Usually, the bright Resurrection of Christ is celebrated with the family circle. Everyone breaks their fast with homemade delicacies after a long fast. And everyone will agree that there is nothing tastier than homemade Easter. I hope that this simple recipe for Easter with raisins made in milk, with step-by-step photos, will help you easily and simply cope with the preparation of this ritual holiday baking.


  • 500 ml milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 grams of sour cream;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1.5 kg flour;
  • 20 grams of dry yeast;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 600 g sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • icing;
  • vanilla;
  • raisin;
  • caramel decoration.

How to bake Easter at home

First of all, let's prepare the dough. Add yeast to warm milk, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar and flour.

In a quiet and warm place, the dough rises quickly.

ATTENTION: Remember that before preparing the dough we keep all products warm for at least a couple of hours; it is not recommended to serve them cold in the dough.

Separate the whites from the yolks for the glaze (two are enough). Place the separated whites in the cold so they will whip up easier.

Add the rest of the sugar to the yolks.

Beat with a fork until light foam.

Pour boiling water over raisins for 2 minutes and drain.

Don’t forget to go through it first and remove twigs and other debris if there is any there.

The dough forms a lush head as in the photo above - add melted butter and vegetable oil, sour cream and salt. After stirring a little, add the eggs and flour.

Dip the raisins in flour and also mix into the dough.

Now, let’s gain strength, because kneading the dough for Easter lasts at least 30 minutes.

Place the rich yeast dough in a bowl for an hour and a half. Usually, during this time it rises about three times. What freshly mixed and risen Easter dough looks like can be clearly seen in the photo below.

We knead it and let it rise again.

Fill the greased forms to ⅓ of the height.

It is very convenient to use paper or silicone molds. Homemade Easter cakes in them turn out smooth and beautiful, and are easy to remove.

An hour later, the Easter cakes have risen to the top, which means it’s time to go into the oven! Bake at 180°C, usually it takes 20 minutes. Actually, baking time depends on the volume of the mold.

While they are baking, beat the whites from the pack, you can add a little citric acid. If you don’t have such a dry glaze, then simply beat them with powdered sugar.

Decorate the cooled Easter eggs with icing and caramel topping.

Bon appetit! Christ is risen!

And it is celebrated by both Orthodox and Catholics on the same day. We all know that the holiday is dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and this Sunday is preceded by 40 days of Great Lent. By accepted. Today we will tell you how to prepare classic Easter at home.


It's time to prepare a menu for the bright holiday of Easter. What to prepare for the table, how to prepare homemade Easter without baking - we’ll find out today.

In case you didn’t know, let’s clarify: classic cottage cheese Easter is a special dish made from cottage cheese, which is prepared only once a year - on Easter. The custom of preparing cottage cheese Easter without baking is known in the central and northern regions of Russia, while in the south of Russia and Ukraine it is called Easter or Paska. By the way, one of the most popular recipes remains the option of cooking at home.

The original form of Easter is a truncated pyramid, symbolizing the Holy Sepulcher. Traditionally, to prepare cottage cheese Easter at home according to the very first recipes, a special collapsible wooden mold was used - a pasochnitsa. Today bean bags can be found on the open market and made from different materials.

Classic recipe for "Royal" Easter (cottage cheese)

The most important dish of the festive Easter table is Easter. Read the recipe for the classic cottage cheese Easter "Tsarskaya" on

What we need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • egg yolks - 3-4 pcs (or 2-3 eggs)
  • sour cream - 200 g
  • butter (room temperature) - 100 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)
  • raisins - 80 g
  • nuts (almonds or chopped peeled almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, etc.) - 50 g.

Classic recipe for "Royal" Easter (cottage cheese): how to cook

To prepare the classic royal Easter: rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes. Drain the water and dry the raisins on a paper towel. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (you can mince it twice or rub it using a blender).

Add yolks (or eggs), sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar to the cottage cheese and mix everything well. Add diced butter and beat the curd mass with a mixer until fluffy and smooth. Pour the cottage cheese into a thick-walled saucepan. Place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the first bubbles appear (i.e., until it boils).

Tip 1. At first it will be thick, but the more you heat it, the more liquid it will become - this is normal.

Tip 2. There is no need to boil the curd mass for classic Easter, you just need to bring it to the point of boiling.

When the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan from the heat, place in a bowl of cold water (you can add ice cubes to the bowl) and stir until completely cooled. Place the cooled curd mixture in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours until it thickens.

Add raisins, nuts to the cooled curd base of the “Tsarskaya” curd Easter and mix well. Cover the bean bag with gauze soaked in water and folded in 2 layers. Place the curd base for the recipe in a pan.

Tip: instead of a bean bag, you can put the curd mass for Easter in a sieve or use a new flower pot (with holes in the bottom of the pot).

