Bavarian coffee is a rather original way of preparing coffee, which is often called “coffee with eggs.” In fact, a recipe for coffee with eggs also exists, and it is a completely different, albeit similar, way of brewing an invigorating drink. Bavarian coffee is a recipe that includes ground coffee, milk, egg yolks, gelatin and powdered sugar. Obviously, such a drink (it’s not even a drink anymore, but a cream) simply cannot be tasteless! It is easy and uncomplicated to prepare, although you will have to wait a while for the liquid to harden. This coffee is loved all over the world, but it is especially popular in Bavaria, where it originally appeared.

How to make coffee the Bavarian way?

Now that you have a brief idea of ​​the recipe, let's walk through it step by step. Using this short instruction, you can prepare Bavarian coffee at home, without using a coffee machine or any other equipment.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take an enamel pan, place 2 egg yolks there (after separating them from the whites) and 70-75 g of granulated sugar or powdered sugar. It is recommended to take powder, as it is easier to grind, and there are guaranteed to be no crunchy crystals in your drink.
  2. We brew regular black coffee. This should be a strong drink with a volume of 1 glass (200 g or a little more). We also heat the same amount of milk.
  3. Add hot coffee and milk to an enamel pan and put on fire. The mixture must be stirred constantly, but should not be brought to a boil. When the mixture becomes hot, you need to add gelatin to it.
  4. With constant stirring, the gelatin will quickly dissolve, and you can immediately pour the resulting cream into molds. Let them cool to room temperature, and then put them in the refrigerator!

Bavarian coffee will be ready when the cream has completely hardened. Of course, the delicacy resulting from this unusual recipe must be eaten with a spoon. “Jelly” retains a rich coffee taste, and therefore not only pleases those with a sweet tooth, but also perfectly invigorates.

Important! To make gelatin dissolve faster, it can be pre-diluted in a couple of tablespoons of warm coffee. And after that, add the resulting liquid to the pan where the remaining ingredients are cooked.

In order not to make a mistake with the volume of gelatin, you should simply follow the instructions indicated on its packaging. You can add more, but then the taste will be less rich and the consistency will be thicker and more marmalade-like. The main thing is not to add too little gelatin, because the cream may simply not harden. The instructions on the packaging are not only the norm, but also the acceptable minimum.

Of course, you can make Bavarian coffee from a larger volume of products. You just need to keep the proportions. So, for 3 glasses of coffee you will need 3 glasses of milk, 6 yolks and 225 g of powdered sugar. You will have to measure the grams of gelatin yourself, taking into account, again, the instructions on the package.

Helpful Tips:

  • This type of coffee will taste better if you add a little vanilla to the powdered sugar;
  • you can take coffee raw materials without caffeine, the taste will not become worse;
  • gelatin should be used in powder form - this recipe is unlikely to work with sheet gelatin;
  • You can treat yourself to Bavarian coffee even without a coffee machine, just by hand.

The Coffee Shop game has many interesting dishes that attract visitors, and one of them is Bavarian coffee. The recipe for this drink was hidden from the very beginning of the project, and users who discovered the necessary ingredients through experimentation carefully hid the composition. Now the game has become so popular that many gamers began to post it on their blogs. The difficulty of cooking does not decrease, but knowledge of the process will greatly simplify the overall task.

Game description

"Coffee Shop" is a simulation game for mobile devices. She envisages the establishment of her own coffee establishment and its development. This business is not easy, and you have to constantly do something new to attract customers. The developers have provided players with a large arsenal of interaction with the interface. First of all, this concerns decorating the interior of the establishment. It can be decorated in any style, be it French elegance or oriental minimalism. Secondly, this concerns the preparation of drinks. The number of recipes has already exceeded a hundred, and new ones are constantly appearing. It’s worth experimenting and looking for the perfect menu for your visitors.

Bavarian coffee in reality

To create it virtually, you should remember the real ingredients of Bavarian coffee. The recipe involves first preparing any standard drink from grains. Espresso or Americano will do, or maybe another similar drink. In its standard form, the Bavarian recipe has a creamy mass and is a real dessert. After the coffee has cooled, pour out some water and fill it with gelatin. Next, the boiled yolk must be mixed with powdered sugar and placed in a mug. Pour this entire mass into a saucepan and add milk to it. When boiling, it is necessary to constantly stir the drink so that the yolks do not curdle. After the drink reaches a thicker mass, you can remove it from the heat and add dissolved gelatin to it. After cooling, Bavarian coffee will be ready. The recipe is complex only in words, and after several preparations a person will be able to make it constantly and in a short time.

