Stuffed Vegetable Recipes

The most popular and very successful appetizer is tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic - prepare them according to our step-by-step recipe with photos and detailed video.

15 minutes

130 kcal

5/5 (3)

When you come to visit someone for a feast replete with various dishes, the variety of dishes first widens your eyes, and then everyone looks closely at each dish and chooses what they would like to try first. And, as a rule, dishes served at the table in an original way arouse special interest, even if they are far from the main ones. I suggest you cook a couple of options for these “highlights” of the feast today with me - these are stuffed tomatoes.

Ingredients and preparation

Kitchen appliances: blender or mixer.


How to choose the right ingredients

Round, fleshy tomatoes are suitable for this appetizer; you can also use the “cream” variety. Cherry tomatoes go very well with the spicy filling - an excellent option for a snack with strong drinks.

Processed cheese is more appropriate for a cold appetizer, as it will have a more delicate consistency in combination with mayonnaise and other ingredients than grated hard cheese. But if you still decide to use regular hard cheese, I think it won’t be considered a big crime. Use greens to taste - parsley, dill, cilantro or a mixture of them.

Recipe for a cold appetizer of stuffed tomatoes

  1. Prepare the filling: peel the garlic, squeeze it into a plate with a garlic press or use a fine grater. Wash and chop the greens to taste, add to the garlic.

  2. Then grate the cheese into this plate. Mix everything thoroughly, add mayonnaise and mix again.

    Did you know? To prepare the filling, you can use a mixer or blender after mixing the washed and chopped ingredients with mayonnaise in the bowl of a kitchen appliance. But I prefer to do everything in this recipe by hand, since the preparation takes very little time.

  3. Now set aside the filling and move on to the tomatoes. Wash them, carefully cut off the tops, and scrape out the pulp with a teaspoon.

  4. Now stuff the resulting “dummy” tomatoes, garnish each with a sprig of herbs or half an olive and serve!

Tomatoes stuffed with cheese, garlic and egg

Cooking time: 20 minutes.
Number of servings: 1
Kitchen appliances: blender or mixer.


  • tomatoes – 8 pcs;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • processed cheese – 300 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • cucumber – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • greens - to taste.

Cooking sequence

  1. Let the eggs cook. Peel the garlic, rinse all vegetables and herbs.
  2. Finely chop the cucumber, peel it if necessary. Chop the greens, add to the cucumber, and squeeze the garlic there. Grate the cheese into this mixture.

  3. Peel the finished eggs and cut them into small cubes or grate them, then add them to the plate with cucumbers and cheese and mix everything.

  4. Now add mayonnaise or sour cream and bring until smooth.

  5. Cut off the tops of the tomatoes, remove the center with a teaspoon, and add it to the filling if desired.

  6. Fill the tomatoes, garnish and serve.

What to serve this dish with?

Stuffed fresh tomatoes are an ideal cold appetizer, as well as an original and beautiful addition to the holiday table. Surprise your guests with your limitless culinary imagination!

Video recipe for tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic

Watch a video example of a simple and quick preparation of stuffed tomatoes with an original presentation.

  • You can make capped tomatoes. To do this, do not throw away the cut off top of the tomato, but cover the already stuffed tomatoes with them. By the way, if all the tomatoes have a stalk, you can also leave it as decoration.
  • You can also add finely chopped ham or other sausage to the cold tomato appetizer.. A good option is to make an exclusively vegetable filling with mayonnaise or sour cream - the so-called “tomato salad”.
  • You can also fry meat, minced meat or mushrooms separately and add to the rest of the filling ingredients. A rather interesting version of stuffed tomatoes is made with pickled mushrooms.

Don't forget to also stock up on delicious canned vegetables for winter! I present to your attention my grandmother’s favorite family recipes: and. I also recommend trying it, which my mother-in-law regularly treats me to when we come to visit her.

I look forward to your feedback and comments on this recipe. Perhaps you can also recommend some interesting option for preparing and serving stuffed tomatoes as a cold appetizer? In this case, be sure to share your experience in the comments. Bon appetit!