Fold the edges of the gauze, press down the Easter with pressure and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. The beaker needs to be placed in a plate so that the whey can drain into it.

Recipe for classic cottage cheese raw Easter

  • cottage cheese - 500g
  • butter - 200g
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • cream - 1/2 cup
  • egg (yolk) - 2-3 pcs.
  • raisins (seedless), almonds (chopped) - 1 tbsp each.
  • candied fruits, cardamom (ground), vanillin - to taste

So, how to prepare cottage cheese Easter: Grind the butter and sugar until white, adding the yolks one at a time. Grind the mixture until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, flavor with vanilla or finely ground cardamom and sifted through a fine sieve. Add cottage cheese, raisins, almonds, crushed orange peel or grated lemon zest, twice rubbed through a sieve.

Mix thoroughly, add whipped cream, mix from top to bottom, fill a bowl lined with slightly damp gauze with the mixture, cover with a saucer, apply light pressure, and put in the refrigerator. Also very much appreciated among our readers, which will undoubtedly decorate your Easter table even more.

Recipe for delicious cottage cheese Easter without eggs (with strawberries)

  • cottage cheese (fat content 9%) -450g
  • sugar - 120g
  • butter - 100g
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.
  • lemon (zest) - 1/2 pcs.
  • dried strawberries - 130g
  • vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp.

To prepare cottage cheese Easter without eggs: Place fresh cottage cheese in cheesecloth, tie a knot and hang it over the sink to drain the whey. After this, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to make the finished curd mass softer.

Grind dried strawberries in a blender. You will get a homogeneous viscous paste. Grind the softened butter to the consistency of sour cream, add sugar, salt, lemon zest and vanilla essence. Using a mixer, knead into a homogeneous light mass.

Transfer the whipped butter with sugar into a bowl with cottage cheese. Gently, moving the spoon from bottom to top, mix the cottage cheese with butter. Now you can add strawberries and mix again so that the berries are evenly distributed in the curd mass.

Transfer the curd mass for Easter into a bowl lined with gauze, place under a press and put in the refrigerator overnight. If liquid forms on the plate with Easter, drain it. In the morning, turn the bean bag over onto a plate and remove the gauze. See also at for family and friends.

I received this recipe a long time ago in a handwritten version, when I did not yet know how to work with yeast dough. And to my surprise, the Easter cakes turned out right the first time, and they came out so good that no homemade, let alone store-bought Easter cakes could match their taste. This recipe makes 4-5 medium ramekins. Easter cakes turn out very tender, airy and slightly moist inside - exactly the way ideal Easter cakes should be. The main thing is to knead correctly and not miss 3 crimps of the dough. The cooking process is very similar to this Easter cake recipe, only a little simpler and the Easter cakes turn out more loose and tender.

Update per comments: The amount of yeast can vary from three to five to six measured teaspoons, with one scoop containing 4 grams. If you don't have experience working with paskas and yeast dough, feel free to use 5 teaspoons. But you can’t overdo it with yeast, so that the cakes don’t acquire an unpleasant yeasty smell.


  • 0.5 l. milk;
  • about 0.5 kg (we will look at the consistency);
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. odorless vegetable oil;
  • 3 eggs (1 white for glaze, the rest for dough);
  • 3-5 tsp dry yeast;
  • 200 g raisins;
  • 1 tbsp. with a heap of sour cream;
  • a pinch of vanillin or 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2-3 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • powder for Easter.

Easter recipe with raisins

1. Preparing the dough for Easter

Heat the milk to 30-40 degrees (it should be warm, but not hot, pleasant for the yeast). It is better to take a glass or enamel container. Pour the yeast into the milk and stir thoroughly until the yeast dissolves.

Add 1 tbsp. flour and 2 tbsp. Sahara. Mix. Rub the lumps with your hands until a homogeneous mass is formed. At this stage I usually add a couple of drops of holy water. They also say that the dough loves classical music and good mood, so let's start getting ready for the holiday :).

Cover the container with the dough with a towel or cling film and place in a warm place for 1 hour. In such cases, I place a bowl of dough or dough on a stool next to the heater or radiator. If you bake something in the oven, you can put it in the kitchen, for example, on the hood.

2. Prepare the necessary ingredients

We wash the raisins and soak them in hot water.

Separate the whites from the yolks, pour 1 white for the glaze into a mug and put it in the refrigerator.

Grind the yolks with sugar, add 1 tbsp. sour cream, mix.

3. Preparing the dough for Easter

When the dough has risen well, transfer it to a warm pan. Pay attention to the step-by-step photo, the dough should increase 2-3 times in volume and be covered with bubbles on top. Sometimes it happens that the yeast did not work well and the dough did not rise or grew only a little. This may be because the food was too cold or hot, or the yeast itself was not stored correctly. In this case, it is advisable to prepare a new dough using a different yeast (preferably from another manufacturer). Sometimes it’s better to pour out the dough than to ruin the whole baked goods.

