The herring is ours, dear! An amazing product that is equally appropriate during Lent, at a modest family feast and at a festive banquet. Herring was served at the royal table, prisoners and convicts were fed with herring, and herring saved them from hunger in hard times. In a word, an exceptionally democratic fish! And that is why today there are an incredible number of ways to prepare, marinate and serve salted herring: royal herring, monastic herring, hunter’s herring mincemeat... We offer you a recipe for preparing herring in mustard sauce.

Initially, this recipe was present only in Finnish cuisine. But, as you know, not a single recipe stays long in its homeland. Each recipe not only goes beyond borders, but also adapts to the cuisine of the country where it ends up. Today, the recipe for herring in Finnish is already multivariate. And we will find out exactly how to cook herring with mustard sauce.

Herring in Finnish

An almost classic recipe for herring in mustard sauce. In any case, this is how this dish is prepared in Finnish cuisine.

Salted herring;
A raw egg;
Lemon juice.

For Finnish herring, it is advisable to cut the fish in advance, add vegetable oil and leave for a while. You can also take ready-made herring fillets in oil. Strictly speaking, this is not important. The main thing is that the pieces of fish are not very large, completely free of bones and marinated in vegetable oil.

Mustard sauce gives Finnish herring a special piquancy. To prepare it, you need to break one raw egg into a bowl and grind it with a teaspoon of granulated sugar. After this, add a tablespoon of prepared mustard to the egg-sugar mixture and beat well. Then add a teaspoon of lemon juice and five tablespoons of the oil in which the herring was pickled to the mixture. Whisk the mixture again, turning the sauce into a homogeneous mass.

Place a layer of herring pieces on a plate and pour the sauce over it. Place a second layer on top and pour the sauce over it too. So we put all the herring and put it in the refrigerator for two hours. Serve with fresh rye bread.

Herring marinated in mustard sauce

If you prefer to salt or pickle your herring yourself, try this recipe.

Fresh herring - 2 pieces;
Onions - 3 heads;
Coriander - a tablespoon;
Mustard - 2 tablespoons;
Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
Salt - teaspoon;
Vinegar (9%) - half a glass.

Wash the herring and remove the insides. Then we cut off the head, tail and fins, remove the top film and wash the carcasses again. Now we fillet them, completely remove them from the bones and cut them into small pieces. The fish is ready. Next you need to prepare the marinade.

To do this, first cut the onions into thin half rings and grind the coriander grains in a mortar. Then put mustard, sugar, salt in a bowl and grind thoroughly. Continuing to grind the mustard, add vegetable oil to it in small portions, and when the oil is completely added, pour in vinegar. At this stage the sauce should become lighter and fluffier. At the end of cooking, pour crushed coriander seeds into the sauce and stir everything thoroughly.

Now take a clean, dry jar and place pieces of herring in it, alternating layers of herring with layers of onion. Pour the sauce over everything, compact it and put it in the refrigerator. Herring should be marinated for at least two days. During this time, the lidded jar of herring needs to be shaken several times. After two days, we take a sample and evaluate the taste of herring marinated in mustard sauce.

Snack herring in mustard sauce

This recipe is good because the herring only needs to sit for about half an hour until it is fully cooked. So we can consider this recipe a quick way to prepare herring with mustard sauce.

Salted herring carcass;
Onion head;
A tablespoon of mustard;
A tablespoon of sugar;
A teaspoon of table vinegar;
3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
Half a teaspoon of salt;
A quarter glass of water.

We clean and cut the herring, separate the fillet and cut it into pieces. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Place the herring on the dish and place onion rings on top. The appetizer is almost ready. Now the most important thing is the mustard sauce. To prepare it, you need to put mustard in a bowl and dilute it with cold boiled water and vinegar. After this, pour vegetable oil into the mustard, add granulated sugar and salt. Mix everything and pour the sauce over the herring. After half an hour, the appetizer can be served.

