Fresh, aromatic pastries are a great option for breakfast or for a delicious dessert. We all know such a dish as charlotte, which is traditionally prepared using apples. But nowadays there are many variations of making charlotte. For example, today we will look at an interesting recipe. And as a result of cooking, we will get charlotte with lingonberries. The taste of the pie will be very pleasant, with a slight sourness, and the aroma is simply indescribable. Let's look at the recipe and try to prepare a very tasty delicacy.

First, let's prepare all the products we need and start cooking.

  • Flour – 1 glass;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs;
  • Soda slaked with vinegar;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Lingonberries – 1 glass.

The list of products, as you can see, is very small and, moreover, very simple. Now let's proceed directly to the preparation.

Step by step recipe

Our lingonberry pie is ready. Even an inexperienced housewife who will try this dish for the first time will note that the recipe is very simple, it does not require much time and effort, and the products used for preparation are the most common. Charlotte with lingonberries is served slightly cooled, so it will be easier to remove from the mold and cut. For decoration, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar. The dish turns out very tasty, it combines light sourness, thanks to the berries, and a sweetish and fluffy dough. A cup of hot tea or, conversely, cold milk will be an excellent component of the pie.

As you know, this pie is usually made with apples. But you can combine this recipe with the one everyone is familiar with, then we will get charlotte with apples and lingonberries. The pie perfectly combines the flavors of the fruits used.

If you want to pamper your family with a delicious and simple dish, then this recipe is exactly what you need. The time spent is minimal, and you will feel the result even during cooking; the wonderful aroma will not keep you waiting.

Charlotte is a sweet pastry, which is a jellied pie with apples. Currently, you can add other fruits or berries to the simple apple charlotte recipe. This recipe will tell you how to prepare apple charlotte with lingonberries.

Apple charlotte with lingonberries

By itself, lingonberry is a tart and tasty berry, with sour and slightly bitter undertones. If you add lingonberries to charlotte, they will give the very sweet pie some sourness and tartness, which is exactly what this dish lacks.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

1. Wheat flour 160 grams;

2. Granulated sugar – 200 grams;

3. Raw chicken egg – 3 pieces;

4. Sweet apples – 3-4 pieces. 3 large or 4 medium apples.

5. Lingonberries - a small handful.

6. Soda - 1 teaspoon;

7. Vinegar - a small amount to extinguish the soda.

Method for preparing fruit and berry charlotte:

1. Place the egg and granulated sugar into the dough container. Mix all ingredients thoroughly using a mixer, blender or whisk. Add flour and baking soda slaked with vinegar into the resulting mixture. Mix everything well again. The dough should turn out liquid, resembling the consistency of non-greasy liquid sour cream.

Set aside the dough to rest, and at this time wash the apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices. The lingonberries also need to be washed. Berries can be used according to the season - fresh or frozen.

You might also be interested in the recipe:

2. Take a deep baking dish or baking sheet and grease it with oil. Place chopped apples inside the mold, alternating them with lingonberries. The main thing is not to overdo it with berries, as the charlotte can turn out sour. Therefore, it must be taken strictly according to the recipe.

The mold should not be filled to the top with fruit, as the charlotte will rise by the end of baking. Next, you need to fill the fruits and berries with the prepared dough. Place the charlotte in a hot oven to bake. The oven is preheated to 180-200 degrees.

3. Bake for 40-45 minutes until fully cooked. After baking, remove the charlotte from the oven and check if it is ready. To check if the charlotte is ready, you need to pierce it in the middle with a wooden skewer. If the dough remains on it, then you need to put the charlotte in the oven for some more time. If the charlotte is ready, then there is nothing left on the tip of the skewer.

Charlotte with apples and lingonberries is ready to eat. This is an excellent recipe for baking at home, it takes a small amount of time and, as a rule, almost all the ingredients are on hand, and the apple charlotte turns out very tasty, sweet and tender.

Bon appetit!