First, add 3 cups of flour, add the yolks mashed with sugar and begin to knead the dough. Add salt - it enhances the taste of the baked goods. Add vanillin. The consistency of the dough should be slightly thicker than for a sponge cake and without lumps. If necessary, add more flour. Kneading the dough is the longest step, usually taking 30-40 minutes, so make yourself comfortable. At the same time, your hands must be warm so that the yeast continues to do its job.

When the mass becomes homogeneous and without lumps, it’s time to add vegetable oil. Continue kneading the dough.

Leave the dough for a couple of minutes while we beat 2 egg whites with a mixer into a fluffy foam.

Add the whites to the dough and knead the dough again. The finished dough should be soft, elastic and slightly behind your hands and pan.

Dry the raisins on a paper towel and roll in flour so that they do not settle during baking. Drop a little vegetable oil onto your hands and rub. Pour raisins into the dough and mix gently with your hands 2-3 times.

Cover the pan with a towel and leave the dough to rise in a warm place. After about 1-1.5 hours, knead the dough with your hands dipped in vegetable oil. We repeat the procedure after another 1-1.5 hours.

Sprinkle the molds with flour. We spread the dough up to about half the height of the molds. Place in a warm place again for 30 minutes until the dough rises to the edges of the molds.

Place the risen eggs in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Check for doneness with a toothpick. If after piercing the toothpick remains clean, the Easter cakes are ready.

4. Preparing glaze for paskas

We take the separated protein out of the refrigerator and begin to beat with a mixer at low speed. Add the powdered sugar and continue beating with the mixer at low speed until peaks form.

We take the Easter cakes out of the molds, grease the top with glaze and immediately sprinkle with the prepared powder. Leave the beads until the glaze hardens (at least 1 hour). That's all. Our most delicious Easter is ready! Bon appetit and happy bright holiday!

Easter is a wonderful spring holiday. For many, it brings joyful emotions and long-awaited warmth after a cold winter and often most of spring. But most importantly, Easter is the end of Lent. On this day, those who fast break their fast, and those who do not fast rejoice in delicacies and the “festival of the belly.”
The Easter recipe in the oven that we offer you today is not cheap. This is a homemade recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation and remains virtually unchanged. Easter cakes turn out tender, beautiful and very tasty.

Products for preparing the Easter recipe in the oven

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 4 cups sugar;
  • 15 eggs;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 200 grams of margarine;
  • 200 grams of live, confectionery yeast;
  • 400 grams of 20% sour cream;
  • 0.5 cups sunflower oil;
  • 10 grams of vanillin;
  • salt to taste;
  • 400 grams of raisins;
  • 3-4 kg of flour.

And the most important thing we need are forms. Anything can serve as a form for Easter. Special molds made of silicone and other modern materials are sold. In our recipe we will use “homemade” molds. These are old tin cans for canned food, coffee and other goodies.

Actually the recipe for Easter in the oven

Lightly heat 200 g of milk and dissolve yeast, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and flour in it until the consistency of rare pancakes.

  1. Take 7 eggs and carefully separate the yolks from the whites. We make sure that the yolk does not get into the whites, because it will be the basis for the brushing of the beads.

  2. Beat 8 eggs and 7 yolks with sugar.

  3. Carefully add the beaten eggs to the milk.
  4. Pour in sour cream, salt, add vanillin, pour in sunflower oil, add suitable the dough and mix everything well.

  5. Then, gradually adding flour, knead the dough.
  6. The dough should turn out a little steeper than for pancakes.

  7. Place the dough in a warm place to rise.
  8. While the dough is rising, prepare the molds. To do this, cut out paper circles to fit the bottom of the mold, dip them in vegetable oil and place them on the bottom.
  9. Coat the sides of the mold with margarine and sprinkle with flour.

  10. Knead the risen dough again. And leave in a warm place, cover with a towel.
  11. When it rises a second time, add raisins to the dough.
  12. And knead again.

  13. After this, spread into molds to 1/3 of the volume. Place in a warm place until the dough rises to a height of 1.5 cm to the edges.

  14. Place in a preheated oven. Do not open or slam the oven while the dough is rising. Otherwise it will settle
  15. Bake at 180 degrees for 45-60 minutes depending on the size of the molds
  16. Remove the finished Easter cakes from the mold and place them on their sides for 1-2 minutes. Roll to cool slightly and place on the bottom.

Preparing the coating for Easter

While the Easter cakes are baking, let's prepare the coating for the Easter cake.