Herring in mayonnaise-mustard sauce

Another recipe adapted to our tastes. While Finns are content with a sauce made from mustard and raw egg, we prefer to replace the egg with mayonnaise.

Salted herring;
Lemon juice;
Bay leaf;
Ground black pepper.

Fillet the herring and cut it into pieces. For the sauce, put a tablespoon of mustard and two tablespoons of mayonnaise in a bowl, and then mix them. Now add a teaspoon of sugar, a couple of pinches of black pepper and the juice of half a lemon to the mayonnaise-mustard mixture. Stir and look at the consistency. If the mixture looks like liquid sour cream, then the sauce is almost ready. If the sauce is too thick, dilute it with boiled water.

Next, we clean and chop the onion very finely, put it in the sauce, add pieces of herring and mix everything. Take a glass jar, put a bay leaf on the bottom and lay out the herring with the sauce. We compact the herring, close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day or two.

Whatever recipe for herring with mustard sauce you choose, to prepare this dish you need to cut the herring itself. In fact, doing this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. So…
We take the herring carcass and make two cuts near the gills: across the carcass, at an angle from the tail to the head. Now we can easily cut off the head.
We rip open the abdomen from the tail to the head and take out the insides.
Cut off the tail and rinse the herring in cold water.
We place the carcass on a cutting board, take the knife by the tip of the blade and use the handle of the knife to beat off the herring carcass, first from one side, then from the other.
We make a shallow cut along the back, use a knife or fingernail to pry up the thin film covering the herring, and remove it like two halves of a stocking.
We run our fingers between the ridge and the meat of the herring on both sides of the spine along the cut on the back.
We remove one part of the fillet from the vertebra and rib bones.
We remove the vertebra with rib bones from the second part of the fillet.
We take out all the remaining bones and cut the fillet into pieces.
To cut a herring beautifully, cut the fillet not strictly across the carcass, but at an angle, holding the knife almost parallel to the cutting board. Then your herring pieces will be flat and thin. Try cooking herring in mustard sauce in this particular cut - the fish will turn out tender, beautiful and very tasty. Many people will like the spicy sweet and sour taste of this dish.

Humor in the kitchen

I was once told a joke:
The wife comes into the kitchen, the husband is having dinner and says with emotion: “So fat, but so cool!” The wife was speechless from surprise and offense, but after a few seconds she realized that he was not talking about her, but about the herring, which he was devouring with potatoes on both cheeks.”

Herring is the most affordable and popular fish in many countries of the world. This is a fairly versatile product, Whatever you cook as a side dish goes with everything. But the best company is green onions and potatoes in any form. We often buy herring already pickled, but if you want, this recipe can be implemented at home, it will be even tastier and cheaper.

Add mustard seeds and various spices to the marinade. Immediately fillet the fish, cut it into pieces and put it in a jar along with the chopped lemon. Prepared it in the evening, you can try it in the morning.

How to choose good fresh herring and not be disappointed in the quality of the product

  • A good carcass should not have brown, yellow or red spots. If they are present, then the subcutaneous fat is rancid.
  • The surface is intact no tears on the skin.
  • The fish's eyes should not be cloudy, dry or sunken.
  • The gills should be a bright dark cherry color, but not dull or brownish brown.
  • The packaging of fish should not be damaged or swollen.
  • When pressed, the surface of fresh fish is elastic, not loose, but When cut, the rib bones are not separated from the flesh.
  • Purchase the product only from a trusted manufacturer. Unscrupulous sellers do not always observe the temperature regime (from -1 to -8 degrees) during storage, freeze and defrost the product many times, and do not record its expiration date.
  • It is better to take carcasses packed in transparent containers so that you can evaluate their appearance.
    If the date the fish was caught is indicated on the package, then give preference to the autumn or winter catch, when the herring has accumulated enough fat, thanks to which the meat becomes more tasty and healthy. The broad-backed herring has the most fat.
  • We do not recommend taking carcasses weighing up to 300 g; they are skinnier and not as tasty.
  • If the surface of the fish has dents, this indicates that the catch was frozen immediately at sea, and the carcasses, lying tightly, pressed on each other. A if the fish is perfectly smooth, then it was probably not frozen immediately, or defrosted and then frozen again on a flat surface.
  • It is better not to take fish covered with an icy glaze. When the ice shell thaws, a lot of water will drain and it will turn out that you paid money not for fish, but for water.
  • You will most likely buy frozen fish; it is difficult to find any other way. We recommend defrosting at room temperature, but not in warm water or microwave. Carcasses are sold with the head on, not gutted, so they need to be cleaned. If you salt the whole fish, the flesh will have a bitter taste and a darker color, which does not look so aesthetically pleasing on the table. First, wash the fish simply in cold water.

