Sagan-daylya is the Buryat name for a medicinal plant, known to botanists as Rhododendron Adams. It is also called fragrant Ledum, sagan-dali, “white wings”.

Like all rhododendrons, this species has a decorative appearance and beautiful flowers. The evergreen shrub is a perennial, it reaches a height of 50 centimeters, usually spreading its branches widely. The leaves of the sagan-dail are oval-shaped with a sharp tip, the upper part is colored green, the lower part is orange, yellow or gray. You can also recognize the sagan-dailya by the intense smell that comes from its foliage. Adams Rhododendron blooms with light or bright pink flowers up to 15 mm in diameter, forming inflorescences of a dozen pieces. Flowers appear in summer.

Adams' rhododendron's favorite places to grow are mountainous areas; it can climb to a height of more than 2 km above sea level. Prefers rocky soil with average moisture. Sagan-dailya grows well in tundra conditions. The sagan-dailya can overwinter under snow cover. These conditions correspond to the Tibetan foothills, Mongolian mountains, Sayan Mountains, and the Far Eastern regions of Russia, including Sakhalin Island. Sagan-dailya grows in some areas of Siberia, Yakutia, and Lake Baikal. Thickets of Adams's rhododendron can be found in the Chita region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, and also in Buryatia.

Preparation and storage

To obtain medicinal raw materials, you can collect leaves, flowers, and the tops of sagan-dail. Flowers are chosen fresh, not darkened; when they are dried, a bluish tint should not appear.

The entire period of flowering of the Adams rhododendron is suitable for collection, that is, all summer months. However, it should be noted that in July and August, sagan-dailya accumulates the most Vitamins in its leaves, so usually these months are considered the best for harvesting - the resulting preparations will be the most effective.

After collection, the plants are laid out in the shade, in conditions of good air circulation, and dried.

History of the use of the “white wing”

In Buryatia, which made sagan-daylya famous, this plant has long been used as a means of increasing body tone and strengthening the immune system. In folk medicine, the use of sagan-dayli is practiced as a medicine for kidney diseases, heart ailments, and to improve brain activity. Sagan-dailya tea is considered a good remedy for potency, as well as an anti-hangover drink. Experienced hunters use this healing plant on long hikes - after a cup of aromatic tea, fatigue disappears as if by hand, new strength appears, and the spirit is strengthened. It is believed that the tonic effect of Rhododendron Adams is even stronger than that of Golden Root and Ginseng, which are often used for these purposes.

In Tibet they say that sagan-daylya prolongs life, and they call the bush “White Wing”. Mystical and magical properties are attributed to it; shamans use sagan-dailya in their rituals and to cure a variety of diseases.

One of the oldest references to sagan-dayli in written sources is the Tibetan medical book “Dzeitshar Migchan”; the author advises collecting shoots of a valuable shrub with white flowers.

In the healing traditions of Mongolia, sagan-dailya is considered a remedy that cures chronic ailments that cause fatigue. It gives the body new strength to fight the disease, relieves headaches and insomnia. After drinking sagan-dayli, a person feels a surge of energy, becomes more alert, and illnesses recede.

Due to its strong and pleasant aroma, sagan-dailya is also used to flavor teas and is also used in perfumery. Due to its beautiful and lush flowers, the shrub is known to landscape designers and serves as a decoration for gardens.

Chemical composition of sagan-dayla

The unique intense aroma of the leaves and flowers of sagan-dayli is a consequence of the large amount of essential oils contained in the plant. They not only create pleasure from using sagan-daily decoctions, but also have a powerful healing effect. The smell of dried white wing flowers is reminiscent of strawberry aroma. Tannins included in sagan-dail help normalize the gastrointestinal tract, remove harmful toxins, help fight bacteria, and help relieve inflammation. Tannids have an astringent effect.

Linolenic acid, which is contained in sagan-dailya, belongs to the omega-3 essential fatty acids. In addition to it, the plant contains organic acids such as ursolic acid (burns fat and is used for weight loss), oleanolic acid (necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels), behenic acid and, of course, ascorbic acid. There is especially a lot of Vitamin C in the foliage of the bush.

In addition, sagan-dailya contains cardiac glycosides cardenolides, which provide a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, slow down the heart rate and increase the contractile function of the heart muscle.

