The grass "Sagan-Dali" is a unique plant that grows on the high-mountain rocky slopes of Siberia. In ancient times, Sagan-Dali was used by emperors to prolong life, warriors to gain strength and spirit, and Siberian shamans to treat diseases. Weed was only available to the elite and was considered secret.

Adams rhododendron, named after the explorer of Siberia I. O. Adams

Sagandala means "white wing" in Tibetan. Gives tea a delicious aroma, tones, stimulates the kidneys and heart, and relieves hangover.

A strong energy stimulant, an order of magnitude higher quality than golden root, lemongrass, ginseng... .

This herb was used by all magicians and nobility (from the Chinese and Mongolian emperors to the shamans of Siberia). Sagan-Daylya means “herb that prolongs life.” Emperors used it to prolong life and improve health, shamans - to treat almost any disease, magicians and warriors - to gain strength and enter a trance. It was considered secret, secret and was accessible only to the elite of society. Now we can use it thanks to the widely unknown great magician and healer Vedikhan, who accumulated all the knowledge of the East and laid the foundation for all medicine and the culture of shamanism. Nowadays, this herb is used by astronauts, geologists, special forces, as well as all “serious” meditators.

Sagan-Dali affects the body at the cellular level. Used for diseases of the heart, kidneys, brain and central nervous system. Improves heart performance and metabolism. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Helps dissolve stones.
Gently relieves high blood pressure. Normalizes pressure surges. Has a beneficial effect on vision and hearing. It is a strong biostimulant. Perfectly removes waste and toxins from the body. Relieves hangover, fatigue and nervousness. Increases immunity, tone and vitality. Is an additive. Gives tea or coffee a surprisingly subtle and delicious taste.

Mode of application: Apply only in the morning. To normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the heart, kidneys, improve immunity... use only one leaf of the herb per glass of tea (250 ml). For high blood pressure and to relieve hangover, use two leaves. As your condition improves and your blood pressure normalizes, switch to one piece of paper per day.

Tinctures from sagan-dail are used on the basis of research that has shown that extracts and tinctures from Adams, Daurian and small-leaved rhododendrons have a bactericidal effect. They have a detrimental effect on a number of microbes, including streptococci, vibrio cholera, diphtheria bacilli, pyogenic microbes and a number of other harmful microorganisms of the intestinal flora.

Due to these properties, as well as due to the effectiveness of its use in folk medicine, sagan-dailya has gained recognition in traditional medicine. They began to produce medicines from it. They are used for intestinal disorders, for various colds, in gynecology, for erosions, as antiseptics, for severe frostbite, lesions of the mucous membranes and in other cases.

Sagan-dailya: use in the form of aqueous extracts

Leaves or stems of sagan-dail are used to make aqueous extracts. Such extracts are used mainly in dentistry. They treat various gum diseases, stomatitis, periodontal disease and other diseases. But residents of Siberia use this remedy as a diuretic. Pontic and golden rhododendrons have the same effect. Their insecticidal properties are also used in the fight against house moths.

Due to the content of andromethoxin and ericoline in sagan-dail, it acts like a drug on animals and can not only intoxicate the mammal, but also completely paralyze it. Thus, there are frequent cases of poisoning of goats, sheep and even cattle by yellow rhododendron on pastures in places where the grass grows naturally.

Infusion of sagan-dailya herb

For prevention and treatment, sagan-dailya is often used in the form of tea. To brew it correctly, you need to have crushed and dried herbs. Take a few small pinches and pour one glass of boiling water. After this, close the tea with a lid and infuse for at least 10 minutes. The finished tea should be strained using a small strainer.

You need to drink this tea one glass per day. If your goal is exclusively preventive use of the herb, then you can add one pinch of sagan-dail directly when brewing regular tea. Such prevention is especially necessary in the autumn-winter period, when the immune system is under increased stress.

The medicinal use of sagan-dail involves the preparation of stronger infusions. To prepare them, take a dessert spoon of well-chopped herbs and pour boiling water (one glass). Leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Next, the finished infusion is filtered and taken twice a day, one glass three hours before bedtime.