Homemade herring in mustard sauce has a piquant aroma of spices and notes of citrus. Not only suitable for eating with mashed potatoes or fries, you can also make gourmet snacks such as canapés, salad or regular sandwiches.

Recipe information

  • Type of dish: appetizer
  • Cooking method: slicing, cooking marinade, salting
  • Servings:4
  • 24 hours


  • frozen herring – 1 pc.
  • mustard seeds – 1 tsp.
  • lemon – 1/2 pcs.
  • laurel – 3 leaves
  • allspice in peas – 4 pcs.
  • cloves – 1 bud
  • dried dill - to taste
  • ground salt – 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar – 1 tsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.
  • purified water – 300 ml.

Cooking method

We immediately pour all the spices that we need into the pan to prepare the marinade, sugar and salt too. You have the right to vary the types of spices and their quantities to your taste.

On a note

Take ordinary table salt, but not iodized (it will give the pulp a specific taste, make it softer, not elastic).

Wipe the fish dry with a paper towel. We tear off the side fins, cut off the head, carefully remove the eggs from the abdomen, and throw away the rest of the entrails. Clean the belly and wipe with a napkin. Separate the fillet from the bone. It is better to do this by cutting the carcass with a sharp knife along the spine.

If possible, remove all the bones from the fillet. If desired, you can remove the skin from the surface by prying it from the side with a sharp knife. Cut into pieces. Cut the lemon into half rings. Place the pieces of herring and lemon in a glass jar. If you like caviar and milt extracted from the abdomen, also put them in a container for pickling. Then prepare the marinade.

Pour water into a saucepan with spices. Be sure to look for mustard seeds, they are a great spice for many marinades. So, in our pan we have mustard seeds, allspice, laurel, and cloves. Turn on the heat and wait for the marinade to boil; simmer it over low heat for five minutes.
Place the marinade in a cool place and wait for it to reach room temperature. And only then pour the herring with lemon into it. If you pour hot marinade, the fish meat will turn out semi-cooked.

Cover with a lid and refrigerate overnight, at least 16 hours if you can’t wait to taste the delicacy.
After a while, open the jar and put the herring on the herring rack. The lemon in the filling turns out to be tasteless, you can not eat it and throw it away. It fulfilled its main function - it gave the fish pulp a slight sourness, a lighter shade, and eliminated the specific herring smell.

Drizzle the fish a little with aromatic vegetable oil, sprinkle with chopped green onions or half rings of chopped white, pre-pickled onions. Even those who don’t eat this fish will enjoy this herring appetizer. It smells nice and tastes original.

On a note

  • Sometimes in this recipe the lemon is replaced with a solution of vinegar or citric acid. But as a result of such a replacement, we will only add a slight sourness to fish meat, and there will not be a pleasant citrus aroma.
  • In a similar way You can salt not only herring, but also herring and mackerel, pieces in a jar.
  • If you don't have dry mustard seeds, replace them with Dijon mustard.