Ah, summer, how quickly it passes, but it leaves us with a whole variety of vegetables. Vegetables are stewed in tomato, sour cream is added or various sauces are made based on it, baked with other vegetables, minced meat under a delicious cheese crust, you can’t count everything. Today we are preparing tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic. This is an excellent appetizer for the holiday table and in addition we recommend that you please your loved ones.

Recipe for stuffed tomatoes with cheese and garlic


  • 6-8 pcs. tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 gr. hard cheese
  • 4 teeth garlic
  • salt,greenery
  • mayonnaise

How to cook stuffed tomatoes with cheese

1. Take tomatoes, cut off the caps, carefully remove all the pulp and lightly rub the inside with salt.

2. Grate the hard cheese using a medium-sized grater, cut the eggs into small cubes, add finely chopped garlic and mayonnaise. In such a way that it strengthens all the ingredients.

3. Place the finished filling into each tomato.

The dish is tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic, ready to eat, served with fresh herbs.

Recipe for lovers of processed cheese

Prepare tomatoes stuffed with melted cheese and garlic.


  • 6-8 pcs. tomatoes
  • 3 processed cheese
  • 2 teeth garlic
  • greens, black pepper
  • mayonnaise
  • salt

How to cook stuffed tomatoes with processed cheese

1. Place the cheese curds in the freezer in advance so that they can be grated using a grater.

2. Chop the garlic and herbs well, add grated cheese, mayonnaise, salt and add a little black pepper. Separately, chop the remaining greens well.

3. Cut the tomatoes into circles, place the filling on top and sprinkle with herbs.

Before serving, tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic should stand in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Recipe for egg stuffed tomatoes

Tomatoes stuffed with cheese, garlic and egg

You will need:

  • 6-8 pcs. tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 gr. cheese
  • greenery
  • salt
  • mayonnaise

How to cook stuffed tomatoes with egg

1. Let's prepare the tomatoes: cut off the tops, carefully remove all the pulp, salt the inside and let it sit for a while.

2. Boil the eggs, let cool and cut them into cubes.

3. It is better to grate the cheese on a medium grater.

4. Combine eggs, cheese and add a little mayonnaise so that it properly holds the filling together. Stuff vegetables with this mixture.

5. Tomatoes stuffed with cheese, garlic and eggs are almost ready, all that remains is to bake them.

6. Preheat the oven, grease the baking dish with any fat and lay out all the tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic and egg. The dish will be baked for 10 to 20 minutes, no more.

Serve tomatoes stuffed with cheese, garlic and egg with fresh herbs.

Recipe for stuffed tomatoes with mayonnaise

Appetizer for the holiday table - stuffed tomatoes with cheese and garlic, recipe with mayonnaise.


  • 0.5 kg tomatoes
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 teeth garlic
  • 100 gr. cheese
  • greenery
  • salt
  • mayonnaise

How to cook stuffed tomatoes with mayonnaise

1. Cut off the tops of the tomatoes and get rid of the pulp.

2. Finely chop the greens and grate the cheese.

3. Boil the eggs and cut into small cubes.

4. Peel the garlic and chop finely.

5. Combine herbs, eggs, garlic and cheese, add a little mayonnaise, add some salt for taste.

This recipe for stuffed tomatoes with cheese and garlic is ready to eat without baking in the oven. Stuff the tomatoes and leave them for a while so they can soak properly. Serve with fresh herbs. We recommend serving this appetizer dish together.

Recipe for stuffed cherry tomatoes with cheese

Recipe for stuffed cherry tomatoes with melted cheese and garlic


  • 0.5 kg tomatoes
  • 2 pl. cheese
  • green onions
  • 2 teeth garlic
  • 6-7 tbsp. l sour cream

How to cook stuffed cherry tomatoes with cheese

The recipe for stuffed cherry tomatoes with cheese and garlic is somewhat unusual, since everyone is used to preparing such a dish using a regular tomato as a base, here you need to tinker a little.

1. Cut the tomatoes in half and carefully remove the entire core.

2. Remove the cheeses from the refrigerator in advance so that they are very soft, mix them with sour cream and beat in a blender.

3. Peel and finely chop the garlic, wash the onion, also finely chop and add the vegetables to the cheese and sour cream, mix everything well.

