Pear is perhaps one of the favorite delicacies of both children and adults. Even if we don’t talk about how many benefits it brings to our body, we can love it for its delicate and juicy taste alone.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to grow this fragrant fruit yourself everywhere, because the pear is a heat-loving plant and requires care, so most of us buy pears in supermarkets and markets. And they are not always ripe and sweet enough. However, do not rush to throw away unripe fruits or put them away for a while in the hope that they will ripen on their own. It’s better to cook something tasty and healthy from them. For example, baked pears with cinnamon and honey.

This incredibly tasty dessert exuding a delicate aroma will please everyone, and on fasting days it will be an excellent addition to both the festive and everyday table. This dish will be especially appreciated by those for whom sugar is contraindicated - diabetics, as well as mothers of children suffering from diathesis. Baked pear is not only not harmful for them, but is even beneficial, because both pear and cinnamon are recommended for people with such diseases. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and reduce sugar.

22.11.2015 21.04.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

Juicy and ripe pears baked in the microwave can easily turn into a delicious delicacy! Don't believe me?! Try to prepare them, following the step-by-step recipe described below, and please all your family and friends, including children, with a fragrant dessert, because this recipe is a great reason to feed your kids healthy fruits.

They are rightfully considered a dietary product, since their sugar content is much lower than, for example, apples! Therefore, those who watch their figure and adhere to a healthy diet should definitely include such a dish in their diet as a sweet for a lunch snack or afternoon snack. You can bake any variety this way, as long as they are not overripe.

By the way, baked pears can be used to make not only a dessert, but also a hot appetizer. The simplest - classic flavors - baked with cheese. You can add bacon, minced meat, and shrimp to the traditional duet - this appetizer will create a sensation on the holiday table.

But today we have on the menu pears baked in the microwave with honey and cinnamon.


  • 2-3 ripe pears;
  • 2-3 tsp. honey;
  • 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon.

How to cook baked pears in the microwave

Rinse the fruits in water and cut them in half. It is advisable to cut it so that there is a dry tail on each half, by which you can hold it while eating the fragrant fruit.

Using the sharp tip of a teaspoon, carefully cut out the seed pods from each half. If the pears are hard, then use a knife to carry out this operation. Place the slices on a special microwave-safe plate, if you have one available. You can also use a regular white or colored plate, but without gold or silver designs.

Then sprinkle each half with ground cinnamon. If desired, you can use powdered sugar, lemon zest, vanilla/vanilla sugar and your other favorite spices.

Place 0.5 tsp in the cavity of each half. honey The structure of the product does not matter - you can use both liquid and crystallized honey. If you are allergic or intolerant to honey, then easily replace it with granulated sugar or any sweet sauce (chocolate, caramel, maple, etc.).

Place the plate on the microwave tray, close the door and set the display for 2-3 minutes at the highest power. After the beep, check the texture of the baked fruit with a fork or toothpick - it should be soft. If it is still hard, add another 2-3 minutes of baking.

Baked fruits emit an indescribably delicious aroma - the cinnamon is especially subtle! Carefully transfer the juicy halves of the baked pears to a serving plate and serve, garnished with mint leaves.

If desired, you can serve sliced ​​cheese with the baked pears - it will perfectly highlight the sweetish taste of the dessert and add a light creamy sourness to the dish. Or a scoop of ice cream placed on the hot half.

Enjoy your meal!

You can always add your own changes to the basic recipe, for example, add finely crushed nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios) or dried / fresh / frozen berries and fruits along with honey.

Baked pears with cheese - a delicious and at the same time very easy to prepare dessert. This pear dessert bakes in the oven for just 20 minutes and is delicious warm or cold.

You can bake a dessert made from pears with various additives: with honey, with lingonberry jam, with different syrups, with cinnamon, with soft cheese (and with different types of cheeses, “Ricotta” has the most neutral taste, you can try using blue cheeses - add them less, “Dor Blue”, “Gorgonzola”, “Mascarpone”), you can sprinkle the top of the pears with brown sugar, crushed shortbread or biscuit, crushed walnuts or other nuts, chocolate chips. As you can see, there are many variations. In any case, you will need a deep baking pan or baking dish and, very preferably,. We offer you one of the most common ways to prepare this dessert: bake pears with Ricotta cheese, honey and cinnamon.

