A traditional dish - oatmeal - is cooked for breakfast in England. Surely, you would like to try the very real porridge that the British eat. In our article we will reveal all the secrets of its preparation.

Oatmeal is a constant “companion” of those people who lead a healthy lifestyle, watch their weight and fight extra pounds.

As practice shows, the habit of cooking and eating a portion of oatmeal every morning will help you lose weight, becoming several kilograms lighter!

It's worth noting that instant oatmeal packets often contain sweeteners and flavorings that are not particularly beneficial and do not promote weight loss. To achieve a positive result, you need to know how to cook oatmeal and prepare it yourself from quality ingredients.

If the purpose of eating oatmeal is to lose weight, then it should be cooked exclusively in water. At first glance, it may seem that preparing oatmeal is as easy as shelling pears. In fact, there are many recipes and secrets for preparing a dish that will delight you with both taste and aroma! We would like to introduce you to a recipe for Scottish oatmeal, which is famous for its taste and aroma.

How to cook oatmeal? Scottish porridge

So what secret do the Scots know? So, Scottish oatmeal is prepared only from high-quality oat flakes. We exclude instant cereals immediately.

Also in Scotland, good drinking water and salt are used to prepare oatmeal. However, people in Scotland never use milk or add sugar. Add cream, sugar, fruit or other ingredients if desired. Moreover, first they put the prepared porridge on a plate, and add everything else to it.

The main secret of cooking Scottish oatmeal is a slow cooking process, low heat, constant stirring and adding salt only at the end of cooking. Following all the recommendations will help you obtain a tender and tasty porridge without a single lump.

Interestingly, since the 15th century, the inhabitants of Scotland have been cooking oatmeal using a special tool (spurtle), which they use to stir the porridge. It is a long stick with a handle, on which there is a symbol of Scotland - a thistle - as a decoration. Well, since we are not in Scotland and we don’t have a special stick, we can replace it with a wooden spoon.

Once you know the secret of Scottish oatmeal, you can start cooking it!

The recipe makes 1 large or 2 small servings.

To cook oatmeal, we need:

  • 500 ml of water, which can be mixed half and half with milk if desired;
  • for porridge we take only the highest quality oatmeal 30 g (2.5 tbsp);
  • salt 1 pinch;
  • sugar to taste.

Cooking oatmeal

  1. We cook the porridge in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in water and place the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil.
  2. When the water boils, take a wooden spoon and pour the flakes into the water, stirring constantly until the water boils again.
  3. Now another secret from the Scots. You need to stir the oatmeal with your right hand only in a clockwise direction! According to an old legend, this rule must be strictly observed, because... stirring in the other direction can cause failure and attract evil spirits!
  4. Well, let's get back to our oatmeal. After the water boils again, cover the saucepan with a lid, reduce the heat, and about every 3 minutes you need to open the lid and stir the porridge. The process continues for 20 minutes, after which we add salt and continue cooking for 10-15 minutes, depending on how thick the porridge you want to get.
  5. Remove the porridge from the heat. If desired, you can add 2-3 teaspoons of sugar, stir in the Scotch porridge, cover with a lid and leave “alone” for 5 minutes.

These tips will help you whip up the perfect breakfast porridge that will give you a positive boost throughout the day.

  • Tip 1. For ideal porridge, oatmeal is suitable, which must be cooked for a long time. They are denser, which contributes to a richer taste and texture of the finished dish. Because these cereals are less processed than instant cereals, they are healthier.

  • Tip 2. It is necessary to pay attention to maintaining proportions so that from one cup of cereal we can get four servings of healthy porridge. To do this, you need to take 3 cups of water for 1 cup of cereal. Observing the proportions, put the ingredients in a saucepan with a thick bottom and bring to a boil. The porridge will be ready in 12-15 minutes.
  • Tip 3. Adding salt is an important nuance in preparing oatmeal that should not be forgotten. Even if you plan to prepare sweet porridge with the addition of fruit or other topping, you must add salt! Salt sets off the sweetness and helps to fully reveal the taste of the dish.