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It’s unlikely that at least one holiday feast would be complete without salted fish, and skillful housewives want to surprise their guests with a culinary masterpiece every time.

If you haven’t tried herring in mustard sauce yet, its recipe will be a godsend for you; for lovers of fish dishes, this option will be a kind of lifesaver. Mustard will perfectly complement the taste of your favorite fish, and will turn an ordinary dish into an excellent appetizer that will conquer everyone without exception.

Mustard is a spicy, spicy seasoning made from seeds with the addition of water and enzymes that suppress the hot taste of mustard; it is impossible to eat it without additional components. Mustard is very widely used in cooking: for preparing sauces, as a seasoning for meat dishes, and for salted herring, it is simply irreplaceable.

There are many types of this seasoning, choose according to your taste and use it in preparing sauce and other favorite dishes.

Herring in mustard-vinegar sauce

Herring is a fish that will never lose popularity, there is nothing better with aromatic potatoes, and in combination with mustard-vinegar dressing you can try a completely new dish. The recipe pleases with its accessibility and quick execution.


  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Herring - 2 pcs (fresh frozen);
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Mustard - 3 tsp;
  • Parsley - 2 tbsp.

How to cook herring in mustard-vinegar sauce

To get a 100% taste result, you need to follow proper preparation and make dishes with soul and mood.

  1. Clean freshly frozen herring: remove the head, tail, and fins. Remove the skin, divide each into two fillets and remove the backbone and large bones. Cut the finished fillets into portions.
  2. Place the fish in a plastic container or jar, peel the onion, cut into half rings and sprinkle on top of the herring. Cut the parsley with a knife and add to the herring and onion.
  3. Prepare the filling: combine vinegar and sugar in a bowl, mix with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. In another bowl, mix vegetable oil and mustard until smooth. Combine the two mixtures and slowly bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

Pour the prepared filling evenly over the herring and stir. Leave the fish in the refrigerator for 1 hour and then serve.

Herring in mustard sauce


  • - 2 pcs + -
  • - 2 pcs + -
  • — 20 g + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 6 tbsp. + -

How to make herring in mustard sauce

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and mash well with the sugar, then add all the mustard and beat well.
  2. Now pour lemon juice and vegetable oil into the mixture, whisk well until smooth.
  3. Cut the herring fillet into portions. Place one row of herring in a deep plate and pour over the sauce. Place another row on top and also pour over the sauce, cover the plate with cling film, and refrigerate for 1.5 hours. Herring in mustard sauce is ready to eat.

If you serve herring in mustard sauce as a separate appetizer, garnish with herbs, lemon and olives if desired. Spicy herring is also suitable for preparing sandwiches and various tartlets.

Fresh frozen herring with mustard dressing

To prepare an appetizer from fresh frozen herring, you can also use mustard sauce. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, so you can safely prepare a double portion of the fish delicacy.


  • Fresh frozen herring - 2 pcs;
  • Spicy mustard - 1 tsp;
  • Horseradish - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Boiled water - 1.2 liters (chilled);
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.

How to make herring in mustard sauce

  1. Thaw the herring, remove the skin, cut off the head and tail. Fillet each one and remove the bones from the fish. Place the fillet in a deep bowl and cover with water and salt for 1.5 hours.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine mustard, horseradish, sugar, vegetable oil and lemon juice, use a mixer or blender, and beat the mixture for 2 minutes. Mustard filling is ready!
  3. Drain the water from the herring, cut into small pieces and place in a glass or plastic container.
  4. Pour mustard dressing over the herring, stir and refrigerate for one night.

The appetizing herring in mustard sauce is ready, serve it as an independent appetizer or as an addition to potatoes.