Need to:

  • Pears – 5 pieces (juicy, not very soft, but not too hard, we have “Duchess”)
  • Ricotta cheese – 250 grams (you can try another type of cheese)
  • Honey (liquid, not candied) – about 10 level teaspoons
  • Ground cinnamon (if desired) - about 1 teaspoon, less is possible
  • Cookies or nuts (optional, we do not add) - at the rate of approximately half to 1 teaspoon of crushed cookies or nuts per half of a pear


The pears need to be washed, wiped, and cut into halves. Using a teaspoon (or even more conveniently a small ice cream spoon, if you have one on the farm), remove the core with seeds and make small indentations in the halves of the pears. We also remove the “legs and butts,” although many recipes advise leaving them: good pears will still retain their shape, and eating (we would even say “eating” in this case) dessert is more convenient when everything “extra” has already been removed.

Line a baking dish or deep baking tray with baking paper. BUT! If you lay pear halves cut side up on a flat surface, they will tilt and fall on their sides. We need them to lie flat, so we take another large piece of baking paper, crumple it tightly into a ball, then unfold it and place it in the mold so that the dents and bends of the paper serve as support for the pears and prevent them from turning. Place the pears on baking paper, cut side up, so that they lie flat and stable ( watch our video recipe!). If you don’t have baking paper, simply grease the bottom of the mold with butter, and cut a small piece from the bottom of each pear half to form a “flat, stable bottom” (this option is worse: the pear will lose juice through the cut).

Place a teaspoon of Ricotta cheese into the cavities of the pear halves, generously, heaped.

Pour liquid honey over the cheese and the pears themselves.

If we want, we sprinkle cinnamon on top (not everyone in our company likes cinnamon, so we sprinkled some of the pears and left some without cinnamon).

Place the pears in the oven, already preheated to 200 degrees, at medium height. Bake for 20 minutes. For the last 5 minutes, you can turn on the grill if your oven has one. If you wanted to sprinkle the pears with chopped cookies or nuts, we also do this after 15 minutes of baking, taking the pan out of the oven for a minute and quickly sprinkling the pears, and for the last 5 minutes the pears are in the oven with the “sprinkling.” When a total of 20 minutes have passed for our dessert to be in the oven, turn off the heat and leave the pears to simmer in the switched off oven for 10-15 minutes. All. Baked pears ready.

Today I prepared baked pears in the oven, they can be used to make a great dessert, as well as very healthy and tasty. This delicacy will appeal to children and people who follow a healthy diet. Baked pears retain all their beneficial properties and vitamins, so eating such fruits is very healthy. Although some may say that it is high in calories, it is better than a bun or store-bought cookie. It’s not difficult to prepare such a dessert; all you need is to pour sweet syrup over the fruit and season with spices. Sprinkle with your favorite dope before serving.

The pear can also be stuffed with different fillings: cheese, dried fruits, nuts, shrimp and even bacon. You can also wrap it in puff pastry, then it will take on an incredible restaurant look. So, let's look at three options for a healthy treat, which one you choose is up to you, but first you need to try them!

Pear with cheese in the oven

This very tasty pear baked with cottage cheese was prepared for children’s breakfast. It itself is very sweet, and you don’t need to add sugar. The cottage cheese filling is very tender and adds richness. The main thing is to buy cheese that is not dry and not very grainy. Then it will be easier for you to make a creamy mixture for stuffing. You can add nuts, dried apricots, and prunes to the filling. Be sure to make syrup so that the fruit does not burn and turns out fragrant.


  • Pear – 1 pc.
  • Cottage cheese – 70 g.
  • Sugar – 1 tsp
  • Water – 5 tbsp
  • Cinnamon - a pinch


Peel the skin and try to cut it very thinly. I left the ponytail for beauty.

We cut out the centers where the bones are located with a knife, making neat round holes.

My cottage cheese was greasy and quite moist. Add sugar and a spoonful of sour cream, mix well with a spoon so that you get a homogeneous mass, without grains, similar to a thick cream.

Fill with cottage cheese. You can carefully trim the edges with a spoon.

Pour water into a bowl, add sugar, mix cinnamon.

Take a non-stick pan, pour spicy water into it and put the pear. Bake for 30 minutes at 180C.

This is such a healthy dessert we have! Treat your loved ones to a healthy and dietary dish! Bon appetit!