In addition, the raw materials of Sagan-Dail contain myricetin, triterpenoids, and phenolic compounds. Hydroxycinnamic acids are responsible for strengthening the immune system and exhibit strong adaptogenic properties. The flavonoid quercetin exhibits anti-inflammatory effects and is an antihistamine.

Application in medicine

Sagan-dailya is considered a plant with a wide spectrum of action; it has a complex effect on the body, primarily strengthening the immune system and giving strength to fight diseases.

Preparations from sagan-dail help cope with inflammation, have an antibacterial effect and reduce fever. They stimulate the body's immune system, increase tone and improve performance. Additionally, sagan-dailya has an analgesic effect and can serve as a hemostatic agent.

Consumption of sagan-dail helps to establish proper metabolic processes in the body, get rid of slagging and harmful toxic substances that accumulate and interfere with the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

Sagan-dailya tea stimulates brain function, improves memory processes, increases attentiveness, and helps speed up mental activity.

The “white wing” has a beneficial effect on all digestive organs. Its positive effect extends to the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder.

For the health of the heart and blood vessels, the use of sagan-dail is also recommended. Drinks with Adams rhododendron make the walls of blood vessels stronger and more elastic, help eliminate swelling, calm the nerves, and normalize blood pressure. If you drink sagan-dailya tea, your sleep becomes healthy and sound, headaches go away, and a person feels more alert and active. It is no coincidence that sagan-dailya is considered a drink of youth - it promotes rejuvenation of the body.

Sagan-dailya is useful for fighting colds, sore throats and other diseases. It comes to the rescue with manifestations of rheumatism, with stones in the bladder, and also helps get rid of neuroses.

Sagan-dailya is used as a good diuretic and an effective aid for diarrhea.

Traditional medicine recognizes sagan-dailya as an indispensable medicine for problems with potency; it stimulates well and increases male strength and endurance.

Rhododendron Adams is used not only in the form of teas, but also as an external remedy. In this capacity, sagan-dailya effectively treats rheumatic manifestations and various joint diseases. Sagan-dail infusions are used to treat wounds to speed up healing and get rid of bacteria. For inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, problems with gums, toothache, and also if there is a sore throat, sagan-daylya is used for rinsing. Compresses help with pain caused by radiculitis. External use of sagan-dail can also give a cosmetic effect: get rid of bags under the eyes and smooth out wrinkles.

An important difference between Sagan-Dail is the absence of contraindications; even children are advised to drink it. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

With prolonged use, the positive effects only increase. You just need to monitor the dosage.

You can use sagan-dailya in its pure form, or in combination with other plants. Sagan-dailya goes well with green tea, Ivan tea, giving the drink an original aroma.

Plant parts used

  • Grass



For a plant part - Grass

Tea. This tea improves metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases immunity, removes toxins from the body, restores the activity of the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder. Rejuvenates, relieves nervousness, fatigue, swelling, helps increase potency, and relieves hangover syndrome. Increases tone and performance. We recommend not to exceed the indicated dosage to avoid tachycardia, agitation, and insomnia.

Chop the twigs (can be cut with scissors). Take a pinch of herb, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take in the morning, 1 glass per day. You can add a pinch of herb to regular tea (in a mug or teapot).

The infusion has a general tonic effect, stimulates the heart, is useful for heart failure, edema of cardiac origin, bleeding of various types, for colds, nervous diseases, as a tonic and fatigue reliever. Removes toxins from the body, improves brain activity, reduces nervousness and fatigue, rejuvenates, increases potency.

Pour 1/2 teaspoon of chopped herbs into 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 glass 2 times a day, regardless of meals.

Sagan daylya is a plant known as Adams rhododendron. The grass grows all over the world, but depending on where it grows it has different names: fragrant wild rosemary, white wing, saagan dali...

Its official name is Rhododendron adamsii. The herb has long been used in folk medicine, however, along with its medicinal properties, it has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account when using it. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you risk causing harm to your health!

Growth, collection

In Russia there are many places where the medicinal plant grows. It is most concentrated in Altai (Altai grass), in the mountains of Crimea, Far Eastern regions, Yakutia, and Siberia. The Baikal variety is also known.
The plant is listed in the Red Book!