  • Flour - 130 g
  • Sugar - 9 tbsp.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 250 ml
  • Lingonberry - 100 g
  • Apples - 300 g (2 pcs.)
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Butter - for greasing the pan
  • Breadcrumbs - for dusting the pan

Prep time 15 minutes + 30 minutes baking.

Yield: 8 servings.

The recipe for charlotte with lingonberries is simple and tasty, like almost all types of this world-famous pie. Thanks to lingonberries, the dessert acquires a very special aroma and exquisite sourness, not to mention its bright appearance and juiciness.

The pie consists of several layers - delicate biscuit dough, juicy fruit and berry filling and an airy sour cream and protein layer on top. The additional taste of the berries complements the apples, and you will probably make this lingonberry and apple pie more than once. A recipe with a photo step by step in the oven will tell you about the stages of preparation, because making such a dessert for tea is not at all difficult.

How to cook charlotte with apples and lingonberries in the oven

Prepare all ingredients. For this recipe, it is better to take sweet and sour apples; lingonberries can be used either fresh in season or frozen from the supermarket, as I did. Berries such as black currants, raspberries, viburnum, and lingonberries practically do not lose their taste when defrosted, so you can prepare juicy berry pies all year round.

Wash the lingonberries, dry them and add 3 tbsp. Sahara. Stir and let sit for a few minutes while you complete the next steps.

Prepare the apples - peel and seed them. Many people do not peel apples when baking, but it seems to me that this way the pie will be more tender, although it is the peel that contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Cut the apples into small pieces of approximately the same size (so that they cook at the same time).

Mix lingonberries with sugar and apples, set aside while preparing the dough. 2 tbsp. Set the lingonberries aside to decorate the top of the pie.

Now let's prepare the base for the sponge cake with lingonberries and apples. Break the eggs into a wide bowl, setting aside the white of one of the eggs (we will need it for the top layer). I recommend washing the eggs first; many people neglect this, but since poultry farms do not process egg shells in our country, there is a risk of salmonella infection.

Add 3 tbsp to the eggs. sugar (I remind you that you should still have 3 tablespoons left). Beat the yolk and 2 eggs with sugar with a pastry whisk.

Add 50 ml of sour cream to the sweet eggs and add wheat flour sifted with baking powder in portions.

The dough for lingonberry and apple charlotte should be a little thicker than for traditional charlotte. Don't worry, the baking powder will help it rise, and the juices of the filling will saturate the dough and keep it from being dry.

Next, prepare the third layer of charlotte - a topping of sour cream and protein. In a separate bowl, mash 200 ml of the remaining sour cream and the last 3 tbsp. Sahara. Separately, beat the whites into a strong foam (you can add a small pinch of salt, this will help it beat faster). Gently fold the whipped egg white into the sweet sour cream mixture, stirring carefully so that the white does not settle.

Prepare a baking dish for baking in the oven. You can use silicone molds or open tart molds as molds, but a springform mold is ideal. Pre-lubricate it with butter or margarine to make it easier to remove the charlotte from the mold. To be sure, sprinkle the surface with wheat breadcrumbs.

Next, we form a charlotte with lingonberries. The recipe with photos shows step by step in the oven what we put in the mold. First pour in the biscuit dough, using the back of a spoon to smooth it over the entire surface.

Place fruit and berry filling on top. By this time, the contents of the bowl will release a little juice, pour that too onto the dough.

Fill the apple-lingonberry pie with sour cream and protein filling on top, distribute it throughout the filling and decorate with lingonberries.

Place the pan in a preheated oven and bake the charlotte with lingonberries and apples according to the recipe in the photo at 180 degrees until browned, about 30 minutes. Check the readiness of the pie with a dry wooden stick - if it remains wet, it means it is not ready yet.

Remove the charlotte from the pan onto a wire rack and cool. The finished pie can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with sour cream, jam, or fruit confiture. Serve it with milk, kefir, tea or coffee, and surprise your guests with an airy dessert.

And the next time you want to cook something simple but unusual, quick but incredibly tasty, the recipe for lingonberry and apple pie made from sponge dough will be a great helper.