Of course, the ingredients in the game do not require as much attention as the process of preparing Bavarian coffee in reality. “Coffee Shop” is a project with an interface that is not so developed as to allow the player to independently participate in all the cooking. First, you need to understand whether it is worth including such a drink on the menu and at what stage of development of the establishment to do this. Its price will not be low due to the complexity of the recipe, and therefore the first customers will not want to buy it. As your business project progresses, the user himself will feel that non-player characters can buy the most and thereby make a profit. It is then that the menu should be supplemented at the peak of popularity. This will be a good move to quickly take the cafe to the next level.

Collecting ingredients

If the user does not know what goes into Bavarian coffee, then he should listen to professional advice. The standard sampling method will not work here, because a large number of different products can be spoiled. You should also not try to reflect the real recipe in the project, because the same ingredients for Bavarian coffee are not implemented in the Coffee House game. Following the logic, the first thing that comes to mind is Bavarian coffee because it is considered a real dessert for gourmets, so you can’t do without additional sweets. Lemon will add sourness to the taste so that the drink is not too sugary. Grated chocolate is needed to create a beautiful appearance. They can be used to lay out any pattern and delight visitors. The last step is preparing the Americano as the basis on which this coffee will be made.

Preparing Americano

Before cooking, you need to put aside Bavarian coffee for a while. The recipe calls for creating a standard American coffee drink with plenty of water. Regular servings are a little over one hundred milligrams, with two of the three parts being water and the rest being ground grains. To create a similar coffee in the game, go to the drink making machine and start entering the ingredients. The creators of the project made sure that espresso and Americano were not too different from each other. The machine has a filter with freshly ground beans through which water is passed and gets into the mug. For an Americano, you need three times the usual amount of water. The interface is intuitive, and it will tell you where and what settings need to be made.

Other Americano Recipes

In addition to the usual drink, you can use something more interesting to create Bavarian coffee. The recipe requires the use of an automatic cooking machine. It allows users to create Americanos with all sorts of delicious ingredients. For example, you can make a honey drink, which requires adding chocolate syrup and the same honey liquid. Another excellent base can be For it, you just need to add grenadine to the water, and then it will be a favorite dish of the most picky residents of Western Europe. Cinnamon, milk, cream and other tasty and sweet ingredients deserve no less attention.

Mix everything together

Now that your chosen Americano is ready, you can begin to learn how to make coffee the Bavarian way. Approach the machine with your character and click on it to use it. The familiar interface will open if this is not your first login. Here we go to the recipes tab, where you can select products. Take the prepared Americano and immediately add syrup to it. The third ingredient will be lemon to whip and reduce the sugar level. At the end, finely grated chocolate is sprinkled on, and in the end we take away the Bavarian coffee. Now all your employees will be able to learn this kind of work so that they can treat visitors in the future. Having such a drink on the menu and adding competent interior design is considered the key to the success of the establishment. Of course, it is worth considering other aspects of influence on gameplay. There may be an inspection, the client’s desire to leave his wishes and their fulfillment. In addition, one recipe will not attract everyone. It is necessary to constantly add new items to the menu and delight regular visitors with this.

In addition to the development of the establishment, the project also includes a campaign. “Coffee Shop” is a game with great possibilities, and therefore a wide variety of difficulties can arise in the process. Most often, gamers are faced with the problem of being unable to move to a new chapter. There may be three most common reasons here. Check the visitors' book and if there are exclamation marks, then it's worth meeting the requirements. If one of the characters wants to talk to the player, then the campaign will also not be able to continue. In addition, follow the conversations of visitors, because if one of them promised to continue his story another time, then you will have to wait for his next visit. Talk to him as soon as this guy or girl visits for the second time. Then you can listen to the rest of the story and move on in the game.

Our material today will tell you about a very interesting cafe simulator - My Coffee Shop: recipes and stories. We will tell you a little about this game and why it has become so popular. The article contains all combinations of recipes for the game Coffee Shop.

Today, you don’t often find decent casual games on the Play Market. But in the case of My Coffee Shop, we got a decent coffee shop simulator.

My Coffee House: recipes and stories is a mobile game in which you become the owner of a small coffee shop. You have to go through a fascinating path and develop into a first-class establishment with many types of coffee, tea and cocktails.

You will be able to equip your establishment with all the necessary equipment, diversify the range and arrange the design. All this, in turn, will bring you a large number of visitors. At first it will be easy, but very soon you will not be able to manage yourself and will have to hire service personnel.

As the game progresses, you will constantly communicate with visitors and learn news and secrets of the town, and they will also give you advice on the menu and arrangement of the premises. The graphics and background music are very pleasant and not annoying.