4. Carefully stuff the tomatoes and let them sit for a while to soak.

Any recipe for stuffed tomatoes with cheese and garlic or any other filling requires serving with fresh herbs. It's beautiful, healthy and very tasty. Tomatoes stuffed with cheese and eggs can be prepared with the addition of onions and garlic, or without them, since in this case this dish is only suitable for an evening meal.

While it’s in season, cook vegetables every day, because it’s not only delicious, but also an ideal option for breakfast, lunch or dinner: stuffed tomatoes with cheese and eggs, stuffed zucchini, eggplants, peppers and other dishes.

Enjoy your meal!

Step 1: prepare the tomatoes.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly before cooking. Make sure there is no dirt, residue, or caked-on soil left on the vegetable skins. Wipe clean tomatoes to remove excess moisture. Now you should carefully cut off the cap and tail of each vegetable, and then use a teaspoon, very carefully so as not to damage the thin skin, to remove the pulp from the tomatoes. There is no need to throw it away; put it in a bowl for now, because we will need it in the future. Finally, turn the vegetables over and place them cut side down on paper towels. While the tomatoes are drying, you have time to prepare the filling.

Step 2: prepare the cheese.

You just need to chop the cheese on a fine grater. The smaller the pieces, the better.

Step 3: prepare the garlic.

Separate the garlic cloves from the head and, pressing on each with the flat side of a knife blade, peel them. Grind the ingredient using a special press or a regular grater.

Step 4: prepare the filling.

In a deep plate, mix grated cheese, chopped garlic and tomato pulp. Add mayonnaise and ground black pepper to this mixture. Mix everything thoroughly again so that you get a fairly homogeneous mass and all the spices are evenly distributed.

Step 5: Stuff the tomatoes with cheese and garlic.

Carefully, using a tablespoon or teaspoon, fill the tomatoes with the filling, carefully compacting the mixture to pack it more tightly. All that remains is to add the greens; to do this, first wash them and chop them very finely, and then sprinkle the tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic with chopped herbs. That's all, now all that remains is to effectively serve the appetizer on the table.
Important: You can carefully cover the tomatoes with the previously cut caps, this also looks very beautiful and appetizing.

Step 6: Serve tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic.

I usually serve tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic as an appetizer. Simply place them on a flat plate and garnish with large pieces of cheese or fresh herb leaves. But only small-sized vegetables are suitable for appetizers; larger tomatoes can be served as a side dish for a dish made from meat or poultry. Enjoy the magical taste of a very simple snack.
Bon appetit!

You can use several types of cheese, for example hard and creamy, in which case the taste will be even more interesting.

For the holiday table, you can prepare not only stuffed tomatoes, but also peppers and cucumbers, and serve this appetizer on one large dish. It will look very impressive.

In addition to greens, tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic can be decorated with olives, olives or pickles.

Main courses - recipes for every day

20 minutes

130 kcal

5/5 (1)

In our family, stuffed tomatoes have not lost their position as a favorite summer snack for many years. This dish not only has excellent taste, but also other advantages: these tomatoes are simple and quick to prepare, inexpensive and can be a wonderful addition to hot dishes. Adults and children will like their taste, and their pleasant appearance will decorate the holiday table.

For a housewife, every minute is always precious, and preparing these wonderful tomatoes will take no more than half an hour. In 30 minutes you can prepare a delicious and satisfying snack using a minimum of kitchen utensils. All you need is a grater, a garlic press and a bowl to mix the filling.

Recipe for tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic


To stuff 6 medium tomatoes you will need:

For this dish, choose tomatoes that are ripe but firm – such fruits retain their shape better and hold the filling inside. Use fresh herbs according to your taste. It could be dill, parsley or cilantro.

Important! Add mayonnaise to the filling in stages, watch its thickness. In fact, you may need less or more mayonnaise.


Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Did you know? Tomatoes can be stuffed with a wide cream nozzle. This method of laying out the filling will make your dish even more beautiful.

Video recipe

The process of preparing this tasty and satisfying snack is clearly demonstrated in an interesting and detailed video recipe. After viewing it, you will be able to see all the stages of preparing stuffed tomatoes, as well as the process of decorating them, and prepare the dish yourself even easier and faster.