The flowers and greens of Sagan Dayla have healing properties. The collection is carried out during the flowering period - from mid-June to the end of August. However, this period depends on the place of growth. For example, in the Crimean Mountains it starts earlier and ends later.

The preparation of raw materials (drying) is carried out outdoors (but without direct sunlight) or in artificial dryers at temperatures up to 40°C. For storage, the herb is placed in glass jars, paper, fabric bags, and stored without access to moisture or sun. Dry herbs are used to make tea, decoction, infusion, and tincture.

Today, not every person understands the benefits and harms of nature’s gifts, therefore, if you are not confident in your knowledge, it is better to buy ready-made raw materials at the pharmacy, and carefully read the instructions before use!

Important! Many people are interested in the question: are sagan daylya and wild rosemary the same plant? No. Both herbs belong to the same genus (Rhododendron), but to different species: wild rosemary is Rhododendron dauricum, and wild rosemary is Rhododendron adamsii.

History and modernity

The origin of the plant is shrouded in many legends. One of them talks about warriors who returned home to the Sayan Mountains. They celebrated the victory, shared their joy with the earth, keeping their spears on the stone slopes.

Over time, grass with amazing medicinal qualities grew in these places. For these properties it received the name “life extension”. This is how “sagan daylya” is translated from the Buryat-Mongolian language.

Indeed, the evergreen small shrub with pink flowers actually prevents the aging process.

However, this is only one of many valuable qualities. Fragrant wild rosemary has a beneficial effect on the heart, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, and relieves headaches.

The herb relieves weakness and fatigue, activates brain activity, and alleviates symptoms of depression. Makes sleep sounder. The person immediately falls asleep, and his body regenerates faster than usual.
Actions of sagan day:

  1. Antipyretic.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Antiseptic.

Adams rhododendron grows on rocky slopes and in mountain forests of Mongolia, Tibet and the Russian Far East. More often the plant is found under the name sagan-daylya (or sahandaylya), which is literally translated from Buryat as “White wings”, but has another meaning - “Life prolonging”.

An evergreen shrub with white and pink flowers is known for its beneficial properties. Even in Tibetan folk medicine of the 18th century, the properties of the herb were used for chronic fatigue, headaches, and lethargy as a stimulant to restore performance.

Sagan-dailya tea has the following effects on the human body:

  • tones, relieves drowsiness and fatigue, activates brain activity;
  • has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • provides prevention of vascular diseases, stimulates the functioning of the heart and kidneys;
  • has a mild diuretic effect, relieves swelling;
  • cleanses of toxins and impurities;
  • promotes the removal of kidney stones;
  • used to restore intestinal microflora;
  • helps cope with a hangover;
  • has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system and potency;
  • regulates sleep, improves mood and strengthens the nervous system.

The herbal drink sagan-dailya will give you a positive mood for the whole day. According to reviews, the energy-stimulating properties of tea are similar to the effect of drinking lemongrass.

Another feature that a drink with Adams rhododendron has is its ability to alleviate withdrawal symptoms. For those who quit smoking or are struggling with another addiction, this tea will help cleanse the body, strengthen the nervous system and “quit” a bad habit.

It is useful to drink sagan-dailya tea during periods of serious mental or physical stress. During an emergency at work or a session at the institute, a herbal drink will increase stamina, help you concentrate on current tasks and complete them efficiently.

Contraindications of the herb

Tea with Adams rhododendron has virtually no side effects, but the following are contraindications for taking it:

  • hypertension;
  • increased excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance and allergy to the plant;
  • childhood.

It is not recommended to drink tea based on sagan-dail or with its addition more than 1 cup per day. An overdose can lead to allergic skin reactions, headaches, hallucinations, kidney dysfunction, nausea, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation.

Tea Recipes

Traditional method of brewing Rhododendron Adams:

  1. pour 3-5 leaves with 200 ml of boiling water;
  2. leave for 7-10 minutes;
  3. strain;
  4. If desired, add a little natural honey.

You can brew the herb either on its own or use it as an additive to black or green tea. This will give the usual drink a pronounced pleasant aroma. Take in the morning, no more than 1 glass per day.

