Which Russian doesn't like mustard? Instead of a sauce, it is added to all meat or fish dishes, to shawarma and jellied meat, to aspic, and simply spread on bread, squinting your eyes and quacking with pleasure. Homemade mustard is considered the most delicious and bitter, while store-bought mustard cannot hold a candle!

Juicy, vigorous, it chills you so much that even tears appear in your eyes! This product is a great way to protect yourself from winter colds and flu, since no disease can withstand such a bitter onslaught! To prepare delicious mustard from mustard seeds, you will need at least two days.


  • 2 packs of mustard seeds
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tsp. 9% vinegar
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar


1. Place mustard seeds in a deep container. There is no need to rinse them beforehand.

2. Boil water in a kettle and pour it over the grains until they are completely covered with boiling water. In this form, you should leave the mustard seeds until the next day for 24 hours to swell. After 12 hours, you can change the water by pouring boiling water again. Water will remove excess bitterness from the mustard.

3. The next day, carefully drain the water and divide the mass into two parts. Pour 1 tsp into one of them. vegetable oil.

4. Puree the grains with vegetable oil in a blender.

5. Gradually add oil 1 tsp at a time until the entire mustard mass is completely mixed and turns white. Add salt, sugar and 9% vinegar. Beat a little more.

Mustard seeds are the seeds of a plant in the Brassica family. The grains are small, round, and the color varies from black to pale yellow. The seeds have almost no smell; the taste can range from sweet to bitter and hot. The grains are used for preserving mushrooms and vegetables, and also as a seasoning in the preparation of meat dishes and side dishes.
The grains can be crushed and thus obtained ordinary mustard. Whole roasted grains are added to sauces. Mustard oil is also made from the seeds for frying and seasoning dishes.


Since ancient times, Hindus, Greeks and Jews have used the seeds of the plant as spices. Mustard is a popular seasoning in Russian and German cuisine. Russian mustard is especially spicy; most European countries prefer a condiment that has a large number of additives. Mustard is included in recipes for salads, marinades, and is added to fish, meat and poultry dishes.


Mustard seeds are distinguished by their content of protein, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and sodium. The seasoning contains vitamins B1, B2 and vitamin E. The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamins A, B1, C, B2, PP, iron and calcium salts.


The seasoning stimulates cell growth and regeneration, regulates the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Mustard helps heal wounds and cuts. Recommended for diseases such as constipation and intestinal sluggishness. Mustard is an excellent remedy for colds. The seeds of the plant have bactericidal and sedative properties.

You've probably all tried store-bought Dijon mustard; it goes great with a variety of appetizers. We offer its recipe, we do not pretend to be authentic, but the mustard we prepared turns out very tasty.

Homemade Dijon mustard is quick to prepare. This sauce is named after the town where it was first offered to the public. French cuisine is known for its delicate and at the same time piquant taste and exquisite presentation of dishes. Mustard, made according to a classic recipe, can add a touch of aristocracy to salads, poultry and carbonate dishes. It can be served either pure in gravy boats or as a component of various dressings.

In addition to its taste properties, Dijon mustard differs from the pasty mustard we are used to in that it contains grains infused with young dry white wine, which complement the pasty substance of the multicomponent mass, creating a textural contrast. The classic version necessarily implies the presence of small dark brown whole grains of the plant in a creamy paste.

Both an experienced cook and a beginner can prepare this sauce at home. The technological process does not involve complex manipulations, and the composition of the sauce does not involve expensive and rare ingredients. The taste of the finished culinary delight can be adjusted: from spicy to sweet.

For burning pungency, almost black seeds are used, which can be taken in different percentages relative to white or yellow grains. You can make mustard with a sweet or spicier taste. To make the mustard not spicy, you need to know a few secrets, which I will tell you about. If you want to prepare a spicy product, instead of yellow seeds, take about one third of the black ones. The spices used are sugar, apple cider vinegar or wine, salt, sugar, honey, which are responsible for the taste of the finished product. Recipes may also include garlic, onions, turmeric, a mixture of peppers, tarragon, vegetable oil, and cinnamon. In addition to grains, you can use mustard powder. There are a lot of recipes for Dijon mustard, but mustard seeds are always used in it.