  • Tip 4. Oatmeal “loves” stirring! When cooking oatmeal, stir it until it thickens. After removing it from the heat, let it “rest” a little and you can enjoy a delicious and healthy breakfast!

How can you diversify porridge?

People with a sweet tooth love adding honey to oatmeal. It is beneficial for the body, unlike sugar, because it increases the speed of the metabolic process.

Spice connoisseurs can add cinnamon to their oatmeal. A spoonful of this seasoning makes the dish more spicy. The antioxidant properties of cinnamon speed up the process of eliminating toxins.

Those who follow a strict diet should pay attention to porridge made from whole grains. It will allow you to eat deliciously without gaining extra calories.

You can correct the consistency of the porridge by adding yogurt or kefir. In addition to thinning the oatmeal, they also change the taste. The benefits of breakfast are also increased due to the presence of calcium, protein and B vitamins in fermented milk products.

Originals should try oatmeal with grated chocolate.

Some cereals include muesli, seeds or nuts. This breakfast will be tastier and more nutritious.

Be sure to include this porridge in your diet. By experimenting with fillings, you can achieve the perfect taste for you! Cooking oatmeal couldn't be easier!

How to serve oatmeal after it's cooked. Photo ideas

Oatmeal, sir, is not only healthy, but also delicious. The main thing is to cook it correctly, not to overheat it and not to make a mistake with the ratio of water and cereal. I always cook porridge from ready-made oatmeal. First of all, it's faster. Secondly, it tastes better. And also oatmeal has a remarkable property: it easily changes its taste depending on additives. For example, you can add grated lemon zest, cinnamon, fruit, curry, cloves, ginger, etc. to it. With these additives, you can eat oatmeal every morning - you won’t get bored of it.


Total and active cooking time – 10 minutes
Cost – 0.3 $
Calorie content per 100 g – 127 kcal
Number of servings – 3

How to make oatmeal from cereal


Water – 1 glass
Milk – 1 glass
Oat flakes – 100 g (this is one glass and a quarter)
Sugar – 2 tbsp.
Salt - to taste


Rule No. 1 in preparing such porridge is read the cooking method on the package! The fact is that each manufacturer has its own standards. Therefore, before pouring the cereal from the packaging into storage containers, I highly recommend cutting out the description of the preparation method and saving it (I pasted it directly on the lid of such a container, since I always buy cereal from the same manufacturer and store it in the same container).

Such flakes as I have in the photo were made using old Soviet technologies (what was called “Hercules”). They prepare like this:

Water is mixed with milk and brought to a boil. Then cereal, sugar, salt are added and everything is mixed. As soon as the porridge begins to boil, stir again, close the lid and turn off the heat. After five minutes, the porridge will “cook” under the lid on its own, after which you can add other ingredients to it.

Oatmeal prepared in this way will never burn or spread into a homogeneous “snotty” substance.

If desired, you can add a piece of butter or any other seasonings to taste.

Bon appetit!

From an early age, everyone is “familiar” with oats in the form of rolled oats or oatmeal. These products are considered the most beneficial for the human body. Uncrushed oatmeal has even greater benefits; it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. When cooked, it looks more like rice.

The benefits and harms of uncrushed cereals

Oats are an unpretentious plant, so humanity has been using them since ancient times. People have learned to give it a form convenient for use. Flattened grains are made from whole oat grains - these are flakes; they also distinguish between flour and oatmeal.

Uncrushed oatmeal (or whole grain) is produced in two versions - first and second grade. It is this type of product that contains the largest amount of valuable substances, especially fiber. It makes the healthiest porridges and other dishes.

This product contains:

  • plant block;
  • vitamins;
  • micro- and macroelements.

Uncrushed oatmeal contains a huge amount of phosphorus and calcium - substances that are useful “for both old and young.” It is rich in iron and magnesium, which is important for normal heart function and overall well-being. This product improves metabolic processes in the body, removes toxins from it, and strengthens the immune and nervous systems. Eating dishes based on this cereal prevents the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, atherosclerosis and even oncology.