Separately, I would like to say a few words about donation: there are in-game purchases - this is probably the only negative. In order to earn money for the next equipment, you will have to play for quite a long time, or else buy crystals in the store for real currency. To be fair, I note that the Coffee House has a very generous system of bonuses and gifts.

In general, developing your own coffee shop is an exciting activity and will keep you glued to your mobile device for a long time.

List of all recipes for the game My Coffee Shop

There are always moments in the game where you can unlock a new recipe by unlocking the required ingredients. Visitors may give you hints, but here is a list of all the recipes for each type of assortment. View the full list for each category.

All recipe combinations for tea, Americano, espresso, cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate, ice cream and cakes



List of special recipes for My Coffee Shop

TEA – 1

TEA – 2

Sometimes you just want to treat yourself to something new and always very tasty. After all, even your favorite type of coffee may at some point cease to bring its former pleasure. It's time to entertain yourself with an experiment in making coffee, this time in Bavarian style.

This is a complex and non-standard coffee recipe. the end result is not just an invigorating cup of coffee, but an incredibly delicious dessert!

So, let's go to meet new taste sensations!

One serving of coffee;
- two servings of milk;
- half a liter of water;
- 300 ml whipped cream;
- 6 egg yolks;
- 125 grams of powdered sugar;
- half a cup of brown sugar;
- 3 tbsp. l. coffee liqueur;

5 tsp. gelatin;
- chopped zest of two oranges;
- juice of three oranges;

Prepare coffee as usual. Strain it thoroughly - all the grains should settle in the strainer. Heat the milk to 80 degrees and pour hot coffee into it. Continue heating over low heat without letting it boil. At this time, beat the egg yolks with powdered sugar by hand with a whisk or mixer. This should be done in a container that must be placed in hot water (steam bath principle). Continuing to beat the egg yolks with powdered sugar (the mass should begin to turn white), pour in the mixture of milk and coffee. Continue whisking until the mixture foams and thickens.

Take gelatin, dissolve it in a small amount of water and add it to the previously prepared mixture. Stir again and cool. Add liqueur and cream, stir and portion into bowls. Refrigerate.

Prepare a syrup from water, orange juice and sugar. In another container, add the zest to the water and blanch it in boiling water for 5 minutes. Transfer the zest to the syrup and cook until it thickens.

Drizzle syrup over dessert.

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Avid coffee lovers who have already tried dozens or even hundreds of coffee drinks should pay special attention to Bavarian coffee. This is one of the most unusual coffee recipes. The result is not even a drink, but a cream that can be served for dessert.

Cooking features

The Bavarian coffee recipe can hardly be called simple, but still this coffee dessert will turn out tasty and appetizing even for a novice cook if you follow the advice of professionals.

  • To prepare a Bavarian-style coffee treat, you need a little coffee, but this does not mean that you can neglect its quality or use instant powder to prepare it. In order for the future delicacy to have a pronounced coffee aroma, you should use only natural coffee, preferably freshly ground, since it retains its aroma longer in beans.
  • Bavarian coffee contains yolks, which must be beaten with powdered sugar. When separating the yolks from the whites, it is necessary to ensure that fragments of the protein mass do not fall into the dish, since when heated, the whites may curl. You can heat the yolks themselves only by steaming or in a water bath, but not over an open fire.
  • If you don't have powdered sugar, you can make it from sugar by grinding it in a coffee grinder.

Bavarian coffee is served cold, but topped with hot syrup.

Bavarian coffee recipe

  • black coffee – 0.2 l;
  • milk – 0.4 l;
  • egg yolks – 6 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 125 g;
  • brown sugar – 100 g;
  • whipped cream – 0.3 l;
  • water – 0.5 l;m
  • oranges – 0.5 kg;
  • coffee liqueur – 60 ml;
  • gelatin – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Strain the brewed coffee, mix with milk heated to 80 degrees.
  2. While heating in a water bath, whisk the yolks with powdered sugar. Until the mass begins to turn white.
  3. Pour in the coffee-milk mixture, stirring, and cook in a water bath with the yolks for a couple of minutes.
  4. Dissolve gelatin in 100 ml of cold water, pour into the resulting coffee mass, stir.
  5. Add liqueur and cream, mix carefully, place in bowls, and refrigerate.
  6. Squeeze the juice from the oranges and cut off the zest.
  7. Dilute the orange juice with water, add sugar and cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves.
  8. Add the zest and continue cooking until the syrup is thick enough.

Before serving, pour orange syrup over the coffee cream - this will be Bavarian coffee.

Bavarian coffee is unusual in that it is not drunk, but eaten with spoons. This dessert is sure to please coffee lovers.