  • Before drinking the tea drink Sagan-Dailya, you must consult a doctor;
  • You should not drink tea in the evening or before bed due to its tonic effect;
  • after 3 weeks of use, be sure to take a break for at least a month;
  • If sleep disturbances, increased heart rate, overexcitation or other side effects occur, you should stop taking the herbal drink Sagan-Dail.

The plant is collected and harvested in the summer months. The most useful substances accumulate in the leafy apical part of the bush during the flowering period, which depends on the climate (most often from June to August). After which the raw materials are dried in a place protected from sunlight, with low humidity and good air circulation.

Adams' rhododendron is included in the Red Book of Buryatia. Cultivated in the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1964. Despite the fact that the plant is quite rare, it can also be grown in personal plots, but this will require special soil and careful selection of a growing location away from the sun, water and drafts.

The beneficial properties of sagan-dail and contraindications were described in ancient treatises of Tibetan medicine. Far Eastern and Buryat shamans knew about its healing power. The remedy was used not only for healing, but also for magical rituals and ceremonies. Sagan-dailya for the indigenous inhabitants of the Far East, Baikal region, Buryatia, Sayan is a metaphor for vitality and longevity. The herb here is often brewed instead of tea or added to regular tea.

Features of the medicinal plant sagan-dailya

Why is sagan-dailya (Adams rhododendron) so popular outside its distribution area? What is unique about this plant? Can grass cause harm to the body?

Distribution and botanical description

Adams' rhododendron is an evergreen shrub up to half a meter high. The leaves are dense, oblong, up to 2 cm long, up to 1 cm wide; matte green on top. The flowers are usually pale pink (no more than 1.5 cm in diameter), collected in corymbs with 7–15 flowers.

Where can you most often find the plant? It can be seen in the Far East, in the Baikal region, Western and Eastern Sayan, and Altai. Also found in the foothills of Mongolia and northeastern Tibet. Here it is called "white wing", perhaps due to the white coating on the dried leaves. The shrub takes root well on rocky soils in the highlands. This plant is best known in Buryatia and has been used as a medicinal product by indigenous people since ancient times.

Collection and preparation

The shrub is included in the Red Book of Buryatia. In this region, its collection is limited. Due to widespread popularity and advertising, the Adams rhododendron may be endangered. Its preparation must be under control. The leaves, flowers and the entire apical part of the sagan-dail have medicinal properties. It is recommended to harvest raw materials during the flowering period of the bush - from June to August, which depends on the climate. The leaves and apical part are dried in natural conditions, protected from dampness and direct sunlight.

Healing effect

Useful properties of sagan-dail:

  • antioxidant;
  • antiviral;
  • tonic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • hypotensive;
  • diuretic;
  • insecticidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • adaptogenic;
  • antihistamine;
  • detoxification;
  • stimulating cardiac activity.

Chemical composition:

  • terpene substances;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides;
  • tannins (tannids);
  • flavonoids (of which the most valuable are quercetin, myricetin);
  • resins;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oil.


For what diagnoses and symptoms is the use of sagan-dail most effective? How can the herb be beneficial for men and women?