  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Champignons - 10-12 pcs;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • How to prepare a herring appetizer in mustard marinade

    1. Peel the herring and, if desired, fillet it or cut it straight into pieces.
    2. Boil the champignons in salted water for 10 minutes, dry with paper towels and finely chop. Finely chop the boiled eggs too.
    3. Peel the onion, cut into rings and pour boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water.
    4. Prepare the marinade in a separate bowl, mix mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil and a tablespoon of water, mix everything well several times.
    5. Place all the ingredients in this order: herring, mushrooms, eggs, onions. Pour in the marinade and refrigerate for half an hour.

    Before serving, garnish with herbs or viburnum berries; such an appetizer with vodka will be suitable for a festive table. Herring in mustard sauce will become your favorite dish; its recipe will add a new taste to your daily diet. Bon appetit!

    Fish recipes are in great demand because they are easy to prepare and the results are always excellent. Herring in mustard sauce is no exception. This dish is an excellent appetizer for a holiday table, so you can serve any alcohol with it. How to cook it?

    Herring in mustard sauce: recipe with photo


    Lightly salted herring 1 piece(s) Vinegar 1 tbsp. Water 2 tbsp. Vegetable oil 4 tbsp Sugar 2 tsp Dry mustard 2 tsp

    • Number of servings: 6
    • Cooking time: 30 minutes

    How to cook herring in mustard sauce at home?

    The question of how to cook herring in mustard sauce at home is of interest to housewives with good experience and novice cooks. This appetizer is very easy to prepare, because the recipe requires salted herring, which will be marinated with mustard sauce for several hours.

    The appetizer should be prepared in a glass container in the evening so that by morning it is thoroughly soaked in the marinade and can be served. If desired, this recipe can be used as an addition to many side dishes:

    • potatoes;
    • cereals;
    • stewed vegetables;
    • porridge;
    • some types of salads.

    To make herring in mustard sauce, recipes with photos of which are known to many, more rich and soft, vinegar and mustard seeds are added to the dish as it cooks. Spices, dried herbs and seasonings are added to the recipe as desired. Important: this herring addition must be chosen carefully, because few seasonings combine with mustard and together create an excellent taste.

    Recipe for making mustard sauce for herring

    To prepare the dish you will need:

    1 lightly salted herring

    Tablespoon of vinegar

    2 tablespoons of water (necessarily clean)

    4 tablespoons unrefined oil

    2 spoons of sugar

    2 tablespoons dry mustard powder

    Howmake mustard sauce for herring?

    1. Grind the mustard with sugar in a small bowl, then pour vegetable oil into the mixture and mix the mixture thoroughly with a fork. If the finished mass does not seem to be enough for you, you can increase the dose of products.
    2. In a separate bowl, mix the vinegar and water, and then carefully pour it into the mustard mixture, while stirring slowly. Leave the finished sauce for 5-10 minutes so that the mustard swells a little.
    3. We clean the herring from bones - we cut off the fins, head and tail, after which we make an incision along the line of the belly and free the fish from the entrails. If desired, remove the central bone and cut the carcass. We rinse the herring under running water and dry thoroughly with a towel or napkin.
    4. Place the fish carcass or portioned pieces into the sauce, press it with a plate and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours (you can also leave the appetizer to marinate overnight).

    As it cooks, sprinkle the fish with herbs and serve. Bon appetit!

    This dish is extremely popular and always finds a response both among gourmets and among adherents of traditional, folk cuisine. After all, the classic recipe can be played out differently every time: with a fragrant sauce or a fragrant marinade, because it’s herring in mustard sauce. We'll tell you how to prepare this spicy, salty snack quickly and in several ways, one of which you'll definitely like.

    Salting of herring was invented by the Dutchman Bekel at the end of the 14th century, and it came to Russia in the 17th and since then has not given the palm of primacy among snacks. On any table - from the most affordable and budget-friendly, to one bursting with dishes and delicacies, salted herring will be appropriate and good.

    And for good reason, because it is one of the simplest and most accessible sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, and with regular use it reduces weight and helps avoid the development of cardiovascular diseases.