What to serve with

  • These wonderful tomatoes can be eaten as a separate cold dish or served with a variety of meat and vegetable dishes and side dishes, for example. This dish goes well with kebabs, lula kebabs, cutlets and steaks.
  • It can be served as an addition to boiled potatoes with dill. The garlic and herbs in these stuffed tomatoes perfectly stimulate the appetite, so it is best to use the dish as a snack.
  • Also, stuffed tomatoes can be easily turned into a hot dish. Dense fruits with firm flesh tolerate baking well - put your tomatoes in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees and get a great, hearty, juicy hot snack.
  • You can also cook this way. If you don't have an oven, pay attention to.

  • The main trick to preparing stuffed tomatoes is the correct choice of fruit and the consistency of the filling. It is important that the minced cheese is not too liquid due to the copious amount of mayonnaise, then your tomatoes will retain their shape and will not sag!

  • While expecting guests, you can prepare the filling in advance and store it in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container, and start filling the tomatoes immediately before serving. You need to remember that cut tomatoes are not stored for a long time, so do not prepare this appetizer for future use and make sure that the stuffed tomatoes reach your table no more than an hour after preparation.
  • If you need to prepare a dish in advance, then pay attention to.
  • An equally famous variety of tomato snacks are tomatoes stuffed with cheese, garlic and egg. To prepare this recipe, just add two grated eggs to the cheese filling and increase the amount of mayonnaise by 2 teaspoons. The filling for stuffed tomatoes is a wide field for culinary experiments.
  • You can add canned fish or smoked sausage cut into thin strips - this dish will turn out to be especially satisfying and piquant. Add your favorite spices to the tomatoes and experiment with the amount of garlic - for those who like it spicy and for an adult feast, you can double it.

I hope you enjoyed my simple recipe! Leave comments and also share your recipes for stuffed tomatoes. Bon Appetit everyone!

Tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic are a traditional appetizer on the holiday table, the recipe for which is familiar to everyone from childhood. You can diversify your favorite dish by adding new ingredients - ham, shrimp, pickled champignons; the taste of the dish will not only not be affected, but will also sparkle with new colors. Thus, you can make a real assortment of stuffed tomatoes and invite guests to choose an appetizer to their liking.

Before stuffing a tomato, you need to thoroughly clean it of pulp, seeds and remove excess water so that the filling does not become too watery. The top of the tomato is cut off just above the middle, the pulp is cut out with a thin knife, the seeds can be removed by hand. To ensure that the juice flows out completely, it is recommended to turn the tomato cut side down and hold it in this position for several minutes.

Before you buy tomatoes for stuffing, you need to remember that not all varieties are suitable for this appetizer. Most often you can find three types of tomatoes in stores: the usual round, plum and cherry. Cherry tomatoes are ideal for light snacks, as they are small in size and easy to eat in one bite. Ordinary round tomatoes work well when the recipe calls for baking stuffed tomatoes, and a cold appetizer made from them will be very appropriate, you just need to choose small-sized fruits. Plum tomatoes are less suitable for this dish, because after stuffing they cannot be placed vertically; due to their elongated shape, they can only be served horizontally, although this serving option can also be used to advantage.

You can add a new taste to your favorite snack by simply changing the type of cheese. The classic recipe uses hard cheese, but if you replace it with processed cheese, the taste of the dish will become much softer. You can also stuff tomatoes with salted feta cheese or soft Philadelphia cheese, and each time we get a completely new appetizer. Maasdam cheese lovers should refrain from experimenting; the sweet and sour taste of the cheese is so strong that it can overwhelm the rest of the ingredients included in the snack.

How to cook tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic - 15 varieties

This dish differs from classic stuffed tomatoes with just a few ingredients, and the taste is new and unusual. The main advantage of the snack is the speed of preparation; it will be ready in 10 minutes!


  • Tomatoes - 3-5 pieces
  • Processed cheese - 100 grams
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Boiled egg - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise
  • Herbs, salt, spices - to taste


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. Make the filling: grate the boiled egg, do the same with the cheese, pass the garlic through a press. Mix the resulting ingredients with mayonnaise, salt, spices and herbs. Place the filling into the tomatoes very tightly so that there is no empty space left. The snack is ready!

A very delicate snack, and most importantly dietary, so lovely ladies trying to watch their weight can eat it without a twinge of conscience.


