushed garlic, oil, vinegar, sauce.
  2. Marinate the ribs for 3 hours on the refrigerator shelf, place on a baking sheet.
  3. Bake at 210 degrees for 45 minutes, periodically basting with marinade for juiciness.

With honey and mustard

Pork ribs with mustard in the oven turn out surprisingly tender and tasty, using a simple but aromatic marinade. It can be varied by replacing salt with soy sauce to create a dish with a subtle oriental flavor. Even a novice cook can cope if he follows the recipe without deviations.


  • ribs – 1 kg;
  • mustard – 40 g;
  • honey – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the ribs into portions, coat with a mixture of mustard, honey, and salt. Sprinkle with pepper and marinate on the refrigerator shelf for 3 hours.
  2. Place on the bottom of a baking dish, cover with foil, bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Open, cook for another 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

With honey

Experienced cooks know how to cook honey in the oven. The use of a sweet honey marinade gives the meat an appetizing crispy crust (under the influence of high temperature, the honey caramelizes) and an unusual spicy flavor. If you don't mind meat in sweet sauce, be sure to try this recipe: it will be delicious!


  • ribs – 0.6 kg;
  • honey – 50 ml;
  • lemon – a quarter of the fruit;
  • soy sauce – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt honey in a water bath until liquid, mix with soy sauce, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  2. Marinate the meat for 20 minutes, place on a wire rack.
  3. Fry at 200 degrees for half an hour. Serve with fried potatoes.

With vegetables

A spectacular second course will be ribs baked in the oven with vegetables. Thanks to joint cooking in a sleeve or foil, the meat turns out tender, and the vegetables are juicy and aromatic. Particular attention is paid to the marinade, for which this recipe uses pomegranate-based narsharab sauce (can be replaced with just pomegranate juice or even a mixture of tomato and lemon).


  • ribs - half a kilo;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • eggplants – 250 g;
  • tomatoes – 250 g;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • narsharab sauce – 50 ml;
  • Provençal herbs – 20 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - half a glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the sauce over the meat, add salt and pepper, and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the potatoes into cubes, sprinkle with Provençal herbs.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings, tomatoes into slices, eggplant into cubes, press the garlic through a press.
  4. Place vegetables and meat on the bottom of a baking dish, pour over oil, sprinkle with garlic.
  5. Bake at 180 degrees for 1.5 hours.

In foil

Another juicy dish will be pork ribs in foil. Cooked in an airtight envelope, they will retain their juiciness and softness, and will be saturated with the aromas of spices. The ideal combination for pork would be bay leaf, a mixture of peppers and rosemary. The spicy spiciness of the meat will be ideally combined with fresh vegetables, herbs or cereals (for example, buckwheat or barley).


  • ribs – 0.6 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • mixture of peppers - 17 peas;
  • rosemary – 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the rib plates with spices, oil, salt and grate.
  2. Wrap in foil and bake at 210 degrees for 25 minutes.
  3. Reduce temperature to 160 degrees, cook for another hour.
  4. Cut the foil, cook for 20 minutes at 185 degrees.

In soy sauce

A simple recipe is pork ribs in soy sauce, the taste of which is pleasantly spicy and piquant due to the addition of white wine vinegar, ginger, garlic and star anise. A hearty lunch will be ready in an hour and a half, and tender meat with notes of sweetness and a golden brown crust will delight all family members.


  • ribs – 2 kg;
  • soy sauce - a glass;
  • white wine vinegar – 40 ml;
  • fresh ginger – 30 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • star anise - 2 stars.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the sauce, vinegar, and water over the ribs until completely covered.
  2. Crush the garlic with a knife and add it to the meat along with the husk. Add ginger slices and star anise.
  3. Boil, cook over low heat for 1.5 hours.
  4. Dry with a towel, place on the grill and fry for 7 minutes until golden brown.

In beer

Beer-baked ribs in the oven will be a nice appetizer for a foamy drink. This wonderful dish, distinguished by its rich taste and delicate soft texture, will appeal to many guests, especially men. They can be served hot or chilled, with a side dish of fresh vegetables or alone. It’s impossible to resist such a spectacular snack!


  • ribs – 1 kg;
  • dark beer - glass;
  • onions – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the pieces of meat from veins and films, rub with salt and ground black pepper. Cut the onion into half rings.
  2. Lay the onion plates in layers in a marinating bowl, pour in beer. Marinate on the refrigerator shelf for a day (or at least 5 hours).
  3. Bake on a wire rack at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Turn and cook for another 40 minutes.