    There are countless dishes from this fish, but today we will cook herring in mustard sauce, as well as its varieties - herring in mustard marinade and herring in mustard sauce.

    Herring in mustard sauce


    • – 1 fish (large) + -
    • - 1 PC. + -
    • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
    • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
    • - 1 tsp. + -
    • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
    • - 1/2 tsp. + -
    • — 50 ml + -


    This is the fastest way to enjoy mustard-flavored herring. No need to wait, no need to pour or marinate, everything will take us no more than an hour!

    • We clean and cut up our fish - we remove the entrails, head, fins and bones. Cut into pieces. We arrange it beautifully on a platter - yes, yes, you get a ready-to-eat product!
    • We peel the onion and cut it into half rings, decorate the laid herring with it. We leave it.
    • Let's start preparing the sauce: put mustard in a shallow bowl and begin to gradually dilute it with water and vinegar. Then add butter to the mixture, mix well and add sugar and salt. Stir again, making sure that there are no grains or lumps left.
    • Pour the sauce over the fish on a platter and, literally after 20-30 minutes, the herring in mustard sauce is ready!

    To prepare this dish, we will need familiar, easily accessible products - nothing supernatural.


    • Lightly salted herring – 2 fish (total weight approximately 500 – 600 g)
    • Onions (medium size) – 3 pcs.
    • Apple cider vinegar 9% – 100 ml
    • Table mustard – 2 tbsp
    • Sugar – 1 tbsp
    • Salt – 1 tsp
    • Coriander beans – 1 tbsp.
    • Vegetable oil (refined sunflower or extra virgin olive oil) – 100 g


    If the herring seems too salty, you should soak it in cold water for 24 hours, otherwise you won’t be able to discern the flavor bouquet behind the salt. If the fish is already good, let's proceed:

    1. We cut the herring, remove the entrails, fins, head, skin and wash it thoroughly. Cut into fillets, trying to remove all the bones as much as possible. Place the pieces on a plate and set aside.
    2. We get to work on the onions: peel them, cut them into half rings (0.3 - 0.5 cm), and set them aside.
    3. Pour the coriander seeds into a mortar and grind.
    4. We take a deep bowl in which we will prepare the marinade, pour coriander into it, add mustard, sugar, salt and oil in small portions, stirring continuously.
    5. Having received a thick mustard paste, we begin to slowly dilute it with vinegar. Pour it in, stirring, a little at a time. The marinade should lighten noticeably.
    6. We take a jar and fill it alternately with layers of herring, onion, and marinade to the very top. Pour the remaining mustard mixture into the last layer, compact it properly so that no air remains and, covering it with a plastic lid, hide it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. During the entire time, our herring can be shaken several times without opening it so that it is better soaked.

    Herring in mustard sauce

    In terms of time, this is an intermediate recipe between a very quick preparation of the sauce and almost 3 days of marinating. In this recipe, the herring needs to sit for 12 hours. If you do everything in the morning, then by evening you will be greeting your loved ones with a delicious snack!


    • Lightly salted herring – 2 fish (about 300 g each);
    • Large onions – 2 pcs.;
    • Weak black tea (no flavorings) – ¾ cup;
    • Table mustard – 1 tbsp;
    • Vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp;
    • Granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
    • Vegetable oil - 100 g.


    1. We remove everything unnecessary from the herring to get an almost boneless fillet. Cut into pieces.
    2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
    3. Let's start preparing the sauce: put mustard in a shallow container and start mixing sugar and butter into it. Then, add vinegar and tea in small portions. Mix well.
    4. Place the herring in a jar along with the onion and pour in the tea-mustard mixture. Place in the refrigerator for 12 hours. All! Herring in mustard sauce is ready! Bon appetit!

    So, friends, you have a choice of three different recipes in terms of the amount of time spent, but equally tasty: herring in mustard sauce, herring in mustard marinade and herring in mustard sauce. Try all three, because winter is so long and you’ll want something salty more than once!