Photo of charlotte with apples and lingonberries

Total time 1 hour 15 minutes

Recipe for 10 servings

Calories 189 kcal

Difficulty level Simple

There is no recipe for a faster apple pie. The Russian version was invented by the French chef Marie-Antoine Carême, a kind of Jamie Oliver of the 19th century - he cooked for Napoleon and Alexander I. It is important to understand the principle of preparation, and then start experimenting: take buns, pears, lemon zest. Just don’t remove the cognac from the recipe! You might also be interested in the classic charlotte with apples recipe, I liked it.

A simple recipe from original cuisine. It can be prepared in 1 hour 15 minutes. And we will get about ten servings. The finished dish contains about 189 kcal. Reason for preparing this recipe: meeting with friends, children's party, lunch. We will need an oven/oven. The recipe for charlotte with apples and lingonberries belongs to ovu-lacto. And we will bake all this.


  • 1.2 kg of apples of two types: sour and sweet
  • 3 tbsp. lingonberries
  • 1 loaf of rye bread weighing 350-400 g
  • 1.5 stack. milk
  • 0.5 l cream
  • 4 yolks
  • 4 tbsp white sugar
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 2 tbsp. cognac
  • 1 tbsp. vanilla essence or vanilla sugar

Cut the bread into cubes, spread in an even layer on a baking sheet and dry in the oven preheated to 180 C for 10 minutes. If the loaf has a hard, thick crust, it is better to cut it off. The bread should become dry, but not brown.

In a large bowl, combine yolks, milk, cream, vanilla and 3 tbsp. l. white sugar. Mix with a whisk, pour in the crackers and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Cut the apples first into slices, then into cubes. Heat 1 tbsp in a saucepan over medium heat. l. butter, add apples, sprinkle with remaining 1 tbsp. l. sugar, pour in cognac, cover with a lid and leave for 6-10 minutes. Apples have different densities depending on the variety, so it’s better to focus not on the timer, but on the appearance - the apples should become soft, with a hard center, and not crawl into puree .

Preheat the oven to 180 C. Line a round baking dish with a diameter of 23 cm with baking paper. Take about half of the crackers soaked in milk with your hands, squeeze lightly and place in an even layer on the bottom. Press down with your fingers so that there is no empty space between the crackers. Place apples and lingonberries on top and cover with another layer of bread. Sprinkle with brown sugar and add small cubes of butter. Place in the oven for 45-50 minutes. Let the charlotte cool and serve with vanilla sauce, ice cream or whipped cream.

I believe in you! You will succeed. And I will try to make charlotte from black bread with apples and lingonberries. I really want to cook something new.

Gastronomic journalist Anna Lyudkovskaya shared recipes for her favorite Russian desserts. And it doesn’t matter that the roots of these recipes are either Caucasian or French. The main thing is that for us this is the taste of childhood!

Comments on the recipe

We will try!

Victoria Artemyuk

I forgot the recipe a little, so I came here!
Thank you!!!

Banteeva Katarina

Acrucr, thank you SO MUCH for your recipe and illustrations!!!
Everything is just super, I'm delighted!

We also recently made charlotte with apples and lingonberries for the first time. But it’s a little more difficult to cook according to your recipe, but we’ll try :)

I made charlotte with apples and lingonberries according to the acrucr recipe, I liked it.
Even my brother, who doesn’t like charlotte with apples and lingonberries, liked it!

Lebedenko Juliet

Great recipe and quick to prepare)))
I liked it very much)))
thank you very much!!!

Gaponko Daria

Thank you very much for your recipe, I think my husband will be pleased!!!

Kondratyuk Kristina

I hasten to thank you once again, acrucr, for the wonderful recipe!
Now I have no problems with how to please my family and friends both on weekdays and on holidays!
I’ll go through the site and there will be a lot of ideas, and most importantly, everything is very simple!
I’m preparing charlotte with apples and lingonberries for my son’s birthday.
Just a miracle! And it’s simple and miraculous!!!

Acrucr, thanks for the recipe for charlotte with apples and lingonberries! I'll definitely make it :)

Polina Verbushkina

Acrucr, this is a simply magical recipe for charlotte with apples and lingonberries!
Thank you!