  • Tomatoes - 500 grams
  • Cheese - 200 grams
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Cottage cheese - 100 grams
  • Parsley, dill - one bunch each
  • Mayonnaise


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. Make the filling: grate the cheese, pass the garlic through a press, mash the cottage cheese with a fork, and chop the herbs. Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise, adding salt if desired. Fill the tomatoes with the resulting filling.

For cheese lovers, this recipe will become one of their favorites, because where else can you find two varieties of your favorite product together!


  • Tomatoes - 6 pieces
  • Hard cheese – 150 grams
  • Feta – 100 grams
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. Add some salt to the inside of each tomato. Make the filling: grate hard cheese, mash the feta cheese with a fork, pass the garlic through a press, finely chop the parsley. Season the resulting mass with mayonnaise and add salt as desired. Fill the tomatoes with the filling and the appetizer is ready!

The appetizer has this name because you actually have to stuff small cherry tomatoes. The work ahead will be painstaking, but the result will be simply amazing!


  • Cherry - 8 pieces
  • Cheese (soft, curd) - 150 grams
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Chives - 1 bunch
  • Capers - 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons


Cherries need to be cut in half and the pulp scooped out with a teaspoon. Filling: mix cheese at room temperature with finely chopped chives, sour cream, capers and garlic passed through a press. Using a teaspoon or pastry bag, fill the cherry halves with the mixture.

To save money, capers can be replaced with regular pickles, finely chopped or grated.

This unusual snack with peanut sauce will appeal to discerning gourmets who appreciate original flavor combinations.


  • Tomatoes - 5 pieces
  • Ricotta cheese - 200 grams
  • Greens (spinach, dill) - 50 grams
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic - 4 cloves

For the sauce:

  • Peanuts - 50 grams
  • Olive oil - 50 milliliters
  • Arugula - 10 grams
  • Saffron - a pinch
  • Parsley - 10 grams
  • Salt pepper


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. We don’t throw away the caps; they will come in handy for serving. Filling: mix finely chopped greens with ricotta and garlic passed through a press, add salt to taste. For the sauce, we need to grind peanuts, arugula, saffron, and parsley in a blender. When the mixture is ready, pour it with olive oil, pepper and salt. We assemble our appetizer - stuff the tomato with cheese mixture, put the sauce on top and cover with a lid.

For those who cannot live without Greek salad, this appetizer will be a real find. A good option when combining two well-known dishes, you get a new culinary masterpiece.


  • Tomatoes - 4 pieces
  • Feta cheese - 100 grams
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Cucumber - half
  • Sweet pepper - 1 piece
  • Olives - 85 grams
  • Oregano (fresh) - 1 tablespoon
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil - 5 tablespoons


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. We don’t throw away the pulp; it will be useful for filling. We make the filling in the likeness of a Greek salad - dice the tomato pulp, feta cheese, cucumber, pepper, put the garlic through a press, cut the olives into circles. Mix all ingredients together and with dressing - olive oil, vinegar, oregano. Stuff the tomatoes with the resulting salad. For greater mystery, you can cover the tomatoes with lids.

This snack is based on Adyghe cheese, famous for its unusual taste. Since the dish has Caucasian roots, there is no doubt that it is impeccable, because in the Caucasus they know a lot about feasts!


  • Tomatoes - 10 pieces
  • Adyghe cheese - 200 grams
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Green onions - 2 bunches
  • Parsley (greens) - 1 bunch
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. Add some salt to the inside of each tomato. Make the filling: pass the garlic through a press, finely chop the herbs, knead the Adyghe cheese. Mix all the resulting ingredients with mayonnaise. Before stuffing the tomatoes, try the filling; if desired, you can add more salt. We fill the finished tomatoes tightly with the resulting mass.

If real Adyghe cheese is not available in your nearest store, you can replace it with mozzarella. Experienced housewives note that if you mix feta and mozzarella cheese, the taste will be very close to Adyghe cheese.

A great dish for a summer picnic, refreshing and filling. It is prepared in a matter of minutes.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 20 pieces
  • Cream cheese - 250 grams
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Green onions - several stalks
  • Basil - 8 leaves


Cut off the top of the cherry tomatoes and scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon. Prepare the filling: mix cream cheese, chopped onion, garlic passed through a press, and finely chopped basil. If necessary, add more salt to the filling. Fill each tomato with the resulting cheese mixture using a teaspoon or pastry bag.