  1. Beat the remaining whites with powdered sugar (for 2 whites, 100 g of powder) until the consistency of very thick sour cream.

Our Easter holidays have cooled down and now we can safely cover them with a “snow top”. Brush Easter eggs with whipped egg whites and sprinkle with colorful caramel sprinkles. And from the remaining brushing you can make meringue.

That's all. This is our homemade Easter recipe in the oven. I would like to wish everyone a joyful and happy Easter. We really hope that you liked our recipe and liked it. Be sure to leave in the comments who knows what and how it turned out. Ask if suddenly something doesn’t work out for you or if something is not clear to you according to the recipe.

Calorie content of homemade Easter

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to say anything about Easter, especially at home. Check out the average information on the Internet. These indicators are average and mainly indicate store-bought Easter cakes.

100 gr. product contains:

      • Protein 8.27 g;
      • Fat 16.09 g;
      • Carbohydrates 40.32 g;
      • Calorie content 329.26 kcal (1378 kJ).

Bon appetit!

It is called “milk thickened”, or simply put, cottage cheese. It always has the shape of a pyramid, always truncated, and symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher, in which the greatest miracle took place - the Resurrection of the Lord.

Easter is celebrated once a year. The cottage cheese used in preparation must be only the freshest. Traditionally, a special product is used to achieve the desired look. form for preparing Easter, the so-called beekeeper. It is desirable that the bean box be made of wood. Easter can be prepared in two types: boiled and raw. Passover prepared raw can be eaten the next day, and cooked passover can be consumed within a week after preparation.

Easter recipe with raisins №1


Cottage cheese – 1500 grams

Sugar - 500 grams

Chicken eggs - 5

Butter - 500 grams

Sour cream - 0.2 kg

Vanillin - 1 pack

Raisins (light) - 0.2 kg

Nuts - about one hundred grams

Lemon zest

Calculation of ingredients for three pans


Wash and dry the raisins. Peel the nuts, fry in a dry frying pan and chop. Melt the butter. Wash the molds. Prepare gauze for each bean bag. The gauze should be wet so that the Easter can be easily removed later, and long enough to cover the Easter from above. But, after folding, there should be no folds left!

Prepare your cargo in advance!

Squeeze the cottage cheese and pass through a meat grinder or fine sieve. Also chop the raisins along with the cottage cheese.

Beat with sugar (200 g) until stiff foam. Add sugar gradually. Rub the yolks with vanilla and remaining sugar.

Mix all ingredients. It is advisable to do this with a wooden spoon and in a glass container.

After Easter, boil, stirring constantly until curdled.

We transfer the cooled Easter into a mold, cover it with gauze and put something heavy on top. Place Easter on a plate and put it in the refrigerator.

After removing the Easter, we decorate it with the letters XB, a cross and sprinkles.

Easter recipe with raisins№2

Ingredients (default measure - glass)

Cottage cheese – 3kg

Butter - 0.2 kg

Sugar - 0.2 kg

Sour cream - 1

Raisins - 0.2 kg


Pass the cottage cheese aged under pressure through a sieve. Pour in sour cream. Add butter, salt, sugar and raisins. Mix everything and place in the mold. Decorate as in the previous recipe.

Easter recipe with raisins №3


Cottage cheese - 0.8kg

Butter - 0.2 kg

Powdered sugar - 50 grams

Sour cream - 0.2 kg

Raisins - half a glass


Rub the cottage cheese with butter, add powdered sugar, add sour cream and raisins. Mix everything and place in a mold lined with gauze. Put the oppression and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Decorate.

Easter recipe with raisins appears quite often in many sources. But Easter can be made not only with raisins. For example, you can try the following recipe.

Easter with candied fruits

Ingredients (measure not specified in the recipe - grams)

Candied fruits - 200

Cottage cheese - 1 kg

Ground almonds - 50

Butter - 200

Cream - 200 ml

Egg yolks - 3

Sugar - 0.2 kg

Lemon and orange peels


Mix dry cottage cheese, passed through a sieve, with half of the chopped candied fruits, orange and lemon peels. Add almonds, vanilla and mix again. Then beat the butter thoroughly and also mix with the cottage cheese.

Heat the cream. Beat the yolks with sugar, add cream to them. Heat the resulting mixture, but do not bring it to a boil. Cool. Mix the fruits, cottage cheese and egg mixture, and then pour everything into the bean bowl. We put pressure on it and put it in the refrigerator for twelve hours. We decorate the finished Easter with candied fruits.

For consecration, prepare one decorated Easter, and if you are preparing Easter gifts, then it is better to consecrate them in forms, and then return them to the cold under the load.

Remember! It is necessary to prepare Easter in a good mood, with good thoughts and wishes of health to your family, friends, and, in general, to all people!