  • Mustard seeds – 100 g;
  • Orange juice – 20 ml;
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Dry white wine – 100 ml + 1 tbsp;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.

How to make Dijon mustard at home

To prepare, take high-quality mustard seeds. The larger the grains, the more expressive the finished sauce will be. Place them in a fine strainer and rinse thoroughly under running cold water.

Now you need to transfer the seeds into a saucepan. Pour wine or good apple cider vinegar and freshly squeezed orange juice here. Stir. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place, such as the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, for 48 hours. This time is enough for the grains to absorb liquid and swell.

Residents of France prepare Dijon mustard at home and use good dry wine; it should not be powdered.

After two days, add sugar, honey, oil, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or wine to the seeds. Mix thoroughly, being careful not to crush the grains. Place the finished mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for exactly 2 minutes.

Select a third of the grains from the total mass and grind them in a blender. You can also grind the seeds the old fashioned way - in a mortar. The finished consistency should be pasty and homogeneous.

In some recipes, some of the seeds are replaced directly with dry mustard powder.

The crushed seeds remain mixed with the rest of the whole grains. Now, Dijon mustard can be seasoned with spices to taste.

Dijon mustard grains prepared according to this recipe must be stored in a sterile glass container in the refrigerator, but not more than 3 months.

Served as a sauce for meat dishes and various appetizers, goes well with cold fish and vegetable appetizers. Dijon mustard can also be used in marinades for hot meat and fish dishes.


Mustard is a sauce made from mustard seeds. There are many options for making mustard at home: spicy and sweet, from whole seeds and mustard powder. In addition to mustard powder or mustard seeds, the sauce may include: water, vinegar, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and various seasonings, depending on the recipe. Today it is difficult to find good mustard in the store without additives and various preservatives, but its benefits are difficult to overestimate. Mustard works as a flavor enhancer and also improves digestion, so it is good to serve with heavy dishes. In this topic, our chefs share homemade mustard recipes with photos and step-by-step cooking instructions. Read completely

Mustard is a sauce made from mustard seeds. There are many options for making mustard at home: spicy and sweet, from whole seeds and mustard powder. In addition to mustard powder or mustard seeds, the sauce may include: water, vinegar, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and various seasonings, depending on the recipe. Today it is difficult to find good mustard in the store without additives and various preservatives, but its benefits are difficult to overestimate. Mustard works as a flavor enhancer and also improves digestion, so it is good to serve with heavy dishes. In this topic, our chefs share homemade mustard recipes with photos and step-by-step cooking instructions.

Homemade grain mustard

You can make grainy mustard at home. To do this, you will need mustard seeds and a little patience to manipulate them. Grainy mustard takes more than one day to prepare. Try it!

  • Yellow mustard seeds 1/3 cups
  • Dry mustard 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Brown mustard seeds 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Boiling water 1\2 glasses
  • Vinegar 1\4 glasses
  • Orange juice 1\4 Cups
  • Salt 1\2 teaspoons
  • Honey 1\4 Glasses
  • Dry dill 1 teaspoon

Mix mustard seeds.

Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder.

Place the seeds in a bowl and add dry mustard.

Add salt and vinegar.

Add orange juice and pour boiling water. Mix well.

Transfer the mixture into a mixer, add lemon zest and dill.

Blend the seed mixture until creamy.

If desired, you can add natural honey, 1/4 cup.

Transfer to a jar and store in the refrigerator.


  • mustard powder – 1 pack (60 g);
  • granulated sugar – 10 g;
  • water - 130 ml;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 10 g;
  • vinegar (6%) – 30 gr.

How to make hot mustard from powder

We begin the preparation by mixing mustard powder, table salt and granulated sugar in a deep container.

Don't be alarmed that the mustard is a little thick, because we haven't added the vinegar yet. Pour in the vinegar and mix everything thoroughly again.

If you strictly followed the proportions given in the recipe, then your homemade mustard will be as thick as thick sour cream.

Freshly prepared mustard is not yet suitable for consumption; I call it “immature” because it has not yet acquired its piquant sharpness and pungency. In order for home-cooked spicy mustard to ripen, we put it in a hermetically sealed container. I have this baby food jar with a tight lid.