Effect on the body

Simple tea with the addition of sagan-dail has a tonic effect, much like coffee. It improves immunity, removes toxins, improves metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and the body gets rid of toxins. In addition, it improves the normal functioning of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, and restores the cardiovascular system.

If you regularly drink freshly brewed tea from sagan-dail, you can achieve rejuvenation, relieve nervousness, fatigue, swelling, and get rid of the “hangover syndrome”. This tea can increase potency, improve sleep and performance. The literature also talks about stimulating the heart, helping with nephritis and eliminating palpitations.

An infusion of sagan-dail is used for severe swelling, nervous diseases, heart failure and colds. It tones, improves brain function, relieves fatigue and stimulates cardiac function. A strong infusion can instantly eliminate the “hangover syndrome”. Therefore, ego is often consumed by people after drinking various alcoholic beverages.

Indications for use

Sagan-dailya grass is used in the following cases:

    For swelling caused mainly by cardiac disorders;

    For colds (common ARVI and acute respiratory infections);

    With prolonged, incessant diarrhea;

    For external infected wounds and ulcers;

    For diseases of the cardiovascular system;

    For kidney diseases, cystitis, urethritis (serves mainly as a diuretic);

    For gastrointestinal diseases;

    For rheumatism;

    For various inflammations (for example, when your throat hurts).

Sagan-daylya: contraindications

Each drug has its own contraindications. In the case of the sagan-dailya herb, they consist solely of individual intolerance. Among the side effects, possible allergic reactions, constipation and diarrhea are mentioned with excessive use of preparations from the sagan-dayla herb.

Traditional medicine is famous for its miraculous teas that save people even in cases where medicines are powerless. The Sagan Daylya plant is not an officially recognized medicinal herb, but has been used to maintain strength and preserve youth for many centuries in a row.

History and region of growth

Even in the ancient works of Tibetan monks dating back to the period BC, the healing tea Sagan Dayla was mentioned. It was prepared by monks, hunters, and warriors to increase strength, cope with fatigue and drive away sleep.

Sagan Dail or Dali is an evergreen heather plant officially named Rhododendron Adams. It has a branched creeping stem covered with small bluish pubescent leaves. It blooms with white or pink flowers from May to October, remaining decorative all summer.

The plant is widespread in the highlands of Altai, the Far East, Tibet, India, and Buryatia. It is found in China and Mongolia. Locals call it the White Wing of Baikal. Indeed, the dried leaves are densely covered with silvery fibers and resemble a bird’s feather.

Rhododendron is collected from early summer to mid-autumn, until the mountain slopes are covered with a thick snow cap. The plant itself is very hardy, and at the end of summer the maximum amount of useful substances is concentrated in its above-ground part. This is how it prepares for the long cold season that characterizes the mountainous areas.

Under natural conditions, the plant forms beautiful flowering meadows

The most valuable raw materials are those collected by the end of the summer months from flowering plants. The leaves and white flowers of rhododendron have the highest beneficial properties. Traditional healers say that you need to be careful with the plant; if the concentration of the plant component in the tea is exceeded, poisoning can occur. Sagan Dailya is a strong natural medicine.

You can buy healing tea in specialized shops and online stores. The Siberian Health company offers healthy herbal teas with this unique plant.

Beneficial features

The leaves and flowers of the plant contain significant biologically active substances in high concentrations. Their complex has a pronounced tonic and stimulating effect on the human body.

The plant contains:

  • essential oils that have a bactericidal effect;
  • glycosides that improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity and increase the strength of capillaries;
  • tannins have astringent and bactericidal properties, help heal burns and give the drink a tart taste;
  • ascorbic acid acts as a powerful antioxidant and helps strengthen the immune system;
  • omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for the heart and blood vessels;
  • other organic acids that have a tonic, vasodilator and other beneficial effects on the human body.