The swallow, wanting to give immortality to people, took living water into its beak and flew away, but, stung by a wasp, shed all the precious drops on the ground. Eternal life in the legend was given to cedar, pine and a marsh plant - lingonberry, with the healing berries of which ordinary charlotte turns out fragrant and tasty!

Even though man did not receive immortality, now we have the opportunity to enjoy homemade baked goods filled with healing fruits every day.

Many people mistakenly believe that making a fluffy, durable sponge cake is an almost fantastic task. The main thing is to use strictly the specified amount of products. But how many lingonberries to put in – a couple of handfuls or several glasses – depends on personal preference.

You can also use a double filling, for example, make the bottom of the pie apple, and bake berries on top. It will turn out both tasty and pleasing to the eye!

  • If you are used to using only sifted flour, you need to add a little more of it to the dough - one whole glass up to the rim and another third.
  • You need to keep in mind that the thicker the mixture, the slower it will rise, but the biscuit will be more stable. The batter “rises” faster, but splashes out through the pores in the dried out top part of the baked goods, making it necessary to level it with a knife.
  • If you overdo it with flour and add too much of it, then the cake will almost certainly not rise.
  • By the time the dough is ready, the berries should be washed and dried, and the oven should be well heated.
  • In order for the baked goods to bake evenly on all sides, in the middle of the cycle, when the dough has “grown” by about half, you need to carefully open the door and move the baking sheet with the pan higher, and turn the heat even lower.
  • It is advisable to put ice berries in the dough. During the temperature treatment, it will defrost, but will remain intact without turning into porridge.

  • An indicator that the baking is ready is that there is no raw dough left on the match that was stuck into it to its full depth. In the same way, you can check charlotte with lingonberries, baked with your own hands in a slow cooker. This should be done when the intermediate timer goes off: approximately 40 minutes after the start of baking.

Charlotte with lingonberries: classic recipe


  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • Lingonberries - 2 cups + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • Breadcrumbs- 1 tbsp. + -

How to bake homemade lingonberry charlotte with your own hands

  1. Break the raw eggs into a bowl with high sides and turn on the mixer at minimum speed - we need to get a homogeneous egg mixture.
  2. Now let's sweeten it up. You can add the entire portion of sugar at once. The main task at this stage is to dissolve the sweet crystals and slightly foam our eggnog.
  3. Now it’s flour. We recommend pouring it out not all at once, but in parts, working with the mixer at maximum speed. As a result of 5 minutes of whipping, we obtain a homogeneous consistency slightly denser than sour cream.
  4. In a charlotte with lingonberries, in which apples are not planned, the berries fall down - it’s tastier this way. But before that, you need to evenly grease the baking dish with oil and generously sprinkle the bottom and sides with breadcrumbs. If you don’t have such powder in your kitchen, you can replace it with regular dry semolina.
  5. Pour a quarter of the dough into the bottom, “sink” the lingonberry filling into it and fill with the remaining mixture. You can put the pie in the oven, where it will bake in about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. But this is on the condition that you place the mold in an oven heated to 200 degrees, and then immediately lower the temperature to the specified one!
  6. No matter how we prepare our berry sponge cake, we should not immediately try to remove it from the mold or multi-bowl. His uncooled pomp will certainly subside from such an attitude! You should pick up the spatula no earlier than 15 minutes after turning off the stove or multicooker.

You can serve homemade berry muffins by decorating the top with white powdered sugar.

You need to store biscuit cakes that are left over after drinking tea in polyethylene so as not to lose their freshness.

Homemade aromatic charlotte with lingonberries is especially tasty accompanied by morning coffee or a glass of cocoa drink. It turns out to be low-calorie, so you can afford a modest piece as an evening snack!

Classic apple charlotte from the chef, video recipe

In just half an hour you will get the perfect dessert for tea, apple compote and an unusual alcoholic cocktail. Our chef invites you to prepare an almost apple-like home party for unexpected guests in just half an hour.

In addition to the video recipe, we want to delight you with a selection of the most unexpected charlotte recipes.