After this procedure, the piquant and sharp tasty homemade mustard is ready. I usually serve it with various meat and fish dishes.

But sometimes, I just spread a thin layer of mustard on black bread and serve it to the eaters in the form.

Homemade mustard marinated with cucumbers or tomatoes


  • Cucumber marinade – 100 ml;
  • mustard powder – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 15 gr.

Preparing mustard in marinade

To begin with, the marinade must be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth so that the spices, garlic or other small products found in any marinade do not get into the prepared sauce.

Add vegetable oil to it.

At the next stage, you need to pour the mustard powder into the boiling marinade and stir thoroughly until smooth.

As in the first version of the recipe, transfer the prepared mustard into a jar, tightly close the lid, wrap it up and leave it to ripen for a day in a warm place.

This is how we got mustard, prepared with cucumber marinade.

I served the matured, spicy and slightly tart sauce to my household as a seasoning.

Homemade grainy French mustard with apple juice


  • mustard beans – 50 g;
  • apple juice – 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 30 g;
  • vinegar (9%) – 0.5 tsp.

How to make French mustard with grains and apple juice

Pour the mustard seeds into a deep container, fill them with apple juice and put them in the refrigerator for 48 hours to swell.

This photo shows that during the specified time they almost doubled.

Next, transfer the swollen grains to a saucepan, add vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Remove the boiled mustard from the grains immediately from the heat. If you continue to cook the mixture, the finished sauce will not have the required sharpness and piquancy.

Lastly, add vinegar to the French grain mustard. As a result of our efforts, we have a practically non-spicy, but pleasantly piquant grainy seasoning with a pleasant apple aftertaste.

This type of mustard does not require additional ripening. Homemade grain mustard can be safely served with almost any food immediately after preparation.

First, we need to bake the apple in the oven and then separate the pulp from the peel and seeds. Simply mash the resulting apple pulp with a fork.

Heat the thickened honey a little in the microwave and mix it with vinegar, salt and vegetable oil.

Delicate spicy fruit mustard based on apple and honey is ready.

Since homemade mustard consists entirely of natural ingredients, the fiery seasoning you prepare yourself will not only diversify your menu, but will also bring significant benefits to the body.

I am sure that after reading my recipes, cooks will certainly want to cook a little of each type of mustard, and then your household will help you choose the most favorite and most delicious, in their opinion, recipe. Bon appetit everyone.

For a long time and repeatedly, I have been asked for a recipe for homemade grainy, non-spicy mustard. Those who have made mustard at home know that it is more difficult to make it non-spicy than spicy. And to take away the spice, you need to do some manipulations. First of all, long infusion, and then heat treatment. And the right choice of mustard seeds.

If you want the mustard to be spicy, replace 1/3 of the yellow mustard seeds with brown or black mustard seeds (brown ones are the piquant ones), and remove the mustard from the heat immediately after boiling.

By itself, mustard has an inexpressive taste and if it is notseason, and for example mix mustard powder with water, it will only be hot and bitter. It is vinegar, salt and sugar that are used to make the taste of mustard interesting and unusual. And choosing the same vinegar, sweeteners and other ingredientsfor mustard, you can modify its taste.

Whole grains are used to make grainy mustard. But after the second stage of preparation, part of the grains is selected and ground. This is to thicken the consistency and bind the grains together so they don't spread too much. But a very small amount is ground so that the consistency remains granular in the future.

And start preparingno need, at least, 2 days before you need mustard. A week is even better, since mustard benefits from a few days of “ripening” after preparation.

If you want to give this grainy mustard as a gifty basketsu can put , , homemade food will not be out of place in the basket, as well as what- a good ham and a stick or ring of sausage,both are, of course, vacuum packede. All this can be folded into a beautifulbread basket or whateveroh so stylishth tray, and carefully pack it. You will have both a container for the gift and a useful item as a gift.

About 350 ml

1st stage:

  • 200 grams yellow whole mustard seeds
  • 125 ml apple juice
  • 125 ml apple cider vinegar

2nd stage:

  • 1 tbsp.
  • Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • honey

1st stage:

2 tbsp.

2nd stage:

1 tsp