It is successfully used to generally improve health, treat certain diseases and prevent disorders in the functioning of organs and systems.

A tea drink made from Baikal white wing is famous as a means to prolong youth.

In general, the beneficial properties of tea can be described in theses:

  • stimulates active motor and brain activity, providing a high tonic effect on the body. It is especially useful during periods when it is important to concentrate as much as possible, gather yourself and remain productive for a long period of time;
  • increases the body’s resistance to viruses, bacteria, adverse environmental factors, and stress;
  • has an antioxidant effect, protects cells from destruction and aging, can be used for the prevention and treatment of oncology;
  • improves and restores normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, clears cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, therefore can be used to treat hypertension;
  • has a strong cleansing effect. Helps remove waste, toxins, metabolic products, prevents hangovers and the accumulation of nicotine in the blood;
  • helps remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, heals the genitourinary system of women and men, increases potency;
  • tea or decoction from the plant has an antiseptic effect, therefore it is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity;
  • rejuvenates the body, improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles when using topical products with plant extract.

Drink tea or a decoction of the plant in the first half of the day, as its tonic effect lasts for many hours in a row. It should not be used by children under 15 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers, and elderly people with severe diseases of internal organs.

How to brew and drink

Sagan Daylya has an intense taste and aroma. It is quite complex and even heavy for an inexperienced person. You need to get used to the product. There are 2 ways to brew tea.

  • boil 300 ml of water;
  • pour boiling water over the kettle and add 1 sprig of the plant or ¼ tsp. crushed raw materials;
  • pour 90°C water (200 ml);
  • leave for 3 minutes, drink undiluted.
  • boil water, warm up the kettle;
  • For 200 ml of water take 1 tsp. tea leaves;
  • pour hot water and after a few seconds pour into cups;
  • the procedure is repeated from 3 to 8 times.

This method is called strait brewing and is more often used in China and Tibet. With each new brew, the taste of the drink changes towards decreasing intensity.

You can drink no more than 1 cup of freshly brewed drink per day. It should not be used for more than 1 month. Be sure to take a 2-3 week break to give the body a rest and use up the accumulated elements of the drink. In case of individual intolerance, the drink is excluded from the diet.

Experts do not recommend buying and using too fine Sagan Dail tea leaves. The product should clearly show bluish leaves, dried whole flowers and a very small proportion of stems. The most useful tea is made from the leaves and flowers of rhododendron.

Sagan-dailya tea is interesting as a powerful energy drink with adaptogen features. Its use is not always justified, and its benefits are questionable. The plant has been little studied, but its inclusion in the list of prohibited plants by the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Customs Union speaks volumes. Herbalists also have something to tell.

Sagan-dailya is the name of Adams in the Eastern Buryat dialect. Its synonyms are fragrant, twig, Belogorsk tea, etc. Rumor has it that the Buryats called the plant “life-extending.”

A perennial shrub with spreading branches belongs to the rhododendron genus. Its leaves are lanceolate, 2 cm long on average, up to 1 cm wide. The foliage of the current year is whitish, then reddish-brown. Small pale pink flowers form corymbose inflorescences. Picturesque photos will tell you what the bloom of sagan-dail looks like. The distribution area of ​​the sagan-dail is the alpine and subalpine belt. Grows in the Far East, from Mongolia to the foothills of Tibet.

The shrub is named after the traveler Johann Adams, who studied the flora of Siberia. In the Far East, Adams's rhododendron is known as an energy drink, a means to invigorate the body and spirit. In his treatise, the Mongolian doctor Zhambaldzhi assures that only plants with a white color are useful. Unfortunately, the flowers of the sagan-dail are pink. This nuance does not prevent adherents of the plant from persisting in popularizing its “healing” properties. According to their information, the herb was used by Buryat shamans as an assistant in traveling “to the other side”, as a panacea for any ailment, including a hangover.

Rhododendron Adams blooming

Chemical composition

Rhododendron Adams leaves include essential oils, tannins and resins. Sagan-dail shoots contain phenolcarbonic, hydroxycinric acids, as well as ursulic and oleanolic acids.