Pork ribs in the oven - delicious recipes with photos. Baked pork ribs in the oven

Pork is the most versatile and popular meat in Russia. And the most popular. We asked about how to cook pork and what is the best cooking method. Yuri Kudryavtsev, chef of Goodman restaurants. He considers fried chops to be the ideal pork dish. And best of all, on the bone.

Frying is the most win-win way to cook pork. There is no need to rush, no need to twitch. You just need to fry the meat and finish it in the oven. There is no need to turn the gas on to maximum, throw the meat into the frying pan and leave, so that when you return, you will eat the sole and complain: what a bad pork I bought. And it’s not bad pork, it just needs to be cooked properly.

What kind of meat to take

It’s good to fry the neck, it’s covered in streaks of fat, it will turn out soft and tender, this is what many people really value in pork. You can make medallions from carbonate, the dorsal part, cut from the rib bones. But the best chops are made from loin on the rib bone. These chops are thickly sliced, the width of the bone. And during the frying process, this bone gives the meat an extraordinary aroma, and the fact that the piece is thick enough guarantees that the chops will turn out juicy.

Often they also fry tenderloin, but this is not for everyone, it is a bit dry.

Bear meat. Hunting bears is not easy, and some species are even listed in the Red Book. Therefore, meat is not cheap. Although it is very useful. After all, the bear sleeps in winter, and therefore it needs to accumulate nutrients for this time. Therefore, its meat has a lot of benefits: B vitamins, iron and zinc. Bear meat is quite tough, fatty and sweetish – not for everyone.

To beat back?

It depends on your taste. Do you want juicy meat? Then you don't need to fight back. If you like it thinner and softer, cut the chops more thinly and beat them.

How to fry?

The correct way to prepare chops is to fry them on each side until golden brown. And bring to readiness in the oven at 195 degrees. There is more heat in the oven, and the meat along the bone will also cook well there. If the piece is not too fatty, you can cover it with foil on top so as not to lose its juiciness.

The frying pan will dry out the chop, and there is still a danger that it will not cook through the bone. Therefore, a puncture or cut is always made near the bone. But it’s juicier in the oven.

How far to fry?

Pork requires only complete frying. No blood. But you need to maintain the juiciness. Therefore, you need to bake the chops in the oven for 5-8 minutes.


It is better to save on oil when frying meat. Because fried oil is the worst thing in chops. It's a good idea to keep a fluted steak pan at home and fry meat in it. It is best to rub the pork with oil so that it is absorbed into the meat and the chop is slightly oily. And you just need to wipe the pan with oil. If you pour it, you’ll end up with a puddle that will start to burn and release carcinogens. This will happen already at 230 degrees. Yes, and you need to fry it in refined vegetable oil.


The fat that is located on the loin is easily meltable lard. There is no need to cut it and fry it. With any heating, such fat quickly melts and burns quickly. No, they used to eat it, my grandmother told me that they cut off the fat from pork, drowned it, then dipped bread in such fat. But now it’s somehow difficult for me to imagine that someone would do that. Nobody.

Although the lard on meat is not nearly as harmful as they say.


Understand that all breading is a way to retain the juices inside the meat. If you're going to bread it, it's better to do it with more than just flour. And make something like a schnitzel: roll the meat in flour, dip it in the egg lezon, then in breadcrumbs. Fry in oil and serve with a slice of lemon, or sprinkled with lemon juice (it removes the unpleasant smell of fried oil). But it will be a completely different taste and a different dish.

You just need to eat the chop right away. It cannot be left, it will release juices, and when heated it will be dry, like cotton wool. And breaded meat retains its juices better. You can then reheat it and it will be edible.

It is better to fry good meat without any breading and without tricks. If the meat is not very successful, we begin to bread it, marinate it, and so on.

And finally, if you need lunch for three days, then it’s better to bake the meat here. For example, take carbonate, bake it, and then cut pieces from it and heat it up. It’s just that the smaller the meat is cut, the more juice it loses, and in a large piece it is easier to maintain juiciness.

How to cook dry meat

The loin and neck are suitable for frying. All other parts need to be prepared differently. They won't be as juicy and soft. And they will take longer to cook than chops. The leg needs to be stewed before baking, but it is still a little dry, the fibers are fat-free, a leg is a leg. That's why I simmer it in kvass with a drop of honey. Then it turns out soft. Before baking, the ribs need to be boiled and then stewed in sauce. In general, it is better to stew all dry, fat-free meat in sauce.