Baked pears with honey and nuts

Or you can cook it - baked pears in the oven with honey, this is the easiest option, you don’t even have to peel them, but simply cut them into pieces - season with spices, sprinkle with nuts and bake in the oven. They take less time to cook than apples because they are much softer. You can sprinkle with any nuts: hazelnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts. It also turns out very tasty with sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds.


  • Pears – 4 pcs.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Nuts – 4 pcs.
  • Sugar – 1 tsp
  • Water – 0.5 cups
  • Cinnamon - a pinch


Wash under running water and cut into 3-4 pieces depending on size.

Pour water into a cup, add sugar and spices.

Place the fruits and pour syrup over them. Lubricate the top with a thin layer of honey, sprinkle with more spices and chopped nuts. Place in the oven to bake for 20 minutes at 180C degrees.

This is such a delicious thing we got! Bon appetit!

Baked pears recipe

If you want to make yourself a quick dessert, then baked pear is a great option. You simply cut the fruit into halves, pour some syrup on it, and then the oven will do everything for you. And if you don’t have time at all, then you can cook it in the microwave in just 5 minutes.


  1. Wash with water, do not remove the peel. But if you want no hard skin, then you can peel it.
  2. Pour water mixed with sugar into a glass bowl. Add pieces of fruit and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  3. Place in the oven for 20 minutes at 180C.
  4. Before serving, sprinkle with nuts and pour over condensed milk!

Here's what you can cook: baked pears in the oven, I think you'll like it!

Step 1: prepare the pears.

First of all, cut the lemon into 2 equal halves, use one to prepare any other delicious dishes, and we will need the second later. Now rinse 6 small, hard pears under cold running water and pat them with paper kitchen towels to remove excess moisture. Then take 1 pear and cut off the skin. Immediately squeeze a little lemon juice onto the fruit so that the pear does not darken. Then cut it into 2 halves, you can leave a tail on one of them. Also, immediately treat the cuts with lemon juice. We prepare the remaining pears in the same way, leave them on the cutting board and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: cook the pears.

We take a deep but narrow saucepan, pour 500 milliliters of clean water into it, add 250 grams of granulated sugar and place it on the stove, turned on to medium level. When the liquid boils, cook the light sugar syrup for 2 – 3 minutes.
Then carefully lower the pears into it, reduce the stove temperature to a level between the lowest and medium and cook them until softened. The cooking time depends on the type of pear and ranges from 25 to 40 minutes, so we periodically check their readiness with a wooden kitchen skewer; if it enters the pulp of the fruit without pressure, then they are ready. When the pears have softened, transfer them using a slotted spoon to a large flat dish.

Step 3: prepare honey sauce.

Now pour 50 milliliters of the light syrup in which the pears were boiled into a measuring glass, pour the rest into any other container, later it can be used to prepare compotes, citrus jelly or for any other sweet dishes.
We rinse the saucepan, dry it and put it back on the stove, turned on to medium level. When the container is slightly warmed up, add 2 tablespoons of butter into it and wait for it to melt a little. Then add 40 grams of honey, 50 milliliters of sugar syrup, a pinch of ground nutmeg, allspice, cloves to the saucepan and mix with a tablespoon until smooth.

Step 4: Bring the dessert to full readiness.

After the aromatic mixture boils, place boiled pears in it and cook them in honey sauce for 40 – 50 seconds on each side. Then we remove them from the saucepan again, using the same slotted spoon, and boil the sauce until slightly thickened, this will take no more than 2 - 3 minutes.

Step 5: Serve the pears in honey.

Pears in honey are served warm as a dessert. The above quantity of ingredients yields 3 large servings or 6 small ones. After cooking, warm pear halves are laid out on plates, deep but short glasses or bowls; poured with hot honey syrup and served on the sweet table along with forks.
If desired, this yummy can be supplemented with ice cream, chocolate chips, fresh finely chopped fruits or berries, walnuts or other nuts. The ideal, sweet dessert is not only delicious, but also very healthy due to the honey. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

Instead of natural lemon juice, you can use concentrated lemon juice.

The set of spices indicated in the ingredients can be varied according to taste and composition.

Instead of a saucepan, you can use a small cast iron cauldron.

Sometimes a couple of tablespoons of red wine are added to honey syrup for a more spicy aroma and taste.

Sometimes a piece of chopped ginger (piece diameter 2 centimeters) and a cinnamon stick (length up to 8 centimeters) are added to the sugar syrup in which the pears are first boiled.