Attention! Sagan-daylya is not included in the State Register of Medicines, is not listed as a pharmacopoeial drug, and does not have a dietary supplement registration.

The following components deserve attention:

  • cardenolides are steroids, derivatives of cardiac glycosides, highly toxic substances, have a cardiotonic effect, and can cause a sharp contraction of the myocardium;
  • andromedotoxin - a glycoside, phytotoxin with a local irritant, general narcotic two-phase effect - in the first stages it excites, after which it depresses the central nervous system until paralysis;
  • arbutin is a phenolic glycoside that causes antiseptic properties, while being a factor of carcinogenesis (the birth of tumors).

Attention! The culture is included in the Red Book of Buryatia, and the collection of raw materials is prohibited on the territory of the republic.

Pharmacological properties

According to a study by the Irkutsk Medical University, alcohol extracts and decoctions of sagan-dail have a tonic, stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Tests on mice confirmed the moderately pronounced ability of the sagan-dail extract to suppress pathogenic flora and proved its effectiveness as an adaptogen.

The ability to short-term maintain cardiac activity in hypoxic conditions and reduce blood pressure has been established. According to doctors, we can also talk about anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.

To confirm the effectiveness of drugs, a broader evidence base is needed than single experiments. Since there is none, sagan-dailya is not included in the register of drugs, is not listed as a dietary supplement, and is prohibited by the Register of the Customs Union.

Supposed beneficial properties:

  • tonic;
  • adaptogenic;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • bactericidal.

Use in herbal medicine

Among the Buryat peoples, a decoction of dry leaves of sagan-dayla is considered a tonic, invigorating drink. It increases stamina, ability to work, relieves hangovers and the consequences of a nervous breakdown. The use of sagan-daily is possible for the following problems:

  • for debilitating diseases accompanied by loss of strength, depression, apathy, insomnia;
  • in the fight against colds and sore throats;
  • for kidney diseases as a diuretic;
  • for poisoning, dysentery;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with a decrease in potency.

Advice! The tonic effect of cardenolides in heart disease is fraught with irreversible consequences for the connoisseur of the “energy” drink.

Features of application:

  1. Sagan-dailya should be brewed in small doses - 2-3 leaves per 200-300 ml.
  2. At the beginning of use, brew one leaf at a time, gradually increasing the dose.
  3. After 2-3 weeks they take a break.
  4. Frequent use of sagan-dail can cause central nervous system and genitourinary disorders.
  5. Long-term use is fraught with heart failure, the so-called. addictive, depletes the body's resources.

In case of an overdose, problems with urination and impaired renal function may occur on the urinary system, and decreased libido on the reproductive system. If abused, overexcitement and insomnia are possible as signs of withdrawal.

It is worth noting that tea or decoction of sagan-dail is simply a tonic drink, superior in strength to lemongrass, ginseng, etc. Bactericidal, antipyretic, immunostimulating and other properties are weakly expressed. There are many arguments against the use of sagan-dail as a tonic, and there are many contraindications. There are no arguments in favor of the medicinal value of the plant - except perhaps experiments on rodents and legends of Far Eastern shamans.

Properties of sagan-dayla: video

The herb sagan dailya was described in ancient Tibetan treatises. This plant is medicinal: it is believed that it adds vitality and gives longevity.

Sagan daylya and its composition

The plant belongs to the genus Rhododendron, family Ericaceae. The herb sagan-dailya (translated as “life-extending”) has other names: botanical - Adams’ rhododendron, folk - Buryat tea, white wing. You can find the plant in Siberia, China, and it is found in the Far East. This is a perennial shrub, evergreen, loving rocks, rocky slopes, and highlands.

Sagan dailya has a very pleasant smell, which is even more intense at high altitudes.

The composition of the plant is unique; it contains a huge amount of antioxidants - bioflavonoids, ascorbic acid, selenium, some phenolic compounds, rutin.