Another variation of serving stuffed tomatoes with your favorite crab salad. The classic combination of ingredients together with the original presentation will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • Tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Processed cheese - 1 briquette
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Crab sticks - 3 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt pepper


Cut each tomato in half and remove the pulp with a teaspoon. For the filling, you need to grate the processed cheese, finely chop the crab sticks, and chop the garlic with a knife. Mix the resulting ingredients with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Stuff each tomato half with the prepared salad.

So that the processed cheese can be easily grated, first place it in the freezer for twenty minutes. It stops sticking to your hands and grater.

Most of the ingredients for this snack are grown in every gardener's garden. In addition, it is easy to do during a lunch break from country work.


  • Tomatoes - 700 grams
  • Cheese - 200 grams
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Green onions - 4 feathers
  • Radish - 200 grams
  • Cucumber - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Mayonnaise, salt


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. For the filling, chop green onions, radishes, cucumbers, boiled eggs, grate cheese, and pass garlic through a press. Mix the resulting ingredients with mayonnaise and salt. Stuff the tomatoes with the resulting summer salad.

One of the most unusual recipes for stuffed tomatoes, which every housewife should definitely prepare.


  • Tomatoes - 5 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 60 grams
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Onion - half an onion
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise, mustard
  • Salt pepper


Cut the tomato lengthwise. Remove the insides of the tomato and the stem. Finely chop the remaining pulp and pass it through a blender along with mustard and mayonnaise. Season the resulting sauce with salt and pepper. Grate cheese and boiled eggs. Pass the garlic through a press. We chop the greens. Finely chop the pickled cucumbers and onions. Make the filling by combining all the ingredients, including tomato-mustard sauce. Stuff the resulting mixture into the tomatoes.

A unique recipe made from simple ingredients that even novice cooks can do.


  • Tomatoes - 6 pieces
  • Cheese cheese - 100 grams
  • For the pesto sauce:
  • Basil - 5 leaves
  • Walnuts - 50 grams
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 30 milliliters


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. For the sauce, use a blender to mix basil, nuts, garlic, vegetable oil, and salt. Cut the cheese into cubes and mix with the sauce. Stuff the tomatoes with the resulting filling.

A very beautifully designed appetizer that can amaze even picky guests. An ideal dish for a holiday table.


  • Plum tomatoes - 11 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 1oo gram
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Crab sticks - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Green onions
  • Salt pepper


Cut each tomato from the top crosswise to the middle of the fruit and remove the pulp with a teaspoon. For the filling, grate the cheese, crumble the crab sticks, and press the garlic through a press. Season the resulting filling with salt and pepper and season with mayonnaise. We stuff the tomatoes with ready-made salad - these are tulip heads, which we place on a dish. We arrange the green onions so that they visually resemble the stem of a flower.

This dish cannot be served in advance. If you put the filling into the tomatoes before your guests arrive, it may leak out slightly. Externally, the snack will not look attractive.

Another very simple appetizer recipe for an instant buffet menu.


  • Tomatoes - 5 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Dill and parsley - 1 bunch each
  • Walnut - 50 grams
  • Carrots - 3 pieces
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt pepper


Prepare the tomatoes for stuffing: cut off the cap, remove the pulp and excess juice. Grind the cheese, pass the garlic through a press, finely chop the greens, grind the walnuts in a blender, finely chop the boiled carrots. We collect the filling: cheese, nuts, herbs, carrots, mix with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

An ideal appetizer for a children's birthday party when an interesting presentation of the dish is important.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 15 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Walnuts - 100 grams
  • Sour cream - 4 tablespoons
  • Onion - half an onion
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Dried parsley, dill, basil, chili pepper


We cut off the tops of cherry tomatoes and don’t throw away the caps, they will come in handy. We make the filling: grate the cheese, pass the garlic through a press, grind the nuts in a blender, chop the onions and pickled cucumbers, season the resulting ingredients with sour cream and spices. Stuff the cherry tomatoes with the resulting mixture and cover with lids. Using a culinary syringe, make small dots of mayonnaise on the caps of the tomatoes.