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is known that the herb strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates the cardiovascular system, and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Diseases of the urinary system. Sagan-dali tea is good to drink for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. This is a mild diuretic that removes excess fluid from the body, crushes stones in the kidneys and bladder. Relieves swelling not only in kidney disease, but also in heart failure.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with inflammatory processes in the liver, acts as an astringent for diarrhea, including dysentery. Effective against bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, restores intestinal microflora.
  • Joint diseases. Relieves swelling, inflammation and pain in rheumatism, arthritis and radiculitis.
  • Viral infections and colds. Sagan-dailya has antipyretic, diaphoretic, and antiviral properties. You can drink it to prevent ARVI and influenza and strengthen the immune system. The product also helps with bacterial infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • Benefits for the nervous system. Tea and decoction of Adams rhododendron are recommended for neuroses, apathy, loss of strength, lethargy and drowsiness, exhaustion, and headaches. Acts as a tonic and improves performance. The herb is good for brain function, improves memory and concentration.
  • For men . It relieves inflammation and pain due to prostatitis and normalizes urination. Also known among the people as a natural aphrodisiac, they drink it to increase potency.
  • For women . Has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Women most often take the herb for weight loss. It is also useful to take to normalize blood pressure and psycho-emotional state during the premenopausal period.
  • For athletes. The plant increases endurance and adaptive abilities of the human body, relieves fatigue. Refers to natural stimulants, such as ginseng root and lemongrass.
  • Benefits for intoxication of the body. The herb cleanses the liver and blood of toxins and waste, helps with food and chemical poisoning, and allergies. People often drink it for hangovers; the plant relieves signs of alcohol intoxication.
  • External use. Infusions and decoctions are used in otolaryngology for gargling; in dentistry - for treating gums, for relieving toothache; in dermatology - for treating skin allergies. Wounds and bruises are also treated with decoctions for speedy healing. For joint diseases and rheumatic pain, apply compresses and lotions. In cosmetology it is used as a rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory agent for facial skin. Herbal masks and lotions from sagan-dail relieve puffiness, remove bags under the eyes, and give firmness and elasticity to the skin.
  • Oncology. The plant is included in the complex treatment of cancer, as well as for their prevention. Sagan-dali helps restore strength after chemical therapy, strengthens the immune system, and eliminates inflammation in the oral cavity.

What are the contraindications for sagan-dail? Due to its high tonic effect, the herb should not be taken orally by pregnant women. The plant is also dangerous for children, as it can cause an allergic reaction, insomnia, and stimulation of the nervous system. In case of overdose and long-term course, disorders of the nervous and digestive systems are possible. With prolonged use, addiction to the drug occurs. For chronic diseases, consultation with a doctor is required before use.

Application and preparation at home

What is the use of sagan-dailya herb in folk medicine? Is it possible to buy any drugs based on it in a pharmacy?


How to brew sagan-dayla herb? Experienced herbalists do not recommend boiling this medicinal raw material, but only advise pouring boiling water over it and infusing it.

Recipe No. 1

  1. Take 1 tsp. dry raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain.

You can drink 1–2 glasses throughout the day. There are recommendations to take this infusion in the morning or in case of severe fatigue, loss of strength, or the onset of a cold or acute respiratory viral infection. In case of illness itself, you can take stronger infusions.

Recipe No. 2

  1. Take 1 dessert spoon of herb.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 2 hours.
  4. Strain.

The concentrated infusion gives a quick healing effect, but it should be taken with greater caution, and only 1 glass per day. The medicine may have side effects such as tachycardia, increased blood pressure, insomnia, and nervous agitation.

How to take the herb?

  • The infusion can be drunk for a month, after which you must take a break for several weeks.
  • You can also find another piece of advice: take it at the body’s request, intuitively.
  • The herb removes fluid from the body, dries out tissues, and can lead to dry mouth.
  • It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day during the course of treatment to replenish fluid reserves in the body.
  • It is better not to take it at night so as not to disturb your sleep patterns.
  • It is important to monitor the condition: if you feel overexcited, have a strong heartbeat, insomnia occurs, or an allergic reaction occurs, it is better to temporarily stop taking it.
  • For prevention, you can add a few leaves with flowers to green or black tea.

Alcohol tincture

The tincture is recommended to be taken orally for all of the above diagnoses. It is used externally to treat wounds, throat and mouth. It is also used in the form of compresses for rheumatic pain.


  1. Take 1 part of raw materials.
  2. Pour 10 parts of vodka or 40% alcohol.
  3. Leave in a warm place for at least 7 days.
  4. Strain.

It is especially useful to take alcohol tincture for intestinal infections of a bacterial nature, colds, and neuroses. It is an effective bactericidal and antiseptic agent.

Pharmacy drugs

This plant is not included in the state pharmacopoeia and is not classified as a medicine, but is very popular in herbal medicine. Raw materials can be purchased in online medicinal herbal stores and herbal pharmacies. In addition to dry leaves and flowers, you can purchase cream with sagan-dail extract. It is used in cosmetology to reduce facial swelling and eliminate bags under the eyes. It also has rejuvenating, tonic properties, stimulates skin metabolism, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. The product can be used to relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation from bruises. In this case, the cream is carefully rubbed into the damaged area of ​​the skin.