The vitamin composition, in addition to ascorbic acid, is represented by the following substances:

The plant also found its use due to the presence of special esters - germacron, nerolidol, it contains resins, many organic acids, glycosides, fatty acids, pectin.

Astringent properties are provided by tannins and tannins. Minerals found in the composition include iodine, manganese, copper, and magnesium.

Medicinal properties

The herb sagan daylya is capable of removing stones from the kidneys, and cleansing the intestines and intercellular space of toxins. Due to its beneficial effect on the nervous system, it helps relieve headaches, numbness of the limbs, and cramps. Rutin, glycosides are useful for blood vessels, capillaries, and strengthen veins.

The plant is also useful for the heart - it normalizes rhythm, eliminates “cardiac” edema, and lowers blood pressure.

The herb is useful for those suffering from reduced immunity; it eliminates loss of strength and a general state of malaise.

The antioxidant properties of the plant are great, so it can be taken as an anticancer agent and for the prevention of oncology. The herb is an antiseptic, it also has antiviral abilities, it will be useful to a person during infections.

Other healing properties are:

  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • adaptogenic;
  • detoxification;
  • antihistamines.

When taken, the plant improves memory, neurosensory perception, and generally activates brain activity. The herb is also suitable for withdrawal symptoms - it helps to gently bring a person out of binge drinking.

Indications for use

Adams rhododendron is widely used to treat genitourinary diseases in men and women. A course of treatment helps relieve inflammation, swelling of the prostate, normalizes urination in case of prostatitis, prostate adenoma. Also, in men, tea stimulates potency and restores normal libido.

The plant is a natural aphrodisiac; it is also recommended for women to enhance sexual desire.

Due to its ability to accelerate metabolic processes, sagan daylya is useful if you want to lose weight - fat deposits will be broken down faster. Another white wing is indicated for the following diseases:

The plant can be used externally to gargle, wash the nose, and wounds. Due to the presence of antiseptic properties, it will cope perfectly with infection and purulent processes.

Preparation and contraindications

In Buryatia, the collection of the plant is limited - it is included in the Red Book. Harvesting is done in June-August, flowers and the green part are taken - leaves, leafy tops. The raw materials are dried in a thin layer on cotton or paper in a natural way. The finished raw material emits an aroma reminiscent of strawberry.

You must be careful when using sagan daylya, which contains so many active substances! Pregnant women should not drink the herb, as its tonic properties can lead to miscarriage and early birth. Other contraindications are:

The seeds of the plant should not be used in preparing medicines for those who are allergic to peas. This leads to spasms of the respiratory system. Side effects sometimes include diarrhea, dizziness, and nausea, but they usually go away quickly. You should not take sagan daylya for too long - digestive and nervous disorders are possible. The optimal course is 7-14 days.

Internal recipes

For a cold, the white wing should be brewed with boiling water (100 g/liter) and left for 8-12 hours. Afterwards, strain the infusion and store in the cold. Drink 100 ml as tea, preferably adding a teaspoon of honey. This remedy will quickly relieve fever and swelling. For diseases of the nervous system, the recipe includes chamomile:

To recover from an illness, mix the dry powder of the plant with honey. The components must be taken equally. You need to eat a teaspoon of the prepared product on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. If there is a metabolic disorder, there is the following recipe to speed up weight loss:

For male diseases, brew a teaspoon of raw material with a glass of water, infuse it, drink 100 ml twice a day. They are also treated for cystitis and heart pathologies.

External use of sagan daylya

If you suffer from intense heat, you can combine equal amounts of sagan dail grass and willow bark, pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Afterwards, soak a cloth in the infusion, apply it to your forehead, and at the same time wipe your face with the infusion.

Sore throat is treated as follows:

The same product is used to wash purulent wounds and non-healing ulcers. For stomatitis, you can simply chew a leaf of fresh grass - this will help quickly get rid of pain. Rub the joints with vodka tincture. It is prepared like this: take 10 parts of vodka for 1 part of herb and leave in the dark for 14 days. Afterwards, you can use the rub for radiculitis, sciatica, and rheumatism. From dried herbs and honey, as well as any cream (everything is combined equally), face masks are made for acne and enlarged pores.