With the use of such products, brain function improves, and the body as a whole comes into a cheerful state. With the use of this cereal, people reduce body weight - the product contains so-called complex carbohydrates, which, during their processing by the body, “give out” the energy the body needs, preventing fat from being “deposited on the sides.” In folk medicine, oatmeal is used to treat various diseases, including tuberculosis. This is a very valuable product during the recovery period after surgery.

Despite all the benefits of oatmeal, its use can harm the body of some people who are intolerant to this product. Porridges made from whole oatmeal contain substances that slow down the absorption of calcium. Therefore, you cannot eat them day after day. In addition, large amounts of oatmeal consumed over a long period of time cause constipation.

Kidney and heart failure are also reasons to refuse such food.

Cooking rules

In cooking, oatmeal is used in a variety of ways. Oatmeal cookies, soups and jelly, and bread are made from it. Used as a healthy food along with yoghurts and fruits. You can even make cutlets out of it if you wish. The most common use of oatmeal is for making porridge. For children, it is better to prepare this dish from cereals that do not need to be chewed. But adults will appreciate porridge made from whole oatmeal. The uncrushed cereal itself is cooked for about an hour and a half until it reaches a state acceptable for consumption. Its volume remains almost the same as at the beginning of cooking.

In order for this oatmeal to cook faster, it needs to be cooked correctly.

The cereal is first poured with boiling water for six hours.

There should be two and a half glasses of water per glass of product. After this, the oatmeal needs to be put on the stove, heated and cooked for half an hour. (Don't forget to add salt and butter). To change the taste of dishes, you can use milk or broth for cooking. To create a dish based on whole oatmeal, a slow cooker is suitable. The product is poured with water in the same proportions as in the previous version, and then cooked for thirty minutes in the porridge cooking mode.


To make porridge with water, you need to take:

  • a glass of uncrushed oatmeal;
  • two glasses of water;
  • butter;
  • salt.

Rinse the cereal with running water and soak. When starting to cook, pour the product into a pan, pour water and turn on low heat. After boiling, foam will appear on top of the water. It must be removed with a spoon so that the dish does not have a bitter aftertaste. Cook the porridge until done. You need to stir during cooking to avoid burning. After turning off the stove, hold it on the burner for a while to let the dish steep.

When serving, add a piece of butter to the porridge. If it is used as a dish for weight loss, you can eat it in this form. If you can afford extra calories, add jam, honey or some other additives to the dish.

You can prepare this porridge in a slow cooker. The cereal is pre-washed and soaked, and when placed in a bowl, it is filled with cold water to completely cover the grains. You can then use the appropriate cooking mode depending on what your particular oven model offers.

To cook such a dish with milk in a regular saucepan, you need to take:

  • whole oatmeal - one glass;
  • milk - two glasses;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • butter.

Pre-processing of the cereal is the same as in the previous recipe. After all the manipulations with it, the milk is poured into a saucepan and set to heat over low heat. You need to wait until it boils. To prevent it from burning and leaking when boiling, stir with a spoon. Immerse the cereal in milk and stir. Cook for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then remove from the hot burner, close the lid and wait another five minutes for the porridge to brew. Add oil and close the lid again. After five minutes, you can serve, adding sugar and any food to taste.

Oatmeal is the most optimal, tasty and healthy breakfast for adults and children. It can be prepared with milk, water, honey, chocolate, fruits, berries, nuts. To prepare a tender, aromatic porridge, you need to choose the right recipe.

If you don't know how to make oatmeal porridge, a reliable step-by-step recipe will help you. In the given recipe, each stage of preparation is captured in the photo, so you can easily cook delicious milk porridge using oatmeal (Nordik and others).

Before starting the recipe, it is worth noting that oatmeal porridge is extremely beneficial for human health. It contains fats, carbohydrates, and valuable protein compounds. The main advantage of porridge is that it has a low level of saturated fat, but a lot of healthy fiber, which cleanses the blood and fights cholesterol.