Sagan-dali grass has been known for a long time in Tibet, the Sayan Mountains, and Altai. Medical research has confirmed its health benefits and it is named Adams rhododendron. The sagan-dailya plant is used for vigor, strength, longevity, and the fight against numerous diseases.

Botanical description of the sagan-daylya plant

This is an evergreen small shrub that grows on mountain slopes and prefers cold climates. It is spread by seeds, which are carried over long distances by the wind.

The medicinal plant can be found in the Far East, Altai, Sayan Mountains, the mountains of Mongolia, Sakhalin, northern Tibet, and near Lake Baikal. It has many beautiful names: “White Wing”, “Fragrant Rosemary”, “Shaman Tea”, “Sagan-dal”, “Sakhan-dali”, “Tea of ​​Immortality”.

The branches grow up to half a meter, becoming covered with a brown crust. After a few years, it gradually darkens, peels off, and a new one appears. The leaves of the plant are oblong, with short petioles. The underside is covered with reddish-colored scales. When young, they have a pleasant aroma, which differs depending on the region where sagan-dali grows.

Sagan blooms from July to August. The buds are up to 1.5 cm in diameter, light pink in color. In October, the fruits ripen - small boxes full of seeds.

photo of a flowering plant in its natural habitat

Tinctures and decoctions using the plant can induce a trance and clarify consciousness. Dail-based products are used in Eastern teachings for meditation, fumigation of a room, in the practices of shamans and esotericists.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties

The flowers and leaves of the plant are used for therapeutic purposes and prevention. They contain many biologically active elements. The composition contains useful components and compounds, including tannins, resins, organic acids, vitamin D, and ascorbic acid. We will consider the medicinal properties and contraindications of sagan below.

Medicinal qualities of the plant:

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • removes tissue swelling;
  • normalizes the functioning of internal organs;
  • cures chronic pathologies;
  • frees the body from toxins;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • stimulates attention and memory;
  • heals wounds;
  • normalize heart rhythm;
  • promotes good brain function;
  • increases sexual desire;
  • prevents the development of strokes;
  • improves sleep quality;
  • strengthens protective forces.

fragrant wild rosemary has a lot of positive effects for maintaining human health

The rich chemical composition determines the positive effect of fragrant wild rosemary on humans. In ancient times, sagan was used in folk medicine and in everyday life. Emperors used it to prolong their lives and clear their minds. Warriors used sagan decoctions to lift their spirits before battles.

Today, medicinal infusions based on dail are used for prevention during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections, colds, influenza, to relieve psycho-emotional stress, and reduce the risk of cancer.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

The sagan grass is listed in the Buryat Red Book as an endangered species. For this reason, its collection in the vicinity of Lake Baikal is controlled. To make medicine, take the leaves, the entire upper part of the bush. The flowers are fresh, without darkening or spots. When drying, they should not appear blue.

dry raw materials retain the medicinal properties of the plant well and, if properly stored, can retain medicinal qualities for up to two years

Harvesting takes place at the end of summer. At this time, all parts of the plant accumulate a large content of useful elements and vitamins. All raw materials are laid out in a small layer in a shaded place on paper or cotton cloth.

It is important to ensure constant air circulation for better drying. Even after processing, the leaves and flowers will have a delicate smell, vaguely reminiscent of wild strawberries.

Dosage forms based on sagan-dail and rules for their manufacture

Fragrant wild rosemary is widely used in folk medicine.

It is better not to take medicine based on it after lunch, because... a strong energy-stimulating effect will not allow you to fall asleep in the evening.


For the decoction, take crushed raw materials (10 g), add water (200 ml), and bring to a boil. Keep on medium heat for 7 minutes and leave for 1 hour. Filter, add boiled water to the original volume.

To treat high blood pressure and frequent migraines, make a decoction with milk (the recipe is similar to the previous one).

The medicinal drink as a tonic is taken 100 ml orally for poisoning, diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

It is useful to use the decoction for preparing baths. In addition, it helps in the treatment of inflammation of cartilage tissue, joints, and bone injuries; reduces the manifestation of osteochondrosis.

Compresses are made with decoctions and applied to bruises, hematomas, and areas of swelling. The medicine has a healing, bactericidal, soothing, anti-inflammatory quality.

To prepare medicinal drinks, you can use independently prepared raw materials, or you can buy them at a pharmacy


To make a water infusion 0.5 tsp. dried raw materials are brewed with boiling water (200 ml), left for 2 hours, filtered. Take 200 ml twice a day.

The infusion can be used for external purposes, but it must have a more intense concentration. Take dried herb (100 g), brew with boiling water (1 l), leave for 12 hours. The resulting product is used to wash wounds and gargle.

The infusion helps with the following problems:

  • high blood pressure;
  • tissue swelling due to heart disease;
  • sleep problems;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • colds;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • heavy mental and physical stress;
  • erectile disfunction.

A mixture of pharmaceutical chamomile and sagan-dail in a ratio of 1:2 helps against stressful conditions and neuroses. Pour boiling water over this composition, leave in a dark place for a day, drink 10 ml warm twice a day.


Vodka or alcohol tincture is made from medicinal raw materials. In a dark glass bowl, mix the ingredients - 1 part dry herb and 10 parts vodka (alcohol). Infuse in a cool place for a week. The product is suitable only for external use: it is used to rub joints, the back for rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis, myositis, damaged areas for bruises, hematomas, swelling. Do not use the tincture if the skin is damaged, because there is a risk of tissue burns. In cosmetology, it is useful for rejuvenation and moisturizing.

morning tea with the plant will charge the body with energy for the whole working day

Tonic tea

To make a tonic drink, you can prepare sagan daylya, just like traditional tea is brewed. Pour a glass of boiling water over a pinch of crushed raw materials and leave for 10 minutes. After filtering, drink the healing infusion. It helps to warm up, improve metabolism, and improve immunity.

When consumed regularly, this tea:

  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • has a positive effect on the heart;
  • cleans blood vessels;
  • increases sexual activity;
  • helps relieve fatigue;
  • fights physical and psychological fatigue.

The drink is drunk separately or added to the usual brew. To do this, pour boiling water (200 ml) into the third part of a small spoon along with regular tea or pu-erh; insist. It is important to drink the mixture before lunch. Properly collected and dried sagan gives the tea a greenish tint and a pleasant aroma of forest air. It is useful to drink it with rose hips - they mutually enhance each other’s beneficial qualities.

It is not recommended to drink this tonic tea every day, because... addiction may occur. This strong energy drink can be consumed 2-3 times a week. There is no need to brew it before a bath or other events that put stress on the heart.

Pharmacy drugs

Sagan-dailya has also found application in pharmaceutical preparations. There are few of them, since the plant has not been fully studied. It belongs to herbal medicines, as a separate component is found in some medicines. For example, rhododendron adamsii is included in the drug for papillomas “Papilight”. Sagan and other medicinal herbs of Buryatia are used more in cosmetology.

Adams rhododendron has a wide range of medicinal effects and a wide range of applications

Indications and contraindications for use

Used for the following problems:

  1. Pathologies of the excretory system. The plant removes excess fluid from the body, crushes stones, relieves swelling of tissues, and reduces the inflammatory process.
  2. Colds, ARVI. Because Sagan has antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory properties; it is used as a preventive drug against colds and to maintain immunity. Clears the respiratory tract from bacterial infections.
  3. Joint pathologies. Reduces swelling, reduces inflammation, eliminates pain. Helps with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis.
  4. Diseases of the heart and vascular system. Normalizes blood pressure, strengthens vascular walls, removes toxins.
  5. In case of poisoning. Cleanses the circulatory system and liver of toxic substances, relieves symptoms of food, chemical, and allergic intoxications. Often used for alcohol hangovers.
  6. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Relieves nervous tension, apathy, exhaustion, migraine. Returns vigor, increases performance, improves attention, memory, and allows you to concentrate faster.
  7. In sports. Increases endurance, reduces fatigue. Promotes the active process of building muscle mass. It is a natural stimulant, like lemongrass or ginseng.
  8. Oncological diseases. It is used in complex treatment to prevent the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. Restores the body after a course of chemotherapy, strengthens the immune system.
  9. External use. The active substances of the Altai wild rosemary heal festering wounds on the skin, reduce toothache, reduce inflammation during colds, relieve itching and irritation during allergic manifestations.

Like any medicine, the plant has contraindications that must be followed so as not to harm the body

The leaves of the plant have a large number of alkaloids, which have been little studied. In case of overdose, they cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, nausea, allergic rash and burning sensation on the skin. Uncontrolled use may cause visual disturbances and hallucinations. Such conditions are dangerous in case of chronic kidney pathologies, disorders of the heart and liver.

Sagan-dail has beneficial properties and contraindications due to the biological elements it contains, which actively affect internal organs and systems.

The main restrictions are related to personal intolerance and allergic reactions to the plant. It should not be used by children or women during pregnancy and lactation.

To obtain the greatest medicinal benefits from the plant, you should follow the dosage and rules of use

Methods of application

Depending on the purpose, it will be clear how to take the remedy. To improve your health, drink it from 6 months to 1 year. As a tea, the medicinal plant can be consumed for a long time, but the dosage must be observed. It is recommended to take the infusion for 1 month, then take a break for 12-15 days and resume therapy.

You definitely need to monitor your well-being, especially in the first days of taking it. In case of severe agitation, increased heart rate, or insomnia, you need to reduce the dosage or temporarily stop using the medication.

Sagan-dailya (Adams rhododendron) when taken regularly removes fluid from the tissues - because of this, you may feel dry mouth and constant thirst. To eliminate this side effect, you need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water daily along with taking the medication. For overall health and strengthening the immune system, you should constantly add leaves or flowers to your morning tea.

Sagan Daylya normalizes metabolic processes and intestinal motility, helps to get rid of excess weight

For women

Products based on Tibetan “white wings” have a positive effect on metabolism, overall well-being, help lose weight, and stabilize blood pressure. They help women put their overexcited nervous system in order, cope with stress, and relieve fatigue. Recommended during menopause.

For children

The medicine is not used for the treatment and prevention of diseases under 18 years of age. In exceptional cases, under the supervision of a physician, external use is permitted for the treatment of purulent wounds, severe bruises, hematomas, and cuts.

sagan daylya has a positive effect on men's and women's health

Medicines based on sagan-dail have a strong healing effect for men. The prostate suffers from a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged stress, unprotected sexual intercourse, and numerous chronic pathologies. With age, irreversible changes begin in this organ.

Adams rhododendron tea is used for the treatment and prevention of men's health. It relieves pain and reduces inflammation in the prostate, removes tissue swelling, and increases sexual desire.

Application in cosmetology

The active natural substances of the medicinal plant have a positive effect on the skin. On its basis, balms, tonics, and creams are made that refresh the skin, give it a velvety, even color. With constant use, small wounds, areas of irritation after acne, allergic reactions heal; Wrinkles and age spots become less visible.

Essential oil obtained from the leaves of the bush tones, rejuvenates, moisturizes, and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. It is used in soap making and aromatherapy due to its pleasant rich smell.

Decoctions and compresses from the leaves and flowers of fragrant wild rosemary relieve swelling, reduce bags under the eyes, and eliminate redness of the skin. Rinsing hair with sagan infusion makes strands manageable, silky, strengthens hair follicles, and prevents dandruff.

Sagan-dailya means “life prolonging”. Preparations based on this medicinal plant not only increase the number of years lived, but also fill them with health, cheerfulness, and joy.