Oats contain ascorbic and folic acid (useful for conception), as well as vitamin compounds E, B1 and B2, B5, PP, A. Oat flakes (Hercules, Nordic, Myllyn Paras and others) contain many trace elements: copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and manganese.

To make the prepared dish tasty, follow the recipe and recommendations. You can use any cereal for cooking. As for Nordic, their calorie content is 370 calories per 100 grams of product. Storage duration is no more than ten months. The taste is amazing. Nordic is an unusually healthy oatmeal that combines many advantages: quick preparation, excellent taste and benefits. It is important to note that the composition does not contain various dyes, preservatives, GMOs, or flavors.



1. Prepare the ingredients listed. Pour the milk into a small saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. It is advisable to stir constantly if film and foam appear.

2. When the milk starts to boil, add a little salt and sugar and pour in the cereal in a thin stream. Don't rinse oatmeal before cooking!

3. Cook the porridge over low heat for five to eight minutes, stirring constantly so that nothing burns at the bottom of the pan. During the cooking process, oatmeal flakes actively absorb milk, increase in size and swell. As a result, the porridge begins to thicken and become viscous.

4. When all the milk has been absorbed and the consistency of the porridge suits you, remove the pan with the porridge from the stove. Then cover it with a lid, leaving it for 5 minutes so that it simmers and infuses a little.

Porridge cooked in this way turns out to be unusually tender, aromatic, satisfying and tasty. One plate of this delicacy for breakfast will provide you with a good mood, energy, and a charge of vivacity until the evening.

Video recipe

To cook oatmeal, you can use cereal, flour or flakes. If we take into account all the cereals, then this porridge is recognized as the most healthy and nutritious. A distinctive feature of this delicacy is that it contains a high level of vegetable fats, namely 6%, as well as plant proteins – about 16%.

Oatmeal has great nutritional value. It contains many useful proteins and compounds, and all these compounds are perfectly absorbed by the human body. It’s not for nothing that the British are crazy about oatmeal, because this product helps maintain clarity of thinking and excellent health until old age. Moreover, oatmeal perfectly helps to maintain your figure and provides everything you need for baby food. If you decide to lead a healthy lifestyle, you must understand that without oatmeal it is simply impossible.


  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • butter, sugar and salt to taste;


  1. Before you start cooking oatmeal, you should thoroughly rinse whole oat grains or oat flakes under running water.
  2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it to a boil over low heat. Add sugar and salt to the milk and heat it until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Pour the oatmeal into the saucepan, turn the heat to low and cook the porridge for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. After removing the porridge from the heat, add butter and let it brew under the lid for at least 5 minutes.
The porridge prepared according to this recipe is not very thick. If you want to make a thicker porridge, you should use more flakes.

How to cook delicious oatmeal with milk


  • 1 cup oatmeal or whole grains;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • sugar, salt to taste;
  • 50 g butter;


  1. Heat the milk in a saucepan. As soon as the milk boils, add salt and sugar.
  2. Add flakes or whole grains of cereal. Next, cook the porridge over medium heat, stirring constantly. Cooking time depends on the type of oatmeal you choose.
  3. For rolled oats it will take 10 minutes after boiling, for whole grains 30 minutes. When the porridge is ready, add oil, stir and let stand for another 5 minutes.
  4. You can serve oatmeal with jam, nuts and dried fruits.
  1. You can get a nutritious and tasty breakfast by knowing how to cook oatmeal in water. The recipe for making it will truly surprise you with its simplicity.
  2. To do this, just pour a glass of oatmeal into the pan and add 1.5 glasses of water.
  3. Then put on low heat, wait until it comes to a boil, and cook, stirring regularly, for 7-10 minutes. The main course is ready.
Now, at your discretion, you can add a little butter and salt the porridge or make it sweet. Almost anything is suitable for sweet porridge: fresh fruits and berries, honey, dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits. It just depends on your taste preferences.